Limiting Output Based On Cell Data?
Mar 22, 2013
I've got a worksheet that needs to be limited by the value in a cell. I've attached it so you can look at it and understand what I need better. In I7 (red box) is a number that is the max a machine can rotate. B6 should never exceed this and B9 should be scaled down to match the output of B6. I think B9 will scale down automatically from the existing formulas if B6 is throttled correctly.
Should =FLOOR((((F5*D11)/D9)*3.82),50) have a max value equal to I7? And how would I incorporate it?
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Mar 20, 2008
For what I'd like to do, the attached workbook actually represents 3 worksheet. one input sheet and two output sheets (output1 and output2)
I plan to use command button " CommandButton1" on input sheet to start the calculations
Here's what I want to do after pressing the " CommandButton1" :
1. start with case 1 and find the value of Input A to Input J from input table using Vlookup and paste those values to respective palceholder for inputs in blue colour area above the input table for each input.
2.for empty cell in the input table paste 0 (zero)
3. after this will give results for case 1 inputs on sheets "output1" and "output2" on basis of formulas used for each output
4.then copy the results for case 1 inputs from sheet "output1" and "output2" and paste them on "input sheet " in Output table (its below Input Table) next to case1
5.Do this for all cases (in actual workbook there will be more than 100 cases)
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Jun 13, 2008
i am considering the use of custom menus in an Excel application. is it possible to limit the selection of menu items for each worksheet? for example, sheet 1 all menu items are available, sheet 2 all but 2 menu items are available, sheet 3 all but 5 items are available.
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Oct 5, 2011
Set cell fill color based on number of adjacent cell
I am doing a research with the following information. In column B, I have the name of the buyer company, column B cells that contain numbers 1, 2 or 3 opposite the company name in column B depending on certain characteristics. I would like to mark the companies in column A in different colors (or some other recognizable way) as described below.
columns result
col A col B col C
7 Materials Inc 3
7 Materials Inc 2
6 Rayon Inc 3
6 Rayon Inc 3
6 Rayon Inc 3
8 Commun Corp 1
8 Commun Corp 2
8 Commun Corp 3
8 Commun Corp 2
8 Commun Corp 1
I would like to have on output in column A as shown above according to the following criteria:
4: if there are only 1 in column C opposite the specific company in column B
5: if there are only 2 in column C opposite the specific company in column B
6: if there are only 3 in column C opposite the specific company in column B
7: if there are 1, 2 and 3 in column C opposite the specific company in column B
8: if there are 1 and 2 in column C opposite the specific company in column B
Any suitable function in excel or Macros that can work with the formatting, because I have tens of thousands of companies and it will take too much time to do it manually.
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Apr 30, 2009
I have a list of data that I'm using the index - match function to output data based on user input.
For example, I have:
1 10
2 15
3 20
So when '1' is selected another cell outputs '10'.
However what I want is for example if 1.25 is input, I want it to interpolate to spit out the correct number between 10 and 15.
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Mar 9, 2014
I'm tying myself in knots when trying to combine logical formulas to return a text value based on multiple cell values.
Cell A1 can equal 1-10, and cell B1 can also contain the values 1-10.
I want C1 to display the text "YC" if B1 value is equal to 9 or 10. I want C1 to display the text "SC" if B1 value is 5-8, and A1 value is 4-10. Any other combination of values should return a blank cell.
I tried splitting this into two components before trying to make it fit into a single equation, and i can achieve the first condition of display "YC" =IF(AND(A1>=9,A1
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Jun 27, 2014
I would like to be able to limit a drop down list's contents based on a user's selection in a different drop down. I am using Excel 2003, and I know how to do this in Access, but I can't figure it out in Excel. Basically, I have a list of themes in one drop down. The user picks a theme, and goes to a second drop down which is a list of sub-themes attributable to that one theme and no other theme.
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Dec 5, 2009
I created a very simple user form to input some data into a spreadsheet. I have a list box and this is my button code to input the data to a cell.
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Jan 21, 2009
I'm creating a spreadsheet (Excel 2003) in which a user enters data in several cells, each of which will permit different numbers of characters (to include spaces). For example, in the first cell, the user will be limited to 50 characters, in the second cell, the limit is 30 characters, and so on.
I found the data validation error alert feature, but want to give the user a cue that the entry is too long so they know to stop typing before moving to the next cell. If they only are alerted when they finish making the entry, they might not take the time to properly reconstruct the entry to meet the size limitation. I'm trying to make this more user-friendly.
