Formula/Function To Return Multiple Values Based On Criteria
Aug 25, 2006
I would like to be able to use the Vlookup function to return more then one value as a result of the criteria. I have a cloumn of dates that populates the X axis of a gantt chart with data whilst the Y axis will be populated by a site reference resulting in a program of work, the Y axis data is the result of a vlookup function. My difficulty arises however with multiple sites, for instance where two or three sites will be visited on the same day. The vlookup function will only return the first value it finds in a range to the formulated cell. The result being a missing site(s) from the gantt chart / work program. is it possible to return all values to a cell i.e. site1, site2, site3. using a vlookup or do i need to use another method of doing this?
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Dec 19, 2013
I can manage an array formula that returns a value based on a criteria. Simple. But I want to add in an additional couple of criteria. Now I'm stuck....
My sheet looks at a manually entered postcode, finds out what region this is in, and returns a list of postcode I have defined as being in that region. (So the postcode WF1 3JY would return a region of Yorkshire, and list postcodes of WF, BD, L, etc)
I also have a list of engineers, with a column for their home postcode.I want to be able to list all the engineers from my list whose home postcode matches any of the values on the already created list from the postcode and region entered. So far I have this, which finds me all the engineers for just one postcode area.
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Jun 20, 2008
I have a table with column headings of product ID Numbers (eg.1111) and row headings of Store number (Eg.1) with data showing the time each product was last sold at that store, I need something to consolidate for each store which Product ID's were sold prior to 5pm and what time they were sold.
Store 1 1111 16:40
2222 13:00
Store 2 1111 15:05
3333 16:50
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Jul 11, 2012
I have encountered a situation where I need to essentially accomplish a reverse Vlookup (using index match) and return multiple values.
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Nov 29, 2013
I have attached an example workbook with a tiny subset of data and a number of criteria from the Dashboard Engine page removed.
What I need is to sum the total value for each division on the second sheet based on the date criteria (so for the first cell Jan 1/2010 - Jan 31/2010) and on a match between division name on the Dashboard Engine sheet table and the Masterdata sheet. I have tried a number of variations but keep getting a 0 for each return.
Sample Workbook.xlsx
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Aug 10, 2014
I'm working on a spreadsheet that I need to return a value to "Unit Price" field in worksheet "Master Inventory" based on matching the "Product" field and the "Construction" field from the "Unit Pricing" worksheet.
In essence, I would like the "Unit Price" field to match the "Product" field from the "Master Inventory" sheet to the "New Product Description" field on the "Unit Pricing" sheet, then match the "Construction" field on the "Master Inventory" sheet to the column headers on the "Unit Pricing" sheet and return the value that corresponds to both criteria.
Ex: On the "Master Inventory" sheet, I would like the "Unit Price" field to match the "Product" (Book Browser) to the "New Product Description" (Book Browser) on the "Unit Pricing" sheet and then return the value where the "Construction" (Laminate) matches the column header (Laminate) on the "Unit Pricing" sheet which would return the value of "$240.00".
I've tried using a vlookup function, vlookup/match function, index/match function and an index/match/match function. I've attached a sample workbook.
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Jul 16, 2012
I'm trying to figure out how to write a VBA Match function that can look for multiple criteria and return the row number of a successful match.
I have about 255,000 rows of data on the worksheet "Filtered". Column B contains my Item Number and Column D contains the supply source. I want to find the row where ItemNumber and SupplySource match my variables and then return the value from Column C.
I can do a match for one criteria, but where I'm having problems is getting it so the two matches are on the same row.
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Feb 1, 2012
Worksheet 1: In column A I have a people's initials. In coumn B I have text boxes with miscellaneous text. (The same person could have multiple rows within this sheet.)
AAA blue
BBB orange
AAA round
CCC smelly
AAA elongated
Worksheet 2 I want to show:
A2 = initials, B2 = first text box associated with that person, C2 = second text box (different row) associated with that person (if applicable), D2 = third text box (different row) associated with that person (if applicable), etc.
AAA blue round elongated
BBB orange
CCC smelly
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Jun 9, 2014
I'd like to extract the data from Sheet 2 (Data) that falls within the selected date range but the formula I've entered in F$9 (see below) is giving me an error
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Jan 31, 2014
I have been creating a schedule on excel, the schedule includes a top row which has the following headings Date, Agent_ID, title, agent_name, 07:00, 07:15, 07:30, etc up until 21:45
The columns that are named with times are times that indicate a break time.
