Macro For Pasting CSV Data From Clipboard?

Jul 17, 2014

I'm trying to implement a very simple macro to paste a set of cells - already copied to the clipboard from a CSV file - into a worksheet.

Basically, all I need it to do is to allow the user to open that other CSV file, hit CTRL+A and CTRL+C, then go to the relevant sheet in my workbook and run the macro, which should simply paste the copied data into that sheet (starting at cell A30).

Here's what I have so far - I keep getting an error when the macro reaches the ActiveSheet.Paste command.

Sub UpdateData()
' UpdateData Macro
Dim strSheetName As String


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Reading From Clipboard Before Pasting

May 28, 2008

Is it possible for VBA to read data from a clipboard so that it knows what sheet to paste the data to? Currently we run a financial tool and 2 reports are ran and I put in a bottom so users could easily just paste special values into the correct place. Sometimes the users forget if they copied the balance sheet data or income statement data and currently its not a big deal because there are no columns to the right of where it is pasting so it isn't screwing anything up and they just delete the data and paste it to the correct sheet.

I have thought of 2 approaches I am going to take, but started to wonder if one could read the data from the clipboard before the paste.

My 2 options would be:

Option 1. Paste data to newly created sheet and check if it is balance sheet or income statement and then move from newly created sheet to correct sheet and delete newly created sheet. The user wouldn't see any of this because I would disable screen updating.

Option 2. Learn how to use Undo within my VBA or keep the Undo cache with items in it as it typically clears when VBA is executed. That way if they paste it and it is wrong I can just undo the VBA paste.

Option 1 I am confident I can handle. Option 2 I can research and feel I could do, but if it comes a time when a sheet has data I do not want to paste over then this option is no good.

I would like to hear any comments or feedback on this and if it is possible to read data off the clipboard so it knows where to paste.

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Macro Close Workbooks - Large Amount Of Data On Clipboard Msg

Mar 8, 2005

I am using the close.workbook command in VBA to close a workbook I opened to copy data from. I am getting a message that says "You have a large amount of data on the clipboard. Do you want it available?" What command do I use in VBA say no to this message?

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Modifying Macro - Pasting Over Row Of Data

Aug 11, 2014

Macro (see below).

I have two sheets 1) ap modified 2) gl download

It's merging the two sheets together. however, it's pasting over the last row of data. For example, gl download has data from row 4 to row 100. The Macro is pasting data from ap modified starting in row 100 of gl download instead of row 101. How can i correct this?

Sub C_Merge()
Dim w1 As Worksheet, w2 As Worksheet
Set w1 = Sheets("ap modified")
Set w2 = Sheets("gl download")
Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long

[Code] .........

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Macro - Copying/Pasting Data From One Workbook To Another

Feb 26, 2009

I'm trying to do is record a macro that will copy data from cells A1/A2 of Test.xls and paste it to cell A1/A2 of Text2.xls. Then when I run the macro again, it will copy B1/B2 of Test.xls to B1/B2 of Test2.xls, and then do that for the remaining cells.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Delete All Data Before Pasting In New Stuff

Nov 25, 2013

I am using Excel 2007 and have a simple enough macro to paste data in to another sheet - simple is what I do best.

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
With Sheets("data")
.Range("B3").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll

End With
End Sub

I am wanting to change this so that before it pastes any data into B3 it will delete all data from B3:AE22.

I have had a look around and found plenty to delete full rows or worksheets but not just to delete the data in those cells.

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Macro Adds Blank Rows When Pasting Data In From Another Sheet?

Mar 11, 2014

I have a macro which opens a csv file, moves a few columns about then pastes the data into a master workbook. The problem I have is that even though there is only around 1,500 rows of data on the csv file, the sheet on the master workbook is showing up to row 1,048,576 after the data has been pasted in! This is causing issues as I use this data later on in the macro and there are a couple of 'find and replace' commands that take an age to run because of the number of blank rows.

Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"L:PVDDBB15." & Format$(Sheet1.Range("G5"), "ddmmyy") & ".csv"


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Paste Macro - Clipboard Validation

May 5, 2009

If the user clicks the button to do the paste special macro twice - the second time they get an error (I am assuming that the clipboard has been wiped clean and they need to go back and copy the data again). The specific error message is: "Run-time error '1004': PasteSpecial method of Range class failed".

What I would like to do is add code to the pastespecial macro that looks to see if there is something to paste - if not, I want to give my own message and not the default one.

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Macro To Paste First Item In Office Clipboard?

Feb 3, 2014

I created a macro that will do a subtotal and copy the value then undo the subtotal and delete all the values(i dont need the actual raw data, just need the subtotal). i noticed when i do a copy, i have to paste from the office clipboard. is there a macro i can use to paste from the first item on the list?

