Hide Zeros In Cells

Nov 28, 2007

I am basically making a sheet that counts attendance, everytime an X is placed in a particular cell another cell counts that x. So if there are 25 x’s in one row, another cell will automatically add those x’s to show 25. That isn’t my problem. My Problem is the cell that contains the countif formula that adds the x’s are all 0 if there is no data for it to add. I want to make it blank because right now I have a whole bunch of 0’s going down one column and can’t figure how to get rid of it.
Right now I am using: =COUNTIF(C20:X20,"x"). I normally would take the time to research and look through your forums however I do not have the time at the moment and was hoping for a fast answer.

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Hide Zeros In A Graph

Sep 5, 2013

I have a graph showing budgets for each month of the year, I am trying to hide all of the zeros that are showing over the past month. how it do it.

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Using Shapes To Hide Zeros

Oct 17, 2007

I want to write a macro that uses shapes to hide zeros; I have seen this done before but don't really understand how to set it up for myself.

On my sheet, there is a list of funds (Cells A4 to A79), a mixture of which will make up any given portfolio. Cell A1 houses a drop down list of portfolios. When I change cell A1, the numbers are automatically updated, as they are pulled from other worksheets in the spreadsheet. I want to be able to have the funds with zeroes next to them be automatically hidden. I believe there is a way to do this using shapes.

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If Then Formula To Hide Zeros

Sep 21, 2009

I have a sheet with many different cells containing formulas. When the sheet has no data entered yet, every cell needs to be blank, including cells that have formulas for data.

I've realized that I can't use the "Show a zero in cells that have zero value" option because if a cell has data entered in it and the result is 0, I sometimes need to see that 0 in the cell. Some cells I need to see the 0 result and some cells I need to see a blank cell if the result is 0.

I just can't figure out how to edit the formulas so they do what I need.

cell P11:

If no data is entered in cell J11, then cell P11 should be blank. But if data is entered in cell J11 and the result in cell P11 is 0, then cell P11 should be blank.

cell BS27...........................

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Hide Or Show Zeros

Jul 24, 2007

Is there a method of formatting specific cells to show zeros? Or indeed I could turn on show zeros in options and then hide the ones I don't want. Any tips / advice on how to selectively display (or hide) zeros appreciated.

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How To Hide Zeros In A Formulated Cell

Feb 9, 2010

I am running a formula in Cells B34 and C34, but when I have no values in these cells, I get a "0" in my total cell E34. Is there a way to make the cell E34 show nothing at all when there is nothing in both cell B34 and C34? Like an "and" statement? If there is nothing in cell B34 "AND" C34 make cell E34 empty?

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Hide Zeros In Pivot Table

Jul 13, 2007

I have a pivot table with many columns... I'm trying to see if there is way for a pivot table not to show any fields with a value of "0"...

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Hide Zeros On Pivot Chart

Mar 21, 2008

I have a PivotTable linked to a Bar Chart. (see attached JPG for example)
I do not want the 0% values to show in the chart at all but I do want to see all of the other percentages. I have been able to hide these values in the PivotTable itself by Conditional Formatting or custom number formats but they still show up in the chart!? how I can get the 0% values to be hidden or not show on the charts at all? I don't want to have to do this manually for every 0% that shows because the data changes daily dynamically. A VBA or Macro solution would be preferred.

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Auto-Copy New Data To Others Sheets & Hide Zeros

Aug 23, 2008

I'm currently using a Excel 2007 btw... I'm a newbie when it comes to VBA programming... I have attached a sample file for reference. I need to automatically copy the contents of Sheet1 to Sheet2 and Sheet3 (meaning everything you edited on Sheet1 should be automatically edited on the 2 other sheets.) Here are the conditions:

- the items with zero (0) quantity from Sheet 1 should be hidden on to the 2 other sheets. but when you replaced an item with 0 qty to other values (any value greater than 0), it should appear on Sheets2 and Sheet3. (Not affecting the format of the table)

- items without price should be highlighted.

- items that have values that are linked to other items should be highlighted. (ex. if the value for item1 for qty is linked to the number of qty to item 5)

- for Sheet3, Column D to Column G should be hidden

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Hide Zeros: Data Inside The Source Workbook Result In A "0"

Dec 1, 2006

I am linking multiple workbooks together - the problem I am facing is that the cells that do not have any data inside the source workbook result in a "0" on the destination workbook. Currently I am using the paste link option. Here is the purpose of my workbooks. the "core" document will have multiple worksheets each pulling its data from single worksheet workbooks. These workbooks will contain current project status and will fluxuate in length.

