Macro Copy Values And Paste Into Next Blank Row

Jun 11, 2014

So I have two cells D15 and C15.

I simple want to copy there values (There paste links)

And paste them into the next blank row between D/E17/ and D/E26.

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Insert Blank Column And Copy/paste Values

Apr 20, 2009

I'd like to have done is to have a blank column inserted between columns W and X(these values change so the VBA statement should reference the end of the columns) and the values that are now in column Y(April 17th values) pasted as values into the now empty column X. I would like to do this for tabs Ann-Sheet 2. I'm having a bit of trouble with setting up the loop that would go through the desired sheets.

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Copy Non Blank Cells & Paste As Values To Another Range

Aug 30, 2008

I'm trying to copy the non blank cells in an area ("B120:K239"). and special paste (values only) to the next blank row of the actual work area (3 pages) within the worksheet. The area that this needs to paste to is between("B10:K29, B44:K63, B78:K97"). Problem is that if there are more rows to be copied and pasted then there are open rows on the first sheet it gives an error due to the rows outside those areas having different formats (merged cells and that)

Question: Is there anyway to special paste between ranges? I've tried to hide the inbetween rows and that still doesn't work. Could it be possible to add something to this code to ignore hidden rows or to only paste to visible rows?

Sub Special_Paste ()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With Range("B119")
. AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="<>"
With Range("B120:K239")
Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Range("30:43")
.EntireRow.Hidden = True
With Range("64:77")
.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Dim NextRow As Range
Set NextRow = Range("B97").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)...............

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Macro To Copy / Paste On Blank Rows

Apr 28, 2014

What I have are dates in Column B with a lot of blank rows in between. For example: cell B2 has a date in it and then the next date would be on cell B54. I need a macro to copy cell B2 until it finds a new date (which is in cell B54) then copy the date in cell B54 until the next date again.. so on..

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Creating Macro For One Blank Row Above With Copy Paste Data

Apr 25, 2014

The task I have in front of me is that I have a very large spreadsheet (28,000 +rows) that has data that was exported from a legacy system that we no longer have. It has data in columns A thru G. I must get this data prepped to have ready for importation into the new system. What I'm trying to do is copy the data in cell A and cell B, everytime the value in column D = 1, and insert one blank row above and copy the values from cell A and cell B to cell A and cell B on the newly created row.

Below is a picture of what I'm trying to capture:

sample image.png

I thought that a macro would be a fairly easy way to do this, but it's proven challenging for me to write. Here is what I attempted using the macro recorder:

[Code] ........

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Copy Paste Special Macro And Skip Blank Rows

Jan 10, 2012

Can a macro make a workbook everytime you copy, it will paste special formulas only and skip blank rows? And can I still let me select the range manually? I would like to use this to link workbooks.

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Macro To Copy Sheet(s) And Paste As Values Only

Nov 29, 2011

I am looking for a macro that will copy a worksheet to a new workbook and 'paste as values only' - this is because I already have a macro that I am trying to use to 'autofilter' the sheet to only show rows and colums that have entries in them. Since the sheet is dynamic, the macro will not work unless I copy and paste as values only...

Workbook attached - FYI, the 2 sheets in the workbook are actually in 2 separate books, I have just put them together to make it easier to post here...

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Macro To Copy Paste Values And Formulas

Oct 13, 2009

I have an existing macro that copies a worksheet and pastes it into another workbook, renames it and then attaches it to an email. My problem is that it pastes just the values. I need it to paste part of the original worksheet as values and part copy the formulas. So on the new workbook Columns A through F will be values only and G through Z will copy the formulas.

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How To Use Macro That Copy And Paste Values From One Workbook To Another

Jan 8, 2013

I'm trying to use a macro that will copy & paste values from one workbook to another. Everything works fine until I try to get it to Paste to next available row.

It worked the first time, but after that it jumps, several hundred rows at a time.

This is what I have so far:


Sub CopyData()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="S:Production OfficeMonthly KPI Reports.xlsm", ReadOnly:=False
Windows("Weekly KPI Plan.xlsm").Activate
Worksheets("Data Input").Select
Worksheets("Data Input").[A4:AT650].Select


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Macro To Copy, Paste Values, And Remove Blanks

Aug 7, 2007

I need a macro that will take the values that are in the far right cells and move them to an area on the left. the columns they will be pulling from are the IU & IV column starting with row 2 down to row 460. from there I need the values to be pasted into the D & E Columns starting at row 6. The two columns IU & IV are a date and a task for that date. When they are pasted into the columns D&E they will need to be sorted by dates (or just all of the blanks removed), with the soonest occurrence at the top. The reason for pasting values is because I have formulas pulling the tasks and dates off of another sheet. The last thing is that the macro needs to be triggered by the information in cell c2, when that cell is changed the formulas go to work and everything in cells IU & IV update. That is when I would like the macro to kick in and work the miracle.