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A Macro To Paste The Most Recent Entry From The Office Clipboard

Feb 19, 2009

I'm doing a data/filter/advanced filter/show all/unique records to get rid of any duplicate rows. I tried creating a macro and but the macro recorder doesn't know that I want to do NOT a regular paste, but a paste from the most recent entry from the Office Clipboard. Is there a formula and/or macro that will allow me to do this?

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Detecting Size Of Data On Clipboard

Mar 22, 2010

I am trying to write a macro to paste the data that has been copied onto the clipboard into my worksheet. However I want to paste it in different ways depending on what data is there.

This is what I have so far:

Sub ImportTissue()
If "dimensions of clipboard data are 5 cells by 5 cells" Then

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False

[Code] .........

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Stop Data On Clipboard Message

Nov 23, 2006

I've just written a macro to copy large amount of data from one worksheet into another. It works well right now, except a little problem. Every time I run the macro, there is always a message box appeared. It let me to choose whether to save or delete data on the clipboard. And I usually choose 'no'. (The message box has been screenshotted and attached into this thread.) Because I use this macro very often, it really makes troubles to me. Is there anyway to block the message box. I mean let it never appear?

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Closing Workbook By VBA Because Of Copied Data In Clipboard

Oct 5, 2013

I have a workbook from which i copy data and paste in another sheet, then close first excel. But copied data which is stored in memory gives a warning before closing the excel file.

The code i use is:

Sub Macro1()
ChDir (Range("D3").Text)
Workbooks.Open Filename:=(Range("J4").Text)
Sheets("Final output").Select


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Prevent Loss Of Copied Data On Clipboard

Sep 26, 2007

Using a macro I want to paste from the clip board.
I can manually do this by opening the clipboard, selecting the data, which pastes to my specified location.

The macro copies to the clipboard okay, but loses the data that I want to paste because just before pasting I have to clear data which was previously been filtered - I have to do this at this point. The macro bogs down. If I end the macro there, I can manually open the clip board and choose the data I copied from there and paste it that way. I'd like the macro to do this for me.

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VBA - Syntax Delete Data From Clipboard Before Closing A File

Feb 22, 2008

I recorded a Macro to open a workbook, copy and paste data from one excel workbook to another, and close the workbook which was opened. Everything works fine except:

because of the amount of data that I am copying, I get a message box saying "There is a large amount of information on the Clipboard. Do you want to be able to paste this information into another prgoram later?" with a Yes/No button.

So now I have to click the "No" button before my macro closes the excel file. Is there a simple line of code that will by-pass this?

I am assuming it has to do with the following:

ActiveWindow.Close , savechanges:=False

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Getting Clipboard Data (HTML Web Source) To Paste Into Specified Cell

Feb 7, 2013

Goal: I have data that was copied to my clipboard from the webpage source in a Chrome browser. I would like to get that data over to my excel worksheet and insert it starting at "A1".

Issue: All of the pasted data is ending up in ONLY cell "A1" when using VBA.

When I just click in cell "A1" and CTRL-V, the data gets spread across a lot of cells, which is what I am after.

'Start The Process

' Assigning clipboard data to string variable strClip

Dim MyData As DataObject
Dim strClip As String

Set MyData = New DataObject

[Code] .....

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Data On Clipboard Is Not Same Size And Shape As Selected Area?

Dec 15, 2013

How to turn off or default the warning box message ...

"Data on the Clipboard is not the same size and shape as the selected area. Do you want to paste the data anyway"

I hate having to click yes on this every time I paste something. I do it hundreds of times a day.

My tables is centered and merged because my external date changes sizes each time I paste to the table.

I have looked all over to try and find an "OFF" warning/message button for this. I just want to know how to turn it off or default it to never pop up again!

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VBA To Copy Selected Cells To Clipboard With Text Data

Feb 12, 2008

Need aid in copying certain cells with text/labels to clipboard to format a body of email to be sent via Yahoo webmail, so I can paste it where needed.

I did a couple of Excel VBA's back in 2000 or so at last job but haven't seen/used VBA since.

Have a spreadsheet with customer data, (one cust per row) and wish to create something like the following in clipboard (in this example, assuming row 2 is the selected row)...I'll only be sending out one or two of these per day so nothing fancy is needed, just a way to avoid retyping critical data that could get mistyped.


Rental details for 2008

Customer Name : A2
Unit nbr : A3
Nbr of weeks : A4
Balance due : A5

I'm using Office 2000 still...I've done some searching but results found seem to complicated for my situation or not quite close enough for me to see how to apply it.

