Exclude Blank Cells While Plotting A Graph

Aug 29, 2013

How can i exclude Blank or cells that have a 0 when plotting my graph? Right now everything is very small because i have about 50 cells, some with quantities and some with zero quantities.

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Stop Chart Plotting Blank Cells

Dec 12, 2006

i am creaing a chart in excell but i have a problem. i would like to have a chart like this one http://shrani.si/?screenshotow31.jpg. but when i create my chart it looks like this http://shrani.si/?screenshotow2t.jpg. first chart is created with some macro so i dont know how is it working but i think the problem is in blank cells because if cell is blank the chart line will go to 0 but i dont whant that :s

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VBA Code To Exclude Cells That Are Blank

Jun 20, 2014

I currently have a code that for combines cells within a range together and places them into another cell.

I want the code to only include cell that have a value in and exclude those within the range that are blank.

I have included the code below:

[Code] .....

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Graph Plotting...?

Jul 12, 2009

I use spectrometer in my reesearch. The datas are in (a, b) format in single cell. Is it possible to seperate a and b seperately? like a in seperate cell and b in seperate cell?

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Average Of Last 5 Values But To Exclude Any Blank Cells

Jul 3, 2014

I have a scenario where I have a rolling list of sales figures which get added to each week that passes.

I need a formula that will calculate the last 5 weeks of sales and generate an average - which I think I have an idea how to do.

The sticking point is that so as not to skew the averages, when there has been an exceptionally busy or quiet day for a reason we know about I exclude the sales from that week.

This then interferes with the averages as it either takes it as a zero and lowers it or seems to stop formulas from working.

So to summarise:

Average of last 5 weeks sales
Excluding any blanks
Dynamic enough to always pick up the last 5 values in the list (i.e. the last 5 weeks)

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Finding Maximum Value (but Exclude Blank Cells)

Mar 21, 2014

I am writing a formula for finding a maximum out of three average values. The cells that will be populated with data are A1 to A5; B1 to B5; C1 to C5. The final cell where I want to write the formula needs to show the maximum of the three averages (average of data in each row).

The difficulty is that sometimes only the A and B rows are populated (and sometime only A row is populated) and if B and/or C are blank, the formula fails and shows "#DIV/0!".

How can I write so that if C is blank, then evaluate only A and B data. And If both B and C are blank, then just display the average of row A.

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AVERAGE Calculation To Exclude Blank Cells

Sep 3, 2009

I have an array formula that calculates the average of numbers between two dates:

{=AVERAGE(IF('Date Range'!$B:$B>$H$4,IF('Date Range'!$B:$B<=$B$3,'Numbers to Sum'!$C:$C)))*100}

The start date is the day after the date in H4 and the end date is in cell B3. The dates are in column B and the numbers to sum associated with these dates are in column C.

Some of the cells in column C are blank and my formula is taking these blanks into account in calculating the average, while I would prefer not to count them in the calculation.

Can someone please suggest how I could amend the formula above to accommodate this?

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Get Autofilter To Exclude Blank Cells That Contain Formulas

Feb 3, 2012

I have the following line in a macro:

Range("b22:L" & Range("J" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).AutoFilter

This selects rows based on whether they contain data and creates an autofilter of the range.

The data Im using this on will have blank cells as the bottom rows but they will contain formulas that blank the cells based on ISNA() conditions,

How do I get the above code to only select cells with visible data and ignore those that are blank but contain formulas.

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Plotting On Scatter Graph

Jul 15, 2009

We have a special testing machine in the lab I work in, and it measures reflectivity from reflective vests etc. A special instrument takes a reflective reading and reports back a X and Y value which is used then as a co-ordinate and gets plotted on a graph.

The machine measures for 8 colours, and takes four readings, so for example the first color will be Flourescent Yellow. and then it produces 4 "X,Y" readings, which get plotted onto a graph, and joins all 4 points to create a box as shown in the link >> Graph with joined plots

This is a small capture of the spreadsheet with the values >> spreadsheet

Basically, I need to know how to take the values in columns X and Y, and then make it plot onto a graph as one point, and then join the four points for that one colour,

end result being the grapgh will have upto 8 boxes on it.

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Plotting Graph In Excel

Mar 26, 2014


I have attached Excel sheet as above. I wanted to plot graph time vs pic-zenith,pic-azimuth,pic-elevation .

I tried to plot graph but value of point in excel sheet is differ from table value. For single graph no problem,When all put together leading some problem. What kind of char can plotted above reading values.

