If Statement With Vlookup Does Not Pull Proper Response
Aug 9, 2006
I am building a template for a report. The report resides on the first sheet of the workbook and the subsequent sheets is where the user would paste the appropriate reports so that the formulas on the first sheet can pull the appropriate data. I have all my formulas working fine with one exception.
The data in question needs to be pulled from the sheet "Paste Adcap Report Here" and the column is AA. The common piece of data between the two sheets is in column C of the Adcap sheet and column B of the main report sheet. What I need to do is conduct a vlookup between the report sheet and the Adcap sheet using the account id's and then return either the date value in row AA or the word ongoing which would be those accounts which do not have a preset end date. So far a co-worker had been able to come up with the following:
=If(VLOOKUP(B16, 'Paste Adcap Report Here'!C:AA,25,0) >0,"cap","ongoing")
The code is a bit screwy as she had to leave early. The problem we encountered was the entry in column AA for a non-ending campaign. It is represented by two hypens (--). This is what tied her up. we could not figure out why the formula was returning an #n/a instead of the term "ongoing" when it encountered the (--). Again, if the formula pulls a (--) then the word "ongoing" needs to be displayed and if the formula pulls an actual date value then it needs to display this date.
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Mar 25, 2014
I created added conditional formatting to the Response Due column, to keep track of when response was due.
I only want the conditional formatting to be applied if the cell next to it is blank.
For example, the last one on my attachment is due 3/26/14 but I have already submitted a response (see column K)
What can I add so that only those dates next to a blank in column K get the conditional formatting?
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Jul 10, 2009
I have been doing vlookups for ages and have never seen this error. The vlookup works in some columns but not in others.
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Jun 10, 2009
The following formula is giving me the "" response even though I51 = (40.00) and L51 = 40.00. What am I missing?
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Mar 24, 2005
I've created an IF statement with multiple formulas, but I can't seem to
figure out if it is possible to pull the information by a specific date
range. I have sales reps that visit customers on specific dates and I need
my tally sheet to only pull dates within that current week. Does anyone know
if this is possible??
This is what I have so far:
=SUM(IF(sales rep!AB2:AB216=I3,IF(sales rep!$AA$2:$AA$216=I4,IF(sales
rep!P2:P216=I7,IF(sales rep!$N$2:$N$216>=DATEVALUE("3/18/2005"),1,0)))))
If you look above I have it to calculate the date value starting at
03-18-05, but I would like it to only pull that date through the next week.
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Feb 7, 2008
I have two spreadsheets, i suppose one part of the solution may be to copy spreadsheet 2 into a new worksheet in spreadsheet 1, but this is my current situation:
Spreadsheet 1 has "Employee lastname" in column F, "Employee Firstname" in column G. Column A in this sheet needs updating with the data populated in column H for that employee in spreadsheet 2 - the lastname is contained in column B, firstname in column C - so i need to to a match.
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Jul 30, 2014
OK,I have a spreadsheet that prints receiving labels based on received purchase orders that pulls information from an SQL server. The problem is that it is pulling almost 40,000 lines of data to sort and pull at most 30 lines. One of steps is that the purchase order receipt register has a barcode that is scanned into a text box on a userform. Can I use this information to filter the SQL data pull to only grab that PO number? I'm at a loss on where to begin with this. Below is my SQL statement from the Query builder with an example of a PO number input(PO-rma100613).
[Code] ....
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Aug 29, 2013
I have a cell with a drop down box in C4. When 'Star' is selected, I would like C1 to show a picture of a star. When 'Moon' is selected in C4 I would like C1 to show a picture of a moon and so on.
I was just hoping I could do a simple IF formula or vLookup; but it just returns a 0. Are there any simple ways that I could get it to pull in the pictures?
For further information - there are 14 names I want to do this for (like star, moon etc). For my test I had the 14 names in columns and next to them the pictures.
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May 5, 2009
I am trying to pull data from one worksheet to another. I am using Product ID numbers. The problem I am having is that not every Product ID I am searching has a partner on the second list, so I get an #N/A. In stead of #N/A I just want a "0".
my vlookup looks like this: =IF(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A5:C500,3)>0,VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A5:C500,3),"0"). If A1 does not find a match on Sheet2, it returns "#N/A" when I want it to return "0".
