Look For Identical Strings And Add Cell Values Beside Each

Feb 18, 2009

Hi guys, I am looking for a macro to do the following:

Go down a column and identify all accounts that are identical, then add up the values that are 5 columns to the right of each account and paste them on another sheet along with the account code (there are 12 values for each account to be added with the other identical accounts).

I've attached a spreadsheet, because I understnad this might be kind of confusing. In essence:

1. Go down column C

2. Look for accounts that are identical

3. Add up the values for each account in columns G:R

4. Copy and paste the added values to another sheet along with columns C:F for each account to identify it.

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Formula For Counting Identical Values In Cells

May 3, 2007

I would like a formula which will look at a range of cells, for instance a2:g2 and count how many of the cells contents are the same. The cells contain a combination of text and numbers.

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Selecting Range Of Consecutive, Identical Values

Jun 13, 2006

I am trying to select a range of identical values in a column. Basically I need to ask Excel to highlight any and every part of the worksheet where the value '0' (zero) occurs 30 or more consecutive times in any given column.

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Top 5 Values With Corresponding Data Containing Identical Values?

Oct 3, 2012

I have kids in my classroom that work on a program that charts their progress. I want to post the top 5 completion rates for all the modules. Many of them have the same percentage of completion, e.g. 22% I need to have it display the percentage with their name. I have over 100 kids and the data is compiled in columns. I want it to end up looking like this:

Bill 20%
Kathy 19%
Jill 19%
Gary 18%
Jarome 18%
Louise 18%

Additionally, if there is a tie (which there usually is) for the 5th place, I want to include the 6th or 7th place automatically.

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Repeat Identical Data In Previous Cell?

Oct 16, 2012

How can I repeat identical data in the previous cell. For example I have in Cell A1 - Marketing then I have in cell A2 to A3 same Marketing but it is not shown. Then I have in Cell A4 - Operations then Cell A5 to A8 same Operations but not shown. I need to have them all shown as in Column B,




[Code] .......

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Rank Strings And Values?

Feb 22, 2014

Using formula, how do I rank


so it first sorts in alphabetical order using the string before the "-" i.e. CAM27 comes before CAM100, and then by the biggest 'secondary values' (the value after the "-") so that COM98-23 comes before COM98-21?

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Sum Values From Alphanumeric Strings

Feb 8, 2007

On a work sheet I have 20 columns that may or may not have data in it. In the 21 column I want to have a sum "of the values" in the other columns. Problem is the data is in this form i.e. 6 01/17/07 smr or 15 1/19/07 gtw or 24 01/21/07.

To clarify each cell will have a value of a number from 1 to 99 followed by 2 spaces. Then it can have 2 more spaces and an id tag or just finish with the date.

So, from the example above in column 21 I would have a current value of 45 and it could change if more values were added.

Note values are generated from a macro. It may be possible to change the macro so that a comma or such may be used to seperate the different "values / data types"

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Lookup Multiple Values And Strings?

Feb 21, 2014

I have a huge document that looks like this. This is only one part of roughly 2500 lines
Original Budget
Previous Estimate
Estimate Actual
Actual Costs


My problem is that I need to extract Soft committ and actual cost for each element (this case its TPS658). What really makes the problem for me is that I only want cost for cost place 230, 250, 300, 350 (only 350 shown here). Not the total that is shown in the row for element name.

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Check The Different Values In Each Row Where This Strings Occure

Nov 15, 2007

I have strings like this:


I'm running a loop on all cells, and checking different values in each row where this strings occure.

But I would like to do a IF check on this string. If it find a string with 'ap' in it, it should do my check.

My problem is to understand the combinations of right, len, mid, instr etc. How could I use this functions to do checks in the strings.

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Chart Text Strings & Sum Up Values

May 5, 2008

I came upon this link below about a week ago: Create Chart/Graph From Text Strings
Domenic provied a solution that it will graph text strings in column A and it will display in the pie chart by using Define name range formulas. My dilema is I would like a second condition in those formulas. I would like the formula look in column A and sum up the values in column B base in column A and display it in the pie chart.

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Compare Identical Text In Two Cells On Two Sheets - Return Value On Target Row Into Cell

Jan 2, 2013

I have a workbook with tons of programming I need to achieve. Here is my work book so it can be viewed.

Right now on "Protocol" Sheet I want the cells with the "Protocol 1" field to look at Admin_Panel Sheet and find the row with the same text. Then take the text in cell A of the same row and copy it to the cell below the "Protocol 1" listed on the protocol sheet.

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Finding Partial Strings From Array Of Values?

Aug 16, 2013

I have a table with three columns, column 1 is a list of names, column 2 is where I want my result to appear, and column 3 has my array of search values. Column 1 and 2 could have any number of rows with values, but column 3 will have less values. It looks like this if it's working right:

Item List
Search List


What I am trying to do is for each cell in column 1, I want to see if there is a matching value in column 3 - it has to be either an exact match or a partial match (i.e. the string appears somewhere in the values of column 1).

I have been trying to use MATCH like this:


but it does not return true unless the match is exact.

way to get these partial string matches to work?