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Plotting Graph With Text On X Axis

Mar 27, 2014

There is probably a really simple solution to this, but I have a column 'A' of data, with various numbers, and a column of data 'B' with letters from A to Z. However when I try and plot this on a scatter graph, the x axis uses numbers rather than letters, with data points all over the place?? I'd like the X axis to have the letters A to Z, and the data to stack up vertically when there is a few different numbers correpdoing to 1 letter. Specifically, a scatter graph

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Make A Graph Without Plotting Zero Values

Oct 22, 2008

I've two collumns, after some index the values of cells are zero
how i can draw a chart without selecting those zero cells?

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Advanced Filter: Exclude Blank/Empty Cells Criteria

Sep 11, 2006

Im using an advanced filter that uses the following criteria
Days Late Note(s) Note(s)
>90 <>*agreement* <>*QTR*

This shows all data over 90 that do not incl the words agreement or QTR in a column marked Note(s).

My problem is that I do not want to show records that are Null in the Note(s) column.

<> Does not work (possibly because it is text and not Numbers)

as this does work if used on records that contain numbers.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Ignore Zero Values When Plotting A Graph

Feb 15, 2005

Using Excel 2003. I have a data range for a graph. The values in the cells are the results of a simple If function - If(m28>0,n28,0). The results are taken from a larger data input exercise. But, the graph line (a simple graph!) plots the FALSE value (0) when I would like there to really be no value & hence no plotted point if the result is FALSE.

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How Not To Graph Blank Cells

Jul 12, 2002

How do I graph (scatter or line) a series of values that contain blank cells in the y data series, without them coming up as zero values on the graph.

If the y value is blank, I do not want this data point plotted at all....

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Stopping A Graph From Counting Blank Cells As 'zero'

Aug 27, 2009

see attached doc. The graph is showing the overall % from the table above. However months april-december are blank although they have a formula in them. This is causing the graph to show thes months as 0%.

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Limiting Filters To Exclude Blank Columns

May 24, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with data in every other column (i.e. A, C, E, etc.). I am using the "filter" option in Excel on the aforementioned range of cells although the little filter icon shows up on all columsn, including the blank columns in between my data. Is there a way to only have the filters show up on the columns with data?

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Exclude Blank Date Fields For Vaildation

May 2, 2006

I am using the standard validation from the tool bar. What I am trying to do is in
check the date in a cell and if the new date is Greater and or equal to another date in another cell. The problem is I am having is when the cell that I am checking for a date is Blank the validation does not work and one can put in a date. I tried unchecking the "Ingore Blank"

Spreadsheet example attached.

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Plotting A Function Without Values In Cells

Sep 6, 2008

Is there a way to plot a function, for example y = a + x*b or y = e^x in a graph without it having x and y values in cells of the spreadsheet?

That is, in y = a + x*b, for example, what I'd like to do is have an input cell for a and b, but no cells that show a value of y for every corresponding value of x , and a graph on a chart showing what the function looks like. Thus, the graph would only rely on inputs of a and b and on nothing else. A program called MathCAD does this, but I'm not sure how to do this in excel.

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Excel 2010 :: Skipping Empty Cells When Plotting A Chart?

Nov 15, 2010

This was so easy to do in excel 2003...However im now using 2010 and i cant figure out how to tell excel to ignore the empty cells for a scatter plot.

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Create 'blank' On Graph Instead Of 0 Value?

Nov 30, 2005

What can I have the IF statement return as a result that will NOT graph at all. Just leave a hole in the graph.

Long Question:

I have a large range of values and dates.
1/1 1/2 1/3 ....etc
10 11 7 .......etc
8 12 6 .....etc

These values are pulled via VLOOKUP() from various places. When VLOOKUP finds a blank cell, it returns a '0', which doesn't work for me. I've added an IF(ISBLANK), to return "", which is (I believe) an empty cell. The problem is, this is still graphing as a zero. So it will be graphing along nicely, and then shoot down to zero and back up again.

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Exclude Empty Cells

May 3, 2009

I have this calculation which works fine if all cells have a value. But it will happen that cells in the range are empty.

=SUMPRODUCT(--(1*LEFT('Courses input'!C4:D6,1)-C3<=0), --(1*MID('Courses input'!C4:D6,3,1)>=2))/E3

What can i do to exclude empty cells in the range from calculation?

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Exclude Cells That Have 0 In Them From Average?