Is there a way to set up the worksheet so the user knows that the entry is approaching the character limit? For example, each character filling an individual cell or having a display appear with a count-down for the number of characters remaining in the limit, or something similar.
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Oct 23, 2008
How do I stop a user from entering more than 2 decimal places?
If I format the cell to "0.00" I can still type in 1234.1234 and it will display 1234.12.
If I select that cell, the value in the formula bar is still 1234.1234.
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Feb 14, 2007
I got a question where I cannot think of a good descriptive title for, I have seen this done but do not know how it is done. An internet user inputs data onto a web form, and and presses a submit button. The submitted input is 'processed' on a through excel and outputs the result back the internet user.
Two questions
1 - what is a good title for this?
2 - how is it done?
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Dec 1, 2007
I created a Vlookup table so that when you type a ticker into Cell B3, it tells the user how many points and what percentage of the criteria the stock passes. I would like to create a macro (or something) that takes each ticker in the Ticker sheet, enters it in the Cell B3, and then transfers the data that the vlookup table produces to the output sheet. My attachment is a simplified version of the real spreadsheet.
I hope this isn't a duplicate question. I did look, but maybe I'm not phrasing it correctly. A reference to a similar problem works too.
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Dec 2, 2009
Sometime it’s so hard to explain what it is you are having problems with, specially in the little title. I'm trying to write a formula which should be very simple but isn’t . The formula is in box F10 if B10 has anything in it and its going to have a mixture of text and numbers (first text then numbers) then it’s should equal to the value in the box C7. Here is the formula I wrote that doesn’t work.
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Nov 2, 2009
What I am trying to do is get the ROW 13 and ROW 18 outputs depending on inputs in ROW 2 to 5. Inputs in ROW 2 to 5 can have any value in any year. I would like to perform the calculations if the value in column U is 2 (if 1 then no action required)
I don't need ROW 10, 11, 12 separately if that is easier ...I am interested in getting the ROW 13 basically.
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Jan 9, 2014
Essentially, I would like a user to be able to select a PUB from the Data Validation drop down in row 2 of the PUB RATES sheet so that the corresponding information in the DATA sheet autofills.
Currently, this works only for the first column under each PUB when selected and this fills across all 4 columns (rather than the respective information for each column filling).
Also, the Data Validation dropdown includes blanks which I would like to exclude.
I have used a Range Name for the Data Validation of each PUB so that these can be drawn from a separate sheet as I don't want all the DATA content on the same sheet as the PUB RATES content.
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Jul 2, 2014
I am trying to extract unique Data from the information in the output data in the file attached after i have extracted data based on criteria from the database sheet. i have noticed that because i extract data from the database sheet and from there i perform the extraction of the of the unique data , it is not able to extract unique isser name form the output sheet.
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Aug 5, 2013
I need the output in B1 to be in multiples of the value in A1, rounded up.
Value in A1 is 6
random formula in B1: =IF(AND(N2>$AA$1,S2>0),ROUND((30/$AA$1)*AA2-Z2,0),IF(AND(N2>$AA$1,S2=""),ROUND((30/$AA$1)*AA2-Z2,0),IF(AND(N2<$AD$1,S2=""),ROUND((30/$AD$1)*AD2-Z2,0),IF(AND(N2<$AC$1,S2=""),ROUND((30/$AC$1)*AC2-Z2,0),IF(AND(N2<$AB$1,S2=""),ROUND((30/$AB$1)*AB2-Z2,0),IF(AND(N2=M2,N2<$AA$1,S2>0),ROUND(30*(AA2/N2)-Z2,0),IF(AND(N2<>M2,N2<$AA$1,S2>0),ROUND(AA2*(30/$AA$1)-Z2,0))))))))
So if the resulting value of my B1 formula is 2.33, I'd like to have the output be 6. If the resulting value is 14.55, I'd like the output to be 18.
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Feb 11, 2010
I want to set my output range to start at row 25 Set Findit starts counting cells from row1.
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Apr 25, 2007
In one sheet i have a list from cell a1:a1000. I have named this selection 'headkit'
In another sheet, i am using 'headkit' to make a drop down list in a cell.
At the moment a lot of headkit hasn't yet been filled and contains lots of empty cells that will be filled as time goes by.
The drop down list currently has all the items in the list including the blank cells therefor making a very large blank list.
Is it possible to limit the list to show only cells with an entry in them?
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Aug 26, 2007
I am presently doing one of my work in excel manually. I m not expert user VBA. Yes, I do understand codes, but not very good at developing. I am attaching a file which has all the requirements in details. I think this will require hell lot of programming skill, which I dont posses.
