Ignoring #DIV/0! In Formula's

Dec 10, 2009

I have rows of data with numbers and these #DIV/0! errors. I need a sum formula so when going through the entire row it will ignore these errors, at the moment as they are included in my sum formula the total is also giving me #DIV/0!

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Ignoring Characters While Formula Looks For Value?

Apr 16, 2014

I have stacked formulas that look for values via vlookup and index match functions.

Sometimes the worksheet will have ( 100 ) separated into 3 columns (open parenthesis, number, closed parenthesis) and the formula will pull the first column containing the parenthesis. How can I write the formula to ignore the "(" and get to the "100"?

The formula uses ISERROR to move forward, could I incorporate ISNUMBER also or is there a better way to do this?

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IF And SUM Formula But Ignoring Text

Mar 31, 2009

I have the following formula but I want to ensure that the sum ignores any text so I don't get #VALUE! returned. I've tried including ISERROR but doesn't seem to be working correctly. The formula is: =IF(H19+H20+H21+H22+H23+H24+H25+H26+H27+H28>0,SUM(H19:H28),"")

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Ignoring Errors In DAVERAGE Formula

Jun 10, 2014

how to ignore errors when using DAVERAGE?

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Ignoring Negative Results In A Formula

Jun 9, 2009

Ignoring Negative results in a formula
Question withdrawn

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Ignoring Blank Cells In Formula

Feb 5, 2010

I am trying to return the criteria MET, NOT MET & EXCEEDS. This works when each cell contains a number, but when one is blank the formula below returns "EXCEEDS" I'm guessing this is because is sees a blank as zero.

=IF(BN102<$BJ102,"NOT MET",IF(BN102>$BJ102,"EXCEEDS",IF(BN102=$BJ102,"MET")))

I've tried using this alternative but it still returns the same.

=IF(BO102<$BJ102,"NOT MET",IF(BO102>$BJ102,"EXCEEDS",IF(BO102=$BJ102,"MET",IF(ISBLANK(B102)," ",""))))

Basically I need to know how to make excel ignore the blank cell and not see it as zero thus returning "EXCEEDS". Although the cell values are integers they are derived from another cell using the following formula, I'm not sure if this makes any difference


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Workday Function/Formula Ignoring Weekends

Aug 8, 2006

I'm at my wits end trying to make a workday formula work, but am having no luck. I've searched the other posts, but did not quite find a match. I'm trying to subtract a number of days from a workday function, but it seems to bypass ignoring the weekends (as is supposed to be done automatically with Workday). Here's the formula I'm trying to use:

=WORKDAY(H5,L5,' Reference Info'!$E$110:$E$117)-(I5/8)

I5/8 is a column with hours - this just calculates a number of days to subtract based on the number of scheduled hours.

The formula will calculate, but it still ignores weekends. I've tried burying the I5/8 within the parenthesis, moving it around in the formula,

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Array Formula Not Ignoring Blanks To Count Row Number?

Oct 3, 2012

I have this array formula

=IF(ROWS(A$11:A13)1,IF(MSB!$A13"",SMALL(ROW(Table1[APP DATE])-ROW(MSB!$A$11)+1,ROWS(A$11:A13)),""))))

the problem is that when both if statements are true i want it to get the row number, this is because table1 has blank rows (can not be avoided as the data is linked from a closed workbook)

i can see this works up until it meets the first blank row and i get #value error.

on table1 data exists on row 1,2,5 and 8 so my problem is getting the small function k to report these numbers?

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Ignoring 0 And #DIV/0

Oct 31, 2009

I have a column I want to average however it contains zero's and #DIV/0 entries in it.

Those entries are from linked sheets that have not been populated and are supposed to be there. I want to average the column that contains these values but want the values excluded from the calculation until they are populated with real numbers.

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Ignoring 1 Of Two Modules

Jan 28, 2010

I have managed to get it almost done with lots of help from here the last issue I have is this:

The module I want transferred is working the assigning of the macro within that module to the button is working, however, when it gets to the FillSalesSheet section it opens the said workbook but then jumps to the module and the FillSalesSheet in that.