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Feb 14, 2008
I have a vlookup formula which can refer to any one of several sheets labelled by month.
I need to be able to show in a different cell which sheet (month) the formula refers to.
In other words - displaying part of a formula in a different cell.
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Dec 18, 2013
I have a "main data"Test.xlsx sheet wherein I have to populate 4 columns from 2 other sheets.
E.g.: In master data tab, I have (PID,EMP ID,Name,Address,Join Date, Exit Date). Now i am trying to get the PID & Address from another tab called "PID,Address". To get the PID & address, i will use EMP ID as reference to fetch data.
Similarly, I have to pull Join & Exit dates from the tab "Dates Sheet" with same EMP ID.
I have a home tab, wherein I have a button which is assigned a macro to reconcile the data.
I know that I can do this with simple vlookup for all the columns, but the actual data is very huge and it may vary daily. So its time consuming process. So i want to this reconciliation (consolidation) using macro. How to generate a macro.
I am attaching the sample sheet : Test.xlsm
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Jan 13, 2009
I think VLookup is what I need to use, but am unfamiliar with how to use it. The attached file will explain a little more about what I would like to do. I have an inventory summary from 2007 and 2008. Each year has its own sheet. Each record has two fields that need to match on the summary sheet. If the two fields match, the summary sheet should return a total in the third field. It's more clearly explained in the file itself.
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Sep 11, 2009
I have six files that are formatted the same(fld1-1.xlsx, fld1-2.xlsx...). Each file contains an I.D. number (random 25 digit number) in column A and a note (1-9) in column B. The only thing that changes between files is the note column. I want to pull from these six files into a master file. When all six files are combined the note column in the master file is complete, there are no duplicates. Because a blank vlookup returns a zero, could I use an IF formula. Something like IF VLOOKUP FROM data01(ISNUMBER(0), then vlookup in file data02. IF VLOOKUP FROM data02(ISNUMBER(0), then vlookup in file data03.
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Jun 20, 2008
I'm using the vlookup function to pull numbers off an array. Is there a way that I can get the vlookup function to pick the smallest number greater than or equal to my Look_up value. If not is there a function that can do that?
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Jan 25, 2010
I am trying to use a VLookup to pull a value out of a range and return my intended data. See attached spreadsheet. The data I'm pulling from is in the top chart. The bottom chart, in the factor column, is where I want the data to pull to. Ex) If the "Months of Development" column in the bottom chart =13, I want it to pull the factor value from the top chart where the month is 13. The problem is that the top chart has a range of values in the "Month Range" column of 13 - 24. I don't know how to get the VLookup to recognize this and pull the same factor into the chart below whether the value is 13 or 24. Maybe VLookup isn't the best option here.
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Mar 5, 2009
I have three columns of Vlookup data and three columns with a Vlookup formula. I need a fourth column to look at the three columns and see which ones are returning no value (cell with #N/A) in them and then return the cell that does have a value in them or the first row that has a value in it. The values are actually NAICS title descriptions and not numbers.
Column1 Column2 Column3
#N/A #N/A Electrical Componenets Retail
#N/A Boat Dealer Boat Dealer
Tire Retail #N/A Tire Retail
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Jan 7, 2014
I need to lookup data from four different columns to match a value in another sheet. The lookup value has to start with "4" in order for it to be the correct match. I've tried the following formula for just two columns:
=IF(VLOOKUP($C2,'Sheet 1'!$D$2:$H$10000,5,FALSE)="4*",VLOOKUP($C2,'Sheet 1'!$D$2:$H$10000,5,FALSE),IF(VLOOKUP($C2,'Sheet 2'!$E$2:$G$10000,3,FALSE)="4*", VLOOKUP($C2,'Sheet 2'!$E$2:$G$10000,3,FALSE),"False"))
The problem I have is that the wildcard function isn't working in my If statement (apparentley that's how Excel was designed). The first vlookup returns the value "40042565" but Excel doesn't show it matching the criteria with the wildcard ("4*").
Any way to lookup the value in C2, search through multiple columns, and return the value that starts with "4"?
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Apr 28, 2009
Let's say for instance I have a vlookup that displays a the quantity of available items in stock pulled from a column in another workbook. Occasionally these numbers are negatives as they are backordered I would like to display these values as zero.
