Identify Matches Of Combinations & Find Actual Occurence
Apr 28, 2008
I have another challenging solve for a VBA macro. So here it goes, as I have become frustrated trying to make an array formula with no joy. On my sample worksheet provided below this is what I am trying to accomplish:
(Solution cells) B4:I4 looks to the (Combination cells) M5:R10 for a match
If a match is present then cell J4 gives a "win" ,
If no match then cell J4 gives a " lose ".
Next if a win is present in cell J4, then cell K4 looks for when the draw number that matches occurred on from cells A4:A10, then subtracts the two(e.g. solutions cells from combination cells) to give the actual " # of draws to a win ". If no win is present in cell J4, then the default is zero for cell K4
The formula would be copied down thru cells J4:K12
Please refer to sample worksheet attached so that you can understand more clearly of just what I'm trying to do.
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Jan 14, 2008
After looking at other similar post titles I could not find a formula to work exactly proper.
I have attatched a sample of my problem. What I need is for cells E4:J4 to look for a match in cells B4:B16 and give a value of " Yes or No " in cell K4 if a match is found. Then copy down formula through E5:J5 to B4:B16 - E9:J9 to B4:B16. As my examples indicate Cells K4 would = yes, K5 = yes, K6 = yes, K7 = no, K8 = no, K9 = yes. Column D is the results, Columns E-J represents all combinations of column D.
I have tried the following formulas but they did not work entirely correct.
= NOT( ISNA( MATCH($b$4:$b$16, e5:j9, 0 ) ) )
= COUNTIF(e9:j9,"="&b4:b16)>0
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Dec 20, 2012
An example will be as follows. List all possible outcomes for 3 matches. That will be 27 possible outcomes.
I would like results for my request of 50 matches to be displayed as follows.
[Code] ...........
Is there a way i can have the possible outcomes listed as above for the outcomes of 50 football matches? I do know that the outcomes will be hundreds of millions if not billions.
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Jun 29, 2009
Match Combinations & Show Those With Greater Than X Matches
Option Explicit
Dim Data_1() As Integer, Data_2() As Integer
Dim N1 As Integer, N2 As Integer, Nx4 As Integer, nRow As Integer
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer, L As Integer
Sub Show_4Pluss()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
N1 = Range("H1").Value
N2 = Range("P1").Value
Redim Data_1(N1, 6), Data_2(N2, 6)
nRow = 1
Do While ActiveCell.Offset(nRow, 17).Value <> ""...................
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Nov 10, 2009
1) Check to see if a value in column A of worksheet A appears in column A on worksheet B.
2) If it DOES, then display the value from the same row from column B on worksheet B, in column B on worksheet A.
3) If it DOESN'T, display the value "EACH" in column B on worksheet A.
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Oct 12, 2009
the attached workbook. Am trying to write a formula in Column F, which returns the results shown in Column H. Hope the workbook clearly sets out the criteria I'm trying to apply to the Lookup.
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Feb 23, 2010
=find("a",F3,3) will find where the letter 'a' occurs for the third time in cell F3 but how do you find the last place 'a' occurs in cell F3?
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May 20, 2013
I have two tables. Table A has 13 columns and 641 rows. Table B is in a different tab within my excel file but is only one column with 216 rows. Starting with Table A I need it to look up for the value in Table B. If the the value is matched, meaning they appear in both tables, I want the cell highlighted in Table A.
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May 7, 2006
I am wondering if there is any way that I would be able to see when the last time an instance occurred within my Pick 3 lottery spreadsheet.
I don't know that I am stating this correctly, but here goes.
Pairs are located in columns F:K. Dates are in column A.
If I wanted to determine the last time that the 17 pair occurred, what formula would I use to give me the actual dates that this pair occurred on .
I need the dates listed so that I will then able to count the actual days in between hits.
Or would it be simplier to just try and use the filter feature of excel??
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Mar 14, 2008
I was wondering if you have similar values how you use formulae to return the first or the last value from a list?
I have attached an example and I was wondering if you guys could have a look at it?
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Jul 17, 2007
Private Sub cmdShowdata_Click()
Dim Tgt As Worksheet
Dim Source As Range
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim cel As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set Tgt = ActiveSheet
Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open("C:Documents and SettingsDesktopStaff Recoed 2")
Set Source = wbSource.Sheets(1).Columns(1)
With Tgt
'clear old data
Range(.Cells(3, 2), .Cells(200, 5)).ClearContents
' Loop through names in column A
For Each cel In Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
If Not cel = "" Then...................
The above vba command which is extract the data from the Other workbooks. It looks for the "Staff 001", "Staff 002"...these parameters to transfer the data to the worksheet. But, the "Staff 001" data must appear twice in each workbooks. If i use the above command, i only can extract the FIRST "Staff 001" average data. But SECOND "Staff 001" average data cannot extract. I know it may be use FindNext method to do this but i am not sure how to write it
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Jul 24, 2006
I am trying to create a run balance sheet (see attached sheet). Column C has a list of job numbers, with column D showing the reqd quantities. Once the job is run, the qty is entered in column F and either a balance or the word complete returns in column H. My problem is, is that, when a job with a balance attached to it is re-run, that balance should be returned in Column D.
Ie 574361 has a total of 707 of which 320.4 was run, leaving a balance of 386.6.
When I type in 574361 again, I need column D (in the cell next to the job number)to automatically locate the last reported balance and return its value.
I have tried VLOOKUP and INDEX, but cannot get the thing to return.
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Feb 18, 2014
I constantly use the following to determine the last row in a worksheet for loop control purposes.
[Code] ......
In my current problem i have a worksheet that has been formatted such that the code above returns a value of ,say 150 where as the actual data stops at say row 34.
