List Maximum Value From Each Worksheet

Apr 9, 2008

I have a list of data for a frame in a building. I used these forums to come up with a sort that will take the data and put in on seperate sheets based on the floor of the building. I need to now go through each "floor sheet" find the maximum values and paste them onto a Report sheet. This has to be done within a macro stored in my Personal.xls folder as the file with data is coming from another program and is always changing. Also, the sheet names wont always be the same as the format might be different like third, or 3rd, or "third". Here is the code for the sort macro, I am sure some of you will recognize it:

Public Sub Unique_Record_Extract()
'extracts unique records from Column A and copies those records to a new worksheet
Dim My_Range As Range
Dim My_Cell As Variant
Dim sh_Original As Worksheet
Dim Cell_Sum As Long
Dim i As Long
'turn off interactive stuff to speed it up
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.Calculation = xlManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Delete All Blank rows if cell in column A is blank
On Error Resume Next
ActiveSheet.Name = "MainSheet"............................

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Find Duplicate Keywords, And List Maximum

Feb 13, 2010

I have rows of 10 keywords. I want the macros to compare the first row against all the rows except itself, then compare the second row against all the rows except itself, the third row against all the rows except itself, basically looking for duplicates...It will then record in a column for each respective row, the max # of duplicates found with another row..

For instance lets say I was looking at the 15th row, and it looked for duplicates elsewhere. It only found duplicates in the 4th row and the 5th row. In the fourth row, there were 5 keywords common, and in the 5th row there were 7 keywords common. Therefore the max # of common words is 7 for the 15th row, and that is what is recorded.

In addition the number of rows will probably vary it could range from 1 to 500. I included an excel spreadsheet that has visually speaking how this could work, maybe using COUNTIF. Basically it counts the # of common keywords for one row with all the other rows, pastes the count #s to the right, then finds the max of those count #s, copies the max into another column, then clears the count #s, and looks up the next row, repeats the same process. It is easier probably if you look at the attached spreadsheet to get an idea of what i am talking about..

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Get Maximum Number From Alpha-Numeric List

Dec 2, 2006

My spreadsheet contains a tasklist. It is generally sorted by priority (number); each row also contains a task ID ("T0100"). When I add a new task I need to know the last used task ID so I can assign the next one.

I've tried various built in functions but each expects numbers.

How can I insert in a cell (or display in a msgbox) the maximum text value?

For example, Given the data below I'd like to have show "T0888".

0 T0123
0 T0199
0 T0101
1 T0888
1 T0105

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2003 - Maximum Amount Of Vba Code In A Worksheet

Jan 26, 2009

Some time ago I was developing a worksheet with a large amount of code in it, and I got some kind of 'out of memory' error. I seem to remember it turned out that the error was because I had too much vba code in a single worksheet. I think I overcame the problem by moving routines out of the sheet and into a module.

I'm probably going to be approaching this limit again with something I'm wroking on now (although I haven't had any errors yet.) Does anyone know what the maximum amount of code you can have in a single worksheet in Excel 2003 is? And is there an easy way to find out how much code you have in a worksheet?

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Finding The Maximum Number Before A List Turns Negative

May 21, 2009

i have the volume of a reservoir in column A for lets say, 2 years, with monthly data (so 24 numbers in my list)

I also have some variables that feed into this list such as rainfall (fixed), and population (i.e water use, which i can manually change)

if i increase the population too much, the volume of the reservoir will at certain times of the year, fall into negative digits.

what i'm looking for, is a cell which works out the maximum value (in whole numbers) for my population, without any of the numbers in the reservoir volume list falling below zero.

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SUM MAXIMUM Or Index/Max: Count Number Based On The Maximum Time??

Oct 23, 2008

I was hoping that my formula would give me the count number based on the Maximum time (latest time) and the Name field...My result is a 0 instead of 62 (the correct answer).

