Inserting A Table Of Information Within A Cell

Sep 11, 2009

I need to have a cell (Total) but I need to be able to enter the information which all the subtotals are inputted into that area and will be the subtotals of the total. I have two areas that I will need to keep a running total of for each job #.
I'm not sure how to find out how to do this as I'm not that advanced with excel.

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Inserting Weekly Information With A Userform

Oct 4, 2008

I'm working on a sreadsheet for inserting and collating information for a fleet of vehicles. I have userforms for inserting various pieces of information when the vehicle is new or leaving the fleet.

I would like to use a userform for inserting weekly information. I know how to insert the basic information in columns but I'm stumped for working in rows and with inserting information at different times.

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Moving Information Within A Workbook And Inserting In Sheets

Oct 29, 2009

Can someone help me i have a few columns of information i need to move over to a another sheet, but the problem is the information i need to move is the end result of a formula and when i move it the answers are gone how do i fix this,,,,, and both sheets are on the same work book as well
is there a vlookup formula to use,,,im not experienced in Vlookup up formulas

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Macro To Look Up Cell In Table And Paste Relevant Information

May 19, 2014

What I have is a list of selected employees, with the site they work at next to them.

What I need is a macro which looks at the site they work at, references it with an address table in a separate worksheet and then pastes the site address along with the employee's name onto a thrid worksheet which will be used to print post labels.

>Look at which site the employee works at (Sheet 1, D:D)
>Find the address of said site (Sheet 3)
>Paste the relevant address along with the employees name (Sheet 1, B:B) into a separate worksheet.

This will be done weekly, and I need the macro to either only work on the latest's weeks table, or to just work with the current active selection. Any better way to layout my table.

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Index/Match: Populate Cell With The Information The Corresponding Letter Contained In The Table To The Far Left

Jan 7, 2010

I'm having a bit of a block with an index/match formula that I am trying to create for the attached spreadsheet. i.e. I need to populate cell J3 with the info the corresponding letter contained in the table to the far left. The numbers of reference to match are the 'zones' in H3 and J2.

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Automatically Inserting New Table Row?

May 7, 2013

I want to set up a table that automatically adds rows, ideally to the top... The way I was guessing to do it would be to alter rows in the table to have a variable... My variable is 'acctstotal' anyway I figured there would be a way to edit the rows to acctstotal+ 1 or somthing along those lines but I havent been able to figure it out

btw acctstotal is a variable that simply counts the number of nonblank lines that are in the first column of the table which tells me the total number of accounts

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Inserting Pivot Table Into New Workbook?

Jun 29, 2012

How can I insert a pivot table in excel 2007 into a new workbook so that it always references the original data file?

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Inserting Multiple Table Rows At Once With VBA?

Apr 4, 2014

way to insert multiple table rows (not entire rows) at once without having to make a loop? Let's say I want to insert 3 blank rows into my table at row 5. The way to accomplish this with a loop would be:

For x = 1 To 3
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").ListRows.Add (5)
Next x

Was wondering if there is a more simple way to do this (maybe even a one liner?)

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Inserting Field In Pivot Table

Jul 26, 2006

I have a pivot table that picks up the month an invoice was generated. Since I have several invoices for a few months in 2005, I would like to sum all the 2005 invoices into one column. I have the impression that I can insert a field within a Pivot table to sum all the amounts related to 2005.

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Excel 2013 :: Inserting Table In Form

Feb 7, 2014

I just discovered forms in excel and loving what custom functionality you can create with it; however, I need to include a table into the form but I've come to a road block. I don't see a way possible to render data from a query into a table inside of a form.

PS - I'm using Excel 2013

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Inserting A Formula In PIVOT Table Field.

Aug 27, 2008

inserting a formula in PIVOT table field....

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Macro For Inserting/overwriting Values From One Table To Another

Mar 30, 2007

I have a problem with a certain tool that i've been trying to develop.

I have two sheets in my workbook. In the first one i choose a value from a list (in cell A2). After the value in the list is chosen, certain integers for that value appear in the right columns. (with blanks between them)

Next, I will press a button called "calculate" which works like this: If A2 can be found in Sheet 2 Column "Value" then the macro overwrites the integers found at the right of the A2 from those found in Sheet1.

If Sheet1(A2) is not found in the Column "value" then a new line is inserted at the end of the table like this.

A 1 3 6

Pls help me with this, I have a very close deadline and I don't think I can pull this off by myself in such little time.

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Table Displaying Less Information?

May 26, 2014

check the table in the attachment.