Module 1 which I would like ignored on the newly formed workbooks looks like this: ...

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Auto Sum But Ignoring FOC (letters)

May 27, 2014

I'd like to sum the following, ignoring F.O.Cs


and also auto compute rows with F.O.Cs (each in different cells)
QTY---Unit Price---Total

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Ignoring Blanks When Calculating SUM

Aug 12, 2014

I am using a simple SUM formula like this, =SUM(D10:E10). I would like for the SUM cell to be left blank until a value is entered into the cells D10. Currently it calculates the SUM as 0.

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Average Ignoring Holidays

Jan 11, 2009

If I have a formula which adds the value of each day of the week and divides by 7 to get an average per day, how do i fix it to get an average if their is a holiday so their would only be 6 days without changing the formula as the holidays could change from week to week by province.
=(a+b+c+d+e+f+g)/7 what happens if "e" is a holiday and I need to divide by 6, or in the case of xmas if "d and e" are holidays and I need to divide by 5?

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Ignoring The #DIV/0! Error In A Range

Mar 1, 2009

I'm trying to average a column range range =AVERAGE(A5:A29) that has blank cells not yet populated and also cells with formulas that contain the #DIV/0! error.

Obviously the cell with my formula produces the #DIV/0! error when it tries to average this range. Can someone point me in the right direction so the formula =AVERAGE(A5:A29) will work?

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Using =MODE And Ignoring Zeros

Nov 3, 2009

I need a formula that will find the mode from a range of numbers but ignore the 0's. I have worked out the below array formula which seems to work.

{=IF(MODE(IF(N18:P25>0,N18:P25))=1,"Low",IF(MODE(IF(N18:P25>0,N18:P25))=2,"Secure",IF(MODE(IF(N18:P2 5>0,N18:P25))=3,"High")))}

The only thing is, if only one cell contains a number other than 0 (eg. 1,2 or 3) then it returns #N/A. Ideally i'd like it to show the appropriate response for the number that is in the number range. For example - if one cell shows the number 2 and the rest are 0's, i'd like it to show Secure(the response for 2) rather than #N/A.

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Ignoring Zero Values On Graph

Feb 19, 2010

I have a line graph that charts certain data per day in a month.

During the weekend there is no data. The graph however considers the number as zero, and I want it to just "skip" that day and plot the line directly from the friday date to the monday, instead of the line touching zero on saturday's and sundays.

Is it possible to do this? Or am I forced to adapt my table to only include days of the week?

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Ignoring £0 Total In Cell

Dec 4, 2008

I am a excel novice and can't seem to find a solution to this problem, there's most likely a simple solution. I want to calculate the total of N - M in L only if N is > £0, If I have not got a selling price in N how can I make cell L show blank?
I have attached a sample of the sheet.

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Ignoring The Seed Strings???

Apr 28, 2009

Example i import data of say names steve jones, paul jones etc but in some cases it imports (5) steve jones or (db) steve jones and then the lookup wont produce the right data and i get #N/A coming up
so it has
steve jones 10
tom jones 15
(4) steve jones #N/A

i would like to be able to do a vlookup on another tab of that information and just import everything except ( ) and the contents

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Ignoring Sheets If There Is No Data?

Feb 5, 2014

I've recorded some macros for completing formatting tasks and I'd like to know if there is a way of asking the macro to ignore sheets if there is no data.

The files are reports we export from our accounting system and they need to be tidied up, named and sorted. It's the sorting and subtotalling that is causing an issue because not every department has transactions every month. I'd like the macro to skip over sheets with no transactions and continue on.

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Combobox Ignoring Duplicates?

Apr 23, 2014

I have a combo box with a list of vendors. The problem is that a vendor can appear more than once. The list of vendors is dynamic so new vendors can be added and still appear in the combo box but how can I get the combox box list to only recognize the vendor name once so I don't have multiple duplicate vendors showing in the list?