I have been trying to build a colony of formulas that could do it, but I have given up, then I tried to make an array index it for me, but that wasn't working for me either.

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Conditional Copy/Paste Special Values Macro

Jan 15, 2008

I have 9 worksheets in a book with sheets 1-8 used for data entry, and sheet 9 used for a weekly data upload. Sheets 1-8 are all formatted the same, they just represent different vendors. I need a macro to look through column F (invoice number) on sheets 1-8 and see if the value of each cell already appears in column c on sheet 9. If the value is not found and the row value for column M (sheets 1-8) is >0, I need to copy the data from columns D:K and paste special values into the next blank row on sheet 9.

Basically I'm trying to see if I've already paid an invoice, and if not then I need to automatically add the data for payment. I've tried to mess around with a VBA code myself and ended up with a migraine every time. I've also tried to use the advanced filter, but the cell values I need to copy over contain formulas and conditional formatting...not to mention I can't delete the data on sheet 9 that has already been added.

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Macro That Allows The User To Copy And Paste A Set Of Date And Time Values

Sep 18, 2009

I am trying to develop a macro that allows the user to copy and paste a set of date and time values, move them to the next sheet and increase the month by 1. I need help trying to find out how can I create a counter for the program to keep running without the need to reprogram the macros again.

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Make Copy / Paste Values Macro More Efficient When Calculating

Feb 17, 2014

I got a macro to copy and paste values onto another tab within my worksheet. I have a lot of data and currently takes about 30 seconds to calculate and paste. Not sure if its an issue with my macro or with my computer (Mac - Excel 2011).

Here is an example of my macro:

Sub SimulateWeek()
If Range("AdvanceWeek").Value = "Week 1" Then
Sheets("Schedule - Results").Range("C2").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues


(this continues on until 'ElseIf Range("AdvanceWeek").Value = "Week 31"....etc). So you can see I have the same code repeated 31 times.

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Macro To Open File, Copy Paste As Values And Save As Excel Html

Feb 16, 2010

I have a folder containing 40 single sheet excel workbooks and I would like to automate following tasks:

- Open each excel file (need to open the file so as to update it since it gets the data from another workbook through =formulas)

- Copy paste as values

- Save this as excel html in the same folder as original excel files (keeping the original file name)

- Close (original excel file should not be changed ie formulas should remain in place, only the html file will contain values)

- Since there will always be xHtml files with same name need the macro to replace the excisting file

My abilities with excel are limited to functions, no VBA knowledge other than finding ready codes and pasting them in the module.

Since this routine is to be run almost daily the macro should run all files, instead of one by one.

I just hope that I am not asking too much for excel to handle and I hope that explanation is clear.

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Excel 2003 :: Macro To Copy And Paste Special Values From Different Workbooks Into One Workbook

Nov 24, 2012

Copy over data from different workbooks and using paste special values to paste it into a new workbook using a macro. Here is what I have and what I am looking for:

My file path is

C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsProjectCostsDecember12

In this folder I have workbooks called:


In each workbook I have 4 worksheets


I also have a workbook called DecMonthlyTotal in the same folder with the same named worksheets.

I am looking for a macro to be placed in the DecMonthlyTotal that will pull the data from the Cashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name Cashable12-13, it will also pull the data from the NonCashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name NonCashable12-13

Both the Cashable12-13 and the NonCashable12-13 have Columns A - G The row that the macro should start the copying from is Row 3 for each of the workbooks; however I don't have an end row for the workbooks as this will vary.

I am using Excel version 2003.

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Copy/paste Values (copy Values Of Cells From B4 Till B-empty To C Column)

Jun 26, 2009

Sheet linked from external file, new data coming daily. How to copy Values of cells from B4 till B-empty to C column? The attached file has a properly displayed data.

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Copy First Non Blank Row And Paste On First Blank Row

Mar 2, 2013

I'm working on this macro that copies data on sheet1 from A2:AI2 till the last non-blank row in the same range i.e. A:AI and paste it on sheet2 in the first blank row. However, my code keeps picking up A1:AI1 from sheet1 as well and pastes it on sheet2 just before the data that I actually want to paste. Here's my code:

[Code] .....

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Simple Copy Sheet Paste In Other Book But Paste Values?

Jun 20, 2013

Attached is my code, pay attention to the bold part. I want the sourceSheet to be copied as a sheet and pasted in the targetSheet (the Sheet2 of "NewBook") but I want it pasted asvalues. Here is the specific part which needs to be looked at...and below is the full code.

Set sourceBook = Application.Workbooks.Open(sourceFilename)
Set sourceSheet = sourceBook.Sheets("Current")
Set targetSheet = NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2")


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Copy And Paste While Cell Is Blank Do Next

May 30, 2013

In a column, there are data, but in between of each data in a column, there are many blank cells. I would like to do a copy and paste of the first data, and paste it in the same column column, while the cells are blank, and stops when there is a cell with a data, which is different than the previous one, and do the same again and again.