The column named title is the actual shift time, eg 08:00 - 17:00.
I need a formula that would look at my source data, and populate a sheet in the following layout
agent_id, agent_name, title, start_time, end_time
The title be one of the following:
Shift 08:00 - 17:00
Tea Break 10:00 - 10:15
Lunch Break 12:00 - 12:30
Tea Break 14:15 - 14:30
If I need to have the shift portion and the break portion appear on separate tabs that would also be ok, but ultimately I need to keep my original source as is, but the change it to be able to upload it into a MySQL database.
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Mar 13, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with several hundred line items that I basically want a summary of.
string1 criteria1 other2 <---disregard because of other2
string1 criteria2 other1
string1 criteria2 other1 <---disregard because it is a duplicate
string2 criteria3 other1
string2 criteria3 other1 <---disregard because it is a duplicate
string2 criteria2 other2 <---disregard because of other2
string3 criteria1 other1
string3 criteria1 other1 <---disregard because it is a duplicate
I need the formula to return the value in STRINGS & CRITERIA, but I do not want it listing duplicates.
-I need the summary list on a separate sheet
-STRINGS, CRITERIA, and OTHER are all strings
-STRINGS are in alphabetic order
-CRITERIA are listed in groups with regard to their STRING, but not necessarily alpha-order
-OTHER are not in any particular order, but there are only two choices for OTHER
-OTHER: if OTHER=other2, it should not be listed in the results
string1 criteria2
string2 criteria3
string3 criteria1
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Sep 19, 2009
I have been trying this for hours but to no avail.
I have a table with 4 columns headers
Name, Amount, Loc and Code
The name may look like ABC 1, ABC 2....
The Loc may be in US, GB...
and the Code may be AA, BB
I need to return a result "Y" if the sum of the amount is > 100
and "N" if the sum of the amount < 100 based on the conditions
of the following :if
1) Name is the same entity, such as ABC 1 and ABC 2 and
2) Loc is the same, US..and
3) Code is the same
I have attached a sample to illustrates the result
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Dec 1, 2006
Please see the attached sheets.
Here's the issue:
On sheet "master" I have a list of goals in column A.
Each has been assigned to at least one person. Each person will have their own sheet that will capture the goals assigned to them. As an example, see Al's sheet.
I am trying to get Excel to look for all of the goals assigned to AL on the Master sheet and list them nicely onto AL's sheet without out blank rows. (and for each, respectively on their own sheet). I could do this with Pivot Tables if the data were displayed differently, but I have been told that I have to display the goal assignments as shown.
I could use "x"s instead of their names to mark the assignment and I could combine the "goal-achieved expectations" and "goal #s" columns if it helps. I am not supposed to use filters either.
Note: Of course, a goal or an assignment could change on the master sheet, but the assignment is more likely to change.
how this done for AL, I can go ahead and create the other sheets.
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Nov 28, 2012
Attached is a sample workbook, but essentially what I'm looking to do is automate the process of searching through a data set where the value of interest (in this case, names) often has multiple entries, with different values attached to each instance.
I would like to be able to get a list of all values in a given column that match a specific name in another column.
Currently I'm using a basic INDEX/MATCH search just to see whether the data exists at all, but that's only half of what I have to do here, and I'm totally stumped on how to get a comprehensive list of all matches.
For reference, if you look at the sample, what I need is a list of all values in the "CPT" column that match the name searched for in the first column.
The actual data set size is at most 3-400 entries, if that makes a difference in how to approach this.
CPT Sample Book.xlsx
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Apr 8, 2013
Here is an example of the data I get each day Letter order granting Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC's et al 4/16/12 request to add an alternate water source etc under CP11-72.Letter order granting Cameron LNG, LLC?s 4/5/13 filing of a request to introduce natural gas or process fluids into the BOG Liquefaction Project under CP12-15.Letter order accepting NorthWestern Corporation's 8/7/12 submittal of revisions to its transmission planning process to comply with the Commission's June 8, 2012 Order under ER11-2932.Letter order approving Public Service Company of New Mexico's 12/7/12 filing of a joint Offer of Settlement with Navopache Electric Cooperative, Inc under ER11-4534 et al. How can I set up my spreadsheet and what formulas can I use to search and return a value for each text string based on the attached table (column B)?
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Mar 18, 2013
I maintain the data flow at my work. We send and receive the data using excel files with specific formatting that I then upload to the database. Each time I send or receive the excel file I must log them, this is what my code question refers to.
