Ignoring Characters While Formula Looks For Value?

Apr 16, 2014

I have stacked formulas that look for values via vlookup and index match functions.

Sometimes the worksheet will have ( 100 ) separated into 3 columns (open parenthesis, number, closed parenthesis) and the formula will pull the first column containing the parenthesis. How can I write the formula to ignore the "(" and get to the "100"?

The formula uses ISERROR to move forward, could I incorporate ISNUMBER also or is there a better way to do this?

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Highlighting Duplicates Ignoring Special Characters?

Dec 12, 2011

I have conditional formatting set to hilight duplicates, but I a, wonder if there is a way to exclude special characters (in this case specifically dashes).

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Ignoring #DIV/0! In Formula's

Dec 10, 2009

I have rows of data with numbers and these #DIV/0! errors. I need a sum formula so when going through the entire row it will ignore these errors, at the moment as they are included in my sum formula the total is also giving me #DIV/0!

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IF And SUM Formula But Ignoring Text

Mar 31, 2009

I have the following formula but I want to ensure that the sum ignores any text so I don't get #VALUE! returned. I've tried including ISERROR but doesn't seem to be working correctly. The formula is: =IF(H19+H20+H21+H22+H23+H24+H25+H26+H27+H28>0,SUM(H19:H28),"")

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Ignoring Errors In DAVERAGE Formula

Jun 10, 2014

how to ignore errors when using DAVERAGE?

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Ignoring Negative Results In A Formula

Jun 9, 2009

Ignoring Negative results in a formula
Question withdrawn

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Ignoring Blank Cells In Formula

Feb 5, 2010

I am trying to return the criteria MET, NOT MET & EXCEEDS. This works when each cell contains a number, but when one is blank the formula below returns "EXCEEDS" I'm guessing this is because is sees a blank as zero.

=IF(BN102<$BJ102,"NOT MET",IF(BN102>$BJ102,"EXCEEDS",IF(BN102=$BJ102,"MET")))

I've tried using this alternative but it still returns the same.

=IF(BO102<$BJ102,"NOT MET",IF(BO102>$BJ102,"EXCEEDS",IF(BO102=$BJ102,"MET",IF(ISBLANK(B102)," ",""))))

Basically I need to know how to make excel ignore the blank cell and not see it as zero thus returning "EXCEEDS". Although the cell values are integers they are derived from another cell using the following formula, I'm not sure if this makes any difference


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Workday Function/Formula Ignoring Weekends

Aug 8, 2006

I'm at my wits end trying to make a workday formula work, but am having no luck. I've searched the other posts, but did not quite find a match. I'm trying to subtract a number of days from a workday function, but it seems to bypass ignoring the weekends (as is supposed to be done automatically with Workday). Here's the formula I'm trying to use:

=WORKDAY(H5,L5,' Reference Info'!$E$110:$E$117)-(I5/8)

I5/8 is a column with hours - this just calculates a number of days to subtract based on the number of scheduled hours.

The formula will calculate, but it still ignores weekends. I've tried burying the I5/8 within the parenthesis, moving it around in the formula,

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Array Formula Not Ignoring Blanks To Count Row Number?

Oct 3, 2012

I have this array formula

=IF(ROWS(A$11:A13)1,IF(MSB!$A13"",SMALL(ROW(Table1[APP DATE])-ROW(MSB!$A$11)+1,ROWS(A$11:A13)),""))))

the problem is that when both if statements are true i want it to get the row number, this is because table1 has blank rows (can not be avoided as the data is linked from a closed workbook)

i can see this works up until it meets the first blank row and i get #value error.

on table1 data exists on row 1,2,5 and 8 so my problem is getting the small function k to report these numbers?

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Formula Cannot Go Above 255 Characters?

Jan 10, 2014

Ok so my formula simply wants to substitute a really long string of text with a blank cell. Problem is that the really long string of text goes over the 255 char limit for a formula.

How can I go about solving this problem. I think you could name the string of text as a variable such as "long text" and then use the substitute formula as such:

=SUBSTITUTE(A1,"long text", "")

Something like that? I don't know if it would work or the steps to name the variable.

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Formula To Check Last 3 Characters?

Feb 12, 2014

I need to come up with a formula to verify that the last 3 characters of a text string match the 3 characters in the adjacent cell. So I am comparing in the example below Column B to Column A.

