If Formula: Identify New Products That Are Not In My 'stocklist'

May 5, 2009

I am trying to identify new products that are not in my 'stocklist'. In the 'new prices' sheet I have =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(C4,'Stock List'!C:C,0)),"","NEW") dragged down in column G. Though its throwing out 'New' on every item which is incorrect as there are loads of items already in both sheets. This sounds confusing but if you look at the attached im sure you will see what im trying to do.

One last problem is that some of the new codes have zeros in front of them so the formula will have to discount the 1st couple of digits IF they happen to be zero. example; C5480 in stock list is exactly the same as C398 in new prices. But because there is a zero in front of the C398 then the formula does not recognise that the two are the same.

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Formula Identify That A1, B1, C1, D1 Are > B2

Jan 5, 2010

I need help with creating a simple formula.

What I have:
..A B C D E
1 3 4 6 5
2 6 2 3 8

I want to identify that A1, B1, C1, D1 are > B2. My formula will be placed in E1 so then I want a value of 1 to show up in cell E1 indicating the identification was successful. I can't figure out how to make this happen. My formulas so far in E1: =sum(A1>B2)&(B1>B2)&(C1>B2)&(D1>B2) This formula comes up with 0FALSEFALSE instead of the value of 1 I am desiring.

What I want:
..A B C D E
1 3 4 6 5 1
2 6 2 3 8

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Formula To Identify A Sequence?

Nov 29, 2012

formula that will produce the number sequence as shown in the third column of the table. The sequence starts at 1 and if the colour changes then the number is 2 and if the colour changes again then the number is 3 and so on. The part I'm having difficulty with is that if the name in the first column changes then the sequence must reset to the number 1 and become 2,3 etc. as above when the colour changes.




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Formula To Identify Lowest Supplier?

Jul 10, 2014

I'm trying to add a formula to a sheet comparing multiple suppliers rates for different items, in a table similar to this:

Item Supplier 1 Supplier 2 Supplier 3
Socks $3 $4 $5
Shoes $10 $16 $12
Pants $17 $11 $12
Shirts $79 $25 $20

I've added the usual max, min, average formulas to it, however what I want to do is create a column which will tell me which supplier has the lowest rate, therefore for it would show as a column showing Supplier 1 is cheapest for socks, Supplier 1 cheapest for shoes, Supplier 2 for pants and Supplier 3 for shirts.

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Formula To Identify Group For The Data?

Feb 12, 2014

create a formula for my data. I want to pun binning as per criteria given.

Bin 1: IR < 150 & VR >62
Bin 2: 150<IR<300 & VR >62
Bin 3: IR >300 & 62< VR <30
Bin 4: IR >300 & VR <30

Example data

Data 1 : IR = 80 & VR =68 --> Bin 1
Data 2 : IR = 200 & VR =68 --> Bin 2
Data 3 : IR = 300 & VR =25 --> Bin 4
Data 4 : IR = 350 & VR =45 --> Bin 3

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Formula To Identify New Part Numbers

Jun 17, 2009

Im using a formula to identify new part numbers. The formula is: =IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A217,Existing!A:A,0)),"","NEW"). However you can clearly see from the attached that if has flagged a duplicate part number as new. Why would it do that? Check out A1368 in existing and A217 in new.

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Identify Sheets Having At Least One Formula Containing Cell

May 30, 2009

I am trying to loop through all the worksheets in active workbook. But I want to ignore all those sheets which does not have a single formula containing cell. I mean if the sheet has at least one cell with a formula then the loop should work on that sheet else ignore that sheet.

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IF Formula - Identify New Stock Items In A Spreadsheet?

Mar 27, 2009

I have two spread sheets from one of our suppliers, one was issued in 2008 and the other 2009. The newly issued sheet has about 400 extra items. How can I identify these new items of stock easily. I have attached both sheets for you to look at.

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Conditional Format To Identify Formula Cells

Jun 16, 2006

This should be pretty straight forward but the solution has escaped me so far. I have some formulas that ratably spread monthly budgets across the life of a program. Ocasionally these budget formulas are hard keyed over with a value which overrides the ratable budget formula. I would like to conditionally format all cells that contain hard keyed values so they don't get inadvertently copied to new budget lines.

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Identify Formula Errors Macro Code

Mar 6, 2008

i would like an if macro to pick up if cell dest (i have used a case to define this cell) contains an error or more imoprtantly #REF! then change the offending cells to 0 and put up a message box to put "Check XTA". i have found some that i think may work but i didnt understand them (they had function in them :smask so i couldnt put them in.is there a way to put them in with out functions or could someone point me in the right direction.