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Stop Large Amount Of Data On Clipboard Message

Sep 12, 2007

I have some code to open up another workbook, take the data from sheet1 in it, copy it to a sheet in the first book, and then close the opened workbook. My problem is that whenever it closes the workbook it gives me the large amount of data on clipboard window that I must then click 'No' on before it will proceed. I thought that making CutCopyMode = False would fix that, but it hasnt worked. Heres the bit of code that does this:

CutCopyMode = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
Windows("Inventory Report.xls").Activate
CutCopyMode = False

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Clipboard - Copying Large Amounts Of Data From One Full Sheet In One Workbook To Another

Sep 6, 2007

I'm copying large amounts of data from one full sheet in one workbook to the sheet in another book.

Everything is now automated, except that it asks in between books if I need to keep the Clipboard data.

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Macro Not Pasting

Jan 11, 2009

I am trying to use the code below to select certain information from different areas of each sheet in the workbook and paste it onto the List sheet one after the other so I end up with a long list made up of short lists off each sheet. The macro runs through each sheet OK. each sheet has the correct area I want to copy highlighted, so I know it's selecting the right area for copying, but the 'List' sheet is blank, i.e. nothing has been copied to it.

This macro is one I'm trying to put together from other macros I already have, and they all work

Sub Generate_Repair_Kit_List()
For Each ws In Sheets
Const testColumn = "A" ' change for your data
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim topCell As Range
Set topCell = Range(testColumn & 1) ' top of column
lastRow = Range(testColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'work up from the bottom until we hit
'a cell that has a border on the bottom edge.
Do While lastRow > 1
lastRow = lastRow - 1.........

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Copying And Pasting In Macro?

Jun 6, 2013

I am creating a macro for a monthly report of inventory. When I filter out items and the copy and paste them to another sheet, how do I tell the macro to paste it in the next available cell rather than say A20? Because the report has a different number of items and filter results from month to month.

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Auto Pasting Using Macro

Sep 14, 2007

I have a sheet pasted below for reference. I am trying to make a macro that when I type the word "Completed" into "Sheet1" row N then in this sheet pasted (ProductionList) below the corresponding row gets deleted. I hate explaining this stuff. I'm so bad at it.

******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Unique Print Schedule.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA9B9C9D9E9A10B10C10D10E10A11B11C11D11E11A12B12C12D12E12A13B13C13D13E13A14B14C14D14E14A15B15C15D15E15A16B16C16D16E16A17B17C17D17E17A18B18C18D18E18A19B19C19D19E19A20B20C20D20E20A21B21C21D21E21A22B22C22D22E22A23B23C23D23E23A24B24C24D24E24A25B25C25D25E25A26B26C26D26E26=
ABCDEF1*2345678Job*NameTowelQuanitityDate*Due:HandlingPress9GCHS*Tigres1525-23-BKHL759/14/2007Ship*From*Team*Spirit*TowelsB10Crunk*Energy1518-125*WHHC50009/18/2007NoneDONE11Atlanta*Falcons1518-15WHHL500069/18/20076*Post*Pro*To*DonB12Sunstreet*Mortgage1626-30*WHDC3029/18/2007Hook*&*GrommetR13McDonalds*Hacer*Golf*Outing1626-30*WHDC3049/18/2007Hook*&*GrommetR14Arizona*Cardinals1218-13*WHFI670069/20/20076*post*Pro*To*DonR15Michigan*Go*Blue1118-12PMS10910169/20/200710*towels*to*Greg*Cannon*6*to*DonR16Golf*Etc.1626-30WHDC1549/24/2007Hook*&*Grommet.**4*samples*to*sendB17Buffalo*Bills*"Billieve1118-12WHHR600369/26/200736*post*pro*to*Donny*DonB18Wreck*Em*Tech1518-125*WHHC100510/1/2007NoneR19Go*Hogs1518-125*WHHC100510/1/2007NoneR20U*Conn*Huskies1518-125*WHHC100510/3/2007NoneR21Go*Bulldogs1518-125*WHHC150510/3/2007NoneR22Chargers??6800010/8/20070R23Kansas*University*Homecoming1118-13RYFC2501810/30/2007Strike*to*Corey*&*VernR24Go*Aggies1518-125*WHHC50511/1/2007Drop*ShipsR25St.*Paul*USBC1118-16*COLORS1512FlexibleRDDC,*HUDC,*RYDCB26Fire*Antz1118-12WHHR2000PENDINGNoneBProduction List*
[HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name box

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Macro For Coying And Pasting

Aug 3, 2009

There are two sheets named "dataset" and "result"
I need to copy the content of sheet "dataset" staring from line containing ("final dataset") till the missing row.

This data is dynamic. i.e line containing text "final dataset" can start from any row and can go upto any row , depending upon the number of drugs selected.

