Limiting Filters To Exclude Blank Columns

May 24, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with data in every other column (i.e. A, C, E, etc.). I am using the "filter" option in Excel on the aforementioned range of cells although the little filter icon shows up on all columsn, including the blank columns in between my data. Is there a way to only have the filters show up on the columns with data?

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VBA Code To Exclude Cells That Are Blank

Jun 20, 2014

I currently have a code that for combines cells within a range together and places them into another cell.

I want the code to only include cell that have a value in and exclude those within the range that are blank.

I have included the code below:

[Code] .....

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Average Of Last 5 Values But To Exclude Any Blank Cells

Jul 3, 2014

I have a scenario where I have a rolling list of sales figures which get added to each week that passes.

I need a formula that will calculate the last 5 weeks of sales and generate an average - which I think I have an idea how to do.

The sticking point is that so as not to skew the averages, when there has been an exceptionally busy or quiet day for a reason we know about I exclude the sales from that week.

This then interferes with the averages as it either takes it as a zero and lowers it or seems to stop formulas from working.

So to summarise:

Average of last 5 weeks sales
Excluding any blanks
Dynamic enough to always pick up the last 5 values in the list (i.e. the last 5 weeks)

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Finding Maximum Value (but Exclude Blank Cells)

Mar 21, 2014

I am writing a formula for finding a maximum out of three average values. The cells that will be populated with data are A1 to A5; B1 to B5; C1 to C5. The final cell where I want to write the formula needs to show the maximum of the three averages (average of data in each row).

The difficulty is that sometimes only the A and B rows are populated (and sometime only A row is populated) and if B and/or C are blank, the formula fails and shows "#DIV/0!".

How can I write so that if C is blank, then evaluate only A and B data. And If both B and C are blank, then just display the average of row A.

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AVERAGE Calculation To Exclude Blank Cells

Sep 3, 2009

I have an array formula that calculates the average of numbers between two dates:

{=AVERAGE(IF('Date Range'!$B:$B>$H$4,IF('Date Range'!$B:$B<=$B$3,'Numbers to Sum'!$C:$C)))*100}

The start date is the day after the date in H4 and the end date is in cell B3. The dates are in column B and the numbers to sum associated with these dates are in column C.

Some of the cells in column C are blank and my formula is taking these blanks into account in calculating the average, while I would prefer not to count them in the calculation.

Can someone please suggest how I could amend the formula above to accommodate this?

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Get Autofilter To Exclude Blank Cells That Contain Formulas

Feb 3, 2012

I have the following line in a macro:

Range("b22:L" & Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).AutoFilter

This selects rows based on whether they contain data and creates an autofilter of the range.

The data Im using this on will have blank cells as the bottom rows but they will contain formulas that blank the cells based on ISNA() conditions,

How do I get the above code to only select cells with visible data and ignore those that are blank but contain formulas.

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Exclude Blank Cells While Plotting A Graph

Aug 29, 2013

How can i exclude Blank or cells that have a 0 when plotting my graph? Right now everything is very small because i have about 50 cells, some with quantities and some with zero quantities.

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Exclude Blank Date Fields For Vaildation

May 2, 2006

I am using the standard validation from the tool bar. What I am trying to do is in
check the date in a cell and if the new date is Greater and or equal to another date in another cell. The problem is I am having is when the cell that I am checking for a date is Blank the validation does not work and one can put in a date. I tried unchecking the "Ingore Blank"

Spreadsheet example attached.

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Advanced Filter: Exclude Blank/Empty Cells Criteria

Sep 11, 2006

Im using an advanced filter that uses the following criteria
Days Late Note(s) Note(s)
>90 <>*agreement* <>*QTR*

This shows all data over 90 that do not incl the words agreement or QTR in a column marked Note(s).

My problem is that I do not want to show records that are Null in the Note(s) column.

<> Does not work (possibly because it is text and not Numbers)

as this does work if used on records that contain numbers.

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Data Segregation In Different Columns Using Filters

Nov 21, 2013

I have a column with 3 different types of data in 30000 cells in Column A (Example model attached). This contains data types (i) Alpha Numeric Data (ii) Numbers only (iii) email ids

Unique identifiers for the above 3 are:
(i) Alpha numberic data : ABC
(ii) Numbers only : 1375
(iii) email ids : @

seggregate these data into 3 different columns.

