Lookup / Dropdown List Based On Information Retrieved In Certain Field

May 22, 2012

I have a drop down (look up list) labeled Equipment that retrieves information from another sheet in my workbook.

I have a second field labeled Equipment Sub Type where I need a drop down list based on the information retrieved in the Equipment Field.

Each item in the Equipment List Drop Down has a corresponding list in my lookup sheet of my workbook.

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Lookup Populate Another Field With Information Already On Sheet

Aug 14, 2014

I've been stuck with this issue for a few days now. I'm trying to populate another field with information already on the sheet. The data is demo data.

I've tried =VLOOKUP(C2,D55:E55,2,0) however it only returned 0

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Dropdown List Always Shows Unique Values From Column Based On Lookup Value

Jul 22, 2014

I have a worksheet (say, Sheet1) that I am going to manually import a large data set into on a weekly basis for reporting purposes. One of the columns from this data dump will have the header "Design Id" in the first row, but it may not be in the same column every time. I am trying to figure out how to create dropdown lists on a separate worksheet (say, Sheet2) in the same workbook where the data source always looks up the column containing the header "Design Id" from Sheet1 and then returns only the unique values from that column as options in the list.

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Dropdown List With More Information Than In Cell

Dec 28, 2012

I am trying to create a drop down list that shows the description of different codes. i.e.

1000 - Straight time
1010 - Vacation Time
1020 - Sick Time; etc.

In the spreadsheet, I only want the number to show (1000, 1010, or 1020).

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Excel 2010 :: Populating Field From Dropdown List

Oct 24, 2011

I am using windows 7, excel 2010 I have a work book, my price list is sheet one and my list of customers and what discounts they get per item in sheet 2.

I choose customer on sheet 1, say i choose a & L sales, well on sheet 2 it shows they get a discount of 45 percent. so I want the 45 percent to show in cell 4r on sheet one, but if the dropdown box shows customer a & V it should show 35 percent because that is what it is on sheet two in cell 3c.

sheet two has 158 customers and each get a difference discount for that product

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List Values In Pivot Table Page Field Dropdown

Feb 27, 2007

I want to print one sheet for each of the values in a page field drop-down. I can do this by supplying the values individually (code below) but would rather determine the list of values dynamically. Can this be done?

Private Sub pbPrintAll_Click()
Dim cix As Integer
Dim Ctrct As String
cix = 3
While (Sheets("Database"). Range("B" + Trim(Str(cix))).Value <> "")
' Get value from database sheet
Ctrct = Sheets("Database").Range("B" + Trim(Str(cix))).Value
' Set CurrentPage value
Sheets("Customer P&L Pivot1"). PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Cust 1A_Name").CurrentPage = Ctrct
' Print formatted sheet
Sheets("Customer P&L").PrintOut
cix = cix + 1
' Reset Current Page value
Sheets("Customer P&L Pivot1").PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Cust 1A_Name").CurrentPage = "(All)"
MsgBox "Prints sent to printer."
End Sub

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Displaying Dashboard Information With Validation Dropdown List?

Jul 5, 2014

I have a project I'm working on that requires me to display information from various sheets on a dashboard. I have created a data validation dropdown list with part numbers. When one of these part numbers is selected from the drop down list I need the rest of the fields to populate with the appropriate information from various sheets in the workbook. How do I tell the dashboard to display this information per part number?

see the attached workbook.

Mini-Project Wally Mart (B212-10).xls

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Auto-Populate Field Based On Dropdown Box Selection?

Jan 20, 2013

I have a dropdown list selection on the form for types of machines. The list of machines, their sizes and related noise level are in a chart on worksheet 2 and I'd like to automate the form so that when the machine is selected, the related noise level auto populates.

The dropdown box has been put in the form using the data validation function.

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Display Information Based On Dropdown Selection?

May 21, 2014

I'm wondering how I could display information based on the user input through dropdown selection. I know how to make a dropdown-list already.

Example: A1 has a dropdownlist with Apple and Banana in it. If I select banana then I want B1 to display "8" and if I select Banana I want B1 to display "4".

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Link Drop Down List & Lookup Corresponding Information

Apr 25, 2008

I'm trying to categorise a load of expenses against their appropriate budget and sub-budgets. I've got all the budget subcategories in separate dynamic named lists each headed by the main budget name. I want to be able to select the main budget name e.g. marketing or sales etc and then see, in the next column over, only the appropriate subcategories to select from e.g pick the appropriate dynamic list (I've used dynamic lists so I have some flexibility to add new categories at a leter date).

