Summing Values Based On Date Ranges

Nov 6, 2008

summing monthly values based on different date ranges. For example if I have multiple contracts with different start and end dates and based on those date ranges, I want to sum the respective monthly production totals, how would I do that in a formula. I started to set up the table to include "start date month" and "# of months in contract". Is there a way to sum based on the start month and # of months in contract.

For example if hte contract started in Jan08 and ends in May08, the calculation would start with month "1" and sum over 4 months.

Here is an example: ....

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Summing Values Between A Date Ranges

Feb 26, 2008

I need to sum a value that falls between 2 date ranges. I have read a few posts on this subject and thought I had it working, but I realized I was getting values in fields I should not be.


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Summing Amounts Corresponding To Variable Date Ranges

Oct 25, 2007

Need formula which can sum Amounts from varying Weekly time periods and the result be recorded in the appropriate month? I've attached a simple example of the way the output needs to look and a sample data table below.

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Summing Ranges Based On Two (or More) Conditions/criteria

Jul 7, 2009

I have a cell that I need to make a calculation if certain other cells =Y, or to show "0" if the other cells =N. I can do the calculation for the Y part but how do I add the N part of it? Here is what I have:


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Formula To Identify Week Number Based On Date Ranges And Add Values

Feb 18, 2014

I have the following data:

Column A = Date
Column B = Reservations made per day

For ex:

1 3/1/2011 5
2 4/5/2011 10
3 3/8/2011 15

Then I have a look up table where based on the date ranges it assigns a week number.

WeekDATE Range 1Date Range 2

I am looking for a fomula that would assign a week to the corresponding dates on column A and tha would then add all of the reservations booked for each week.

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Summing Matrix Values Based On X & Y Axis Values

Feb 24, 2009

The simplified example below is intended to calculate the sums from the data values in the upper data set and place them in the appropriate cells in the lower summary table. Example......

I would like to find a single-cell formula that will handle the multiple instances of either the X or Y headings (ex: there are two 'Yes' Rows) and still reach the appropriate summations. I would like to accomplish this without resorting to Macros or manual cell references if possible. I've acheived some limited success with array formulae so far, but find that the multiple instances of 'Yes' cause only one row to be summed before the formula finishes.

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Summing Values Based On Another Column

Feb 15, 2010

Attempting to sum Book Values for Units.
Unit numbers in one column, Book values in adjacent column
Some Units have one occurence, others have multiple.
Some Book Values will sum up to 0 while most will have a positive value.
Attached shows small portion of data that presents range of issues I'm working with.

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Summing Values Based On Multiple Categories

Jul 22, 2014

I am trying to create an inventory control system that keeps tracks of what's in bins based on additions and subtractions to the bin. I am hoping to generate a summary output of bin contents based on the transaction list. I know how to do this using pivot tables, but am looking for a VBA or excel function solution since I will have hundreds of bins and thousands of transactions.

Bin number
Product Code



[Code] ......

I want to have the following table auto generated.

Product Code
Sum Quantity



[Code] .......

I'm using an array formula right now, but it is proving to be extremely slow.

=IF(ISERROR(INDEX('Harvest Generator'!$E:$I,SMALL(IF(LEFT('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E,LEN('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E))=LEFT(B$3,LEN(B$3)),ROW('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E)),ROW(1:1)),B$2)),"",INDEX('Harvest Generator'!$E:$I,SMALL(IF(LEFT('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E,LEN('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E))=LEFT(B$3,LEN(B$3)),ROW('Harvest Generator'!$E:$E)),ROW(1:1)),B$2))

Where Harvest Generator is the sheet where my table is on.

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Summing Values From Multiple Worksheets Based On Rows And Columns

May 9, 2008

I have Master sheet where I collect info from sub sheets. All sheets are similarly formatted, ie. product numbers on column A and headers on row 2. I need to sum values from all sheets based product number and header. Master sheet includes all product numbers and some extra headers, sub sheets include only needed numbers. Headers on sub sheets are identical.

Currently I have this thing solved with following formula:


Where B378:B385 includes sheet names.