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Count Ignoring Zero Percentages

Jul 3, 2014

I have percentages in Col C. I would like to count the number, excluding zero percentages

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Sum Ignoring Two Lowest Entries

Dec 12, 2006

I need to create a sum ignoring the two lowest entries in a series of cells. I have a way to ignore the lowest entry, but not the two lowest.


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Sort Ignoring Zeros

Jan 10, 2007

In my spreadsheet, I have a formula that extract to other column only non duplicates, then I want this information in other column sort by the lowest number but without the zero.

Column A, all numbers extracted
Column B, all non duplicates, where normally we have one zero.

I want the result from Column B in other sheet like that:

SheetA, Column B: 637,635,663,0,618.

SheetB, Column A, RowX: 618;635;637;663.

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SUM Last 6 Cells With Data (ignoring Blanks In Between)

Aug 8, 2014

I want to count back the last 6 cells in column S which has data (ignoring any blank cells) and add them up.

My data is ranging betwen S62:S143 (with S144 being the cell that I want to show the total for the last 6 cells with data). I have column headings and various other bits of data from S1:S61 that I want to exclude completely but need to keep for historical purposes.

Here is an example of some of the data in column S:


This is my formula so far:


I have tried adding a negative and positive number on the end of the COUNTA formula but all it does is count all the cells within that given heigh range, not a specific number of cells with data.

I don't specifically need to use SUM. As long as I get a total.

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Linking And Ignoring In Excel Graph

Dec 29, 2006

I have two issues with an excel graph to automate it.

My first problem is that I have to manually select the source data when the data changes inside my spreadsheet. I have 35 slots that represent a 5 week period. Because the first day of the month does not always start on the first day of the week, I have to allow the extra 5 slots in my template. I have the cells set to show blank when there is no data entered in certain cells. Therefore, only days that the machine is up gets put into the 35 cell table. When I do this, the blank cells show up as 0 on the graph and it skews the line. I need some solution that will allow me to tell the graph to ignore zeros.

The second issue is the title in my graph. I have a set title, but need it to pull "Month Year" and "c81" from the worksheet it is on. I cannot seem to get it to populate automatically in the label. I would like it to look like the following:

614 Machine Uptime Percentage
%Month Year%
MTD PCT (%c81%)

where the %name% is the automatically populated item. I don't necessarily have a problem with hiding a cell and linking the label to that cell inside the graph, but I need it to change those two items automatically.

Im certain that a resolution to both of these items exist and I am certain it is an easy thing that I will be kicking myself in the rear over once I find out the resolution, but I need to get this done and im tired of wasting time. I hope this makes sense. If you need me to post an excel file as an example, I will be more than happy to.

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How To Order A Column Ignoring The Hyphens

Dec 24, 2008

I have a column that orders fine a-z except for the fact that it doesn't group words together with hyphens e.g.:

when I want it to be

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Add A Column Of Numbers, But Ignoring Negatives

Apr 7, 2009

I'm trying to SUM a column, but it has a negative number in it. I want to sum the column but ignore the negative number.


so the total would be 66. How is this possible or would i have to use another formula instead of SUM.

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Today Statement Ignoring Blank

Apr 23, 2009

I'm trying to figure out if an employee is in probation period or not. I have this formula in S3 =IF(TODAY()-R3>90, "No", "Yes"). I need to leave S3 empty if no value in R3 (R3 contain hiring date)

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Counting Cells And Ignoring References

Aug 20, 2009

I have a range of cells (B6:M6) and I want to count how many have data. My problem is that all of the cells reference cells on another worksheet. Every cell starts out like =Bethlehem!B6. I want to ignore cells that have a reference in it when I count. I know how to do it if you want to ignore these cells as follows: =countif(b6:m6,"<> 0"). Those cell references return a 0 if they have no data in them. However, a user might actually enter a 0 in the referenced cell and I need to count that one. The above formula would exclude it.

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Standard Deviation Ignoring N/A With Max+Min Removed

Nov 17, 2009

So this forum has helped me in the past develop a standard deviation that removes max and min from the data set.


Would if be possible to adjust this formula to ignore N/A's?

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