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Jul 14, 2009
How can you return a Vlookup as a true value in an If statement? For example
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Oct 27, 2009
I want to add another vlookup criteria into the statement below and im having some difficulty, its currently has two called "Name" and "QrtName", i want to add another called "PlaceName". I have a named range called "Data" for the data the vlookup options use. It is working fine other only i want to add the third vlookup option:
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Jun 26, 2007
In the example below I have created a validation list in B1 that references D2:D8. What I am then trying to do for cell B2 is create a vlookup and nested if statement that says if b1 is a number lookup the value in column D and return the value in colunm E and if b1 doesn't = a number, ie 'none' then return a null value. The same goes for B3 where if b1 is a number lookup the value in column D and return the value in columm F and if b1 doesn't = a number, ie 'none' then return a null value.dropdown list problem.
************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Book1.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box
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Mar 8, 2007
I have a list of parts that I have to create in a system. It is easier to do if I create a list of materials ahead of time of what components are needed. What I have done is create a part list that contains a list of parts, what the cost, whether they are manufactured or purchased, and what the sub component is if they are manufactured.
This worked great till I ran into my first sub component that contain its own sub components. I am attaching the spreadsheet so everyone can see what I am doing or more to the point trying to do. IF VBA is a better solution that would be great.
What I need is a formula (or VBA if it is better) that brings back the sub-components and their sub-components for each part until the parts tree for the original part number reaches the base purchased sub-parts.
I have the 1st worksheet set up in three different ways. The first one you run into is simply a length calculator and can be ignored.
The second way is the original way I had the spreadsheet working and it works fine for parts with only one sub-component. If a sub-part has more than one sub-component then it doesn't work.
The third section is where I started building what I thought would work, but it is clumsy and only will work nicely if I can place an IF statement that will only bring back a value for a sub-component if one exists otherwise it will remain blank.
What I would like is to have a formula that will auto fill the information IF and only if it exists for each sub-part listing all sub-components ( I need if it exists, cost, whether it is manufactured or purchased, any and all sub-components [followed by the same information as the parent] and vendor).
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Jul 27, 2013
I am trying to use vlookup on the the income statements I am using. I have a workbook called overview with all the months and need the "total" of each month to appear automatically. The previous vlookup formula does not seem to be working.
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Mar 17, 2014
I have two cells with the following equations:
H3=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A3&TEXT($A$1,"m/d/yyyy"),'CLABSI_Raw'!$A$1:$M$300,13,FALSE)," ")
I3=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A3&TEXT($A$1,"m/d/yyyy"),'CLABSI_Raw'!$A$1:$M$300,10,FALSE)," ")
In an adjacent cell, I am trying to use an if statement
I am not getting a return in cell J3.
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Jan 26, 2006
Is there any way to combine the VLOOKUP and IF Statement formula's into one
formula or is there any other kind of formula which does both?
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May 19, 2009
I am trying to match up two sheets and I the match criteria is based on the data from columns B, C, D, E, and G. Sheet 1 contains ~20,000 line items of data. Sheet 2 contains ~250 line items. I am comparing the info in sheet2 vs. the data in sheet1. Both sheets are formatted the same.
For each row in sheet2, I need to compare against all rows in sheet1. For example; for the first row in sheet2, determine if there is a row in sheet1 that contains the exact same data for columns B, D, E, and G (all must be true) and the data in column C is False. Examples:
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Oct 22, 2011
I have a statement in a cell in which there is a date field.
Is it possible to apply Vlookup on the statement and change the Date value keeping the statement same ???????
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May 4, 2007
I need some help with vlookup/if statement ......
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Nov 19, 2009
OK i have put the membership cards on the same sheet as my raw data so to make the formulas easier. On the membership card i have under membership level i have the formula : =VLOOKUP($J$3,A:E,4,FALSE)
there is 3 types of level bronze, silver and gold
what i would like is if the level is gold after then an image to be placed in the cell rather than the word gold and a different image for silver and a different image for bronze.
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Jun 18, 2009
Example6.xlsx .i just cant remember what it is im meant to be using as i havnt done it since school. basicly on the attached spreadsheet, there are 2 tabs. the common column is Contract number, if the data in the contract number column matches then i need the figures for 20/40/TEU to show against the Special aggreement by code tab.
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