Search Large Date Range With Narrow Filtered Range
Aug 1, 2014
I need to be able to query a large date range by a small beginning and end date range and return a count when the value is = each search criteria. i.e. - Search one year of dates from a table by Beg: 7/23/2012 to End: 10/21/2012 and return a count. The beginning and end dates are dynamic and I will need to reference the cells, i.e. B102 "Beg" B102 "End" and not a static date.
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Jul 3, 2014
I would like to be able to find the largest visible area of continuous rows in a filtered table. I know one possible way would be to loop through visible cells using the "xlCellTypeVisible" property and count cells in each visible area. However, the data is consisted of tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of rows so I was wondering if there is a faster, more efficient way to do this.
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Jan 8, 2008
I wonder - is there a way to copy the green range over the filtered cells in col. C !? (I want to Copy range D20:D23 on to cells: C5, C9, C13, C17). I tried to select "Visible Cells Only" as the target for Pasting onto (using [F5] etc...) but no success. I prefer a solution that does not involve VBA. *** see attached picture.
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Jun 24, 2008
I need to create a table of dates which is structured as such:
1/7/08 Yes
7/7/08 no
25/7/08 yes
Column A is date, Column B is a binary selection (yes, no)
I then have a separate sheet with rows corresponding to each date in July 08. I need a function which will look up the date for each row with the above date range and return the value of column B.
for example - if the date is between 1/7/08 & 6/7/08, it would return Yes. If the date is between 7/7 & 25/7/08 it would return No.
The above table is not fixed and can have many dates, with no pattern for the dates. I though of using a nexted IF statement but it would become a bit clunky.
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Feb 9, 2014
I'm trying to create a formula that will search for a specific text in "sheet1" within a date range and then SUM the total on "sheet2". I've manage to use the SUMPRODUCT (below) formula but want to expand on this so the SUM can be shown on another sheet(summary page). =SUMPRODUCT((ISNUMBER(FIND({"nmlclex06"},A1:A10)))*(B1:B10)) In this example I search for the text "nmlclex06" and SUM the size, but don't have a date range and don't know how to SUM the data on another sheet.
Columns: Name, Size, Date
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Sep 24, 2013
Basically I have three sheets. MAIN, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2
Sheet 1 and 2 are in the same format
A3 down is a list of country names and then B3:I71 contains the data im interested in.
I've been trying to create a function that looks at B3:i71 to see if any cell in that range contains a value greater then $0.00. If it does then the row that contains the cell with a value greater then $0.00 (between col A to K) should be copied to sheet MAIN from cells B3 down. This should ultimatley produce a list of data for any row containing a value greater then $0.00. This process should then be repeated on Sheet 2 and should join the list below sheet 1.
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May 28, 2009
I'm trying to do is search a range of cells for a range of values AND then see if it matches one other value in another range of cells. In this case,
T3:T49 can equal P6 or P5 or P4 or P3 but the cells can only be counted if U3:U49 is 'w' as well
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Sep 2, 2008
How would I modify the code belwo to insert the copied range above the existing data in the worksheet? (The part giving me the problem is in bold italics.) Also, how would I modify this code so that it only copies the filtered data, NOT including the column headers?
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Oct 23, 2012
My first worksheet contains the following information:
Column A contains parent category names (e.g. colours)
Column B contains lookup values (non-unique)
Column C contains value to return
Each subsequent worksheet is for a single parent category (i.e. a sheet per unique category)
I'm unsure how to write some code that will return column C for each worksheet
Example of first worksheet:
From this, my code creates 4 new sheets named Red, Orange, Blue and Green with column A containing the item numbers that relate to the worksheet name in the table in the first sheet (e.g. column A in sheet Red contains item numbers 1 to 6 inclusive):
In column B, I could like to return the values in column C from the table in column C that are only specific to that worksheet name.
I think I want to filter column A in the first sheet against the sheet name and then perform a VLOOKUP on the filtered data or would using a dynamic range be better?
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Nov 29, 2006
i have issue copying data from a filtered sheet to another sheet. i only want to copy visible when there is no data or data after filtering i have: selection. currentregion.copy. this dosent work as when there is no data it still copies my column headings in row A1 across to row r1 and then to next sheet. how do i write code that will only pick up the filtered data starting in first after filtering this could be any number. for example i only want to copy data if row 2 and downwards has data
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Apr 3, 2008
how I can copy top 15 visible values from a specific column in an autofilter, without actually setting the "top 10" values in the macro for that column. So somehow copy the first 15 cells. The code should fit somehwere in this I guess:
Could I put an extra variable by the .paste so it only pastes 15 values. Perhaps behind the copy??? I've tried to put .Cells(15) but that doesn't work either, which is a pitty. I'm clueless here, and couldn't find anything regarding this (without using fixed ranges, ...)