=SUM((Download!$H$2:$H$10=A4)*(Download!$D$2:$D$10=MAX(IF(Download!$H$2:$H$10=$A4,Download!$D$2:$D$1 0)))*Download!$I$2:$I$10)

Would a Index/Match/MAX function be more efficient?

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Find MAXIMUM, Show Date When MAXIMUM Occurred

Oct 9, 2008

Look in Column E and find the MAX value. Once you find the MAX value, (let's say E27) display the date that's in C27. I bet this is really easy but I've been screwing around with it for over a half hour and can't get the correct result.

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Conditional Maximum (find The Maximum 'value' For Each Individual 'type')

May 15, 2009

I have two columns of data. The first column is the 'type' and the second column is the 'value'. I need to find the maximum 'value' for each individual 'type'

The 'types' are not necessarily next to each other and the data cannot be sorted to do so.

type value
A 15
B 6
A 21
C 7
B 13

I need to be able to say the MAX for 'A' is 21, the MAX for 'B' is 13 and the MAX for 'C' is 7.

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Excel 2007 :: Create List Of Barcodes From List Of Numbers On Worksheet?

Feb 25, 2014

Is it posible and how to create a list of barcodes from a list of numbers on the worksheet?

Strokescribe seems to have some ind of solution but the data can't come from the worksheet.

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Copying And Pasting Cells From A Worksheet Into A List Format In Another Worksheet

May 18, 2006

I need help with a macro for copying and pasting of cells. I believe this should not be a problem for the Excel VBA experts, but for someone who can only record macro, I'm really at a loss.

Attached is a sample file, where sheet 'Source' is an example of the sheet from which data are to be copied. The other sheet, sheet 'Final' is an example of the final format that I need. The reason I'm doing this is I'm planning to upload my data into Access and so I need to convert them into a list format.

List of target columns in sheet 'Final' and source cells in sheet 'Source':

Column A: Biz ID - not sure if I really need this, by right it should be listed automatically once I paste the data
Column B: B2 of 'Source'
Column C: B2 of 'Source'
Column D: B1 of 'Source'
Column E: row 6, relevant column
column F: column K
column G: row 5, relevant column
column H: the specific amount

So basically I'm creating an entry for every amount in the table.

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Filtering A List In A New Worksheet From A Master List

May 28, 2009

I am trying to create a sub-list from a master list based on a column criteria.
Basically, we have a large group of people that are now being split into 3 different sub groups, but still part of the whole. I would like to only upkeep the master list by assigning one of 3 managers to each employee and then having Excel place the employee's info (5 columns) into a seperate worksheet based on the manager assigned (3 seperate worksheets, one for each manager). I have searched through books and Excel help, but still cannot find any formula that can return multiple lines based on one criteria. Am I out of luck and forced to maintain this database with an Auto Filter and manually moving/copying the info?

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Update A ComboBox List, Which List Is On A Different Worksheet

Nov 5, 2008

Need Help in resolving the following issue:

Update a list using a Combo Box works fine when the list is on the same worksheet but when the list is on a different Worksheet it does not work.

Is this achievable? I guess so! but was wondering how to do it.

e.g: if my range defined name called let us say "SP" with a range AD1:AD60 in Sheet1 when I use a combo box the Listfillrange will contain: SP

When inserting a new entry using the combobox it works fine but when the same defined name range points to a different Worksheet example: Sheet2 then the update does not work although the ListFillRange contains the same Range name: SP.

