Inserting Weekly Information With A Userform

Oct 4, 2008

I'm working on a sreadsheet for inserting and collating information for a fleet of vehicles. I have userforms for inserting various pieces of information when the vehicle is new or leaving the fleet.

I would like to use a userform for inserting weekly information. I know how to insert the basic information in columns but I'm stumped for working in rows and with inserting information at different times.

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Formula For Inserting Weekly Dates?

Mar 7, 2014

I have a simple time sheet that I want to insert weekly dates by the date I have. I don't know the formula for that. I've attached the time sheet. TimeSheet2.xls

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Sum Weekly Range Based On Daily Information?

Feb 7, 2013

I have one workbook where someone enters information on a daily basis and id like to sum this in another workbook weekly.

The daily sheet "sheet1" has headings in row 1 starting B1 = 11/02/2012 this is then dragged along till the end of the year. In B2 the user will enter a number so B1 - 11/02/2012 and B2 - 5

On the next "sheet2" in cell B1 i have the date 17/02/2012 and in B2 id like to sum the total from "sheet1" B2 - H2 which is in effect the range 11/02/2012 - 17/02/2012 then id like to be able to drag this formula along so it automatically sums the weekly totals based on the first sheet

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Userform Data (allows Input Of Information And Then Deposits The Information On A Specific Sheet)

Feb 11, 2010

I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.

here is my current

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Inserting A Table Of Information Within A Cell

Sep 11, 2009

I need to have a cell (Total) but I need to be able to enter the information which all the subtotals are inputted into that area and will be the subtotals of the total. I have two areas that I will need to keep a running total of for each job #.
I'm not sure how to find out how to do this as I'm not that advanced with excel.

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Moving Information Within A Workbook And Inserting In Sheets

Oct 29, 2009

Can someone help me i have a few columns of information i need to move over to a another sheet, but the problem is the information i need to move is the end result of a formula and when i move it the answers are gone how do i fix this,,,,, and both sheets are on the same work book as well
is there a vlookup formula to use,,,im not experienced in Vlookup up formulas

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Weekly Stock Without Listing All Products Weekly

Jun 19, 2007

In the attached workbook, the CASTINGS worksheet has a SOH ( stock on hand) column.
It looks up the SOH from the SOH worksheet (column 3) for each product on order for that week.

But how do I make week 2 use the SOH figure minus the previous weeks order, IF there was an order?

And so on until week 52.

The problem I have found is what if that product wasnt ordered for the last 4 weeks? Maybe I need a temp worksheet with all the products listed for all the weeks and a running total of SOH weather it is ordered or not?

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Inserting Chart Into Userform

May 17, 2014

I'm trying to use the below code to insert a chart into a userfom, i'm using a tutorial that I've seen used on a few sites.

So far I found this code on the internet, the chart is the worksheet PMC

Set CurrentChart = Sheets("PMC").ChartObject("PMC").Chart
Fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & " emp.gif"
CurrentChart.Export Filename:=Fname, FilterName:="GIF"

Dashboard.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Fname)

Trying to load the chart into the image control image1 on the dashboard userform.

The debugger keeps hitting the chartobject section and grinding to a halt.

I have seen other ways of doign this but they require access to different libraries and work is restrictive with these things!

Also I have tried:

Set CurrentChart = Sheets("PMC").ChartObject(1).Chart
Fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & " emp.gif"
CurrentChart.Export Filename:=Fname, FilterName:="GIF"

Dashboard.Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Fname)

Also the error message i get is: Unable to get the chart objects property of the chart class

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Userform Inserting Values From Combobox

May 14, 2007

I'm running in to some problems on creating a Userform. I will try to explain it as best as possible. Right now I have a userform set up with 2 ComboBoxes. Here is my current code. It's not near complete.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set ufStart = Worksheets("Data"). Range("AP4")
Set valNames = Worksheets("MasterData").Range("AA6")
Set valMonths = Worksheets("MasterData").Range("H3")
Set SelMonth = ComboBox2.ListIndex
Set SelName = ComboBox1.ListIndex
If TextBox1.Value > 0 Then
ufStart.Offset(SelName, SelMonth).Value = TextBox1
Else: End If
End Sub

The way it's supposed to go, is if TextBox1.Value is greater then 0... then go to UfStart and Offset by Row, which is ComboBox1 Selection Index Value and by Column, which is ComboBox2 Selection Index Value. I can't get the sub to get past Set SelMonth = ComboBox2.ListIndex.

