Large Datasets - Search And Extract

Feb 28, 2014

My problem is that whilst dealing with large datasets, i'd like to be able to create a macro which will give me a pop up box to input different types of keys words to search within a dataset. Once these keys words have been found, i would like excel to highlight the entire line so it can be extracted into a new worksheet.

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Extract Data From Large Spreadsheet?

May 29, 2014

I have a very large spreadsheet that was exported from an ecommerce site with close to 1000 products. I have one column that I need to extract some text from. This column holds all of the html from the product description and is huge. I only need to extract the actual description of the product, but am having a very hard time figuring out how to do it. I've tried using the mid, left, and right function; but not all of the html is the same so it's not really working the way I need it to.

I have multiple tags throughout the html that I can use with the mid function, but there is more than one occurrence of them. So, how can I tell it to start at the 4th occurrence? I've spent countless hours searching, but I'm a complete novice when it comes to excel and I don't even know what to search for. I end up looking through sites that explain how to pull the Y out of XYZ, which is what I need, just on a much larger (and more complicated) scale.

It was suggested that I set up a macro that will find the 4th occurrence of the word, and then uses the mid function to pull the data out, but when I try to find the word, it says it doesn't exist even though I can see it right in front of me.

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Extract Information From A Large Dynamic Excel Sheet?

Jul 29, 2013

i usually work with 3d and i export all my working in excel to summarise in a table.Now i came across an issue whereby i have a whole exported list for the whole project and i want to extract some of the info to make a new table.My master list is a dynamic one it keeps on updating from the project.

I have attached the sheet, there is one master sheet and 2 other sheets, PID10 & PID2...those sheets are break down table form the master sheet.

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Search In Large Array For Value

Jun 20, 2007

Hi again, I am trying to find the easiest way to repeatedly search a large matrix (300,400) for a particular value. I have used two for loops in the past but its starting to get complicated now. Is there a workaround using application.worksheets.something that I could get a true of false reply? Someone may suggest that I create a function that replys back. I am new to VB and I am not sure how to send a matrix of integers to a function (syntax).

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Perform Large Multi Search In Excel?

Mar 20, 2014

I have some product SKU's in Exel all in the same column and all unique. The problem is I have been building a product database for my website and only just noticed that the CSV file my distribution company supplied me with didn't include the product description. Since then the distribution company has added a description field to the feed, however the company has added products within this time so it's not as if I can copy and paste the description field into my product database as the wrong descriptions will match with the wrong products. Is there any way I can highlight all of my sku's and the rows they are in? This would work a treat as I could just select all of my SKU's in my product database and then find those products only in the CSV file the company has supplied me with.

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Large Set Of Process Data - Automatic Search And Copy

Nov 28, 2012

From a large set of process data, I would like to copy those instances where there is indeed a measurement available to a different sheet automatically.

The original data looks like this:

Time Temperature
02-Jan-2010 11:41:50 156.1
02-Jan-2010 11:42:50
02-Jan-2010 11:43:50
02-Jan-2010 11:44:50 157.3
02-Jan-2010 11:45:50
02-Jan-2010 11:46:50 156.8
02-Jan-2010 11:47:50 156.4
02-Jan-2010 11:49:50
02-Jan-2010 11:50:50 157.2

The resulting data shoot look like this (in a different sheet):

Time Temperature
02-Jan-2010 11:41:50 156.1
02-Jan-2010 11:44:50 157.3
02-Jan-2010 11:46:50 156.8
02-Jan-2010 11:47:50 156.4
02-Jan-2010 11:50:50 157.2

I have actually been learning quite a few tricks on my own since I started this data analysis project but I believe this requires some experience with macros, which I really don't have.

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Search And Extract

Jun 27, 2008

I have a list of email addresses in column A (eg: , pete@ Is there a way to ectract say only the addressesending in ""?

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Filter And Extract Or Search Cell Information

Feb 22, 2007

In column A I have various part numbers with alph-numeric characters. In column B I have a similar list. In column C I have the quantities for the part numbers in column B.

