Macro/formula To Count Distinct Resources And Match To Location
Oct 8, 2009
i am looking to create a small table from the attached worksheet that will show how many users there are for 3 different locations, the user names are in column a and the locations in column c. the thing is, the actual worksheet i am using in work contains almost 1000 lines, and is being updated daily, there can be multiple entries for a person for projects etc.. and someone can even be in the availability and pto area's without being in the main project area. each resource can only be on one location so that will not change.
also, there can be blank cells for resource which should not be counted. i was wondering if there was a formula or a macro that would count the distinct number of names and reference them to the location and give a count of resources by location?
I have this formula that works perfectly in Excel. It counts the unique TEXT values in a column. But it does not work in the VBA editor. Count = SUMPRODUCT((C6:C39<>"")/COUNTIF(C6:C39,C6:C39&""))
I have a workbook with multiple sheets. On each sheet is different sets of sales person data. Each set consists of a sales order number, and the type of product that was sold.
I need a count of all the distinct product types that each sales person sold.
I need the solution in VBA, as i need to run the macro through all the worksheets. The size of the range for each sales person differs.
I have got all the VBA done, except for the part where i specify the FORMULAR1C1 for the specific cell, to do the distinct count.
I have a problem getting an adequate formula for the following.
"Sheet 1" Column A.............Column B Employee Code.....Distinct Count ZZADW...............Formula Result ZZALM................Formula Result ZZALS................Formula Result ZZANG................Formula Result
"Sheet 2" Column A............Column B Employee Code.....Account Number ZZADW...............1SSS ZZADW...............1STT ZZALM................5GHL''''''''
I want to count the number of unique, or distinct, company names in column [C7], subject to two conditions that will exclude certain unique company names from the count.
I should also point out that most company names appear multiple times in column [C7].
a) Count the unique company names in column [C7]...
b) ...including only those companies who have at least one "Yes" in column [C8] somewhere among their records
c) ...and who also have at least one value equal or greater than "1" in column [C15] somewhere among their records
Note that that there is no requirement that the "Yes" and the "1" ever appear in the same record.
i would like to find out about:The different essential building elements for different chart types (like 3DBubble requires XValue, Value, Name and BubbleSize, for example, but what about clusteredColumn and the others?)How to address the building elementsThe optional building elements (changing background color and stuff)
In Cell AA8, I need a formula that will read the 3-digit number in Col Z8 and count the number of rows where a match is found. The 3-digit number can be in any form, Ex Cell Z8, 972 can be 729,279.
************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - Tic-Tac-Toe -1 +1.xlsx___Running: 12.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutZ8Z9Z10Z11Z12Z13Z14Z15Z16=VWXYZAA811/18/089729727911/17/0843143141011/16/0836036041111/15/0870670611211/14/08067067 1311/13/08143143 1411/12/08603603 1511/11/08729729 1611/10/08534534 Sheet1 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
I am looking for a way to show the character location number of a text file, possibly in the first row or a macro that I can run at any given location that will give me the location # I am currently viewing.
Currently, when I open the file I can see the character # at the opening screen (see attached file) but they disappear when it actually converts. I would like to be able to keep the character location ruler once the file is opened in Excel so I don't have to manually count.
I'm looking for a SUBTOTAl IF function (if there's any) that would sum all the distinct values in a column for a given criteria based on another column. My data is listed below:
I'm looking for a formula to sum the DISTINCT Revenue values for Q1 2008, Q2 2008, and Q3 2008 based on the autofiltered list. The formula result should change dynamically based on the autofilter selection.
I have two lists in different columns, which are defined ranges. I want to extract them to a unique list with an array formula and at the same time sort albafetically, without duplicates, like this:
List1 List2
Final List
Audi Ford
[Code] ....
So far, I have this formula which is working in what concerns removing duplicates and exctract a unique list. But it is not ordering alfabeticaly.
I would like to know if it is possible for the output from a match function to be correlated to a location? The output I receive is just a number. I would like to use this number as the row, but I would like to hyperlink it into a formula so that I can create a macro for this process.
In essence I would like for a number in one cell to become a location in another cell.
compare two lists of data in order to identify the possible matches considering date&time and the location stored in different columns as shown in the example file attached. The range of date and time for the comparison is one hour, but it can be changed...