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Inserting Userform Data Into Worksheet

Nov 23, 2007

I m trying to sort this out myself before posting but its driving me crazy! I have the following userform :-

I would like all that data entered into a worksheet called "Purchase Record" into the following cells:-

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Inserting A Hard Return In A Textbox From A Userform

Aug 7, 2009

I have a userform that contains a textbox. How can I insert a "hard return" in the text portion to include a blank line between paragraphs?

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Inserting Data Into A Cell With A Userform In The Same Format

Dec 27, 2009

I have a userform with 4 text boxes. One of the boxes you have to enter in an amount. i.e. £25.52 This value gets put into cell E17 in my spreadsheet. When I click the button and it puts it in, it puts it in the cell as "£25.52" with left alignment and does not apply it as the accounting style, as set to that cell. The same happens if I just type "25.52" instead.

I also have a formula applied so that if E18 is "Yes", E19 will display "£0.00" otherwise, E19 should display the value of E17. And then column E has a total at the bottom of the values in Column E. Even when "£25.52" or "25.52" is entered in, it comes up in cell E19 as 25.52 (not with accounting style) but it doesn't add up in the sum at the bottom of the column.

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Excel 2007 :: Inserting Hyperlink From Userform

Dec 11, 2011

I am having difficulty writing code to insert a hyperlink from a command button on a userform.
I have set up a worksheet to be a data base for a lot of new files which are being created on a daily basis. The userform when activated asks the user to input certain information about the new file being stored in the data base (ie file name, date created, relevant project, description, who created it, etc). I have put a command button on the userform which I would like to activate the "Insert Hyperlink" menu so the user can then navigate to the location of the file being stored and have that hyperlink stored in a cell against the file when the "Submit" button is clicked on the userform.

I have read almost every thread on inserting hyperlinks with vba but none seem related to my needs. Using Windows 7 and Excel 2007

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Information Data In Userform

Apr 18, 2014

I am working on create a Employee Information Data in User Form, where all the information will be in different page and there will be a main page to toggle the heading between the page. Like all the Personal Information will be in the main page, Professional information in other, Aspiration in other etc.

Userform - view and and update data which will store in the same file.

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Populate Information Into A Userform

May 18, 2007

I am searching a database for a particular date and want the data corresponding to that date to be populated into a userform. So in short I want the data to be displayed in the userform. I am looking for ideas on how to do this efficiently. I currently do it with a list box, but it is only able to display one column of information. I hope this is clear.

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Userform Label To Display Information From Several Textboxes?

May 10, 2014

I would like to ask if there is a possible way for a Label to display information that are based on multiple textboxes? All the information are based on the textboxes and listboxes that are in the userform and will be displayed on the Label (label16)


**Cross reference link: [URL]

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Transfer The Information From The Userform To Specific Cell

Sep 5, 2008

I need to create a simple code that will allow me to fill out the userform and then use a cmdbtn within the userform to transfer the information from the userform to specific cell in my excel spreadsheet.

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VBA / Userform Information To Excel Spreadsheet In Different Location

Nov 21, 2012

I have a text box in a user form that when the information is added and the command button is clicked I would like that information to go to this workbook, which is in a different location.

H:Burney TableMaterial That Needs AddedMaterial to be added.xls

I need the in formation to stay in Column A starting in Row 2.

The next time info is entered into the text box and the command button is clicked i need the information to go to the next empty row in the workbook

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Get Information To Copy From One Userform Combobox Into Text Box

Jan 22, 2013

I am trying to get information to copy from one userform combobox into a text box on another userform when pressing the command button,

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Userform - Importing Information From Spreadsheet Into Form

Sep 20, 2013

I have a userform that will be a 'work order' for repairs. The ladies in the office can fill out all the blanks that will be entered into the spreadsheet. Each time someone is done, it will plug the information on the next available row on the spreadsheet. Easy enough.

What I need is putting a 'work order number' on the form. I have put numbers (101, 102, 103...) in Column A on the spreadsheet. I would like the form to pull the next available number and put it at the top of the Userform. I want this number to be 'locked' in so the ladies can't change it.

My goal - when the ladies are filling out the form, they can see what 'work order number' has been assigned and can give this number to the maintenance.

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Click On Cell To Bring Up That Row Information In Userform And Populate It

Oct 17, 2013

I have a spread sheet that has rows of information and once you click on the tally form button (top Left) you can search on the info and it will display in the list box once you click on a result. I have attached the spread sheet, with only 1 row as obviously I dont want to share work data on here.

My question is that, if I want to display a row in the form, I would like to be able to click on a certain cell (Incident # column), it would then recognise the row and display that row in the form.

At the moment I have a EVENT that will highlight a row if a cell is selected. Just thought I'd mention that in case it would interfere.

Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
' If more than 1 cell is selected, then don't run the rest of the code
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] ......