What I need is for say a macro or forumla to look at each part in column A and match it with the part in column B and in column D insert the appropriate quantity from column C.

I'm not sure if this falls under say a filter, extraction or search type of function.

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Index/Match Cross Search And Extract

Dec 2, 2009

sheet 2
column C is list of chemicals (to give context)
column A is a list of the publication numbers they apear in
column B is GOING to be the list of publication titles they are in

sheet 3
column A is a complete list of every publication number in our library
column B is the corresponding publication title

what i would like to do is extract the title from sheet 3 and input it into column B sheet 2 corresponding to whatever pub number is listed in column A of sheet 2

the code i have so far is in column b sheet 2 "=INDEX(Sheet3!B:B,MATCH(A2,Sheet3!A:A,0))"

now the problem i have is this works perfectly when only one pub is listed in a cell in column A sheet 2 but when there is more than one pub listed (ie "pub number" next line in cell "another pub number") it gives a N/A result.

is there anyway to call up multiple pub titles from the multiple pub numbers within one cell

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Formula To Search, Find & Extract Data

Sep 16, 2009

I have one workbook (workbook A) with data in it (the data is never in the same place i.e. same cells) and one I want to send data to (workbook B)

In workbook A the data is displayed as follows:.....

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Formula To Search A Cell For Specific Data To Extract

Mar 13, 2009

I was wondering if there is a formula that will search a cell for a word or other specific criteria then if it finds it, puts the requested data / word in the formula cell


If I have a list of vehicle descriptions all in different formats:

CAR1 1.4 SRI 3 door Hatch
CAR2 5 door saloon GSI 2.0 V8
2.2 CDX 5 door CAR3 Estate
CAR3 Estate 5 Door CDX

Say I want to know which ones are CDX varient I need the formula to look in the cell and return "CDX" or "YES"

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Search Large Date Range With Narrow Filtered Range

Aug 1, 2014

I need to be able to query a large date range by a small beginning and end date range and return a count when the value is = each search criteria. i.e. - Search one year of dates from a table by Beg: 7/23/2012 to End: 10/21/2012 and return a count. The beginning and end dates are dynamic and I will need to reference the cells, i.e. B102 "Beg" B102 "End" and not a static date.

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Search And Extract Cell Data After And Before Specific Values With Formula

May 20, 2014

I need a formula to extract data after "<li>Color: " & before"</li>"



blah blah blah<li>Color: White</li>some informations

blah blah blah<li>Color: Red</li>some informations

blah blah blah<li>Color: Black</li>some informations

blah blah blah<li>Color: Red</li>some informations

I have already use this formula but I get the "#VALUE!" error even if the cell contains the "<li>Color: </li>" data.

[Code] ....

Sometimes, some cells does not contain the "<li>Color: </li>" data, I don't want the "#VALUE!" error, I just want a blank cell there.

This is an example with the real values I want to extract Example.xlsx

This is the formula that works

[Code] ......

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Large CSV File: Too Large To Open. Split

Aug 6, 2003

I've got a 80 Mb CSV file and would like to open and work with it. Too many lines (90000 or so).

Is there a way to split ( ) this file so I can open two files instead?

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How To Display Datasets

Apr 9, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that lists users plus 4 columns of data horizontally and other data vertically. See image forum_sheet.png

My problem is the sheet is getting wider and wider as users are added. What I would like to be able to do is have a dropdown or something that allows me to select a users name which would then display their data set [ four columns ] on its own. I have tried validating a dropdown list but this only works on a single column.

See image forum_sheet_2.png

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Finding Matches Between Two Datasets?

Aug 3, 2014

What's the best way to look at two sets of data in excel and make comparisons between them. For instance how many matches (and what are the matches). Workbook attached as an example.

matches between data.xlsx

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Joining Two Datasets Together (VBA Needed?)

Jun 19, 2014

So I have two sets of data, I've attached a worksheet which has them both. The datasets have different intervals, but I need to drag "Colour" from Data2 into Data1 and associate it with the correct interval. Sometimes the intervals match up and sometimes they don't - which could be a problem, but as long as its within a small spread it's fine. The "Colour" column in Data1 is filled with my desired result, the source being Data2.