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Dropdown List And Lookup Function

Mar 18, 2013

I have been writing a speadsheet using drop down lists and the Lookup function to link names to body weights. When using the dropdown list it displays for one name the incorrect weight. All the rest work correctly but one will not. From the list below when I select the name White it displays '68' rather then '80' as it should. If I change the name of White to the number 4, it will act correctly and display the weight '80'. It seems rather bizare.

This is the function that I am using

=LOOKUP(C53,Weights!B2:C9, Weights!C2:C9)



[Code] .....

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Lookup Information Based On Times & Name

Oct 8, 2007

If you look at the attached file you will understand what I am trying to get at more. I have a download which comes from a time management system. What I want to do is have a macro which runs everytime the name dropdown box on the summary page is changed. The macro needs to lookup the correct times for that person and the day and place them in the correct order (i.e 1st clock in, 1st clock out, 2nd clock in, 2nd clock out, etc.) I am trying to find the best way to do this.

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Dropdown List-lookup-graph Query

Dec 8, 2009

Here's the skinny: From the front page you select a 'heading' from drop down list

example of data:

Heading 1
data a
data b
data c

Heading 2
data a2
data b2
data c2

The problem i'm having is that the resulting graph only plots the bottom line of data (i.e. 'data c') instead of all 3. Ani ideas why/work arounds?

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Fill Cells With Lookup From Dropdown List

Feb 18, 2007

I want our sales people to be able to select from the list of products we manufacture and have they corresponding information automatically populate. For example, if the salesperson is trying to put a quote together for 500 lbs. of Stainless Steel nails, they can select the correct size and have the list price, cost, margin (etc...) fill in the adjacent cells automatically.

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Dropdown List Based On List In Another Cell Using Indirect?

Jan 29, 2013

I have 3 related dropdown lists that work perfectly, if you enter data from left to right. But, if you click in the cell containing the second list, which is based on the first list, of which nothing has been selected, you can just type any value in the cell. Is there a way to prevent this, or at least validate that what is entered is a value in the list.

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Report Filter In Pivot Table Based On Another Field From The List?

Feb 20, 2012

Is it possible to set up the second level of a report filter based on the value of the first report filter. I have a pivot table that needs two report filters: first is the location and the second is the department. What I want to do is have the user be able to select the location and then only show valid departments for that location. I know that this is possible if I set up a form and have the second field be a query against the first. I can create a calculated field but I cannot put that in the report filter area.

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List Information Based On Cell Condition?

Nov 3, 2011

I would like to filter my list to show rows with a date difference of >0 (raised date later than date of contact) and move certain cells onto another sheet in the same workbook.

e.g if diff in F1:F1000 is >0, populate the following onto this sheet

Job no - Address - Postcode - Name - Date raised

Would this be a case of using a vlookup? having a few problems with it at the moment

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Create Auto Populated List Field Based Off Multiple Fields

Apr 21, 2014

I have two or more fields of data, where parts of them are auto populated based on inputs from elsewhere. That part i have working fine, however the problem arises in taking that information and displaying it as a Bill of Materials list on another tab in my excel file. I want to take the information, and only display it in the BOM tab if that piece of information is being used (ie item count field not being 0). I know how to do that part in a rather simple format, however i'd prefer to make it so that when i have the list, and a certain item isn't used then its not included in the BOM, and an empty space is not left behind. I would prefer this to be all be done automatically by a formula if possible instead of just having to resort to sorting the table every time the tool is being used.

Is this even possible in excel, A quick example doc is attached, shows 2 example fields. i'd like to take the information from those 2 fields. and somehow create a single list, with a single heading along the top, with all row containing a 0 "Unit Count" to be omitted entirely from the list, and not have a blank space where the item should be. Keep in mind these fields may be greater than 2, and may not be position one after the other in a strait down line.


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Auto Populate Field With Date When Other Field Is Selected From Validation List

Jul 4, 2013

In the following extract, I would like to have today's date placed into Col K when an entry is made into Col J.

Entry into Col J is from a validation list of 3 options. What I desire is that when one of these options is selected ("Complete"), then I would like today's date to be written into Col K.

Currently Col K has a validation list which comprises dates from 1st of each month from July to June.

I need a fixed date as text preferably, so was thinking the VBA function "Date" on a Change Workbook Sub.

The information is currently part of a Table in Excel 2007 that has about 500 records.



Month Completed

In Progress




Data Validation in Spreadsheet

Input 1
Input 2



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Dropdown List Based On Other Cells Value

Jun 26, 2014

Column C and D are should be picked from a dropdown list (data is in named range on sheet 3).

The choices that have t become available in a dropdown list in column E (values also in named rnage on sheet 3) should be based on the combination of column C and D.

The choices that have t become available in a dropdown list in column H (values also in named rnage on sheet 3) should be based on the value of column C.