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SQL Statement To Pull Information Based On Textbox From Userform

Jul 30, 2014

OK,I have a spreadsheet that prints receiving labels based on received purchase orders that pulls information from an SQL server. The problem is that it is pulling almost 40,000 lines of data to sort and pull at most 30 lines. One of steps is that the purchase order receipt register has a barcode that is scanned into a text box on a userform. Can I use this information to filter the SQL data pull to only grab that PO number? I'm at a loss on where to begin with this. Below is my SQL statement from the Query builder with an example of a PO number input(PO-rma100613).

[Code] ....

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User Inputs Information Into Userform When Click Enter?

Mar 21, 2012

Say a user inputs information into the user form, when they click enter, it enters all the data on the next available line in a workbook.

Is is possible for the user to click a cell on a previously entered row, and have the userform populate with the existing information?

say the user has to fill out 3 separate areas. 1, 2, 3. However the user only has data for 1 and 2. They go ahead and enter the infromation for 1 and 2 and click submit to transfer to sheet. Now later he gets information for area 3, can the row the information that he previously entered, lets say column 1, row 1, and it reopens the userform with the information for 1 and 2 prefilled from what he entered previously?

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Write Information Into New Row In Different Sheet But Keeps Overwriting Old Information

Apr 6, 2013

Basically I am trying to create a worksheet in which everytime I input information into Sheet 1, it is copied into Sheet 2. I want to have each entry in succession on Sheet 2 such that my first entry would be on Row 2, second on Row 3, third on Row 4, etc. However, everytime I put something new in Sheet 1, it just overrides the information in Sheet 2.

Basically I type in ticket sales in sheet 1, it calculates the prices and keeps a transaction log in sheet 2. But everytime I do a new ticket sale, it just overwrites the previous transaction witht he new transaction information. I've pasted my VBA below:

Sheet 1 VBA:

Option Explicit

'Form level variables - used in more than one event
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer
Dim intBalcony As Integer
Dim intChild As Integer
Dim sngAmountDue As Single

[Code] .......

Sheet 2 code:

Private Sub cmdSummary_Click()

'Declare Variables
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer

[Code] ......

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Weekly Schedule

Feb 24, 2009

Have a basic weekly schedule for 300 employees. Need to be able to identify the last day off in previous week so the following week isn't scheduled to work on the 6th or 7th day without a day off. For example, if schedule is Mon - Sun and employee #1 has Mon & Tues off this week, next week Mon would be the 6th day so I wouldn't schedule that person on Monday the following week. Calculate last column "Next Wk Mon" instead of manually figuring it out... Need to be able to identify last day off, count the days from that point to the next monday. It becomes difficult when days off are split...

MonTueWedThuFriSatSunNext Wk
Emp 1OffOff6
Emp 2OffOff5
Emp 3OffOff4
Emp 4OffOff3
Emp 5OffOff2
Emp 6OffOff1
Emp 7OffOff1
Emp 8OffOff4
Emp 9OffOff2

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Total Weekly Prices

Sep 13, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with rows of entries that are listed by date. I would like to create anther worksheet where i can refer back to the other sheet and calculate the total prices per work week. Is there a way to do this using a function(s)?

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Summarize Weekly Inventory

Feb 7, 2010

I having trouble to sort out and summarize inventroy products for each week. I want to sumarize all weekly inventory in summarize table. Please see attached file. Pls keep the formate as i shown in attached spreasheet.

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Automating Weekly Formula Changes

Dec 11, 2009

The attached workbook is a follow up report that gets run every Friday. There are 1092 cells that contain formulas that reference a file that was created on Wednesday of the same week. eg.

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Weekly Employee Schedule

Sep 16, 2008

I'm trying to create a weekly employee schedule using Excel 2007 and have several issues but will start with one at a time till we get them all resolved.

I put in my start hour '6' in cell 'B7' and get this: 1/5/1900 12:00:00 AM.

I would like for to display 6AM.

I figure if I get his cell fomatted that I can get the other times correct then go on to the next issue.

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Encounter Weekly Spreadsheets

Mar 25, 2007

I encounter weekly spreadsheets with basically these three columns:

Column A is a person's name who has an account with us
Column B is any purchases they've made from us on their account (a DEBIT to their account)
Column C is any payments they've made (a CREDIT to their account)

What I want to do is quickly "clear" the debits and credits that equal within each account by placing an "x" in column D next to each debit or credit that match each other. But there are two important things that I can't figure out how to get around.

1) Only debits and credits within the SAME ACCOUNT can be cleared.

2) There may be 1, 2 or 3 debits that match 1 credit or vice versa. (for example $20 + $10 +15 = $45)

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