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Jan 6, 2009
I have this code that applies an Alt-Enter command following text being entered in a range named "ActivityRange". ActivityRange is only one row currently, but I have another macro that inserts a row into that range. This code works to add an Alt-Enter after text typed into a cell, but it does it for every cell in the row. I want it to only apply to column "C" and not any values in other Rows. In other words, only apply this command if values are entered into column "C", of the range "ActivityRange".
Anyone know how to alter the code below to accomplish this?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim Cell As Range
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("ActivityRange")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each Cell In Range("ActivityRange")
If Len(Cell.Value) > 0 Then Cell.Value = Cell.Value & Chr(10)
Next Cell
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Jul 29, 2006
I need a few of my textboxes to not accept entries of greater than 40, Also need a message box warning to popup if this is done. I've seen some examples that are vaguely similar, but not quite what I need. I already have the following in place to limit characters:
Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
Select Case KeyAscii
Case Asc("0") To Asc("9")
Case Asc(".")
If InStr(1, Me.TextBox1.Text, ".") > 0 Then
KeyAscii = 0
End If
Case Else
KeyAscii = 0
End Select
End Sub
Can I add to this or do I need a different sub?
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Mar 20, 2007
I have a calendar that enters a date into a spreadsheet cell. How can I modify the code to limit the day selection to a Monday?
The current code is:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
ActiveCell = Calendar1.Value
ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yy"
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Me.Calendar1.Value = Date
End Sub
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May 1, 2013
I am struggling to begin designing a program to use for quoting sheet metal parts. We buy three types of material in 9 different thickness. The material is purchased by weight but I sell it by square foot.
I tried a few training exercises using macros but I dont believe macros is the proper function to achieve my output.
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May 19, 2008
I am trying to get the information that I have plotted, on a scatted graph,
off onto the second sheet an splitting the information. I'm not too sure if
this is the right place for this thread, but I am hoping that someone can
The original data that is on the graph is in 3 columns. One has the company
name, one is the current value and one is the predicted value.
I need this info to come off the graph or from the original data in 2
fields. Customer and predicted value, but they need to be prioritized.
1 needs to be the one with the lowest current and highest potential.
2 needs to be the 2nd lowest current and 2nd highest on.
Then I need to get the highest current and highest on.
I know that what I require is quite complex and it may have to be via
calculations, but I am hoping that excel can do this?
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Dec 24, 2013
I have a column with lots of tube station names. I have a look up table with the tube station name, and the possible lines that pass by that tube station.
One tube station may be covered by more than one tube line.
I am looking for a formula that will output every tube line that caters that one tube station.
first question, what is the best way to organise the data in my look up table.
Second, is a vlookup the best formula to achieve the output I want? i.e. Reflect how many tube lines cover each station
see table below: If the station name has only one tube line, Vlookup works fine. When the station, such as Canno Street, has two tube lines, Vlookup only picks up one tube line. If I duplicate Cannot street under the station name, the Vlookup picks only one tube line.
LOOK UP TABLE A1 - station name
B1 Tube line name
Cannon Street
Is there a formula that will output the data of the second tube line name in column D1?
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Dec 15, 2008
I work for a localizer of text heavy software. Our developers normally use a converter to pull text out of a file and insert it into the program. This text is normally input into an Excel file since it has to correspond with files/locations in the program.
Since the space on the screen of the program is limited, we often face character limits when inputting text into Excel. Now, one cell might hold up to 255 characters, and I could restrict that with data validation, but within one cell I need to restrict each line (with a hard return) to 30 characters to fit on the screen.
So for example I have a row of cells that look like: ....
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Apr 1, 2009
Is there a way to limit the range of values on the Y-Axis on the lower end? Like I don't wish the Y-axis to begin from 0 but say 500. Is that possible?
I have a set of data values ranging from 650 - 850, but the Excel graph however looks too fine because the Y-axis begins from 0.
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Jan 5, 2009
It's some code I found and altered that automatically updates the cell to the right of a column that has drop down box data validation, creating a list of the selected values seperated by commas. The thing is, I only want it to do this in columns 8 and 10 but data validation drop-down boxes have been used in several other columns. I've tried various methods of limiting the scope, the latest being the line: If Target.Column = 8 Or 10 Then. But the auto update is still being applied to all drop down boxes in the sheet. So, how can I make sure the auto update only happens when the drop down boxes in columns 8 and 10, updating into columns 9 and 11.
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Jul 26, 2009
there is limit of argument in a function that can i put. for example i am not able to figure out why this function does not work
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