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Inputting List Of Names From Worksheet Into A List

Dec 21, 2013

Im still pretty new toi VBA and im struggling with pulling data from another worksheet and placing it into a list. Below is the code currently I think I have identified were its not working but not sure what to do. the code should essentially do the following

on opening the workbook check CS PS data worksheet find the names of people within the sheet, These start at row six and the step between each is 82 it then should input these names one after another in the following range Range("AO3:AO43") one name per cell until the end of the dat,a it seems to run but only inputs the first name in the first cell even thought it picks up each name in the myformula piece

Within the myformula there is a concatenate piece to flip the names to opposite way round I think this is where is not working possibly something to do with the separators? each name is in the format surname, firstname it should flip it so it shows first name [space] last name

provide ive commented out the piece I think is the issue

Sub CSupdate_()
With Application
.Calculation = xlManual
.ScreenUpdating = False


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Link List To List On Another Worksheet

Nov 15, 2006

My first sheet of the workbook is an employee roster which shows a weekly rotation between two locations. I have additional sheets that are used as daily sign-ins encompassing a two week pay period for AM, MID and PM shifts. I want to link the sign-in to the roster so that I may add or delete an employee on the roster and have it auto generate to the sign-in.

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Look For Value On Worksheet And Report A List

Feb 14, 2014

I have a list of equipment and bits that go with each kit and depending on other kits which they are installed with.
I'd like to automate the list.

Attached an example: I'd like excel to look for the first piece of equipment over their respective sheets and list the parts needed for the chosen equipment.

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Compile Worksheet List

Dec 21, 2009

I need to compile a list of all worksheets except Data, Attempted Calls, Completed Calls, Completed MOU, Incomplete Calls, Percent Complete, Busy Calls, and Percent Busy.
I need to put this list in B4

Then I need cells in C, D, etc to reference the value in B as the target worksheet.

All worksheets are formatted exactly the same, except the ones above.

Let me know if you need the data file or not?

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Populate List Box Different Worksheet

Jun 13, 2009

I am struggling to populate a listbox with data from a different worksheet.

If it is the current worksheet works fine.

The worksheet is called "Drawing Data" ..

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List Worksheet Of Same Tab Color

Mar 26, 2007

I need to create a routine that searches through all the worksheets in the active workbook. The worksheets tab is a specific color based on the level of urgency that is needed to attend to the information in the sheet. I am usin a userform with Option buttons to select the color I need to find and a 2 column listbox to which I want to store te contents of cell c4 of each sheet and the name of the sheet.

I've written the attached code but get a Runtime erroe "91"
Object variable or with block variable not difined

Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Dim listB As Boolean
Dim lCount As Long, lCounted As Long
Dim lShtLast As Long

listB = True
If OptionButton1.Value = True Then tabcolor = 3 'Urgency color is RED
If OptionButton3.Value = True Then tabcolor = 6 'Urgency color is YELLOW
If OptionButton2.Value = True Then tabcolor = 4 'Urgency color is GREEN
If OptionButton6.Value = True Then tabcolor = 41 'Urgency color is BLUE
If OptionButton4.Value = True Then tabcolor = -4142 'Urgency color is NULL
If OptionButton5.Value = True Then tabcolor = 53 'Urgency color is BROWN
If OptionButton8.Value = True Then tabcolor = 19 'Urgency color is WHITE
If OptionButton7.Value = True Then tabcolor = 48 'Urgency color is GRAY

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List All Worksheet Names

Dec 5, 2006

Is there a way in VBA to get a list of all worksheet names in a workbook?

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Create A Dropdown List From Another Worksheet

Nov 3, 2008

I am trying to figure out how to create a drop down list on one page of a workbook with the list of items for the drop down list located on a separate worksheet within the same workbook.

I have a workbook with one spreadsheet with a list of items on it (sheet1/ingredients) and the rest of the worksheets would have the drop down list of items from sheet1/ingredients.

I have been trying to use the validation method with no luck - I just can't seem to get the source path right.

If possible I would also like the drop down list of ingredients to be self updating - the ability to continue to add items to the list and show up in the drop down lists.

When the value in the drop down window is selected I would really like / need to have the data populated in the rows to the right of the drop down window.

While asking is there any sort of auto complete so that one can start typing in the box and the ingredients that start with those letters show up to select from? (Such as if type EVA or EVAP --- then all words starting with EVA or EVAP appear instead of the entire list?)