If I "watch" the value in Col A I see A34 = "1513(a)" which is valid data and A35 = ""
I can easily cycle through the worksheet and calculate the last used row myself but I am always looking for ways to let "VBA do the heavy lifting" when I can
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Feb 19, 2009
i have this file with macro. But it doesnt works how i want. I need all data exctly in forms as are. So it can not will be changed. I hope it will be works, if i define my macro other.
I find actual day in column C where are dates. But now it find only if is there value like now(). In this file it found cell D24, but i need, that it will find cell C24. I need search only actual day in column C.
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Mar 29, 2007
I am working on a spreadsheet for my farm. I have two sets of data I am working with. A very basic example is below:
What I am trying to do is find the actual median stud fee (i.e. if you had another column with $5000 listed 22 times, $6500 listed 34 times, etc. then you could find the median from there).
Seems like an easy thing, but I'm not sure if an array formula is what I need to use or something simpler. I don't have a lot of data right now (only a page) but will have much more soon.
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Feb 11, 2009
I need to find possible combinations for the following example:
a*x + b*y + c*z = t
p = 10
a = 0
b = 5
c = 10
t = 30
x + y + z has to = p
a, b, c, t, and p would be variables that I would specify. The numbers above are just examples. What I would need to see as output would be:
7a, 0b, 3c
4a, 6b, 0c
5a, 4b, 1c
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Feb 3, 2014
I have a simple list of names with associated numerical values.
I would like to create a formula that will produce a series of all possible series of 8 of those names whose combined numerical values are at or below a certain threshold (or between two thresholds, if that's easy). Bonus points if the total combined value for each group is easily shown, but that'd just be gravy.
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Mar 14, 2013
I have 10 worksheets. I would like to create a macro to find all the "2" values on worksheet 1, and have the actual range that the cell is, compiled into a list -example: I would like the list to be similar to this= (A1,B15 ,C8)
I even tried to record it but it doesnt show me the actual range that the data is found in.
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Jun 25, 2014
I have the following Data:
Full Drum
Full Drum
Full Drum
Full Drum
I need to know how to find the best combination of combining these drums to get the highest average from each combination. Each combo will have 3 drums except for one which will have two and a half.
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Dec 24, 2006
How do I create a formula that will count the occurrences on each row within the range F7:H106 where the single digit in FJ6 is paired with the 2 digit value in FF7. Match in any order.
If FF7=00 and FJ6=1 (Match 00 with 1 in any order)
f7:h7=010, match, count 1
f8:H8=059, no match
f9:h9=100, match, count 1
f10:h10=001, match, count 1
f11:h11=007, no match
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Jan 29, 2008
i found this vb code the other day on this forum from a post made way back in 2005 i think it was. I've found it really useful for what i wanted to do, but i wonder if it can be expanded or changed to allow for more sets of imformation.
This is the Code, it finds all possible combinations from 3 sets of 3 results.
Option Explicit ...
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Dec 15, 2008
I have 25 random numbers and I would like to get a possible 5 digit combinations of these numbers. Can anybody help me with the possible formula?
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Oct 27, 2008
I have two lists of email addresses in columns and I need to find the matches between columns and have those addresses returned to perhaps a third column.
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Jun 13, 2007
I have a list of values in a column. In that column, I want to find 50 possible matches. Is this possible in Excel? In the column there are multiple strings of text.
After it finds these 50 potential matches, the formula should return a value next to the cell where it matched. PLEASE HELP IF THIS POSSIBLE.
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Jul 25, 2008
I'm looking for a macro to basically produce me a list of shop names on one sheet with their appropriate sales information. Bascially, i have 4 sheets one for each week of the month, with all the sales info for various shops. Each sheet will list the same shop about 10 times as they make numerous transactions so each one is listed. The list on each of the 4 sheets can be any length and will change week to week depending on how many sales there are.
What i want is to find shops that appear in more than one week and have then appear on a list on a 5th sheet, i.e. my good performers sheet!
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Jun 17, 2008
The aim is to find those combinations of variable values which generate highest total gain. I attached the spreadsheet which shows the variables (A through K) and a Gain column. I created 5 additional tabs which show all possible 2,3,4 and 5-member combinations of the variables. These tabs are like coordinates of which variable combinations should be examined. As an example I used the first combination from the second tab = A and B. If you look at these two columns on the EXAMPLE CALCULATION tab you will see 7,7 in the Number combination which is the first number pair for these two variables. The headings of the red and the yellow columns calculate the total count for this number pair and the total gain. These were recorded on a separate EXAMPLE RESULTS tab along with some other pairs which appear afterwards (these were recorded only from the first 39 rows of the AB data). I need a macro which will cycle through each variable pair (only using the combinations from the tab 2 for now, annd later from 3,4 and 5 tabs) collecting statistics for each unique number combination it encounters (printing to a separate sheet one after one), such as shown on the EXAMPLE RESULTS.
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May 30, 2014
I am trying to match words in two separate columns that are not exact matches. any formulas or codes I can write to do this.Below is an example.
Column A
3m Corporation
Apple Inc
Allstate Corp
State Farm
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Jun 11, 2014
In the attached sample work book Col E has text that I want to check if it is also in Col G and return Yes or No into Col F
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Nov 9, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with 3 columns: Name, Number and percentage. I need a formula to return the name that has the percentage and the 2nd highest percentage. the spreadsheet has 5 rows, not including the columns labels.
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Nov 13, 2009
I want to vlookup from sheet2 cell E2 to find all matches in sheet1 in coulmn G and add totals together in coulmn E. The match I am looking for is used in several rows of coulmn G on sheet1. I only want cell E2 on sheet2 to give me total amount from data in coulmn E of sheet1 when a match is found in coulmn G of sheet1.
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