I use RDBMerge to merge all the contents of the 100 plus excel files into one worksheet. The first part of the macro cleans up the merge data for use in the log (i have attached an example of the clean data and finished log).
The blue shaded area of the "Raw_Data" is what the clean data looks like, the yellow column is what current macro records for each record.
As you can see by the example the Raw_Data is only two files LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 & LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121230_01, each with more that one record.
The log code in column "H" Is based on this criteria:
First Letter of the Unique ID in column "E" - O, M, or L
Program Type in Column "F" - U or R
1. O-U = U
2. O-R = RU
3. M-U = U2
4. M-R = R2U
5. L-R = R
You will note that Columns G-R of the "Log Sheet" correspond to the "Record Type" found in Column "G" of the "Raw_Data" sheet.
This is the area where my skill at using scripting dictionaries fails.
The results for the log list each file only once, but the log code for each corresponding "Record Type" in columns G-R of the "Log Sheet" must contain each unique instance of the code. In other words
if LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 contains an O-U with an "A" Record Type and an M-R with an "A" Record Type; then, on the log sheet there needs to be the codes "U/R2U" in the cell intersection of the LL_LLL_BOB_ToLLLLL_20121228_01 record row and "A" column (which is column "G")
So, If the File contains one of each code for each Record Type the corresponding cell must house one of each code separated by a "/" without any spaces. This means the cell value could no code, or one code and all the variations in between to all five codes. Also, for ease of human reading the log codes should be concatenated in the 1-5 order that I listed them in (U/RU/U2/R2U/R)
Here is my code so far.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim dic As Object, a, i As Long, rng As Range, e, w, n As Long
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
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Aug 7, 2013
I'm starting a dashboard, where on the front page I have two combo boxes on the left, and three empty fields to the right. I'd like the three fields to the right to auto-populate table-based values depending on the chosen criteria from BOTH fields (by store and month/date). I've attached a sample of what I've got so far. I've only provided three tables for this example, and I have a table with the same column/row titles for each metric and I have three different metrics I'd like to auto populate: COGs, Sales, and GM% or in the example, metric 1, metric 2, metric 3. No pattern in the table values, just wanted to populate the fields quickly. All fields are organized by store/month-date and I've set up a link to my combo boxes on a calculations tab.
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Jul 8, 2014
I'm struggling to come up with a formula that ill give me the following:
I have will have a row of data (cells A4:H4 on the attached example), in the respective cells below each value in row 4 I want formula that will give me a value of 10 if it sees 90% in the cell above reducing to a value of 0 if it sees 80% in the cell above. I think that there should be a relatively straightforward formulae for that, my problem is that I want to add a further criteria that says; if the value in row 4 increases above 90% and reaches 95% then I must return a value that is 10 for 90% but "stretches" to 12 for 95%. Anything below 80% should return a value of 0, and anything over 95% should return a value of 12.
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Aug 26, 2006
I've got an If statement in Excel which features several VLookups - I need the IF statement to return differing results to 2 different cells, is this possible?
In plain English, I'm looking for something like
If(Vlookup(A2, B2:D5, 4, False), C6="y" And D7="ok", "False")
Obviously this is a very crude example
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Feb 9, 2014
I have saved this on a 2010 workbook as I am at home but this will be used on a 2003 workbook.
I have several projects on one spreadsheet which multiple users will be working and I am trying to create a summary sheet of the work carried out.
Each user is expected to carry out a task on each row of the data held in each worksheet (research, call, update etc) and each task (Option 1-5) is assigned a value. Each user is expected to meet a certain level of points per day to calculate productivity.
I am looking for a sumproduct along the lines of the summary sheet attached but mine just takes one sheet into consideration and I need one for all sheets.
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Jul 7, 2006
I am trying to find the starting effective month for a workyear. The criteria for the selected month is that the data BEFORE the effective month is all zeros. I manage to get the result if the data AFTER the effective month is ALL non- zeroes. If there is any zero, the data fetch will be inaccurate due to the COUNTIF formula. Is there any other way or formula that will enable me to get the result. File attached for testing and reference
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Nov 21, 2007
I have in A1 a string of 100 characters..
I would like to create a SELECT CASE where,
if in A1 there is the word "BLACK" , put 1 in A10
if in A1 there is the word "WHITE", put 2 in A10
else put 50 in A10
I'm trying to use the instruction INSTR but with negative results..