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Identify / Color Formula Cells With External Links

Feb 22, 2008

I have a sheet called "Sheet1" in workbook "File1". In this sheet, I have a lot of formulas and some of them involves linking to external files located in E: Finance folder. Is there a way to automatically highlight those cells containing a formula that references to external files?

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Formula To Identify Data Type And Calculate Monthly And Cumulative Figures?

Jun 7, 2014

I receive monthly expenditure returns from different departments which I have to consolidate. The problem I'm encountering is that some departments submit their data as a monthly figure and some as the cumulative position. It would be useful if I had a formula that identified what data type was submitted and from that calculate both the monthly and cumulative figure.

If you look at the attached example I'd like to input a formula in columns I and J that uses the data contained in columns B to E to calculate the monthly and cumulative expenditure figures.

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Formula To Identify Week Number Based On Date Ranges And Add Values

Feb 18, 2014

I have the following data:

Column A = Date
Column B = Reservations made per day

For ex:

1 3/1/2011 5
2 4/5/2011 10
3 3/8/2011 15

Then I have a look up table where based on the date ranges it assigns a week number.

WeekDATE Range 1Date Range 2

I am looking for a fomula that would assign a week to the corresponding dates on column A and tha would then add all of the reservations booked for each week.

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Sum Of Products In Every Second Column

Jan 8, 2010

I am sure this is simple but I have not found out the solution anyway....

1 2 100 0 0 2 100 400
2 2 100 10 50 0 0 700
3 2 100 0 0 2 200 600

Columns A, C and E are number of items on each "unit".
Columns B, D and F are the number of "units" (e.g. to produce).
Column G are the resulting number of items that need to be purchased.

So, column G is a sum of products and the formula found below if put in G1 will do the trick. =A1*B1+C1*D1+E1*F1. What I would like instead is to have a "formula" that allows me to insert new pairs of columns without having to change the formula to include the new column pairs.

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Different Discounts For Different Products.

Jun 12, 2009

I have a list of parts (3000+) that have different discounts.
When I enter the part#, I want the result to be"Price w/Discount.

I can do a vlookup, and also the index and match even with ctrl+shift+enter. But the results only give me just the price. If possible,
I would like for excel to do this without adding an extra column for the discount. I'm stumped on this.

In column A2:A13 I have part numbers, in column B2:B13 I have prices.
In column D2, I have the lookup and the result to be placed in column E2.

Note: I have a discount table in J2:J5 which range from
.61, .62, .72 and.79.

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Database - Tried With All The Products In The Same File

Aug 11, 2009

Basically its a invoicing system. I tried with all the products in the same excel file but then I realized if i update the product list it wont in all excel files for each customer. So i thought one external access database (or excel file) that I could refer to from an excel file.

So what I want to do now is when I want to add a new product to an invoice, I click a button (add) and it opens a small window with the list of products which has been taken from say an access database or excel file. Then I select the product and click insert.

How would I go about doing this? Are there any simple example I could follow?

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Total Value Of Multiple Products

Mar 6, 2006

i have a payroll grid. it has 3 cells with drop downs that have 39 options.

there codes for payments. i need a fourth cell to show a total dollor amount based of the codes selected.

separate question. i have a list of cells with the same four options (Job Types.ie service call, new connect...) i want to limit the cells mentioned before so that payment codes that do not pertain to the job type can not be selected.

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Counting Products Sold Per Rep

Aug 27, 2008

I'm trying to write a formula to count under certain conditions. I tried the following (and some other variations), but it doesn't work, it comes back #VALUE!:

=COUNTIFS('[Compliance 20080804 Friday.xlsx]Compliance and Interview Log'!$K$10:$K$100,D7,'[Compliance 20080804 Friday.xlsx]Compliance and Interview Log'!$A:$A,A34)

I need to count the number of products a rep sold in one day. He can have several sales in one day, and also sell more than one product per sale. The list I am pulling from has all sales from all reps for the day.

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Compare Products On 2 Sheets

Mar 13, 2009

I'm not 100% sure how to describe what I need to do but here goes. I have two similar spread sheets. The first contains all the products in a shop with the new prices and new item codes.

The second sheet has all the old item codes old prices and some duplicates and items that do not exist any more. Both spread sheets have lots of column but only 3 that I need to worry about. Item code, Product Name and Price.

What I have tried is using the If command (in the item code column) to search through the Product Names (on the updated sheet) and put the right item code next to the right product (on the old sheet) but it didn't work.

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Create New Products Numbers

Jun 17, 2009

I would like to create a new products numbers column in Excel.

