Interpolate Missing Values

Jul 13, 2009

i'm trying to write a sheet that records weight from a date and user input
trouble is people are likely to miss days out and i want to fill in the missing dates weight based on actual inputs from other days. if i make it easier and say it like this column A is the weight, column b is the number of days gone
as an example i've made it straight forward but left 4 values out


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Interpolate Between The Corisponding Values

Oct 30, 2009

i have a spreadsheet with a column of numbers in increments of 5 ie 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, etc. and an adjacent column of decending numbers ie 275,273,262,250,238 where the numbers in column b decrease by varying amounts each time. for a given value say 37 i want to interpolate between the corisponding values of 35 and 40 to give an answer.

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Interpolate Between 2 List Of Values

Sep 7, 2007

I am looking to write excel function that would be able to interpolate between two list of values. One list containing xValues and another yValues and a x value the specified for which the appropriate y value is to be returned. For the moment I have written a short function interPLinear into which I wish to feed an array and then simply add those together. This is so that I can make sure that my syntax is correct. Unfortunately I am struggling with that at the moment. My function looks like this.

Function InterPLinear(xValues() As Double)
Dim Sum As Double
InterPLinear = 0
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(1)
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(2)
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(3)
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(4)
InterPLinear = InterPLinear + xValues(5)
'I know that there will be only 5 values, will make it generic at a later stage.
End Function

In the spreadsheet I have created a short table with 5 rows and 1 column with values 1 to 5. In another cell I have entered the following =interplinear(A1:A5) and I have tried the following as well {=interplinear(A1:A5)} Could you perhaps tell me how I can correctly access this function so that it does not return #value

I have attached the file if it is needed

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Figure Out How To Interpolate Revenue Values

Nov 7, 2008

I have a question on data interpolation with Excel 2007. Normally, this wouldn't be too much of an issue for me, but for some reason I cannot figure it out.

I'm working on an Income Statement, which is designed for 5 years. I have values 1 and 5, which are given to me (B7: 3,500,000 and F7: 5,200,000). I'm trying to figure out the other 3 years of revenue assuming a growth trend. The values should fill the series B7:F7.

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Using Vlookup Or Similar Function To Find Missing Values Compared To Base Values

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to find some missing values compared to 6 base values. For instance, I have a sheet with some names translated to another language, I am trying to find the languages some names have not been translated too.

For example, if I have six languages, Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese- Traditional, and Korean to compare too, I want to find any names that are not translated in certain languages.


John Japanese
John Chinese - Simplified
John Korean
Martin Arabic
Martin Chinese - Simplified
Martin Russian
Ramon Arabic
Ramon Russian
Sam Arabic
Sam Chinese- Traditional

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Missing Values As Non-zero

Jun 9, 2007

I am facing a problem importing Excel data into a finicky graphics program. This program can't accept strings and numbers in the same column. Hence, strings such as #NA, or Excel's standard "" can't be used where there are missing values, as the entire column is then ignored.

But, I would like to provision for future data below the rows that currently exist.

Let's say I am trying to read data from Sheet1 of a workbook. The rows in Sheet1 contain formulas referencing other sheets (e.g. Sheet2!C1-Sheet2!C2). So, if Sheet2 doesn't have data in a certain row, Excel would show 0 in the formula on Sheet1. That would mess up my graph. If I use any other string or "" using a If statement for missing data, then the graphics program doesn't work.

Is there any way say, using dynamic ranges or similar, to populate blank cells in Sheet1 as data arrive in Sheet2, without a pre-existing formula being present in these Sheet1 cells? I can imagine that VBA macros will easily do this (e.g. the thread on Autofill below). But, is this possible without having to trigger a macro as and when additional data arrive?

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Return The Values And Add Missing Values As Zero?

Mar 12, 2014

I have some value sorted numerically (according to ID column) but there are some missing values. In a new column (Desired value column), I would like to return the values (according to ID column) and add missing values (according to Order column) as zero.

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Searching For Missing Values

Jul 18, 2014

I have a list of records that for which I cannot find values for. Essentially I have a dataset that I need to match to other information but for some records this 'other information' is missing.

