I have data that contains all the days in a year G7:I372. I want to lookup a value based on month, date and return the result. The sheet I am using contains a list in A3. As I change the value of A3, i want the dates to update. See attached sheet.
In column A, I have dates; In column b i have security levels. I have made a table called "Security" it contains to columns, a list of security levels and no of years when each security level is required to be reviewed. the table is setup -
d1 e1 Restricted 5 etc
Example of data ie. a1 b1 c1 Restricted 1/06/2012 1/06/2017
What I am looking for is a formula to look up a1 "restricted". then lookup the security table and find "restricted" its value is 5 (years) then add the 5 years to date in b1, but place it in c1.
I have a table with dates and currency-rates. There is only one currency rate per month, but the day can be different since the date is the last working day of the month. I want to lookup these rates based on a date where the day can be any day in the month. Any proposals?
I have created a workbook that contains a summary worksheet as well as a lookup page. On the summary worksheet, I have a cell that states the current balance for a series of investments that are listed by date in the lookup worksheet.
I need to create a formula that references the balance that is listed under the most recent period. For example, I have investment balances from January to May, and I need to have the May balance appear as the current balance, until next period, when the June balance should appear, etc.
I would like to lookup and return results based on the values of two cells A1 and B1.
The returned results are from column G to column I and always returned in the same location of the spread sheet.
For example if P2560 is selected in A1 and D10 in cell B1 then after lookup the results would be the values of G3 to I4. Alternatively if A1 is P2560 and B1 is D20, then the results are the values of E5 to I7 and so on.
see the attached spreadsheet for more details. This shows the main data (A2 to I15) and the expected results depending what value is selected for cells A1 and B1.
I want to sum all expenses on Company B within Expense 1. Is it possible to use MATCH/INDEX or something else to do that? I can't use SUMIF, because I don't want to include Company B within Expense 2 for instance.
I've been searching both here and on google but I've been unable to make use of any of the numerous suggestions and examples I've found to do this; given I'm right in thinking that this should be done with a vlookup!
I have a table in which different customers pay different prices for different products. C13 is a cell in which I want Excel to look up the correct value based on A13 and B13 (in this case C3).
I have no experience with lookup functions, which might be the reason why I can't get this to work. I bet it's pretty simple
I have a worksheet with stock names across row 1, then repeated columns of <Stock Price>, <Price to Book>, etc.
< Date> <Stock 1> <Stock 1> <Stock 1> <Stock 2> <Stock 2> <Stock 2> etc. <Date> < Price > <P to B> <Assets> < Price > <P to B> <Assets> etc. <Jan1> <Jan2>
What I want to be able to do is match the column data (for example, Stock 1 and Price column) using the index function, then match it to the specific date, so I know the price of the X stock on Y date.
If I were doing this for a single stock (where C1 holds the date, B1 holds the Column Title), the formula would be like this: =INDEX(Data!$A$1:$IR$1067, MATCH(C1,Data!$A$1:$A$1066,), MATCH(B1,Data!$A$2:$IR$2,))
However, how do I add this additional matching variable of Stock Name?
Alternatively, if there is a more efficient layout, I'd appreciate hearing about it. Also, I know I could create stock-specific column titles (e.g. Stock1Price), but I'm going to be inputting this data into STATA, so this format is more conducive.
I'm trying to link three cells lets call them C7, E7, and G7 to an NBA schedule. I'd like to have C7 Display the visiting team, E7 to display the date, and G7 to display the time of the game. Ideally I'd like these cells to change after the date of the previous game has passed to the next game. Is this possible? Would I need to create a separate sheet with the Visiting team, date of game, and tiem of game?
I am currently looking at the workings of a spreadsheet designed by someone else.
First of all i need to know,how these combo boxes are created in the attached sheet,because it cant be edited.in addition to tht in the coloured cell (F17)i'm trying to dereive a formula which is,if (C17 = doll "1"),but its not working.Please someone give me a solution.
I have an excel sheet where I would like a user to enter a start date and end date(say Feb 1, 2013 to Feb 28,2013). And these dates will be able to change to whatever month the user wishes to look up in a specific date range(column A has 365+ dates). This post is closely related to [URL]... but I cannot figure out how to get it to work from my case.
So working off the same worksheet, I have the beginning date in AC35 and the end date in AC36 in which the user enters. I would like the dates that fall in this entire month, including the beginning and ending dates to be referenced when looking for the specific day that contains a value I have in S35.
In other words, I have data in columns A through N. The dates are in column A and S35 is a value obtained from using Max(L185:L526) where L185:L185 is manually selected each time I want a different month. I don't want this to be a manual process of scrolling down the spreadsheet to get the next month.
I have a worksheet (say, Sheet1) that I am going to manually import a large data set into on a weekly basis for reporting purposes. One of the columns from this data dump will have the header "Design Id" in the first row, but it may not be in the same column every time. I am trying to figure out how to create dropdown lists on a separate worksheet (say, Sheet2) in the same workbook where the data source always looks up the column containing the header "Design Id" from Sheet1 and then returns only the unique values from that column as options in the list.