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Advanced Filters - Having Multiple Filters And Conditions (Unique Count)

Jun 7, 2006

I have a problem with the attached spreadsheet. I have certain letters (A,B,C etc.) that are shipped to various regions. I would like to have a count on top to count the total number of orders, but one that also counts the total number of unique orders. However, this unique count has to be dynamic and must be able to adjust accordingly to the filters (by default, if no other filters are applied, should be 15). For example, if I apply the "Ship To" filter to Canada, the total number should be 19, but the unique count should be 12. If I change the "Ship To" filter to US, the total number should be 9, and the unique count should be 7. I've tried to use the advanced filters but if I apply the unique entries filter, it is only a one time calculation. Also, the advanced filter gets rid of my other filters.

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Adding Sort Filters To Multiple Selected Columns

Nov 14, 2009

I have a row of sub-headings at row 12 that require Sort Filters. My problem is that I need the filters on selected columns only. It seems that with the standard filter button I get all or nothing.

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Automatically Apply 2 Filters For 2 Columns And Get Results Compiled In Single Excel Or CSV File

Feb 18, 2014

Use filter for 2 columns of a CSV file, column A and Column B for certain words. Say I apply a text filter: contains "word1" or contains "word2" to Column A. Then I get the results. After that, I remove the filter to Column A then apply the same filter to Column B. The thing is, I don't get the results in Column B, instead, I get the cells in Column A wherein Column B is filtered PHOTOS BELOW:

The data that I get for this filter are:
And Word1 you
Word2 is blank

Apply filter to Column B, get the cells filtered in Column A:

The data that get for this filter are from Column A (which are cells filtered from Column B filter)
And Word1 you
Is the blah
Word is all

The results should in a single Column for both filter:

I have more than 100 files that needs to filtered this way, is there any way I can do this automatically?

Here is what the file looks like:

The results I hope would be possible:

Automatically without having to open all the files and have the results of all of it in 1 single Excel file?


If the above is not possible, open each file and automatically apply the filter into a column in just 1 click and without having to type the same filter for each column.

I found a code to combine all CSV files into 1 Excel file, but half of my files has more than 500k rows and the Excel's limit for rows is around 1million+.

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Pivot Filters To Change Simultaneously With Other Pivot Filters?

Jul 1, 2014

I have 3 pivot tables and with 3 filters each (they are all the same filters). I just want to change 1 of the filters for each of the pivot table (meaning the other 2 stay the same for all of the pivots). Is it possible to have a filter change automatically to match a filter in another pivot?

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Filtering Columns When Adjacent Columns Are Blank

Apr 15, 2013

I import a text file that displays outstanding parts orders. The order Number column only displays one number even if there are multiple parts ordered I.E. so if three parts are on order then the order number is displayed once with the other two underneath blank. I would like to filter the column that displays the amount of stock that is available so that even if the row has no stock but the other two have all three rows are displayed that reference the order number.

Example Screen


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Limiting A List

Apr 25, 2007

In one sheet i have a list from cell a1:a1000. I have named this selection 'headkit'
In another sheet, i am using 'headkit' to make a drop down list in a cell.
At the moment a lot of headkit hasn't yet been filled and contains lots of empty cells that will be filled as time goes by.

The drop down list currently has all the items in the list including the blank cells therefor making a very large blank list.

Is it possible to limit the list to show only cells with an entry in them?

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Limiting Cell Selection In VBA

Dec 5, 2009

I created a very simple user form to input some data into a spreadsheet. I have a list box and this is my button code to input the data to a cell.

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Limiting A Macro To One Column

Jan 6, 2009

I have this code that applies an Alt-Enter command following text being entered in a range named "ActivityRange". ActivityRange is only one row currently, but I have another macro that inserts a row into that range. This code works to add an Alt-Enter after text typed into a cell, but it does it for every cell in the row. I want it to only apply to column "C" and not any values in other Rows. In other words, only apply this command if values are entered into column "C", of the range "ActivityRange".

Anyone know how to alter the code below to accomplish this?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Cell As Range
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("ActivityRange")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each Cell In Range("ActivityRange")
If Len(Cell.Value) > 0 Then Cell.Value = Cell.Value & Chr(10)
Next Cell
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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Limiting The Max Value Of A Textbox Entry

Jul 29, 2006

I need a few of my textboxes to not accept entries of greater than 40, Also need a message box warning to popup if this is done. I've seen some examples that are vaguely similar, but not quite what I need. I already have the following in place to limit characters:

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case Asc("0") To Asc("9")
Case Asc(".")
If InStr(1, Me.TextBox1.Text, ".") > 0 Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub

Can I add to this or do I need a different sub?

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Calendar - Limiting Day Selection

Mar 20, 2007

I have a calendar that enters a date into a spreadsheet cell. How can I modify the code to limit the day selection to a Monday?