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Drop Down List To Show Worksheet

Mar 19, 2009

I have a Workbook with a dropdownlist on it. The dropdown list has some names on it each name will be a refference to another sheet, ie when name Collins Jim is clicked on the drop down list the Jim Collins sheet will appear. I have attached a sample sheet to show you waht i mean.

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Worksheet Macro Using Dropdown List

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to build my first worksheet macro. I have a dropdown list in a worksheet "Active Email" with "Yes" and 'No". When Yes is selected I want to cut that entire row and paste it in worksheet "Archived Emails". I feel I am close with the code but when I select the word from the dropdown, nothing happens.

Here is what I have so far.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 5 Then
If UCase(Target.Value) = "Yes" Then
Target.EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Archived Emails"). _
Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
End If
End If
End Sub

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Get List Of Tab Names In Close Worksheet?

Aug 12, 2014

Looking for a way to use VBA to get a list of the tab names from a closed workbook and put them in a column of the worksheet that has the macro. Is there a good way to do that?

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Email To A List Of Names From Within Worksheet

Nov 9, 2008

I currently have a workbook that copies the first sheet and emails it to an individual on the first day of the week.

New requirements are for it to be sent to a list of people.

I am at an impasse on how to proceed due to lack of knowledge. The current code obtains the recipient from Sheet3 D4 and i would like to be able to list down this column for additional emails without restricting this to a set number of cells.

I have searched the forum and have been unable to find what i am after.

I have included a test file to show what i have so far.
We use Outlook 2k3
We use Excel 2k3

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Sorting A List From Data In Another Worksheet

Feb 21, 2010

I have the attached workbook that contains a list of produce in the Produce sheet and I am wanting to have the Availability sheet show what produce is available each day sorted into Good, Limited and None as per the data on the Produce sheet. I should end up with a list of each type of produce listed under the relevant availability each day.

Sorry but I have limited knowledge of VB, I assume that the best way to do this is some code behind the Availability worksheet but I am not able to determine what this code should look like.

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Macro To PDF Worksheet From Dropdown List?

Jan 12, 2013

I have a workbook that has 20 or so sheets that all roll into a summary statement via vlookups/sumifs/and other formuals.

Currently have around 300 vendors that need to have statements PDF'd which I currently do one-by-one.

Input range: VendorCounts$B$2:$B$1500
Cell Link: $C$1

Print area: A3:P437

Would like to PDF from print area each of the vendors in the drop-down list and save file to a designated location with the file name being the vendor name in the drop down window.

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Get A List Of All The Worksheet Tabs In Column?

Jul 23, 2013

is there a method to do this besides writing them out individually?

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Dynamic List Of Worksheet Names

Apr 22, 2009

Is it possible to have a list in a summary sheet, containing the names of all other worksheets in the workbook, which will automatically update when a worksheet is added or deleted? I use Excel 2003.

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Navigate Worksheet Using Drop Down List

Jun 26, 2009

I wanted to create a drop down list where after I make my selection, it will automatically take me to the cell range (same worksheet) assigned to each member in the drop down list.

(E.g. If I select "Accounting" from the drop down menu it will automatically take me to cell A94 - See attachement)

Furthermore, could it be possible that after my selection in the drop down menu, only the specific range (corresponding to my selection) will show up and the rest of rows will just hide?

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Unique List Or Summary Of A Worksheet

May 11, 2006

I'm trying to do is a unique list or summary of a worksheet. First there are 4 columns that need to be read, then from this list a new list must be created using advanced filter with unique value. Then the first 4 columns must be deleted and replaced with the new 4 columns, in the third summary the totals for Gender 1-3 are aded together depending by the quality and the same for gender 4-5. I'm attaching a sample file to show how the summary is supposed to look when is finished. I need to do this in code because the rows may vary depending on the brands, genders and qualities. I deleted some info to reduce the file size

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