For example in the sheet named "dataset" , the text "final dataset" starts from Row 7 and teh data goes upto row 16( since the drugs selected are 9.
7 final dataset
8 drug 1 1 3 42 7
9 drug 2 1 3 44 6
10 drug 3 1 3 4 96
11 drug 4 1 3 4 56
12 drug 5 1 3 4 67
13 drug 6 1 3 4 622
14 drug 7 1 3 4 622
15 drug 8 1 3 4 26...................

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Copying And Pasting Data Scenarios Into A Data Report Sheet

May 31, 2006


Here is my situation:

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep

The above format is how I want my spreadsheet to look like. On another sheet within the workbook, I have a chart with some control options that allow me to vary X, Y, Z (I can vary either of these individually). Anytime I vary any one of X,Y,or Z, then the values in A,B,and C all change. This is what I am looking for, a Macro that will allow me the opportunity to everytime I change or vary an option (X,Y,Z), I can hit "Save Scenario" and the new values will be appended to my "Report" sheet. The values of A-C and X and Y are kept on a sheet entitled "FY 07". X is maintained on a sheet called "Inputs". So in all, X,Y, Z and A,B,C are all copied for each scenario.

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Copy/Pasting Macro Function

Feb 8, 2010

I'm working on a quality control project (for products with Model #'s "1098", "1190", & "1220") for the company I work for and I'm having an issue with a macro.

I have data coming from worksheet "Sheet1" AB6:AB21, that's getting "sent" to worksheets "1098", "1190", & "1220" E86:E101, and "Sheet1" AC6:AC21 -> worksheets in E151:E166

In "Sheet1" cell F4, you enter the Model # ("1098" "1190" "1220"). I'd like this data above to ONLY go to the corresponding worksheet as cell F4 and not ALL model # worksheets. Is there a way that I can do this?

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Copy/Pasting Macro Function...

Feb 18, 2010

I'm working on a quality control project (for products with Model #'s "1098", "1190", & "1220") for the company I work for and I'm having an issue with a macro.

I have data coming from worksheet "Sheet1" AB6:AB21, that's getting "sent" to worksheets "1098", "1190", & "1220" E86:E101, and "Sheet1" AC6:AC21 -> worksheets in E151:E166

In "Sheet1" cell F4, you enter the Model # ("1098" "1190" "1220"). I'd like this data above to ONLY go to the corresponding worksheet as cell F4 and not ALL model # worksheets. Is there a way that I can do this?

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Macro Collapses At Pasting Function

Jan 26, 2009

I have a workbook that has a worksheet for each day in a year and a worksheet at the end called "RollingData". Every so often I would like to select the same range of cells on each worksheet and copy it to the RollingData worksheet, placing it at the end of the last data. Right now, the macro will do that for a selected sheet. I would like to select several sheets and run the macro on them. When I try to step through it, it fails. I get an error saying that the Paste size and Copy size are not the same and to select a single cell. The macro leaves the first blank cell in the first blank row on worksheet "RollingData" selected so I can't see where this won't work. Here is the

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Copying And Pasting While Recording Macro

Sep 26, 2013

I am having trouble with a project for school. The instructions are: (In Worksheet 1) Type Your Name. Now, begin recording a Macro. Copy and Paste your name from Worksheet 1 to Worksheet 2. Fill in the background and edit the font. End.

Here is an example of the coding.

Application.CutCopyMode = False
With Selection.Interior
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

[Code] .....

Now, according to the instructions I should be able to run the Macro in any worksheet....but anytime I run the Macro in any other worksheet I just get a yellow block without my name there.

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Macro. Pasting, Deleting & Shifting

Jul 26, 2007

I have a challenge for any macro wizard out there - this is something I really need and I'd be happy to reimburse whomever can help with an iTunes gift card or something.

I regularly receive a dataset such as the one you see here on the tab called 'Data comes in varying # of rows' (either link should work):


The dataset comes each time with a different number of rows, and what I need to do is combine all the 'Issue' and 'Issue Description' columns (there are 8 total) into just two columns.

I think this should be relatively easy for someone who has a better knowledge of macros by simply copying and pasting the data on top of itself (as I have done on the next tab called 'Want to change to this format'), and then simply deleting from the second section the 'Issue #1' and 'Issue #1 Description' columns, and shifting all the data left by two columns.

If you repeat this process for the third and fourth sections (for the third, you must delete 'Issue #1' and 'Issue #1 Description' and 'Issue #2' and 'Issue #2 Description' and shift the data left, while for the fourth you must delete Issues and Issue Descriptions 1 to 3 and shift the fourth Issue and Description to the left), you will end up with the columns A, B, C, and D as I have on the 'Want to change to this format' tab. (The extra columns after column D should all be deleted.)

Finally, the 3 extra header rows that are now at the top of the bottom three copied-and-pasted sections should all 3 be deleted.

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