A1 010 B1 3.010
A2 010 B2 1A.010

My spreadsheet is very large and I need to get this done without manually having to look at each.

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Formula To List Characters In String

Dec 23, 2008

I'm using Excel 2007. I want to write a formula that will list all characters in a string to the left of a "-". See below example. What formula would I use?.......

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Formula Which Gives Error When More Than 16 Characters Entered

Jan 16, 2009

Need a formula which will allow an error message to pop up in a cell if more than 16 Characters are entered into another cell?

However, I cant put an actual limit on the characters for this cell as if another cell is populated with anything other than bacs then it can allow more than 16. Therefore my formula needs to state something like :

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Formula To Remove Unwanted Characters

Apr 28, 2009

I am looking for a formula that will remove any unwanted characters in a cell.

For example i may a word or string of words with "-" , " ' " or "," in them and i would like to have these removed.

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Formula For Finding Special Characters

May 8, 2009

I was hoping someone could help me out. I've been trying to put together a formula to find special characters with no luck.

Characters I’m looking for are:

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Find And Replace Certain Characters In Formula?

Sep 28, 2013

I basically want to find and replace certain characters in a formula, but the formula is quite intricate so I will give some background to the problem first:

I have a complex spread sheet which is used to check if a data array matches another data array (both data arrays are different sizes). One array has a set of parameters for a variable and the other array has the variables and the actual values for each variable. I have a section with the following formulas to check if the actual value (C121&D121) matches the parameters ($A$9:$A$108, $B$9:$B$108) & ($C$9:$C$108, $D$9:$D$108)

I have the following formula in cell AB121:

In cell AC121:

And have similar formulas from AD121 to AY121. I mention this to point out that excel regards this as an inconsistent formula, I haven't copied and pasted it over, I have had to re-enter it in each cell adjusting the parameter sections.

The problem I have is that currently this is set up to check through a data set and wrap around every 100 rows ('100' Entered in $D$1) but I want to adjust the formula when there is a different amount of rows to check. So basically the only way I can think to be able to do this is to have a formula or something in VBA (which I have very low level experience with) to be able to go into the formula and change certain characters within the formula. For example, if I wanted to check 95 rows instead of 100, it would need to have 95 in $D$1, which I enter in manually, but then how to go in and replace (101:101)-INT(ROW(100:100) with (96:96)-INT(ROW(95:95) in 2 sections in the 1 formula then do the same with the inconsistent formula from AC121:AY121?

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IF Formula - Numbers And Letters And NOT Other Characters

Aug 18, 2008

Looking to create a Formula (not Code):


1. NOT Between 8 and 20 characters OR
2. NOT contain at least 2 numbers OR
3. NOT contain at least 2 letters OR
4. contain characters (e.g. punctuation) which are neither numbers or letters


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Formula To Split Characters In Cell

Jan 14, 2009

In A1 cell i have the following text

A5:390 ML

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Formula That Will Remove The First 2 Characters And The Last Character

Mar 10, 2009

i need a formula that will remove the first 2 characters and the last character from the below, so below the result should be R0131644, the number of characters vary from row to row, they are not always 11


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Formula: Last X Characters, Text Or Numeric

Dec 7, 2006

I am trying to write a formula that will recgonise either text or numicial value as the result is used with a match formula. In column C I have data as follows:

1400 SBY
1230 9985

I am using a =--RIGHT(C4,4) formula in column E to get the required data and then using my match formula to extract other data. How can I rewrite the above formula so that it can read either text or numbers that will allow my match formula to work.

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Formula To Find Characters After Last Space In A String

Aug 27, 2007

I have text string and would like two formulas to find,

1) the characters after the last space and

2)to find the number of characters after the last space.

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Formula To Find Characters After The Last Space In A String

Aug 28, 2007

I have text string and would like two formulas to find, 1) the characters after the last space and 2)to find the number of characters after the last space.

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Excel 2010 :: Clear Chevron Characters And Characters Inside Chevrons

Jan 17, 2012

Is there an Excel formula to remove the spacebar + characters in red, as shown below? I need to be left with only the last name, first name and the semicolon.

Mouse, Mickey ;

Microsoft Outlook has changed the way that email addresses from the global addressbook copy and paste (from version 2003 to version 2010).

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Formula To Extract All Characters After A Certain Number Of Forward Slashes From The Right?