I have a line in my VBA code that i need to change the location of Sheet1 to another workbooks. Instead of Match at Sheet1 at the same workbook I need to match with sheet1 at another workbook called ("Master.xls). The Original Line:
I have multiple rows of data which I have sorted by two identifiers. Where a set of data matches on both of these identifiers I would like to further compare the two rows based on a set of 8 criteria (in coulmns C-J). Where the rows match across both identifiers and across the 8 sets of criteria I would like to merge these into 1 row and copy to another sheet, where there is a mismatch on 1 of the 7 sets of criteria or if a row's 2 identifiers do not match another row- I would like the data to remain as is (or move to another sheet for non matches). Please see below example. For Pair 1 & 2: these match across the 2 identifiers and across all 7 sets of criteria so these would be shaded white and moved to a different sheet (or the addition of match at the end would also suffice). For pair 3: these match on IDs but not on all 7 criteria again "no match" would suffice here. For the final row it does not match on ID therefor I would need to "no match".
I am trying to develop a spreadsheet that will calculate a cost based on a matrix. I am attaching a sample of the calculation created so far. The end result is in cell M13 and is highlighted in yellow. I kind of layed the formula out in a few different cells, so hopefully it would be easy to follow.
simplify this process with maybe another formula that I might not be aware of, or maybe show me how to get this done in VB code. I think VB code would be the correct way to go just not sure.
I create excel file to collect and process huge data , it contains a lot of macros , when i run it for more than 2 times error message appears " Excel cannot complete this task with available resources , Choose less data or close other applications''
And after i press ok it continue working but charts not updated until i restart excel , and if i restart excel every time i run this macro this error not appears.
How I can release excel resources when my macro finish it's work.
I currently have a macro that opens up a specific workbook, copies data from that workbook, and then pastes the data into the control workbook. I am using this macro for a few workbooks but for this specific file I am getting the "Excel lacks resources..." error. Even when I don't run the file and just try to open both files up at the same time I get this error. I realize the best solution would be to split up the file I am copying from but I don't wish to turn to that yet.
I'm having a few issues with a macro I have written (something I am relatively new to, I might add). Whenever I run it, I get an error message of "cannot complete this task with available resources" - I am currently using Excel 2003
What I am trying to do is cycle though a list of 401 vehicle numbers (the WBSs), using each individual WBS to filter data in another worksheet (sheet "MC01"), and then copy a range of this filtered data into a separate, vehicle specific worksheet (starting at sheet "P1" and continuing to sheet "P401").
The code would run fine when I kept the Field 9 Filter Criteria1 value a constant WBS number, but when I introduced the phrase to use the different values on the WBS sheet (Criteria1:="=" & WBS.Value), the macro would run perfectly for half the vehicles before giving the error message and bugging out.
I thought this could be solved by dumping the memory on each loop by using Set WBS = Nothing but this doesn't make any difference.
Code is as follows:
Sub Update_MC01()
Dim I As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets("WBS").Select Range("B2").Select Set WBS = ActiveCell Sheets("MC01").Select Rows("1:1").Select Selection.AutoFilter Sheets("P1").Select
I understand that 401+ worksheets is a lot for any workbook to handle, but the fact that if I set Criteria1 as being a static WBS vehicle number Excel has no issues with it, and everything cycles fine. It is the addition of the phrase "=" & WBS.Value that causes the hiccoughs. From my very basic knowledge of VB, all I can assume is that Excel is storing this "WBS.Value" in it's memory on each loop. Am I right in thinking that the phrase Set WBS = Nothing is the right thing to use to empty this memory?
I currently have a spreadsheet that refers to a different spreadsheet, with different expenses each month, with the months going across from A,B,C,D etc.
Because the formulae on the expenses sheet refers to cells such as O13 O15 O27 etc, at the start of the next month the 'O' has to be changed to a 'P' to give P13 P15 P27
This doesnt sound much but there are over 10 different spreadsheets that are all currently changed manually. Is it possible to have a function referring to a cell containing 'O' which when changed to 'P' changes all the formulae to refer to the cell next to the original.
EG Instead of O13 it would be [variable]13
Essentially this will mean that a master sheet will be able to change all the excel spreadsheets in one go.
Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other applications. My file is only about 3mb in size, made up of 17 worksheets. These sheets are calculated by referencing to another file that contains all of the background data. The data file is also about 3mb, made up of 13 worksheets.
There are probably about 2 - 3 thousand formulas in the file in total, ranging including vlookups, sumifs, sumproducts, etc. When the data was contained within the file there was no problem. I moved each data sheet into a new workbook to trim the size of my file and also stop the incessant calculation and this is when the problem started. Now, when I open the file and am prompted to update, it will update to about half way and then throw up the error message!