1. I have a list of records with missing information
2. I have a folder with a large amount of sub-directories
3. I have many DBF files inside of these sub-directories with X columns and x rows
4. Somewhere within some row of some column is a value that links to my list of records
5. I need to search for my value in, say, A2 and return the file name and directory in which it lies
6. It can be text or number

is this clear?

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Convert Missing Values (#N/A) To Zero

Jan 31, 2008

I am conducting data analysis on a large data set. Missing values are coded as NA. Likewise, when I perform a calculation on a NA value, I receive the # DIV/0! error.
I want to know how I can automatically change NA to the integer 0 in a large data set so when I perform a calculation on the NA value, I will receive 0 instead of #DIV/0!.

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Lookup Formula - Missing Values

Aug 12, 2009

The formula works well 50% of the time, but randomly skips over some values. I have attached a sample of what I'm working on.

Extracting example.xlsx

There will be thousands of questions similar, but think there will be a limit of 4 numbers to be taken out.

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Compare Two Columns And Find Missing Values?

Jul 17, 2013

I have two list of names, mostly duplicates. List in column B has about 30 more names than the list in Column A and I need to identify which names are in column B that are not in column A. Names are in exact same format since they were pulled from the same data base.

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How To Generate Missing Values Between Two Different Number Ranges

Apr 26, 2012

Monthly I am sent a spreadsheet detailing cost centre approval ranges for our management team. Unfortunately, the data provided shows a low range and high range in two different columns. Is their a formula to automatically generate the values for the missing numbers

For example
columns A
columns B 1007

Can excel automatically generate the 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005 & 1006

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Show Missing Values From Ordered List

Dec 26, 2007

I have a list of 9 values ranging from 1 to 9 generated by formulas in column A. they can only be "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9" and can be repetitive. Is there a formula i can use (not macro please) that will show me what values are missing from the list?



*Note there are 9 values in column A in any order. In this scenario the answer i would like shown is "3,6,9".

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Remove Gaps For Missing Values In Column Chart?

May 21, 2014

remove gaps for missing values in my column chart. I have tried to adjust series overlap and gap width, but the missing values are still showing as gaps. I have attached the sheet

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Find All The Missing Values And Copying Them All Together Into Single Cell

Dec 13, 2013

I have a list of products and would like to find what are the missing products which aren't ordered yet from the customer.

As the example: let's assume numbers from 1 to 9.

And I have some numbers, like this: 2, 4, 6, 7. What is the formula which can copy automatically the missing one into one cell?

See the attachment : howtodothis.xls

I know, how to copy multiple cell into one cell (like A4&", "&", "A5 etc), but how to find the missing numbers?

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Comparing 2 Lists (names) And Finding Missing Values

Jan 23, 2014

I have a list of over 2000 names and need to establish which names from column A appear in Column B, as well as which do not appear in column B.

I attach an example : NameCheck.xlsx‎

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Messege To Notify Missing Values In Txtboxes And Combos

Dec 10, 2009

The code below returns sytax error. How do I fix that and how do I simplify and compress code? Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

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Excel 2012 :: Checking To See What Values Are Missing From One List

Jul 15, 2014

If seen a couple of examples but for whatever reason it doesn't work on my sheet. (Excel 2010 32 bit) I don't understand how to highlight the entire column to see this particular value is not in this list. I have two lists, I want to see what data am I missing In list 2 that I have in list one. Basically all I am trying to do is see what values are not in the second list but are in the first list so I can later add them to the second list. (Also the 2nd list is longer than the first if that makes a difference.)

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Compare Two Columns, If Missing Insert Missing Data

Jul 8, 2008

I have two columns which i want to compare, they contain text data such as A123.

what I'd like is if its in column A and not in Column B then add to bottom of column A.

Once its in column A i can do the vlookup's to draw the other data, costs etc, over but don't know how to identify, and add, the missing codes to the list.

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Obtain An Interpolate Value For Z, Given A Value For X And A Value For Y

Mar 29, 2009

I just have a quick question with regards to two-way interpolation of data.

I have a data table which has x-values, y-values and z-values.

I need to obtain an interpolate value for z, given a value for x and a value for y.

The x value specified is 1.569 and the y value specified is 1.66.

I know how to use the FORECAST formula for a simple x, y table, but I have no idea what to do here when I need to find a z value, given the x and y values.