Apr 9, 2014

I'm working with a large list of items of varying length. A sample worksheet is attached. I need to do the following:

1) If the characters after the final forward slash from the right are of the pattern "tttxxx" (where "t" is text and "x" is a number/digit), then return all characters to the right of the final slash, including the slash itself:

Y:/Series/hun/hun109 ----> /hun109

2) if the characters after the final slash from the right are not of the pattern "tttxxx", then return all characters after the second slash from the right, including the slash:

Z:/Series/crd/crd409/editorial ----> /crd409/editorial

3) if there are less than 3 backslashes in the item, return a blank.

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Explanation For Formula That Counts Number Of Numeric Characters

Nov 21, 2012

The formula below was posted recently as a way to extract a numeric substring from somewhere in larger string. When I first saw this formula, how it "came up with the goods" and so I spent some time looking at parts of it to see what they did.

Although I've made some progress, I still don't fully understand it. Heres the formula, and below Ive detailed how far I've got:


I hope my findings below are correct:

1. The formula is returning the first substring of contiguous numeric characters from the full string in Cell A1
2. 9.99e + 307 ensures that the search value won't be exceeded by the returned value.
3. The Mid function uses Min(Find( to get the character position of the first numeric in A1 (so MID then has its first 2 parameters). So far so good.
4. Now... I cant work out where MID parameter 3 (the substring length) comes from. I suspect its the row function, but can't see how as this isn't an array formula, and without CTRL+Shift+ Enter, I could only get Row to return 1 in my experiments (giving me only the first substring digit).

How does the formula return the correct number of numeric characters, (apparently) without counting them?

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Remove Portions Of Formula Based On Surrounding Characters?

May 13, 2014

I have about 25 workbooks with 180 formulas in them that I would like changed. The formulas are all in the range I10:Q29 and all have the same basic structure:


I would like to remove "filepath1!cell1*filepath1!cell2-" and "filepath1!cell2-" so that only "(filepath2!cell3*filepath2!cell4)/(filepath2!cell4)" remains.

My VBA is pretty weak, but I imagine it should be possible to use something like the VBA equivalent of len() and mid() to isolate the components of the equation to the left of the - in the numerator and denominator, and remove those components (as well as the -) from the formula.

Attached File : trim formulas.xlsx

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Formula To Split Text Into Groups Of 30 Characters But Control As Well

May 28, 2014

I have previous been given the below macro from here that splits a string of text in one cell into groups of 30 and then puts them into several cells, works perfectly.

What I would like to incorpate now is the ability to overide the point at which it splits the text.
i.e. if the inputter puts a "|" (for example) in the original text, this will cause a split in the text and it will restart its 30 count from this point onwards.

Example of what I would like to achieve:

Cell A1 = I would like to change this string of text into groups of 30, where this appears | I would like it to start a new split of 30s from this point on wards and again if another one of these | appears in the text.



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Lookup Formula With Wildcard: Force Excel To See * & ? As Characters

Sep 8, 2006

There might be an easy solution for this, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm trying to do a vlookup with the lookup value being #CFDMSMCSA*4. But the lookup table also has a value #CFDMSMCSAM4 in it.
It keeps returning the value for this #CFDMSMCSAM4 because of the * in the first string. Any ideas.

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Excel Formula To Split Words With Characters Limit Per Cell?

Dec 6, 2010

I am suffering with split a long descriptions into 3 cells with criteria 1st cell not more than 30 characters, 2nd cell not more than characters and 3rd cell will locate the remaining characters there. I think this is quite easy if I use LEN/MID/RIGHT/LEFT formula. However, I wish the formula will smart enough to split word by word. refer to example below:-

"My lecturer replied, that i really did very bad in final, nothing's gonna change my plan."

If I use left(A1,30) formula, the result is "My lecturer replied, that i re"however, the word "really" is cut half way. I am finding the formula that split description to not more than 30 characters and won't cut my string and become incomplete word. Expected result should be 1st cell "My lecturer replied, that i", then "really did very bad in final," at 2nd cell.

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Formula To Check Range To Make Sure All Cells Are Either Blank Or 11 Characters Long

May 8, 2012

I need a formula that will search the range D8-D100 to confirm that all cells within that range are either 11 characters in length or blank. I will use it inside of an error message that will look something like this:

=IF(****formula that checks to make sure all of the cells in that range are blank or 11 characters****=TRUE, "", "Please make sure that all cells are 11 digits or blank")

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