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Nov 10, 2008
Countif can be used to count the no. of occurrence of a certain value within a range. However, if the range is being filtered, can the no. of occurrence be counted?
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Apr 22, 2009
This code was provided this forum. It is so close to what I need. The only difference is that I need the copied lines inserted.
Actually, I needed Destination to pick EndT2 (on Sheet2), then select one row down from it and then insert what was copied... -R-
Sub CopyFilteredRangeNoHeaders()
Dim rTable As Range
Set rTable = Sheet1. AutoFilter.Range
Set rTable = rTable.Resize(rTable.Rows.Count - 1)
'Move new range down to start at the fisrt data row.
Set rTable = rTable.Offset(1)
rTable.Copy Destination:=Range("EndT2")
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Jun 28, 2006
How do I know how many rows are selected by rngToFilter? I need to add in a conditional statement if its 0.
For Each rngCell In rngUnique
sheetName = rngCell.Value
rngToFilter. AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:=rngCell.Value
rngToFilter.AutoFilter Field:=28, Criteria1:="="
Set rngFiltered = rngToFilter.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
rngFiltered.Copy ActiveSheet. Range("A1")
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Nov 17, 2006
it seems that the string range.address is not always equal to the complete range address.
I mean, I noticed that, if rg is a range,
Dim rg As range
In the cases I noticed it, the range was an union of many ranges, and the string Address was already big, but not 1 kBite long.
My question: is there a way to get the *complete* range address, without this restriction?
I would like to use the address property, because I would like to have my range without sheet information.
So I use often : rg=Range(rg.address)
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Dec 13, 2006
I'm using a named range called "VFILTER". This range is my filter range. Once the filter does it's thing, I want to set the first visible cell in column a to a variable...I can't get this right for the life of me!
With Range("VFILTER")
.AutoFilter field:=25, Criteria1:="DELETE"
.Offset(1, 0).Resize(. CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 4, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible). _
.AutoFilter field:=25, Criteria1:="TRUE"
.Offset(1, 0).Resize(.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 4, 9).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).ClearContents
'set the first visible cell in column a to variable
Set OutRange = .Offset(1).Resize(.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count - 4, 1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
End With
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Jan 10, 2007
I am filtering column S in a sheet to show all rows with a date after the end of the previous month - i.e. >= 01/01/07. What i want to do is clear the contents of those visible cells in column S. I tried the code below (got it on this site) but it works its way up from the bottom of the sheet until it finds the first visible row and then clears the contents of column S in each row above it, whether it is visible or not.
With Range("e2:C2")
.AutoFilter field:=5, Criteria1:="<=" & Sheets("Filtered Statistics").Range("c3")
.AutoFilter field:=19, Criteria1:=">=" & Sheets("Filtered Statistics").Range("d3")
For i = Range("s65536").End(xlUp).Row To 3 Step -1
If InStr(1, ">=" & Sheets("Filtered Statistics").Range("d3"), Cells(i, 19).Value) = 0 Then
Cells(i, 19).ClearContents
End If
Next i
.AutoFilter field:=19
End With
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Jan 19, 2007
I am looking for a way of finding the maximum value in column H for each row in a pre- filtered range using VBA.
For example, the result of of filtermacro1 may return several records derived from a database of several hundred records. In the example below, the name of the person is in column C, followed by their H column value.
Audrey Perkins, .5
Marc Bloomberg, 2.0
Matt Phillips, .5
Paul Pachson, 2.0
However, the H column value may not be the maximum value for the rows above, as there are other records for Audrey, Marc, Matt & Paul in the database.
If the names are matched to the max value in column H for each record it should read
Audrey Perkins, 1.0
Marc Bloomberg, 3.5
Matt Phillips, .5
Paul Pachson, 6.5
How would I query only the names in a pre-filtered range and obtain the highest value in column H for each ? These values then need to be copied to H7 in a sheet called Detention Register.
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Feb 29, 2008
I would like to copy a column from a filtered range to notepad. The main steps of this method are these:
1.Copy the original range to a blank range(range1) as text and filter
2.Select the required rows and copy
3.paste the values to A1000 (range2) notepad and set the filename by a cell value
5.paste the range to notepad
6.delete range1 and range2
Unfortunately, I use macros and vb not so often, so I'm not expert in it.