I'm not sure the way it is set up now (as far as it is setup) is the way to go.

Here is a link to the file : [URL] ...........

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Dropdown List Based On Two Criteria?

Jul 9, 2011

I am trying to create a drop down list that is dependent on two criteria. To depict the issue, I've created a mock-example about sports.

On my 'data' sheet:
Column 1: Name of sport
Column 2: City
Column 3: Name of sporting team
On my 'form' sheet:
Cell 1: Dropdown list to select name of sport
Cell 2: Dropdown list to select city
Cell 3: I want this cell to be a dropdown list of names of sporting teams, based on the conditions set by Cell 1 & 2.

Example is attached.

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Macro Based On Dropdown List

Jun 24, 2009

I am trying to improve a process for someone in my workgroup to save a lot of time when reporting performance.

I have a spreadsheet with a drop down list of names. When I select a name from the drop down list I would like to copy a range of values on another sheet and paste special value a few columns over on the same sheet. I would like to have this only happen for the range of vaules on the row that correspondes with the name that I selected from the drop down list on the original sheet.

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Dropdown List Based On Criteria

Nov 27, 2009


Column A Column B
Customer ID Suppliers
0023 ABC Co.
0046 XYZ Co.
0023 qqq Co.
0034 MNO Co.
0023 ppp Co.

in another sheet in cell B2 user enters customer code(say 0023).

in cell C2 user is required to enter a single supplier of that customer(0023) from a dropdown list(source customerdb.xls). usually the dropdown list of C2 will show all the suppliers name where i need to show only 0023's suppliers in the dropdown.

so what i need is to filter C2's dropdown list based on customer id entered in cell B2.

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Generate A Dynamic List Of Employees On Sheets Based On Information?

Mar 26, 2014

I would like to generate a dynamic list of employees on sheets based on information on Sheet A. Here is my workbook structure:

-Sheet A contains all employees information (Name, division, salary hire date, etc)

-Sheet B is named Div A

-Sheet C is named Div B


Here is what I want to happen:

-Sheets B should pull the employees name and salary from sheet A only for employees of division A

-Sheet C should pull the employees name and salary from sheet A only for employees of division B


Sheet B, C , etc. should update the info and resort every time sheet A is updated.

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Cell Value Is Dropdown List Based On Other Cell Value Which Is Also Dropdown List?

Aug 4, 2013

fill the column "Level 2 Area" based on the value selected from "Level 1 Area" which is coming from a drop down list. So the "Level 2 Area" will be a drop down list also based on the selected value from the drop down list from "Level 1 Area".

Level 1 Area
Level 2 Area

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Retrieving Cells Based On Dropdown List?

Jan 13, 2014

I want to be able to pick a word from a drop down list and for related information to appear in the next cell. I just don't know the function to do it.

Here's an example: I have a list of first names and second names in adjacent columns.
Excel question 1.jpg

In the 2nd sheet I have a drop down list of the first names:

Excel question 2.jpg

Is there a function to make the corresponding 2nd name appear in B1 when a first name is selected. I've seen examples where INDIRECT is used to create a dependent drop down list in B1 but I'd like the information to automatically appear.

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Formula Based On Value Returned From Dropdown List?

Jan 21, 2014

I want to perform a calculation that is based upon user selection from a drop down list. In a simple for instance it would be something like:

Cell A1 has a drop down list containing 'Apples' & 'Oranges'

Cell A2 asks for quantity

Cell A3 needs to have a formula that calculates the price based on the user selection from A1 with each option having different prices (prices set and do not require manual input)

Would an 'If' statement cover this and, if so, what would it be?

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Formula To Get An Average Based On A Dropdown List

Jul 14, 2009

Im creating a spreadsheet at work, which has a drop down box with the options of open and closed in it.

I also have a column for length of time of the claim, what i need to do, is now find a way of getting a average length of a claim, but only to see the closed option from the drop down box.

for example,

row 1
open date - 02/06, closed date - 01/07, dropdown box - closed, life - 29
row 2
open date - 10/06, closed date - n/a, dropdown box - open, life - -39400

as you can see from the example above, i cant simply do a average of the whole column, as would read the open ones as well. so is there a way of doing the formula, but telling it to only see the open, or closed ones?

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GoTo Another Range Based On Value From Dropdown List

Jun 6, 2014

Based on the value (month) picked from a dropdown list, I want to go to the specific range of that month in the same worksheet.

Attached you can find a sample sheet. Map1.xlsx

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Copy Row Based On Dropdown List Selected?

Jun 10, 2014

I am trying to copy/extract row of data from worksheet(Detail)A:W to worksheet(1st Letter) if X=1st Letter on worksheet(Detail). I have never used VBA and i am not sure if this can be done with a formula.

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