Index And Interpolate
Dec 7, 2009
I have data essentially comprising a set of points with x and y coordinates. Is there a way to index and interpolate between points?
I can use INDEX or LOOKUP to look up a y value fo a valid x value but don't know a way to interpolate if the value is between x values. Is this possible?
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Mar 29, 2009
I just have a quick question with regards to two-way interpolation of data.
I have a data table which has x-values, y-values and z-values.
I need to obtain an interpolate value for z, given a value for x and a value for y.
The x value specified is 1.569 and the y value specified is 1.66.
I know how to use the FORECAST formula for a simple x, y table, but I have no idea what to do here when I need to find a z value, given the x and y values.
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Jun 8, 2007
I got a table of two columns (A1:B6). One column (A1:A6) got temperature values and the other column (B1:B6) got enthalpy values as a function of temperature values as shown in the attached file. All values in the table are empirical values and I am trying to use them to obtain the enthaly (B11:B21) for my own temperatures (A11:A21).
I can use VLookup formula to do so but it won't be accurate because the enthalpy values are very sensitive to temperature changes. I need to use table A1:B6 and interpolate for temperature values that are located in between the integer temperature valuse. e.g. if the temperature=1.5 (between 1 and 2 in the table), how can I obtain the enthalpy value=15 (between 10 and 20) using the table.
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Oct 30, 2009
i have a spreadsheet with a column of numbers in increments of 5 ie 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, etc. and an adjacent column of decending numbers ie 275,273,262,250,238 where the numbers in column b decrease by varying amounts each time. for a given value say 37 i want to interpolate between the corisponding values of 35 and 40 to give an answer.
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Jul 13, 2009
i'm trying to write a sheet that records weight from a date and user input
trouble is people are likely to miss days out and i want to fill in the missing dates weight based on actual inputs from other days. if i make it easier and say it like this column A is the weight, column b is the number of days gone
as an example i've made it straight forward but left 4 values out
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Jan 23, 2009
a formula that would interpolate the volume in the below worksheet....
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Aug 22, 2008
I have an array of data like below:
I need that array interpolated to say 20 data points but the first and 20th data point must be the actual first and last data point of the array (1 & 9 in the example). I have downloaded the xlfun software but the interpolat function only does 1 point at a time...than as you drag the function down it changes the initial array. Of course I realy have anywhere from 40-60 data points to be interpolated to 100.
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Feb 14, 2007
With a known X and Y, trying to solve for Z from a table. ie: IF a variable X is defined across a row, another variable Y defined down a column, the data field Z fills in-between. What do I need to use to interpolate for both X and Y to solve for Z?
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Sep 7, 2007
I am looking to write excel function that would be able to interpolate between two list of values. One list containing xValues and another yValues and a x value the specified for which the appropriate y value is to be returned. For the moment I have written a short function interPLinear into which I wish to feed an array and then simply add those together. This is so that I can make sure that my syntax is correct. Unfortunately I am struggling with that at the moment. My function looks like this.
Function InterPLinear(xValues() As Double)
Dim Sum As Double
InterPLinear = 0
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(1)
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(2)
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(3)
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(4)
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(5)
'I know that there will be only 5 values, will make it generic at a later stage.
End Function
In the spreadsheet I have created a short table with 5 rows and 1 column with values 1 to 5. In another cell I have entered the following =interplinear(A1:A5) and I have tried the following as well {=interplinear(A1:A5)} Could you perhaps tell me how I can correctly access this function so that it does not return #value
I have attached the file if it is needed
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Nov 7, 2008
I have a question on data interpolation with Excel 2007. Normally, this wouldn't be too much of an issue for me, but for some reason I cannot figure it out.
I'm working on an Income Statement, which is designed for 5 years. I have values 1 and 5, which are given to me (B7: 3,500,000 and F7: 5,200,000). I'm trying to figure out the other 3 years of revenue assuming a growth trend. The values should fill the series B7:F7.
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May 11, 2009
I have pasted 5 fields with some random values that are in A1 to E1. E is the column I am trying to populate to fill in the missing data for C.
I have written a function that will interpolate between 2 deltas using the dates. Assuming that June 09 will always have a corresponding delta (e.g. here 33) how can i populate the INTERP column using my YINT function. I can do this manually 1 at a time, but the already-filled cells in the Delta column will not always be the same and manually would take ages....
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Aug 22, 2008
I was using the macro provided by shg in post#6 of this thread: Interpolate Two-dimensional Array? ...
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Oct 25, 2007
Actually, I've created the user defined function (UDF) to interpolate (both linear and bilinear). It's just, I keep getting this annoying error that says "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type." But here's the kicker...I converted the UDF into a subroutine for trouble shooting, and I was able to step through the entire code and get the correct output.
Function itcinter(efpd As Single, pwr As Single) As Variant
Dim rnge, mtrnge As Range
Dim w, x, y, z, xx, yy, b As Single
Dim scenario, a As Integer
Dim J As Variant
scenario = Worksheets("Input").Range("B1").Value
pwr = pwr / 100#
If (scenario = 1) Then
'Make table into a range for VLookUp
Set rnge = Worksheets("ITC").Range("A3", [A3].End(xlDown).End(xlToRight))
Set mtrnge = Worksheets("ITC").Range("A3", [A3].End(xlDown))
'If the given value does not match a table value exactly
On Error Resume Next.......................