I only want the top row / filters (A1 - H1) to be displayed on Table 1 but keep the functionality of it.
Is it somehow possible to hide all the information below A1-H1 or put it on another table and let Table 1 refer to it?

The table is mostly in German but it shouldn't matter.

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Find Information Outside Of Table?

Apr 23, 2014

Look at the Picture Below I Want that the Cell that marked with Red Arrow Returns a "Rank" Value in the Table, Which is a "Blaster" Rank. And I want That Cell Also Automatically Changed When "Blaster" is Changed to "A.A.Z Gonz" or etc. What Functions that i have to choose, INDEX? XL.jpg

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Extract Information From Table

Apr 1, 2009

I am not sure how would I go about finding the last data entry in a table and using formula to extract information. Attached excel 2007 file to better understand. Need formulas for cell B20 and E20. You can use column A as a reference if it is easier as this column is counting the number of entries and the next value will simply be a +1 to the last value entered in column A(or 75 in our case).

For Cell B20: Need to calculate the days difference between todays date (Cell A20) and the last entry date(in this case B5, this will change as new data will be entered). A subtraction of two dates would suffice - my problem is that I do not know how to find the last entry on the table and use it. You have to remember that table gets updated and new entry will be added so then cell B20 should give the difference between A20 and the last date entered.

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Editing Information In A Table

Nov 28, 2009

I have a table on sheet 2 consisting of 120 rows and 8 columns, on sheet 1 I have a combo box and have used INDEX to display the values for each row that I select. what I want to be able to do is edit the INDEX data on sheet 1 and then have a button that will replace the old value in the table on sheet 2 with the new value.

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How To Get Information In Pivot Table

Dec 20, 2011

1. Below I have a sheet stock, which show the maximum qty stock should be by code and size

Sheet Stock:

*ABC1CodeSizeQty Max Should Be

2. Here is a Sheet sold Article

Sheet Sold Article:
*ABC1CodeSizeQty Sold2125001123125003841250062257560436756092378260278826011999780261610978028271197803013129780312913756014

3. Here is pivot table from sheet sold article, which show the qty sold by code and size

PT-Qty Sold: 1
3Sum Of Qty


4. But I want to get additional information in column F form sheet stock that we always keep max stock of each sold article as shown below.

PT-Qty Sold: 2
Qty Max Should Be2
3Sum Of Qty


Is it possible to get information above in column F by using Formula VLOOKUP in column F or any other formula, without modifying any data layout?

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Table Information Into Text?

Nov 20, 2013







So this what I want the Macro to do, example the above table shows peoples name and the type of music they like.

So I want the Macro to extract the information into "sheet 2" of the excel as follows.

This is how sheet 2 would look like.

1 Rock



Note how for Jimmy who had 1 for pop and 1 for hip pop, is in the same cell.

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Excel 2010 :: Inserting Blank Row In Table Without Copying Formula

Mar 15, 2013

I am trying to insert a blank row into a table (created using the table function in Excel 2010) without the copying the formulas. Every time I insert a row the the formula is copied.

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Formula To Lift Information From Table

Mar 30, 2008

I need to find a forumula that will enable me to transfer values from a table within the worksheet. Something along the lines of if I13 = A16 then need to enter the number that appears in A17 into cell 019, if I13=B16 enter number in B17 into 019. I also need the forumula to include if the figure in 113 is less than 3 then need to enter 0 into 019.

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Seaching For Information Between Dates In A Table

Aug 21, 2009

Basically I have two groups of data

Group 1 is machine info and has

Serial Number Build Month Commission Month

Group 2 is warranty info and has

Serial Number Service Claim Value of Service Claim

What I need to do is for all machines built in a given month count the number of claims within a given number of months after commissioning and the total value of the claims.


If I have a machine serial number abc123 built in jan 07 and commissioned mar 07 I need to search the table of data in group 2 for the number of claims between mar 07 and may 07 and also the total value of those claims

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Extracting And Comparing Information From Pivot Table?

Jan 14, 2014

I have some data that I have created a report from. However it doesn't show a "true" picture for the stat we want. I have a pivot table set up with data showing the hours worked for an individual. What I am wanting to do would be to cross reference the data but not sure how to compare data. I have provided some make shift data to see if it is even feasible. The end goal is to get a true picture of P.P.H The data we are able to get is in a horrible format. I would eventually like to automate this in VBA but will work on the later. I thought about doing a vlookup but the is no real matching data for all employees. Some of the names are wrong in one system and there is no matching emp ID.

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Macro To Copy / Paste Information To A Table?