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Finding Strings In VLookup Value - Embedded In Larger Strings Within Table Array

Dec 20, 2012

I need to do a vlookup that takes a string from one cell and then tries to find that string (embedded in a larger string) in the table array

Essentially I imagine this involves the FIND function at some point.

Attached is an incredibly simplified example of what I'm looking for.

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Complex Printing Of Values Of Unique Strings Between 2 Arrays?

Jul 11, 2014

I have the following arrays.

A2 = Array(Array(0, 1, 4, 5), Array(2, 0, 1, 1), Array(2, 3, 11, 3))

B2 = Array(Array(6, 0, 2, 1), Array(1, 1, 6, 1), Array(7, 9, 1, 0),Array(0, 3, 2, 2))

I would like to print in column A all the unique/common values between Array A1 and Array B1. The common values are A,D,F,X,J. And I'd like to print in Columns D:G the A2(i) values and print in columns I:L the values B2(i) in the corresponding row of values of arrays A1 and B1. If some string only appears in array A1 (i.e. "A"), this means that string "A" have values associated in array A2, but not in B2, then print zeros from I:L and if the string only appears in array B1 (i.e. "X" and "J"), this means that strings "X" and "J" have values associated in array B2, but don't have valus in A2, then print zeros from D:G for the same row of X and J.

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How To Use VBA To Search Strings And Return Values Or Cells Nearby

May 20, 2009

Im needing to search through the attached document which is truck logs at a mine and use vba to search through the list for each of the different shovels eg SHVL1, SHVL2 & SHVL3, and when the code finds that string, to display the tonnage 2 colums back from it. Im about half way there a i think but am having trouble with strings, if it was numbers i could do it no problem

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Excel 2007 :: Extracting And Adding Values From Within Text Strings?

Jun 2, 2013

I am trying to extract values from a text string and add them up in Excel 2007. So far i have been successful in extracting the value out of the text string like this - =MID(I6,AD6,3) where AD6 holds the position number in the text string to start from. So it's working OK for one row but i need to do the same thing on multiple rows where the text string can be in different columns and I'd like it to automatically pick up the non-blank cell.

each row only has one column with text in it and the value i need to extract is always after "$". this is a working spreadsheet so the text string could move from column to column over time and I'd like my formula to be able to detect which column to read from. I then need to add up all the values from each row.

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Search For Parts Of Strings In Another List Of Strings

Dec 16, 2013

I have an excel worksheet with about 10K rows of data in column A.

I have also another list of data, about 200 rows of data, in column G.

I need to color each cell in column A that contains, anywere in the string, any of the data strings in column G.

in column A
row 1: info@duende.com
row 2: rasko@silvester.com
row 3: supportonline@fabius.com
row 4: myhelp@friday.com

in column G:
row 1: help
row 2: info
row 3: support

I need rows 1, 3 and 4 in column A to be colored.

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Excel 2007 :: SUM Numbers Within Cell Based On Unique Strings In Another Cell?

Jan 11, 2012

how would you do the following in excel 2007:

"SUM numbers within a cell based on unique strings in another cell".

For example, how would i use formula to SUM the following numbers (and only the numbers for david and sam only once), 700+454+50+40+2+129+16

700 david

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Two Strings In One Cell

Aug 18, 2006

I have two adjacent strings in a CSV file that I'm importing which were originally intended as a single piece of data. The format of the strings are:

5'-3 3/4" (Yes, it's a good old imperial length measurement)

Right now, I have (5'-3) in one cell, and (3/4") in the next.

I'd like to try to append the second string (3/4") to the first in a single cell. Is there any way for me to do that using VBA?

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How To Find A Row That Has 2 Or More Strings In Any Cell

Feb 18, 2014

I'm just trying to view the results of this search, I don't need it to make changes to the cells on the bases of this search.

I'm using control + F to open the search box.

It only allows me to type in one single string, such as "Johnson". Problem is, it finds many rows that contain the name Johnson.

So I'd like to further add a number, such as 1.3338, which it can look for in any cell that's on the same ROW where it found Johnson.

It would then return, for example, Row number 81, which has a cell that contains Johnson and another cell that contains 1.3338.

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Extracting Mid Strings From A Cell

Jul 4, 2009

i have in a cell a Text like this..

Chicago (TZGUG)

i tried a formula.. like this..


to remove only ) ..

but how can i remove the ( too ..

and also Chicago

so the result in a cell would be TZGUG

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Sum Number Of Different Strings In Single Cell?

Jun 23, 2014

I am attempting to count up the sum of names that will be submitted, through a web form, in a single cell.


Cell B1 will have a bunch of names submitted to it. let's say 10: Marino, Elway, Namath, Montana, Manning, Brady, Romo, Bradshaw, Favre, Aikman. (these text strings will be all in one single cell)

I will have a list of names that are correct to compare to: Montana, Brady, Bradshaw, Manning. I can put those in its own cell to compare to. (C1)

How do i get the sum of 4 from B1 cell? If B1 only has 3 of the 10, how would it return the sum of 3?