I'm trying to create a excel sheet which will automatically return a price based on a given width and drop value. Currently, I calculate the price manually by looking in a price book which has plenty of rows and columns and prices. I want to simplify this by simply entering the dimensions so it automatically calculates price based on the dimensions entered.
Below is the start of my worksheet. If I choose the exact sizes shown on the table, it will return a price, however if I choose a size that is not listed, I get an #N/A. Eg. If I choose 780 x 1500, it will return the price $179, but if I choose for instance 775 x 1490, it only returns #N/A, when I want it to still return the price $179.
My formula in K3 is =IF(AND($I$3>0,$J$3>0),INDEX($A$3:$F$8,MATCh(J3,$A$3:$A$8,0),MATCH(I3,$A$3:$F$3,0)))
I would like a lookup that takes multiple criteria and that is not an array formula! Unfortunately I decided to use array formulae and my spreadsheet went to over 45mb!! Not good. I've searched the forum for an answer to my questions but couldn't find any! I've attached a spreadsheet as an example. The examples I am using have {Sum(IF)} formulae in it (array) and I would like to change those to others that will not increase the file size so much and will not take too long to calculate.
Basically, I would like a lookup that will return me the Amount Paid and Full Cost based on the person's name and the date. the data and the results table are both on separate sheets. It would be nice to bring that file's size back down to less than 4mb!!
I have a spreadsheet where I tack daily expenditure. On a given day I could spend on several items. At the end of that day I want the total of that day's spending in the last row that bear the same date.For example in the table below, I have the date, amount and total columns.
I want to be able to have a formula in the totals column that look at the dates in the date column, and where the date in a row is different from the date in the row immediately below, sum the values of amounts in rows with the same date and give the total in the last row with the same date.
I am looking for a way to sum up values segregated on specific dates.
I like to sum up values from column C based on dates in column A. Data I have to look at are based on groups of 7 weekdays. Data to be sum up always goes from Monday too Sunday
Example: If date is equal to or lower than 31-12-2009 then sum values C2:C5 and if date is equal to or larger than 01-01-2010 then sum values C6:C8.
I'm trying to create a master template for doing cash flow projections for a number of years. Ideally I would like have a cell for the number of years I want (10 for example) and have excel populate a group of cells based on that number. Each row of cells would be one year and each column would be one month. The dates would be calculated based on a starting date that I enter into a cell.
After that I would like to have a cell for starting cash flows ($1,000 for example) and then another cell that I can plug increases into. For example cash flows may increase to $1,250. I would also need a cell for the date cash flow increases go into effect (1/2019 for example).
I want to populate two cells (the yellow ones) with the start and end date values from the row where a match is found in the 'period' column for the value in the left-hand green cell and in the 'week' column for the value in the right-hand green cell. Is anyone else on the board firing on all/most cylinders today?
'light eligibility Dim facb As String Dim sunset As Variant [color=green]' check if facility has lights[color] facb = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(RID, ds, 10, False) 'find facility code If WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Then 'facility has lights sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False) 'lookup the sunset time based on the record's date
[Code] ......
This code checks the need for lights at a facility.
It first checks to see if the facility even has lights by cross-referencing a value in the record with a facilities database.
If it has lights, it then checks to see if they are needed. If the rental goes past the sunset time, then it needs lights. Sunset is determined by cross-referencing the date value in sheet1! A9, with the sunset database.
If it needs lights, variable lghtson is calculated equal to "sunset"-30 minutes.
As I step through this code:
WorksheetFunction.VLookup(facb, fac, 6, False) = "Y" Facility has lights. Check to see if lights are needed. sunset = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tempws.Range("A9"), sun, 2, False) sunset=0.879166666666667 which is 9:06PM. This is a proper value from the lookup. If rental_end.value > sunset Then rental_end (value from textbox) = "9:30 pm" , sunset=0.879166666666667. This is true, and Excel accepts it as true ... lghtson = sunset - 0.5 0.379166666666667 = 0.879166666666667 - 0.5 (9:06 AM)
This is not the value I was looking for. I was looking for 8:34PM (0.856944444444444)
I have a table of data (say Column1 to Column 5) with multiple rows.
Column 1 to 4 will have the lookup values in multiple rows and Column 5 data should be picked up using vlookup or other lookup function.
I managed to somehow bring all these lookup values in (Column 1 to 4) in a single column in another sheet. I am now trying to use some lookup or other functions to match this single column and pick column 5 data in original sheet. Result i am expecting is lookup value in first column and next to it column 5 value.
It is basically a lookup wherein lookup value is spread over multiple rows and columns and result column is fixed. I tried using vlookup, but lookup value column and column number had to change every time when i moved from column1 to 4.
Column A contains asset names Column H to JZ contains cash outflows for each asset Row 17 contains a Month&Date value (ie. July2013)
What i want to do is, from another sheet, is to calculate the sum of all cash outflows for the asset (determined by a cell value) for a date range entered. In other words, if i say 1/7/2012 to 30/6/2014, it will look the asset up, and sum the value of cashflows, in colums that fall between those dates for that asset.