But problem with this is that column is hard coded, so I have to know that that value I am looking for is in column L. That wouldn't be show stopping problem on its own, but I have columns all the way to DR and copying formulas for each column takes a lot of time when I have to manually update each column. Just copying cell holds that L:L and doesn't change it.

So, in addition of getting values for specific product number I need to get values from specific column based on column header.

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Sum Based On Date Ranges?

Dec 13, 2012

Sum based on date ranges. I am creating one logical formula.

I have an excel sheet with two columns.

A1: Date B1: Time Spent

Time spent (in Minutes)


As per above figure I want to sum based on the same dates. I.e A2 has date 1/26/2012 for which first entry is 12 so total will say 12 in C1, for the same date second entry is 14 so 12+14=26 is there in total at C2, for the third and last entry of 1/26/2012 it's 16 so total would be 12+14+16 = 42 in C3 which is grand total for 1/26/2012. I want to fill entire C column with some logical formula so that the logic holds true for various dates.

I have tried to use the IF formula like =IF(A1=A2,SUM(B1:B2)) but it fails at third cell. I have tried several ways to do this but no luck so far ....

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Counting Cells With Certain Date Ranges As Values

May 3, 2006

I need to count cells withdates in theme in a column. So that would be a CountA function; but only if the values in the cells are within a certain date range, a COUNTIF function. Here's what I thought:

=COUNTIF('All Employees'!O1351:O1364,">12/31/05,<2/1/06")

It returns a zero, which I know is not correct, as I checked it on a smaller sample....

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Summing And Comparing 2 Ranges

Feb 11, 2009

I'm on Vista with Excel 2007, HOWEVER, the solution must be Excel 97-2003 compatible.

I have two columns. One will a Y or N in it, the other will have a number. I need to sum the column with numbers, but I ONLY want the numbers added that have a 'Y' in the same row of the other column ...

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Summing Between Dynamic Ranges

May 21, 2014

I have monthly sales, and i wanna be able to sum the last-twelve month sales, when i select the month from a drop-down list. For example, when i select Feb14 from the drop-down, I want the formula to sum the sales between mar13-feb14. how can i accomplish that?

Select Month

LTM Sales

[Code] ..........

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Append Variable Based On Date Ranges?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a reference dataset that looks like:

Adweek Start_Date End_Date
201201 05-Jan-12 11-Jan-12
201202 12-Jan-12 18-Jan-12

In the dataset I would like to merge the variabe Adweek, looks like:
Date Sales
05-Jan-12 $100
06-Jan-12 $110
15-Jan-12 $150

I'd like to get to here:

Date Sales Adweek
05-Jan-12 $100 201201
06-Jan-12 $110 201201
15-Jan-12 $150 201202

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Filling In Cells Based On Date Ranges

Aug 20, 2008

I have the following:

April 2008 / August 2008/Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr/May/Jun/Jul/Aug/Sept/Oct....

How can I get excel to fill in a constant number say '3' automatically based on the date range in column A and B. For example, in this case Since the date range is from April to August how can I get excel to automatically fill in 3 for apr/may/jun/jul/aug

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Selecting Between Two Date Ranges (based On Days In Month)

Jul 8, 2014

I have a list of data that displays data by day, I want to select only the data for the for the current month and then the same day time frame for previous months in the data set.


Today's date 08/07
Full days into month 7

Formula to sum data in columns B that only looks at dates 01/07-07/7

I will the adjust that formula for a January date that only pulls data for 01/01-01/07

Then repeat for Feb-June

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Macro - How To Group Data Based On Date Ranges

Oct 3, 2012

I starting to develop a macro for grouping specific information together. part of it I need to group data based on date ranges. My plan was to, in one sheet label the start and end ranges by month (not every range starts and stops at the beginning and end of the month)

For July I would have 7/1/2012 in one cell and in another 7/28/2012
For august I would have 7/29/2012 next to it 8/25/2012, etc

I need to take those ranges and in my FY2013 sheet column I where all of my dates are listed, in the next column J if the date says 7/1/2012 to label it July, if date says 7/30/2012 to label it August, etc.