A1 B1 (Submitted cell) C1 (List to compare to "right answers") D1 (sum from B1 compared to C1)
user 1 Marino, Elway, Namath, Montana, Manning, Brady, Romo, Bradshaw, Favre, Aikman Montana, Brady, Bradshaw, Manning 4
user 2 Marino, Elway, Namath, Montana, Manning, Brady, Favre, Aikman 3

This is I am sure a very newbie question, but I couldn't find anything on multiple text strings within one cell, and counting a sum of those.

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How To Calculate Multiple Strings In Same Cell

Jan 4, 2014

String Multiples for 3 different criteria in same cell -- "if", "or" "abs" --- not sure if any of these are correct

1) Criteria 1 and 2: In cell "E" I am wanting to minus "B from C", if "A" is greater than or equal to and less than "=>1000 or <15000"

2) and the other criteria would be if "A" is greater than or equal to ">=15000" then minus "b from d" -- answer would also be in the same cell "e".

I hope I am saying my needs correctly. Basically, I have 3 different sales criteria with 3 different bonus offers. One offer is for sales less than 10,000, another offer is for the range 10,000 to 14,999 and the last is for the range 15,000 or more. I am actually linking the values from different worksheets, however I have used generically "A, B, C, D and E".

below are the 3 separate formulas that do work on specific individual rows. However, I really need the criteria for all three variables in the same cell. Right now I am just copy/paste the appropriate formula that fits the specific value in each row.


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Selecting Specific Strings From A Cell

Oct 17, 2008

I'm using Excel 2003 and I have a small problem using text functions. My problem is that in column 'A' I have a name and their year next to it between brackets, like so: Wright Jeffrey (1PBSO)

Now what I have to do, is make two new columns where I extract the surname (Wright) to one columns and the first name in another column (Jeffrey), the "(1PBSO)" doesn't have to go anywhere. Now I wouldn't have a problem with this normally but in the list I have names like 'Van Tongerloo Johan' where VAN TONGERLOO is the surname and JOHAN is the first name. For the first name (Wright Jeffrey (1PBSO)) I just used the LEFT function and then searched for the first space in the string but that doesn't work in the second example anymore.

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Extract Date From Cell With Other Strings

Dec 22, 2008

i have data in column A and i want extract to column B only the date from this data. Date start on diferent position.

col. A
1 text text 10.10.1998 text
2 text10.12.2001
3 10.12.2004
4 10.12.2005 text text

i want this result
col. B
1 10.10.1998
2 10.12.2001
3 10.12.2004
4 10.12.2005

i try solution from other thread, but it doesnt works for me.

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Search For Multiple Strings In A Cell(s)

Sep 16, 2013

I have a single column with multiple rows of data that contains multiple sports words (e.g.: football, basketball, track, hockey, swimming, skeet), and I want to find all cells that contain football, basketball and track. I also want to ignore case.

In this example only 3 rows would be found (3, 4, 8).

Sports Terms
1. football, swimming, skeet
2. football, basketball, skeet
3. football, basketball, track, skeet
4. football, basketball, track, swimming, skeet
5. basketball, track, hockey, swimming
6. football, hockey, swimming, skeet
7. hockey, swimming, skeet
8. football, basketball, track, swimming
9. track, hockey, swimming, skeet
10. football, track, hockey, swimming, skeet

Here are 3 examples I found, but I do not even know where to insert them -pressing Cltrl+Shift+Enter does not do anything.


=IF(COUNT(SEARCH(KeywordTable,E2)),"match","no match")


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How To Match Number Strings In Cell Contents

Sep 3, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with 60k lines. One of the columns contains barcodes as per the example below, with a suffix of -XXX-XXX where the XXX are numbers. I want to highlight all the cells where the -XX-XX are the same number (as in the example below -303-303) how I can do this with a formula as I've around 30 spreadsheets each with 60,000 lines I need to sort through?


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Searching A Cell For Mulitiple Strings And Returning A Value

Sep 12, 2008

I am trying to search a cell for multiple different strings and if the string is found, multiply a nearby cell by a factor of 1.5. if the strings are not found i want the original cell value to be used. I have tried using find functions but they do not seem to work. I have also tried using nested if functions with no luck..

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Search Multiple Strings And Rearrange Cell Value

Oct 28, 2013

I have some 100k+ cells with values as "ID_code - Value_1 - Value_2 - Value_3". Lets say this is sequence A.

"ID_code" is a fixed 6 digit value. "Name_1", "Name_2" and "Name_3" are variables and they also vary in length, but they never contain a sign "-". Sign "-" is only used as separator between these four values.

Now, VBA code that would rearrange all the values in a selected column from the one as listed above to a different sequence B, for instant:

Value_2 - Value_1 - ID_code - Value_3

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Cocatenate Text Strings And Place In One Cell

Dec 13, 2006

In coloumn A have either Yes or No down to line 1000, In coloumn B I have email addresses down to line 1000. What I want to achieve is in cell C1 have all the email addresses concatenated together that have a Yes value in column A next to it.

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