I have found two useful code, but I don't know how can I combine them.
For step 1
Sub Copy_Filter_Range() ...
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May 9, 2008
I'm trying to do is copy filtered data. I select my column and copy it, filtered, no problem. But then my code bugs out when it tries to copy the next column.
If Sheets("CT Summary"). Cells(4, 6).Value = "P1264" Then
Sheets("Mam Roll-up").Activate
'Copy CEID's.
Selection.SpecialCells (xlCellTypeVisible)
"Selection.SpecialCells (xlCellTypeVisible)" works in the first block, but bugs out on the second.
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Oct 17, 2011
I have sales data in columns, the right most column has values in it.
If I filter the data using the standard Filter, I can add only filtered records by using SUBTOTAL(9, filtered_list) and this gives me the answer.
How can I find the 2nd largest or second smallest ONLY from the filtered data without using a Pivot table?
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Apr 1, 2009
I have a large *.tab file with around 450,000 records. I opened the file in excel and then filtered two columns where there are values equal to 0.
I then highlight all the rows and try to delete them, but I receive the following error popup box:
"Microsoft Excel cannot create or use the data range reference because it is too complex."
How can I delete all these filtered = 0 rows without getting this error??
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Jun 19, 2009
I have a column of numbers in A1:A200 that I need to concatenate with a ";" in between each into one cell. Is there a way to do this without clicking in each cell individually? =concatenate(A1:A200) just returns the value in cell a1.
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May 1, 2014
I have a employee travel spreadsheet with air travel dates in two columns. I want to be able to create a rule that will highlight all the cells in a row if the date range on that row fall includes today's date. if someone is traveling in the event there is an emergency and I need to know if they are traveling that particular day. I have attached a sample spreadsheet.
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Mar 27, 2014
I often end up in a scenario where I want to be able to move text from one column into another using a formula, which involves pasting a formula down a filtered range... E.g. Column A contains both ID numbers & dates, I want to move ID numbers into Column B, so I apply a filter to all ID numbers using a formula "=A1" and paste it down the filtered range.
It becomes an issue when there is greater than 50 - 60 thousand rows - excel throws an error "selection range is too complex" and disregards the filtered range.
Only thing I can think of would be a VBA script to automate pasting a formula in blocks of 50,000 rows.
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Nov 20, 2006
Is it possible that, once filtered, you can count the amount a filled in cells in a column range...BUT! These cells are ID numbers for stocks, so CAN contain duplicates which represent accounts, Therefore, any duplicate will be counted as 1...
As we can see here there are 14 lines of data but only 7 make up the dataset
so if X was the variable assigned to this it would = 7
Is this possible, in a loop or some sort, Would VBA hold all the Instances in its memory???
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Jul 16, 2014
From a combobox selection i filter a table for all entries containing the selected ID (from the combobox).
I first wanted to use selected columns from the resultant display (the filtered table) to populate another combobox so the user could drill down to the final selection that way, but seeing the mess i was getting involved in (I couldn't assign a range to the listfillrange of the other combobox) i think it might be best to settle for simply copying the visible cells to a new table on the selection page (the full database is on one sheet separate from the selection comboboxes and related controls), where the user can simply see the information needed on whatever line item they want - the number of filtered entries rarely exceeds five. What i can't understand is when i query the number of rows in the immediate window from the code snip below, it always comes back as "1", whether i do so on the full range or special visible cells.
[Code] .......
To load another combobox i tired
[Code] ...........
I really would like to be able to do so for further refining, if not feasible, can work with just a display table.
Querying the reultant rows i simply tried:
[Code] ...........
[Code] ....
In both cases, though the filtered table had 5 records displayed, the count was... 1.
1) Can the visible cells resultant table be fed into a combobox relatively easily and if so, how?
2) With the count of rows, what am i doing wrong?
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Jan 21, 2009
Is it possible to count the unique entries in a range based on the results of a filter that has been applied? I basically have a column with 2000+ cells that contain some matching values and I only want to count the unique entries. This will need to be a dynamic count as well as the filter criteria can and will change all the time.
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Dec 13, 2009
As the subjects states I need to count the unique entries in a filtered range.
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Nov 13, 2011
I want to filter and then hide the filtered output in a range of data. But after I hiding, when I remove the filter, everything is there again. I don't know how to hide it even filter is removed.
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