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Index And Interpolate

Dec 7, 2009

I have data essentially comprising a set of points with x and y coordinates. Is there a way to index and interpolate between points?

I can use INDEX or LOOKUP to look up a y value fo a valid x value but don't know a way to interpolate if the value is between x values. Is this possible?

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How To Calculate Average Without Counting Missing Values In Pivot Table

Jan 23, 2014

I have a problem when Im trying to calculate averages in my pivot table. I dont know how to handle my missing values. If I leave them blank I cant get the average at all because the values end up under the dates instead of in a column next to the dates where I want them to be. If I write 0 it uses it as a value, eg 2+2+0 and i get 1,33 instead of 2. Also the zero could be a value for some of the parameters, so it's no good.

I am new to pivot tables.

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Formula To Lookup And Interpolate

Jun 8, 2007

I got a table of two columns (A1:B6). One column (A1:A6) got temperature values and the other column (B1:B6) got enthalpy values as a function of temperature values as shown in the attached file. All values in the table are empirical values and I am trying to use them to obtain the enthaly (B11:B21) for my own temperatures (A11:A21).

I can use VLookup formula to do so but it won't be accurate because the enthalpy values are very sensitive to temperature changes. I need to use table A1:B6 and interpolate for temperature values that are located in between the integer temperature valuse. e.g. if the temperature=1.5 (between 1 and 2 in the table), how can I obtain the enthalpy value=15 (between 10 and 20) using the table.

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Interpolate The Volume In Worksheet

Jan 23, 2009

a formula that would interpolate the volume in the below worksheet....

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Interpolate An Array Of Numbers

Aug 22, 2008

I have an array of data like below:


I need that array interpolated to say 20 data points but the first and 20th data point must be the actual first and last data point of the array (1 & 9 in the example). I have downloaded the xlfun software but the interpolat function only does 1 point at a time...than as you drag the function down it changes the initial array. Of course I realy have anywhere from 40-60 data points to be interpolated to 100.

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Interpolate Two-dimensional Array

Feb 14, 2007

With a known X and Y, trying to solve for Z from a table. ie: IF a variable X is defined across a row, another variable Y defined down a column, the data field Z fills in-between. What do I need to use to interpolate for both X and Y to solve for Z?

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Formula To Generate Unique List Of Missing Values By Comparing Two Lists?

Mar 28, 2014

Is it possible to have a formula that generate a Unique list (List 1 and List 2) of Missing values in List 2 by comparing two lists? Something like this

List 1 List 2 Missing in List 2
1 1 3
3 4 6
5 5
6 6

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Interpolate Along A Column, Where Cells Are Empty

May 11, 2009

I have pasted 5 fields with some random values that are in A1 to E1. E is the column I am trying to populate to fill in the missing data for C.

I have written a function that will interpolate between 2 deltas using the dates. Assuming that June 09 will always have a corresponding delta (e.g. here 33) how can i populate the INTERP column using my YINT function. I can do this manually 1 at a time, but the already-filled cells in the Delta column will not always be the same and manually would take ages....

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Custom Interpolate/Extrapolate Function

Aug 22, 2008

I was using the macro provided by shg in post#6 of this thread: Interpolate Two-dimensional Array? ...

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Custom Function To Interpolate Table

Oct 25, 2007

Actually, I've created the user defined function (UDF) to interpolate (both linear and bilinear). It's just, I keep getting this annoying error that says "A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type." But here's the kicker...I converted the UDF into a subroutine for trouble shooting, and I was able to step through the entire code and get the correct output.

Function itcinter(efpd As Single, pwr As Single) As Variant
Dim rnge, mtrnge As Range
Dim w, x, y, z, xx, yy, b As Single
Dim scenario, a As Integer
Dim J As Variant
scenario = Worksheets("Input").Range("B1").Value
pwr = pwr / 100#
If (scenario = 1) Then
'Make table into a range for VLookUp
Set rnge = Worksheets("ITC").Range("A3", [A3].End(xlDown).End(xlToRight))
Set mtrnge = Worksheets("ITC").Range("A3", [A3].End(xlDown))
'If the given value does not match a table value exactly
On Error Resume Next.......................

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