Jan 13, 2004

I have a list of weeks 1-4 for the fiscal month of January. I have a total column. Each week the appropriate week is updated and the total is updated via formula. The total column is just formulas adding Weeks 1-4 up. I also have an average column with the AVERAGE formula beside the total it that should give me the weekly average for January. However, it's trying to average all the weeks instead of just the weeks that I am on.

For example, Week 1 is 1,000,000. Week 2 is 500,000. Week 3 & 4 are 0 because there is no data in there yet. The AVERAGE formula keeps showing 375,000 instead of 750,000. It's averaging all the weeks and I just want it to average Weeks 1 & 2 right now, but automatically average Weeks 3 & 4 when they are populated.

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Formula SUM - Exclude Cells With Text / Value?

Feb 3, 2014

Is there a way to do a Formula (SUM) but exclude cells with invalid values? I would like to add up all values in attached spreadsheet for cells A14 to A28 and again for A49 to A63, as well as get an average C-14 to 28 and again for C49-63.

As some of the cells contain text rather than numbers, the formula doesn't work. how to exclude these cells?

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Exclude Cells That Exactly Match In Search

Mar 8, 2012

Say I have the following:
Cell A1: male
Cell A2: male
Cell A3: female
Cell A4: male

I want to conduct a search using the value in cell B1, and return the row numbers for which the value in B1 exists.

So my formula in C1 is:
=small(if(isnumber(search($B$1, $A$1:$A$A4)), row($A$1:$A$A4)), row(1:1))

and I make it an array by CTRL+SHIFT+enter

So in B1 I type "male" (without the quotes). From C1 to C4 the values populate as 1,2,3,4

However, I only want the rows where "male" exists, in other words, i want an exact match and I want to exclude those cells that have "female"

I'm wanting:
C1 = 1
C2 = 2
C3 = 4
C4 = blank

Is there a way to do this?

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Exclude Hidden Cells In Average

Jul 18, 2007

I have a large data table that has autofilters on the headings.

I also have a "Data Summary" Sheet in which I would like to get a conditional average.

Here is my *working* array formula:

=AVERAGE(IF('Data Table'!$C$10:$C$65536=A2,'Data Table'!$BP$10:$BP$65536))

The problem is, it averages all cell values (conditional upon the C column's cell being equal to A2 of course), whereas I only want to average the VISIBLE cells that match the condition.

I have tried using a little VBA with:

Function Vis(Rin As Range) As Range
'Returns the subset of Rin that is visible
Dim Cell As Range
Set Vis = Nothing
For Each Cell In Rin
If Not (Cell.EntireRow.Hidden Or Cell.EntireColumn.Hidden) Then
If Vis Is Nothing Then
Set Vis = Cell
Set Vis = Union(Vis, Cell)
End If
End If
Next Cell
End Function

and then trying the formula:
=AVERAGE(IF(Vis('Data Table'!$C$10:$C$65536)=A2,Vis('Data Table'!$BP$10:$BP$65536)))
but it does not work.

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Filtering Cells To Exclude Specific Data

Jan 31, 2014

I have a column that contains combined data of numbers and letters. I want to filter that column to exclude cells that contain the letter "d" or "f". I am trying to create a pivot table from the results of the filter to only display the ID #s that do not contain the letters "f" or "d".

The data inside the fields is not the same length and is not listed in a particular order. I have over 14,000 records I need to filter.

Data set example: The items in red are an example of the cells I would like to exclude from my worksheet. Is there a way to filter without deleting the data?


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Conditional Formating :: Exclude N/A Cells From Calculations

Dec 4, 2006

I have a single column of data that is, perhaps, 100 rows long.

I have ticks, crosses and 'N/A' in various cells within this column. There are no cells that are blank.

I want to count the number of ticks within the column and want to be able to say:

If the number of ticks is = 100% then it's green.
If the number is >75% and <100% then it's amber.
If the number <75% then it's red.

I also want to exclude the N/A cells from the % calculation.

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Conditional Formatting Need To Exclude Empty Cells?

May 14, 2013

I am trying to finish conditionally formatting a tracking spreadsheet. If column O contains a zero, I want the row highlighted. The problem I can't stop is the enpty cells are being treated as a zero. The formula I am using is =$O3=0 the range it applies to is =$A$#:$P$92

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Average Non-contiguous Cells & Exclude Zeros

Oct 10, 2007

I would like to average a non-continuous range of cells while also excluding all zeros.

I am averaging hours worked and the hours are found in cells:

B2, D2, F2, H2, J2, L2, N2

Some of these cells contain zeros at this time and I do not what to include the zeros in the average.

I have found formulas that would work but they are all with continuous cell ranges.

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