The current code is:

Option Explicit

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
ActiveCell = Calendar1.Value
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yy"
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.Calendar1.Value = Date
End Sub

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Limiting Number Of Characters In A Line

Dec 15, 2008

I work for a localizer of text heavy software. Our developers normally use a converter to pull text out of a file and insert it into the program. This text is normally input into an Excel file since it has to correspond with files/locations in the program.

Since the space on the screen of the program is limited, we often face character limits when inputting text into Excel. Now, one cell might hold up to 255 characters, and I could restrict that with data validation, but within one cell I need to restrict each line (with a hard return) to 30 characters to fit on the screen.

So for example I have a row of cells that look like: ....

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Limiting Values Of Y-Axis In Charts?

Apr 1, 2009

Is there a way to limit the range of values on the Y-Axis on the lower end? Like I don't wish the Y-axis to begin from 0 but say 500. Is that possible?

I have a set of data values ranging from 650 - 850, but the Excel graph however looks too fine because the Y-axis begins from 0.

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Limiting The Scope Of Auto-updating

Jan 5, 2009

It's some code I found and altered that automatically updates the cell to the right of a column that has drop down box data validation, creating a list of the selected values seperated by commas. The thing is, I only want it to do this in columns 8 and 10 but data validation drop-down boxes have been used in several other columns. I've tried various methods of limiting the scope, the latest being the line: If Target.Column = 8 Or 10 Then. But the auto update is still being applied to all drop down boxes in the sheet. So, how can I make sure the auto update only happens when the drop down boxes in columns 8 and 10, updating into columns 9 and 11.

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Limiting Numbers Of Arguments In A Function?

Jul 26, 2009

there is limit of argument in a function that can i put. for example i am not able to figure out why this function does not work

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Limiting Number Of Characters In A Cell

Jan 21, 2009

I'm creating a spreadsheet (Excel 2003) in which a user enters data in several cells, each of which will permit different numbers of characters (to include spaces). For example, in the first cell, the user will be limited to 50 characters, in the second cell, the limit is 30 characters, and so on.

I found the data validation error alert feature, but want to give the user a cue that the entry is too long so they know to stop typing before moving to the next cell. If they only are alerted when they finish making the entry, they might not take the time to properly reconstruct the entry to meet the size limitation. I'm trying to make this more user-friendly.

Is there a way to set up the worksheet so the user knows that the entry is approaching the character limit? For example, each character filling an individual cell or having a display appear with a count-down for the number of characters remaining in the limit, or something similar.

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Limiting Calendar Control Dates

Jan 3, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that will always have the dates needed in cells H40 and H42. I would like the calendar to utilize the data validation in the cell to only allow someone to choose a date that is between the dates in H40 and H42.

Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
'ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="pbrmeasap"
ActiveCell.Value = CDbl(Calendar1.Value)
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
Calendar1.Visible = False

[Code] ...

Could I add this code anywhere to make it work?

Sub DataValidation()
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateDate, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=$H$40", Formula2:="=$H$42"

[Code] ......

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Limiting Text To 6 Lines In Textbox

Jul 12, 2013

Is it possible to limit a text box to 6 lines (whether forced or automatically wrapped).

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Limiting Number Of Character In Input Box To 31

Jan 9, 2014

I need to limit the number of Characters that can be inputted to the popup InputBox to just 31. How do I set MaxLength? Code I am using is listed below.


Sub NewRecipeSheet()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("1. Recipe Master Sheet")
ws1.Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Application.Goto Reference:=Sheets("1. Recipe Master Sheet").Range("A1")
Range("A1").Value = InputBox("Menu Item Name?")
End Sub

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Limiting Scrolling Area On A Worksheet

Sep 18, 2008

When I limit the scrolling area in a worksheet, and it works there and then, when I close and reopen the whorkbook, the limiting does not work.

This is how I do it:-

I Right-click the sheet tab for the sheet which I want to place a limit.
In the resulting Context menu, I choose View Code. The VBA editor appears and asks for the password to view the code. I keyin the password

I then set in my limit as B2:O25

Then I close the VBA Editor and display the worksheet where I try and I find it working.

I close and save the workbook.

When I reopen the limiting has disaapeared!

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Limiting A Cell To 2 Decimal Places

Oct 23, 2008

How do I stop a user from entering more than 2 decimal places?

If I format the cell to "0.00" I can still type in 1234.1234 and it will display 1234.12.
If I select that cell, the value in the formula bar is still 1234.1234.

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