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Ignore Blank Cells Zeros And Error Cells From MIN Function?

Oct 24, 2013

I have a spreadsheet for which I have to set up a formula to get the minimum value from a range of cells, but that range can include blank cells, errors (#DIV/0) and zeros, all of which I want to be ignored. I can work out how to ignore EITHER the zeros


or the error cells


How to exclude both. If I try to combine both of these exclusion criteria it doesn't work and I end up with the answer #DIV/0, which is one of the values I want it to ignore.

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Suppress Zeros In A Pivot Table (search Out Any Zeros And Replace With A Blank Cell)

Oct 12, 2009

with the data in the attached sheet, I create several different pivot tables that need show the count of the information in the columns M:DU. My issue is that the data is sent to me from a third party and the columns contain zeros that cause the counts to inflate.

What I would like to be able to do is run a macro that will search out any zeros in M:DU and replace them with a blank cell.

Unfortunately the number of rows increases with every monthly reporting cycle so the macro would need to be able to accommodate for that.

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Imaginary Zeros In Formulas Vs. Real Zeros

Nov 7, 2009

I’ve created a formula for this statistic and I’m happy with the results. Because I’m working with formulas, my only problem is the unwanted zeros. How do I hide zeros that show up automatically (i.e. #3 [blank] and Nov 09-June 10)? I can hide the numbers, but if I enter a zero to one of my future statistics it will not appear and I don’t want that to happen. Is there a way to hide those automatic zeros without affecting my real zeros?

Vendor’s Name

Jul 09

Aug 09

Sep 09

Oct 09

Nov 09

Dec 09

Jan 10

Feb 10

Mar 10

Apr 10

May 10

June 10











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Average Of Cells With Zeros

Aug 8, 2007

I want to take an average of only non-zero numbers in a range of cells containing a few zeros. I know there is a function to do this, but I haven't been able to find it. With the normal average() function, the denominator is too large as cells with 0 are included.

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Calculating Ratios With Zeros In Some Cells?

Jun 30, 2014

I am calculating ratios to show as 1:0 or 3:2 etc using this formula: =IFERROR(CONCATENATE((K2/GCD(K2,N2)),":",((N2/GCD(K2,N2)))),"Nil")... I have a lot of columns that have zeros in them and the formula i am using doesn't seem to work for those...


3 6 should equal: 1:2 works OK
2 0 should equal: 2:0 my current result: 1:0
3 0 should equal: 3:0 my current result: 1:0
0 1 should equal: 0:1 works OK
0 0 should equal: Nil works OK
4 1 should equal: 4:1 works OK

Anything with a zero in the first column comes up as 1:0

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Leave Cells Blank Without Zeros

Sep 19, 2009

i have a mock up football issue here i want to enter scores in sheet 1 and they automatically fill sheet 2 etc i know i can just =and copy sheet 1 A5 and so so but that leaves zeros which will start allmy formulas with 1 point i need a formula that will leave sheet 2 3 etc blank untill any score is entered

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Blanks Cells Treated As Zeros

Oct 21, 2009

i am creating a football prediction sheet, and have a problem where blank cells are treated as zeros.

The enclosed spreadsheet shows the formulas in green working fine, but the blanks are treated as zeros in cells j6, I7 & J7.

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Retain Leading Zeros In Calculated Cells

Sep 15, 2014

I had been trying to calculate cells that contain numbers with leading zeros.

I can't convert the cells to TEXT because Formulas don't work in TEXT Cells.

I cant use Custom Formatting because the rows may contain different number of leading zeros.

Also Is there a way that I can trim the numbers from Col A and put them in C?

Currently I don't like having to change the RIGHT(G2, 3) to RIGHT(G2, 4)

if the number is smaller than the number of char. option.

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Keeping Lead Zeros In Excel Cells?

Jul 15, 2014

excel formula to keep leading 0's in a cell. ex: "0069" to 0069, "000123" to 000123 and so on.. Attached file for the same.

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Average Skipping Cells AND Not Counting Zeros?

Oct 31, 2012

Here are my cells and values

B38 C38 D38 E38 F38 G38 H38 i38 J38 k38 L38 M38 N38 O38

What I would like to do is average only every other cell AND also not count zeros. So =average(B38,D38,F38,J38,L38) generally the idea not averaging H38 & N38 since they are both zeros.