(I have many cases other than BLACK and WHITE, that's why I need a SELECT CASE)
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Apr 25, 2014
I am trying to write a macro in VBA excel 2010 that compares 2 sheets.
The macro should be something along the lines of if column 7 on sheet 1 = column 1 on sheet 2
on that same row if column 6 on sheet 1 = column 3 on sheet 2
highlight green
** also on sheet1 there can be the same batch ID so if it is the same batch ID it needs to calculate the sum and look at that amount...
min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI
[Code] .......
Results >
min Tran Date
Payment Vehicle
total Deposit
total CF
total MRI
[Code] ..........
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Jul 16, 2014
Add Multiple Values Based on Criteria
Search for the word "Clear" in the Task column. If the word "Clear" is found, go to Value column. Add all values starting from "Clear" down to the end of the list. If it is larger than 10, return the word "OK". Otherwise "Poor". If larger than 20, return the word "Good". The length of the list is variable.
Here is the sample worksheet (Please click).
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Nov 25, 2009
I've got a complicated logic formula which looks at multiple values on a large spreadsheet to return a singular figure based on whether all these conditions are met. It works well but I wan't to add an extra stipulation to it. I won't paste the full formula as it probably wont mean much without all the data so heres a mini version with simplifed conditions - but that DOESNT work:
Its the last bit that I'm having problems with - I want to say if H10 equals "ALL" then in my table of values to add up not just "DOG" values or "CAT" values but "DOG" and "CAT" values
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Jun 4, 2013
I have a worksheet. I would like to count unique number of "Trans" in column A only if value of cells in column B "Type" equals "Return". In example below, I would want to see the value "3" as total.
Trans Type
1 Return
2 Return
2 Return
3 Exch
4 Exch
5 Return
5 Return
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Apr 21, 2006
I would like a lookup that takes multiple criteria and that is not an array formula! Unfortunately I decided to use array formulae and my spreadsheet went to over 45mb!! Not good. I've searched the forum for an answer to my questions but couldn't find any! I've attached a spreadsheet as an example. The examples I am using have {Sum(IF)} formulae in it (array) and I would like to change those to others that will not increase the file size so much and will not take too long to calculate.
Basically, I would like a lookup that will return me the Amount Paid and Full Cost based on the person's name and the date. the data and the results table are both on separate sheets. It would be nice to bring that file's size back down to less than 4mb!!
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Jul 20, 2009
I have a problem with excel that I have been trying to solve for the past 5 days! I have 2 tables (one with 500 rows, the other with 15000) that contain information about pipes.
The smaller table, Drift List, is to be used as a reference to fill up the bigger table.
Here is how Drift List looks like:
Size NominalWeight WallThickness APIDriftDiameter AlternateDriftDiam.
5.5 14.00 0.244 4.877 7.625
5.8 14.88 0.253 4.915 ----
The other table, Pipe Database, Looks like:
Size NominalWeight WallThickness DriftSize DriftType
5.5 14.00 0.244
I have to fill up Drift Size using APIDriftDiameter from the first table, BUT if AlternateDriftDiameter is available, I have to use that instead.
DRIFT TYPE column has to indicate either API or Alternate (Depending on which one I have used).
Here are the two files:
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Dec 2, 2006
Option Explicit
Dim lastrow As Long, t As Long
Sub Method()
lastrow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
For t = lastrow To 1 Step -1
If Cells(t, 8).Value <> "" Then
If Cells(t, 9).Value = "Y" And Cells(t, 10).Value = "" And Cells(t, 12).Value > _
6 And Cells(t, 12).Value < 60 Then Range(t, 25).Value = 20
End If
Next t
End Sub
Alright, the above code is not working. I am not sure if it is the write part (t,25 value) that is wrong. I want the Y column to be written with a method numbered "20" if the conditions (H is not null, J="Y", K="", and 6<M<60). I have numerous other methods to put in. The reason I'm not doing Case Statements is this is jsut to write the basic code, and then I will have to move it over to ReportSmith using ReportBasic.
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Jun 23, 2014
I'm trying to use vlookup to return multiple values for the same unique identifier. I've read a couple of examples within the forums, but I haven't been able to find anything I understand. I have employee ID's and these ID's have specific access associated with their ID's and each access is listed within a different row. Within a new spreadsheet I removed all duplicates of the employee ID so now I no longer have a one to one match between spreadsheets, so I would like to create a vlookup that will list all access associated with each employee ID. I have attached a sample of the data sheet I am working with.
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