I have a workbook which contains lots of formula and is therefore very large (about 70 mb). The sheet pulls information from field instruments every hour of every day for the entire year.
I want to write a macro, that loops through a range (B5:B8764) and copies the entire row if the value in column B is less than =NOW() - 7 days. The copied rows should then be pasted with values only exactly where they were located e.g. row 5 should be pasted back to row 5 the only difference being only the values will be pasted.
I'm trying to find a formula that will allow me to show a value based on whether certain dates have passed. This is for the purposes of calculating PTO hours and removing unpaid holiday hours from the equation.
I've got "slave" cells set up with the dates and amount of hours for each holiday, but I'm having some trouble.
I've been trying something to the effect of: =IF(B4>B14,8 IF(B4>B15, 13))
Now, I can get it to show the "8" if I keep only the first IF function, but adding additional F functions like in the formula above only returns errors.
My goal is to get B7 to show the sum (through formula or manual entry) of C14-C21 based on whether B4 [=NOW()] is before or after the corresponding date in B14-B21.
I need to clarify any terminology or other cell values.
summing monthly values based on different date ranges. For example if I have multiple contracts with different start and end dates and based on those date ranges, I want to sum the respective monthly production totals, how would I do that in a formula. I started to set up the table to include "start date month" and "# of months in contract". Is there a way to sum based on the start month and # of months in contract.
For example if hte contract started in Jan08 and ends in May08, the calculation would start with month "1" and sum over 4 months.
I'm trying to calculate Interest accrued from a specific date. The problem is payments can be interest only which when used should keep the next months interest at the same rate instead of decreasing because the principal hasn't been paid down.
Im having problems when over the course of a number of payments they are principal + Interest and Interest only which requires at times to add up the same interest amount for 2-3 months in a row, then add up a different interest rate, etc. Additionally if the reference date is say on the 15th and the interest date is the 1st then for the last month I need to calculate the interest on a daily basis based on the current interest rate for that month.
The reference cell is H5, the Date ranges are J2 - J12, and the principal fields are: K2 - K12.
In the next post I will include the Amortization schedule.
In this example the interest is accrued at the same rate months 1-7, then decreased for months 8 and 9. so the total interest accrued should be eqaual to: $7487.74 (see next post for schedule).
Microsoft Excel - ZZ_Loan.Calculator-Update.1.1.xls___Running: 12.0 : OS = (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutH6H7H8H9H10H12H13H14=FGHIJKLM1 v 1.0 PaymentApply DatePrincipal + InterestAdditional PrincipalInterest Only2 1/1/2009 833.333 2/1/2009 833.334Quarter Close Backward 3/1/2009 833.335 Close Date9/1/2009 4/1/2009 833.336 Days of Interest0 5/1/2009 833.337 Beg Principal Balance$100,000.00 6/1/2009 833.338 Paydowns$980.41 7/1/20091,321.51 9 End Principal Balance$99,019.59 8/1/20091,321.51 10 Net Principle Due$3,562.50 9/1/2009 829.2711 Interest Due & Accrued 10/1/20091,321.51 12 Interest Earned (cummulative)$7,350.66 11/1/20091,321.51 13 Interest pymts (cummulative)$7,350.66 14 Net Interest Receivable$0.00 TEST [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I'm using the following code (found here: [URL]......) populate dates in row 13 for a dynamic Gantt Chart...
[Code] ....
It works perfectly to display daily dates in the mm/dd format. Now I want to have an overarching month/year displayed over the entire range for any particular month by merging and centering the cells above the month's dates the above code populates, and pull in the month/year formatted as mmm-yyyy. I've attached a mock up I did manually to convey the desired result.
I am in desperate need of a function that will count a column of data where there are blanks and values based on a certain date that will also capture any data that is added after refreshing the table from Access. I have tried several functions but this is what I have: =(ROWS('TouchBack Detail'!$Q:$Q)*COLUMNS('TouchBack Detail'!$Q:$Q))+(COUNTIFS('TouchBack Detail'!$B:$B,'Nov TouchBack Summary'!B$1)). The result should be 3 but it’s including all other cells in the column that are not and should not be included in the refreshed table’s data (Table_TouchBack.accdb). I have attached the spreadsheet for review. The function is in cell B27 highlighted in yellow.
Column A = Date Column B = Reservations made per day
For ex:
A B 1 3/1/2011 5 2 4/5/2011 10 3 3/8/2011 15
Then I have a look up table where based on the date ranges it assigns a week number.
WeekDATE Range 1Date Range 2 718-Feb-1124-Feb-11 825-Feb-1103-Mar-11 904-Mar-1110-Mar-11 1011-Mar-1117-Mar-11 1118-Mar-1124-Mar-11 1225-Mar-1131-Mar-11 1301-Apr-1107-Apr-11 1408-Apr-1114-Apr-11 1515-Apr-1121-Apr-11 1622-Apr-1128-Apr-11
I am looking for a fomula that would assign a week to the corresponding dates on column A and tha would then add all of the reservations booked for each week.