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Binning Function For Datasets?

Jul 24, 2014

I have several data sets taken from an instrument recording the same sample. The data are noisy so I would like to average them. Annoyingly, the operating software for the instrument allows you to specify start and end values, but not the amount of points in between (unbelievable, I know). I therefore have data which looks like:

25, 1
25.1, 5
25.6, 7
25.8, 10
25.9, 12


25.1, 1
25.4, 4
25.7, 6
25.9, 14

So each replicate has a different sampling rate (the data set is much larger than the example above though). Is there any built-in Excel function to standardize these data to a fixed amount of x values, and perhaps averaging both the X and Y values of all points within the bin?

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Subtracting Values From Datasets

Dec 10, 2013

I have a large set of data in an array of many cells. I need to subtract a fixed amount from each of these cells without changing the location of the cells as there are many different references too them Is there a way to do this?

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VB For Combinations Permutations (3 Datasets)

Mar 1, 2013

I own a custom print shop and I am trying to generate skus based on variables..Column A will only have one item (the product code), column B will have the sizes, Column C may contain more or less colors depending on what is offered for the shirt style, Column D hopefully can contain all the combinations. All this data will be in contained within one worksheet..

Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D


[Code] .......

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How To Use MAX Function With Differing Datasets

Aug 7, 2013

I'm trying to work out a way to use a MAX function and IF Function to determine how i can find the highest number since a trade began. For example, i have a countif function that is identifying each trade (Column B) so what i want to do is to find the highest number for each trade (Column A) which is represented by dummy variable 1,2,3,4 etc. Please see example below: what i want to do is write code which runs for 3500 lines and finds the highest price since trade began and trade's are represented by 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc.




[Code] ........

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Splitting Datasets Into 5 Buckets?

May 30, 2014

If I have ten numbers which I would like to split into 5 buckets (1,2,3,4,5) how can I best achieve this?

A trivial example:-

The series 12, 12, 18, 18, 25, 25, 34, 34, 40, 40 would neatly spilt into 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5.


The series 12, 13, 18, 19, 25, 27, 33, 34, 40, 41 would neatly spilt into 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5.

A non-trivial example

The series 12, 13, 40, 41, 42, 50, 70, 71, 89, 90, 91 I would like to be split into 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5.

So groupings are based on how close consecutive numbers are to each other and there must be at least one value in each bucket (1,2,3,4,5). The number of data items can vary form 5 to, say 20 or so.

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2 Datasets - Cannot Copy Columns

Jun 23, 2014

I have 2 datasets. 1 of them is 5103 lines and other one is 5121. They contain the samde data but as you can see one of the dataset have 18 more lines than the other. Because of this I can not copy a columns from one dataset to other because the values will not match with the correct ones because of the line differences. How can i compare for different rows or how can i copy at least the 5103 line correctly and than fill other 18 by hand ?

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Filtering / Separating Specific Datasets?

Jul 10, 2014

All of the strings are in one column and are in General format. They contain a few different types of strings: some only numbers, some numbers separated by commas (which makes them NOT numbers according to ISNUMBER), some text only, some text and numbers (separated by comma), some are 3 numbers, each separated by comma, etc.


What I'm looking to do:I want each of these distinct types filtered out someway. I've already done ISNUMBER to filter out the values which are numbers only, no commas. Perfect.

For the next step, I'd like to filter out cells which have only numbers and commas. The comma itself makes them considered not numbers, so how do I add the condition that I'm looking for cells with digits and a comma? A wildcard?

Edit: I've found the following formula which can check if it contains a comma, but doesn't specify between digits or text. Just commas. =IF(ISNUMBER(FIND(",",A1)),"TRUE","FALSE")

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Relationship Between Two Datasets And How To Modify One Based On The Other

Aug 8, 2013

I am collecting data the temperature of an animal, i am also collecting ambient temperature at the same time when i plot the two data sets there is an 89% Correlation so i know the animal temperature is affected by the ambient temperature. i want to be able to take this influence of ambient temperature out of the recorded temperature. I dont think its a linear relationship

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Indexing Complete Datasets For Entered Value

Nov 2, 2013

indexing complete data sets for each entered value. see example to better understand what I am trying to do. I have been trying for weeks.