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Excel 2007 :: Summing Ranges Of Different Lengths?

Feb 6, 2012

I am working on this report for data from 2007 to 2011 for multiple customers. I have two columns of data for each customer for each year. My ultimate goal is to get a total for both columns of data and insert it in the row right under the row containing the last year of data. Below is a sample of what my data looks like and what I want it to look like. Here is the data:


I want it to look like this:


The only part of the coding I am having problems with is the sum function for the different lengths of data. Below is the code that I have so far.


Sub Report()
Dim i As Integer
i = 3


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AVERAGE IF Statement Based On Matching Condition And Date Ranges

Feb 22, 2009

I have created a spreadsheet which creates an average of feedback for trainers in a training company. The form adds up the feedback score into column L of the summary sheet and I have created a summary sheet which I want you use to calculate the average for each trainer.

I have cobbled together an array formula which creates the overallaverage for each trainer based on the named ranges entered via the form.

It looks something like this:

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Auto Populate Excel Calendar Based On Date Ranges

Dec 4, 2013

I am trying to have the calendar in the second tab of the attached excel file to auto populate based on info in the first tab.

In the first tab, there is the start and end dates of certain projects. The calendar will need to only show the project name of every project being worked on that specific day.

Some days will have more than one project being worked on, the Calendar will just need to list them all under that day. The Start and End dates count as days the project being worked on as well. We will also need the calendar to auto update whenever we modify the dates in the first tab or add/remove projects (rows).

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Hide / Unhide Rows And Columns Based On Several Date Ranges

Mar 19, 2014

I am building a sheet to display deadlines (rows) by project (columns). I would like to have it automatically hide the rows and columns based on the date of the deadline. If the deadline is today or 1 week from today the associated rows and columns should be visible, otherwise, I would like to hide them.

My table is A1:N9, with A1 being a blank, row names A2:A9, and column names B1:N1.

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Displaying Values Used In Criteria Selection (Date Ranges) As Part Of Query Output

Dec 20, 2011

Using MS Query in Excel, I've created a simple query that pulls its records from an SQL dbase. Here's the statement:

SELECT uvVisit.FacilityListName, uvVisit.DoctorListName, uvVisit.Date, uvVisit.PatientVisitId, uvVisit.PatientLast, uvVisit.PatientFirst
FROM CPS.dbo.uvVisit uvVisit
WHERE (uvVisit.Date Between ? And ?)
ORDER BY uvVisit.FacilityListName

The query runs fine and prompts the user to enter beginning & ending date ranges for the visit date when executed. So good...but, this requires me to manually insert a line in Excel above the 1st record and type in something like: "For Date Range: MM/DD/YYY - MM/DD/YY" to denote the date range that the qualified records fall into (something the user wants to see).

However, I'd like to find a way automatically preface and display in the report's output (perhaps as the 1st line of the report in Excel??) something similar to what I'm already typing, and have it pull the beginning and ending MM/DD/YY values from those supplied by the user in the parameter.

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Summing Values Of One Column Based On Values Of Another Column?

Feb 21, 2013

I am trying to sum certain values in one column based on the values of another column. I made a few tables, generated some random numbers, and then I started writing up an if-then statement to see if I could get what I am trying to do to work. However, I was having difficulty getting the program to run, because I was declaring more than one variable (I think).

So for instance, I want cells in column G to sum forces in column C when a joint in column E matches a joint in column A. Similarly, I am trying to do the same thing for columns F and B.