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Copy And Paste One Formula Into Every Other Blank Row?

Jan 21, 2014

way to copy and paste a formula into every other blank row?

The formula will be staying in the same columns the whole way down the sheet. Eg: A1, A2, A3 ..... ETC

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Copy Paste Into Next Blank Cell

Jan 5, 2009

I am looking for a macro that will open a file called File1.xls highlight only the cells in columns A:B that have content, then toggle back to another file called File2.xls, scan columns A:B, find the next blank cells within A:B and paste.

Here is a sample of what i am looking for:

Macro to scan File1.xls and find & copy only cells in columns A:B that are not blank.

_|__A_ |__B_|
1|_text|_text| (Copy)
2|_text|_text| (Copy)
3|_text|_text| (Copy)
4|_text|_text| (Copy)
5|blank|blank| (DO NOT Copy)

Toggle to File2.xls, scan columns A:B, paste content copied cells from File1.xls in next blank cells in columns A:B of File2.xls.

_|__A_ |__B_|
1|_text|_text| (Pre-existing text)
2|_text|_text| (Pre-existing text)
3|blank|blank| (Paste Row1 from File1.xls)
4|blank|blank| (Paste Row2 from File1.xls)
5|blank|blank| (Paste Row3 from File1.xls)
6|blank|blank| (Paste Row4 from File1.xls)

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Copy And Paste Into Last Blank Cell?

May 30, 2012

I have a Worksheet that is manually populated with file names into the 2nd cell of each column for columns A through D.

I need a macro that will loop through each column, starting at B2, c2 etc, and copy each value, and then paste it into the first available blank cell in column E




Ive tried a few combinations of code, but nothing seems to be working.

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Copy And Paste Data Into Next Blank Row

May 20, 2009

I have been tinkering with a code for a few days now and managed to finally get it working . The Code basically copies data from one spreadsheet (Macro Tester6), opens up another spreadsheet (Macro Tester Master), pastes the data, Saves the file (Macro Tester Master) and then closes it.

The Macro Tester6 file is then left open as I prefer.

The problem I have is that the data always paste into the same row, hence overwrites data already inserted.

the code finds the next blank row to paste the data in.

My code is:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
' select current workbook and paste the values starting at A1
Windows("Macro Tester6.xls").Activate
' open the source workbook and select the source sheet

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Paste Values To 1st Blank Row Of Column In Different Worksheet

May 15, 2007

I have a template with data only in column B, with fields going down the rows. I'd like to copy B2, B4, B6...B24 to the next blank row (so the values need to be transposed to a row vs. column) in a Consolidated Workbook. Here's what I have so far:

NextRow = Worksheets("Sheet2"). Range("A1000").End(xlUp).Row + 1
For a = 2 To 24 Step 2
Worksheets("sheet2").Cells(NextRow, a / 2) = Cells(a, 2)
Next a

Except that the formula above pastes the first value in column B of sheet2, any ideas on how to get it into column A? Worksheets("sheet2").Cells(NextRow, (a / 2)-1) = Cells(a, 2) gives an error. Also, instead of sheet2 in the same workbook, I need to paste the data into sheet2 of a different workboook (i.e. Main, located in My Documents.)

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Copy And Paste Ignoring If Cells Blank

Dec 28, 2007

I have a workbook which has data in column A. I also have data in column I. What im trying to do is copy and paste the data from column I to A but if the cell in column I is blank I need that ignored and the data thats in column A at pres kept.

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Copy; Paste With Input Box, Adding A Blank Cell

Nov 1, 2009

Data range is A2:A301. From this range sometime all and sometime selected data is required to be copied in another column for example C2
downward. What is needed: select the range from A2:A301 with an input box then the required data to be pasted in C2 downward but with a blank cell after four cells.

and so on.

I'm doing it Ctrl+C n Ctrl+V but that is very time consuming.

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Copy Data Columns From CSV Paste Into Next Available Blank Space

Jul 10, 2014

I have some data from many csv files.

I would like to record/create a macros to open the file and paste 4 columns worth of data into another spreadsheet. Making sure the data is pasted in the correct column and doesn't overight data already in a tracker. Ie. paste it into the next available space.


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Copy From One Sheet And Paste Into Another Shee Int The Blank Cell

Feb 9, 2009

I want to copy the data in "Sheet1" without the header and paste it in "Sheet2" but only paste it in the first blank cells because i sometimes have data in "Sheet2". i would also like to paste it as paste special method when pasting. See attached for details.

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Copy / Paste Not Replace Data (only Blank Cell)

Nov 9, 2013

How to copy paste data without replace existing data or keeping existing data?

it's possible??

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From Array And Paste To Separate Sheet Paste Special Transpose

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.

The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?

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