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Concatenate But Check That Cells Dont Have Zeros

Dec 16, 2008

i need to connect some cells, but have to check to make sure cells dont have zeros in them first

example m13 m14 m15 m16

in cell q18 i want it to show this 5/10/15, dropping the zero cell

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Average Non-contiguous Cells & Exclude Zeros

Oct 10, 2007

I would like to average a non-continuous range of cells while also excluding all zeros.

I am averaging hours worked and the hours are found in cells:

B2, D2, F2, H2, J2, L2, N2

Some of these cells contain zeros at this time and I do not what to include the zeros in the average.

I have found formulas that would work but they are all with continuous cell ranges.

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Chart Omitting Blank Cells & Zeros

Feb 21, 2008

Here is a question about the chart in excel. I have a sort of data where only part of the data is in numbers, and when drawing the chart, the whole range of data were selected. Then on the chart, there is a line drop to the x- array, anyone knows how to get rid of it? It is a line chart. Here's an example if i did not clearly describe the problem

Here's data

and between 7 and 8 on x, the line will drop from 343.82 to 0, and i don't want this part, i want the chart to show to 7 and leave the 8 to 12 blank..

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Showing Minimum Value Of Two Isolated Cells Excluding Zeros

Jun 29, 2012

I have the following formula which works perfectly unless one of the cells has a value of zero;


When AD13 = £60.00 and AK13 = £94.00 (or vice versa) the formula returns £60.00, which is correct. BUT when AK13 = £0.00 obviously the formula returns £0.00, but I would like the formula to still return £60.00.

How this can be done?

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Combine/Join Cells & Preserve Leading Zeros

Sep 6, 2006

I have 2 columns which contain numbers that have laeding zeros. example:

Column H has 002345 and Column I has 0678. I have tried H1&I1 but the leading zeros are stripped off. Is there a way to combine 2 cells AND preserve the leading zeros in both cells ?

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How To Retain Leading Zeros In A Cell When Combine The Values Of Two Cells?

Oct 25, 2012

I have managed to retain leading zeros in a cell by formatting the cell and selecting Number and Custom and adding the maximum number of zeros I want to have in front of the number in the cell i.e. 000002.

I want to have another cell in the spread sheet which contains the value 35394000002 using the formula =A24&B24.

When I use this formula I get 353942. How can I retain these zeros?

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Copying Decimal Values To Different Cells With Leading / Trailing Zeros?

Jan 28, 2013

I have 4 columns (and a couple of other text columns) that are formatted as decimal with 6 dicimal points.

I need to create a text file with lines that are 80 bytes each from the spreadsheet - no spaces inbetween each of the characters.

The issue I am having is trying to format the 4 decimal point columns to be fixed numbers and retain the leading or trailing zeros to do a concatenation with the other columns.

Just an example of some what some of the values look like on my spreadsheet:

.123456 | .123450 | .012345 | .012340

Essentially when I'm all said and done, I would like the row to look like "text123456123450012345012340text"

I tried to format 4 new columns as general and use a "=right(cell,6)" and that worked pretty well for the cells that have leading zeros, but for the cells that have trailing zeros, it doesn't seem to pick up the zero. I tried to use a "=mid(cell,2,6)" but that didn't work either.

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Keeping Ending Zeros In Cells Formatted For Text Or General?

Nov 14, 2012

Is it possible to keep ending zeros in cells that are formatted for Text or General?

I have a column with numbers like the following: 264400

I need to format this number for three decimals so it will look like the following: 264.400

I need the column to be formatted for either Text or General. Currency breaks a system.

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Excel 2003 :: Average Only If All Cells Contain Number Higher Than Zeros

May 29, 2013

I am trying to do the following.


Thursday=0 (I have got a value return of 7.5)
Saturday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)
Sunday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)

I need to work out averages for cells higher than zeros, in other words, I need to ignore those.

Also say I have got an average of 5 by Tuesday and no number yet for the rest of the week, I still get an average of 5 for all days left which I do not want.

I am using excel 2003 and formula =SUM(RANGE)/COUNTIF(RANGE,">=0").

I would also like to hide the annoying #DIV/0! error.

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Referenced Cells Returning Zeros: Can These Be Made Blank Or String Data?

Aug 30, 2007

I have a summary worksheet consisting of columns that are referenced to other sheets within the same workbook.

If the cell in the 'referring' (original) sheet is blank then the forumula returns a zero instead of a blank in my summary worksheet, which is messing up some other calculations.

Is there a way to make these cells truly blank, or possibly into string variables instead, so that they do not interfere with my calculations?

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