I have my supplier "SKU's numbers" in column A , I would like to create my "SKU's numbers" in XXXX format (only numbers) in column B.

Could someone help me pls todo it with Macro or if it possible todo it in formula ?

The code should check in the excel sheet, that it is not generate a new SKU that was used before !

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Inserting Category Beside Products

Jun 5, 2007

I have an Excel Sheet which has the Products column. I need to insert Category beside every products.

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Figure Out How To Sum The Products Purchased In A Given Week

Aug 4, 2009

I have a table that has 3 columns:
Product name (one of 15 products I have)
Purchase Date (converted to excel datevalue).
Week number (a number between 1 and 52)

I'm trying to figure out how to sum the products purchased in a given week.

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Calculate Periodically Sales For New Products

Nov 4, 2005

I'm trying to calculate periodically sales for new products, which have been in the market for max 6 monts. After that 6 months the sales of the product is not to be calculated. I have a huge amount of products, where this information should be calculated, so manually calculating is not an option. The products are in rows, and periods are in columns. As the data concerns several years data there is a problem, that some products have in some months zero sales, and in the next month again some sales. This messes up always my calculations. How to truly take only the first 6 months, and leave all the rest uncalculated?

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Sum Of Products Of Cells In Multiple Worksheets

Jan 20, 2007

I have multiple sheets in a workbook, and a want to sum the multiplication of two cells on each sheet on a total sheet. i.e. totalsheet!A1 = sheet1!A1 * sheet1!B2 + sheet2!A1* sheet2!B2....+ sheetN!A1*sheetN!B2

I need to do this for hundreds of cells, so mutiplying them on each sheet is not an option. There are enough sheets that writing out the brute force equation as above is too long. I know you can do total!A1=sum(sheet1..sheetN!A1) to add all sheet A1's together, but multiply and sum?

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How To Show Monthly Performance Based On Products

Mar 4, 2014

What I'm trying to do is show monthly performance based on products of a few different areas. Where I'm running into problems, is with the month listings. If the report shows one month at a time, I can get it to work with SUMIF formulas, however when there is more than one (and there will always be three).

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Returning List Of Products From Multiple Entries?

May 1, 2013

I am doing a list which has the same products returning several times, but with different values. Want to filter/make a new list, with only one of each product and the summed amount of that specific product. Summing the specific amount is not that big of an issue, but the creation of the list is, least in a smart way i have tried this:


This being the last possible entry for the summed list.

My problem is that the formulas is getting too big for my computer :S, since this formula is copied more or less 10 times.

Here is an example of what i want: Product list.xlsx

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Stock Lists - Calculating Combinations Of Products

May 11, 2013

Here is what i have so far: stock.xlsx

Basically, i have 2x base products but we can interchange the parts between the sets so we have 1 variant per base product.

But what i want to calculate is how many sets i can make out of the available units that are in stock.

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Match Products With Correct Image File?

Aug 4, 2014

So I have a spreadsheet of several thousand products (spare parts) and we received a folder of image files to go with these parts, however the file names aren't all uniform; some of the image files have the Part Number, while others use the SKU number. I have cells with the part # and SKU number for each product, and I could probably copy and paste the list of all image file names from the folder into the same spreadsheet. Is there a macro that could search the image file list for either the SKU or Part Number, and whichever is listed for each row, insert that file name into a cell? So I have this:

Item name SKU # Part #
Spare Part 1 123456 P0459381B
Spare Part 2 340934 P2394093A

And then I have the list of image files in its own Sheet or whatever's easiest

So after the macro is complete, I'd have:

Item name SKU # Part # Image file
Spare Part 1 123456 P0459381B P0459381B.jpg
Spare Part 2 340934 P2394093A 340934.jpg

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Combine Similar Products And Put Into Correct Columns

Jun 21, 2007

Try this on for size...

On the MSP sheet is a list of products with a weeknumber and quantity.

I need to combine products that match in the same week and add their quantities.

Then I need to put the quantities into the VOLUME worksheet.

Any products that arent listed need to be added on the bottom.

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Recogising Various Products In 1 Column + Returning In Or Out Of Stock In Another

Apr 16, 2008

I want to produce a spreadsheet which automatically tidies up a transferral of data from a programme called sage in to a customer service spreadsheet for my company.

I am a bit of a novice but a keen one so please be patient! I do know what I want to achieve in the long run!

The problem I have at the moment is recognising products in one column and getting it to return the value in or out of stock in another. So far I have got it to recognise one product and return the correct statement (using the "IF" function) but i need it to do it for the whole column and for a range of products.

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