I have attached a picture, which shows what I would like for the program to do automatically (rather than me doing it all manually)! I didn't include the code I wrote, because it was so minimal

Attachment 51660

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Summing Values In Column Based On Values In Other Column

Nov 18, 2009

I have a vba form with three comboboxes. The first combobox contains a list of employees, the 2nd a list of work activities and the third a list containing hours. As each employee enters the data for their name, activity and hours these values are saved to sheet6 starting at A10, B10 and C10. I want to be able to sum the hours for each employee who enters data. So the completed user form could look like the following:

HTML Employee (A) Activity (B) Hours (C)
Joe Swept 1.25
Raked 1
Bill Mowed 2
Cleaned 1
Joe Trimmed 1

So as you can see there could be a blank cell in column
"A" under Joe and Bill and Joe could come back later and
enter more info. What I want on sheet6 say starting at A30 the value
Joe would be entered and in B30 his total hours 3.25. In A31
Bill would be entered and in B31 his total hours 3 and so on for other

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Can Automatically Create Named Ranges Based On Adjacent Cell Values?

Jul 11, 2013

Macro that could look at a row and take the values of two cells, combine them and then create a range name for a third cell in the row.

For example; for row 5420, in column C there is the word Florida, in column D there is the number 6235, and in column F there is a sentence or two. Is there a way to automatically create a named range for the cell of column F that would be named FLORIDA6235? And if so, can the macro do this for every row even if the word and/or the number changes.

I have roughly 28,000 rows and nine columns that I am working with. That's why I was wondering if there was a way to automate this. There are 10 states and I don't know how many different numbers attached to the states, however there are many state and number combinations that repeat, so there would be several rows with Florida in column C, 6235 in column D but a different description in column F.

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Updating Values In Variable Ranges Based On Repeating Patterns In A Column

Jul 6, 2006

I have a list of two columns. Here’s an example. The left most column provides the row number.

_ A B
1 1 0
2 2 1
3 2 1
4 3 2
5 4 2.5
6 5 4
7 1 0
8 1 0
9 2 2

Whenever there are two repeating numbers in column one, I want to reduce certain numbers in column 2 by a certain amount. The amount is determined by half the difference between the number in column B corresponding to the second repeated number and the number in column B corresponding to the row after the second repeating number. The range of numbers that are to be reduced begins with the row after the second repeating number and ends with the last row before number one appears in column A. The values in column A are integers, always starting with one. For example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

For the above example, after finding the repeating number two’s at A2 and A3, it would reduce B4 through B6 by half the difference between B3 and B4 (1/2). The values for B4 through B6 would be updated in column B. The same for the next repeated numbers, which is one at A7 and A8. Half the difference between B8 and B9 is 1.

Here’s what the updated list would look like:

1 1 0
2 2 1
3 2 1
4 3 1.5
5 4 2
6 5 3.5
7 1 0
8 1 0
9 2 1

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Summing Up Cells Based On Values Of Other Cells

Oct 25, 2008

I am working on a sheet which calculates payroll. I have a list of people in column A, and in column B, i have their different professionnal status. Their wages vary according to their professionnal status and are in another column C. How can i sum up the wages of only certain people, based on their common professionnal status in column B?

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Finding All Alike Values And Summing Up Corresponding Column Values

Jan 31, 2012

Here's an example of what I need..

I want to

2.5 corn
4 corn
7 green
2 green

I'd like a macro to find all corns, add up the column A for each corn and place the sum beside the last corn in column C

Then do the same with green, etc.

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Move Ranges To Corresponding Ranges Based On Column Having Data

Oct 25, 2007

I need help creating a macro that will search through my excel spreadsheet and for every instance where column A isn't empty it should cut a range of columns from that row and paste them in a different range of columns in the row before it. It should then delete the row that it cut the columns from and keep searching until it has done this for the whole worksheet. I can modify which range of columns are needed, but it has been so long since I've worked with excel macros that I haven't been able to do it.

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Excel 2010 :: Display Cell Ranges From Multiple Locations Based On 2 Cell Values?

Jun 4, 2013

I need to display a set of cells based on the value of two drop down cells i have. As I am not very good at english and worse at explinations, I'll try via screen shots...

I have two dropdowns (C4 and C6) that will indicate what table to use (Second sheet / screenshot). I want that "table" to display in the yellow box on the first page. To complicate matters, some options do not have a CLA option - those starting with X. As there are 24 different outcomes and each is 3x9 if/then statements just dont seem to cut it.

P.S. I have excel 2010 and windows 7

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