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Jan 14, 2010
I have 5 worksheets each with tables that are formatted the same on each sheet. I have named each table as a named range (ex:filter5tsd15BSF). I have a userdefined function that interpolates values for a single table in a vba module. I can make this function work for a single table by calling the function as =Linterp(filter5tsd15BSF,C12) so I know the function is OK. However, I really rather program this some way that all the tables get passed to the function and then a select case for the conditions for which filter and which TSD (15 or 25) will then select the correct table.
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Oct 8, 2009
I have this table
As you can see, the number I has a,d,and g, II has b,e,and h, and III has c, f, and i
I want to make formula that if I make the input g it would return I, f would return III, and c would return III, and so on
I want to make four formulas by using VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, INDEX&MATCH separately.
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Feb 1, 2014
Help needed.xlsx
Assuming I have table with work weeks in the columns: WW01, WW02, etc.
And assuming I have few tools in a fabrique: A02, A08 etc.
Each tool have its own production value for each week: 12.15, 31.44, 17.98 etc.
I wish to built a function that will return me the best tool for a give WW with its value
To get the valus I used the functions:
And it worked okay (with ctrl-dhift-enter only)
To get the index I tried:
But the last argument must be an array. So I tried:
Still not working...
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May 15, 2008
Not posted for a few weeks, its been crazy at work!
I have a problem!
What I want to do is use the MAX formula in C:C, but return the value to the left of =MAX(C:C)
I’m not brilliant with Index which is what I suspect I need to use
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Jan 8, 2014
I am using sheet 1 to pull data from sheet 2 using this formula
This on its own works to pull the data. However the data is repeated for each 'set' of data ie each group of repeating names, as I drag down. I just want the data to appear once on the first lie of each group so I have added an if to the formula
=IF(C2=C1,"No Match",
My complete formula is now
=IF(C2=C1,"No Match",=INDEX(Attendance!D:D,MATCH(C2,Attendance!A:A,0))
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Jan 13, 2014
I have the following data and i want to get the highest value over average using if, i wort this formula
But it doesn't work.
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Jan 10, 2008
The first sheet is called Sites and the second sheet is called Call Log-Jan-08
On the Call Log in cell A3 we put the division # and then we want the information to automatically fill out for the cells B3, C3 & D3. We want this information to come from the Sites list. In the sites list the information starts in A2 thru K2 (A1 thru K1 is the header info) and goes thru A645 thru K645.
I can't figure out how to get my Index formula to work.
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May 3, 2009
On the attached workbook, on the "Progress Summary" page, cell C30 has a formula which should list the names of pupils who made 0 progress (as referenced by the Raw Data page, column R [progress] and column A [name].)
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Aug 6, 2009
I am creating a spreadsheet for the mortgage department. I have 2 tabs, appraisal fees & construction inspection fees.
Appraisal Fees will be completed by the processor as the applications are received and fees are collected. Column E is to identify loans that are construction loans, marked with a 'Y'.
In the construction tab, I want to bring over columns C & D from appraisal fees when there is a Y in column E of appraisal fees tab. I want to index this so that it starts from the top of the construction inspection fees.
Is it as simple as adding an index function to the start of the if formula?
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Dec 3, 2009
I have never used the aforementioned functions before, but i assume thats what i need to do here....
In the attached table, what formula do i use to return the value '8' i.e. whats in column "Epsilon" and row "Three"
If you could let me have the generic formula i need as well, that would be good.
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Feb 3, 2010
I can't figure out why the N/As are coming. In G2 I have =INDEX(Area_Codes!$D:$D,MATCH(F2,INDEX(Area_Codes!$B:$B,0),0)). If I replace F2 with 407, I get FL which is right. But why do I get N/A??
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Feb 18, 2010
L26 returns incorrect information. Input parameters are F29 and F30. In its current state, it returns the value “b”, where I think it should be returning “1”, i.e the intersection point for “3Ph” & “Single-core 70°C thermoplastic non-arm Cu Table 4D1”
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May 24, 2008
I need to check when a cell is clicked and call a function name CalcValue.
However, I need the following:
1. Only cells in the square range from B3 to G8 call the CalcValue when clicked.
2. Determine the index of each cell in the following way:
B3 is (1,1) and G8 is (6,6)
So B4 is (1,2), B5 is (1,3), ..., C1 is (2,1), and so on
Should I do this with WorkSheet_Change and Target property?
I have been working a lot with VB.NET and C# but in VS and not in Excel.
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Oct 10, 2009
Its only recently i ve got work with excel...Now straightaway coming to the matter i ve got some data in excel that needs to be modified. my data in excel sheet will be like this in one single column.
and again history repeats itself
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Oct 20, 2008
I would like to have all sheets names in a column on the last sheet in my workbook like an index over the sheets.
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Mar 5, 2009
If the value on sheet2 columnA ,matches value sheet1, column AC
then corresponding row value sheet2,column E be put in corresponding row for matched value ,sheet1,column Z.
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Mar 30, 2009
I have the following array formula that matches against a table with 3 criteria (one specfically is a time), it works ok until the time criteria is not of the value searched for, it may be +/- 30 minutes out, is it possible for the formula to index/match to the actual value or to find the nearest match possible, its in column B.
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