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Pivot Table With Multiple Datasets?

Mar 12, 2012

I have a list of people whose direct reports have either completed or not completed a task at work, and there are four tasks. The records look like this (I've removed the direct report's name, which is to the left):

Manager NameTask 1Task 2Task 3Task 4Mickey SmithCompleteCompleteCompleteCompleteDanny Ledbetter
IncompleteIncompleteCompleteCompleteDanny LedbetterCompleteCompleteCompleteIncompleteMickey SmithCompleteCompleteCompleteIncompleteMickey SmithCompleteCompleteCompleteIncompleteMickey SmithIncompleteCompleteCompleteIncompleteDanny LedbetterCompleteCompleteCompleteComplete

I want to pivot the data so that for each manager I can see the % who completed Task 1, the % who completed Task 2, etc. preferrably in a horizontal format.

So, I can get this easy enough for the first task:

Count of Task 1Column LabelsRow LabelsCompleteIncompleteGroup 1Danny Ledbetter67%33%Mickey Smith75%25%

However to the right of this I want the results for Task 2, 3, and 4. The best I can do is the following:

Column LabelsCompleteIncompleteRow LabelsCount of Task 1Count of Task 2Count of Task 1Count of Task 2Danny Ledbetter67%67%33%33%Mickey Smith75%75%25%25%Grand Total71%71%29%29%

The results for Task 2 are incorrect. I've tried % of Row, % of Parent Row, and all the other calculations, and can't seem to get it. I've also tried putting the fields in the Column Labels box, the Values Box, etc.

I can even get this if I put the SumValues field in the Row Labels, which yields a vertical result, but still, the values are incorrect (Mickey has 100% completion under Task 2):

Column LabelsRow LabelsCompleteIncompleteDanny LedbetterCount of Task 167%33%Count of Task 267%33%Mickey SmithCount of Task 175%25%Count of Task 275%25%Total Count of Task 171%29%Total Count of Task 271%29%

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Determine Cell Row Range For Datasets?

Mar 9, 2013

I have a large collection of datasets, sorted/grouped by rows. I need to perform some calculations against these SETS (Ave, Low, Median, etc.).

The number of member in each SET is variable (1 to NN), the number of SET Members is included in the data. Example:

3 Data Sets:
Row Set Members Price Ave
1 A 4 $1.00
2 A 4 $1.25
3 A 4 $1.50
4 A 4 $1.75
5 B 1 $4.00
6 C 3 $10.45
7 C 3 $14.50
8 C 3 $17.75

how to compute the AVE value for each SET above?

I am thinking if I can determine the FIRST Row number for each set, add the MemberQty as an ~offset to determine the LAST Row, then use an Indirect reference to compute the ave, something like:

=AVERAGE(INDIRECT("D"&A1&":D"&A1+C1)) The SET's Ave value should be added to EACH row in each SET.

I am struggling trying to point a formula like this to the First Row of the NEXT set.

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Switch 2 Datasets By User Selection

Feb 19, 2007

i have list of users with name, company, division, subdivision, date ...

the list can contain more than 10000 users and i want to be able to switch 2 users using a listbox/filter/ validation list.

there can be multiple users with the same name even company so a simple validation list which is limited to 1 column will not suffice. the interface for the switch should be fool proof so anyone can switch 2 users.

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Calculate Rank Correlation Of 2 Datasets

Nov 26, 2007

I am facing a problem with WorksheetFunction.Correl
I got information, that matching class properties of Worksheetfunction is impossible.
This is my first experience with macro's and I hardly know how to deal with this problem.I got some excel file from my friend and tried to do this in the same way.
Macro was supposed to calculate the Pearson's coefficient of correlation for orders from 1 to 100 of autocorrelation in order to calculate Q Box-Pierce statistic.Data is prices of stocks for some bank and correlation coefficient is calculated for simple returns on stocks.

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