Aug 13, 2014

What I would like a macro to do is take information from cells A1 to P1 on sheet1 and add them to the table in sheet2 and then I can save the workbook. The information in A1 to P1 is taken from other cells around the workbook. Once the information is in sheet 2 I can delete or change the informtion in sheet 1 without it affecting the copied information in sheet 2.

The next time I open the workbook I can enter the information in cells A1 to P1 on sheet1 then run the macro again and will then take the information and add it to the bottom of the table in sheet2 underneath the previous information that had been added - obviously the source of this information will now be deleted.

I will need to do this again and again building up the table in sheet2. The table will also use columns A to P like in sheet1.

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Apostrophe: Fill Out A Table With Some Detail Information

May 25, 2007

I use the GetObjects function to gain access to the properties of a mailbox and want to fill out a table with some detail information. The code works fine until I have a mailbox which name has an apostrophe included.

Set o = getobjects("winMgmts:!\VS1

I highlighted the section that causes the problem. The string within the string is encapsulated in apostrophes, hence the apostrophe in the mailbox name co'brien confuses the code and raises an error. Microsoft provides a solution by using escape characters, but that seems to work only in vbscript, not in vba. Here is a link to Microsoft's solution:

I tried some workarounds that are being used for a similiar problem with SQL statements as well, but again without success - these are the versions I tried:


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Edit Table Information After Using Advanced Filter To Another Sheet?

Nov 19, 2013

Is there a way to edit my database located on sheet 1 using the advanced filter (output) on sheet 2?

I have a gigantic database and I want to filter it down to the rows I need to edit.. so I used advanced filter to extract the rows I need on to another sheet. But if I edit the rows on sheet 2 how do I makes those changes reflect on sheet 1 (the full database)

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Create A New Table That Displays The Information By Location Instead Of Code

Sep 7, 2007

I have a table of information with location codes as the column headers. Each location has from 1 to 6 codes associated with it.

I want to create a new table that displays the information by location instead of code, i.e. adding all of the codes for a location into one column for that location.

I'm hoping the example will make this clearer.

On the main page, I am trying to add in the wa column all of the columns in the raw page that have a code associated with wa as the header.

To make this more complex, I can't use vba on this one.

the only thing I've got so far is a very long, very complex formula that adds together numbers generated from index/matching each entry in the second table.

something like this.

(edit changing 1:1 to $1:$1)


It works, but its horribly ugly, and if the number of locations goes higher (we could be looking at going to ten location codes for one of our locations) then I'll actually exeed the 1000 characters per formula limit!

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Search Information On Pivot Table And Copy Value In Cells With Offset

Dec 5, 2011

I'm using a code to search some information in a pivot table and copy the value in the cells with offset(0,1) and is very very slow, I tryed another method with the using of Find but isn't working: error message: missing object in the with cycle.

Here is the working code:

Dim DataFine, DataInizio, UltimaRiga, Gg As Date
Dim NomeMacchina, Plant As String
Dim Cl As Object
Dim Pr As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

[Code] .......

Here is the code who doesn't work

For i = 6 To 500
Giorno = Sheets("OEE03").Cells(i, 2)
With Sheets("01")
Pr = Range("A5:A500").Find(Giorno).Offset(0, 1).Value
Sheets("OEE03").Cells(i, 9).Value = Pr
End With

if I use this code on a normal sheet it works but when I try to use it on a Pivot table fields give me always the error message.

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Copying Information From Table But Only Number Shows Up Not Actual Formula?

Aug 13, 2013

I am trying to track inventory over 160 days in a spreadsheet. Every week I update a table that shows the number of skus and dollar amount that are over 160 days in a table. I have a ton of formulas that will automatically populate once I put in the new weekly data on a different spreadsheet. I want to track the weekly data so what I would really like to be able to do is paste the actual numbers and not the formulas into another excel spreadsheet so I can track the progress over time. Is there a way to just paste the actual numerical number instead of the formula itself?

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Excel 2010 :: Inserting Image To Cell / Merged Cells As Background Fixed To Cell Size?

Jan 18, 2014

Excel 2010. I need to place picture into one cell or one big merged cell, as a background fill. picture must resize to size of cell. must be fixed in, not in front. i still need write into that cell, so it needs to be really background.

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Inserting Values In Cell Depending On Content In Adjacent Cell

Mar 20, 2014

I have the names of companies in one column, and the amount they owe in cells in the column beside them. I then have a second list of companies that is a subset of the first. Is there a formula that would place the amount they owe in teh corresponding cell adjacent to the compny in the second list? I've attached a sample workbook, Full Company List in column A, amount owing in B, trimmed down list in D and ideally I'd like the corresponding values in E.

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