I have recorded a macro to create a pivot table. I thought I had it so that it would create the pivot from the active worksheet only. But looking at the code, it is picking up the sheet name from the one I recorded it from
Code: Sub SalPiv() ' ' SalPiv Macro ' Macro recorded 20/06/2012 by imccormick
the macro mentioned below has been assigned to a combo-box form. I have 2 different datasets in the same sheet, they have the same headers (but named differently, myhead and myhead1) and the same adv filter criteria range (named as "dcrit") is applicable to both datasets. So, if an item is selected from the combo-box, both the datasets should get filtered according to same criteria. how i can combine the 2 IF LOOPS mentioned in the code?
Sub myfilt() Application. ScreenUpdating = False If ActiveSheet.FilterMode Then ActiveSheet.ShowAllData If Not (Range("indsignal")) Or Not (Range("countsignal")) Then Range(Range("myhead"), Range("myhead").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown)).AdvancedFilter _ Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("dcrit"), Unique:=False End If If Not (Range("indsignal")) Or Not (Range("countsignal")) Then Range(Range("myhead1"), Range("myhead1").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown)).AdvancedFilter _ Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("dcrit"), Unique:=False End If Application.CutCopyMode = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True
I work on an excel spreadsheet all day and I'm constantly cuting and pasting a value to filter another column. I would love to have a macro button that would automatically do this.
The job card sheets are labled 'Page 1' through to 'Page 175'. As I am working on each job card sheet I need to filter column on another sheet within the same workbook. This is indicated on the attached picture.
So in a perfect world as I would enter in the PLANT ID number on to any job card, then hit a macro button on the toolbar and the Pole No column would then be filtered by the value in the PLANT ID cell.
As there are multiple job cards the macro would probably need to use the 'active cell' value to filter by. But as you can probably tell I'm no expert so you judge the best way to do it.
MWTS034G22 Job Card Sheet [URL] ..... Windows 7 (32bit) MS EXCEL 2010
now i have filtered data in a table, i want to use the results by printing off a table showing just these and the appropriate rows from other tables on worksheets. these all have a specific ID which is how they are traceable to each other. like a related field in an access database. two tables/worksheets are like so:
table1: Reg No | Rank | Name | Initials | Troop | etc
If i were to filter the second table by JCLM1 = YES then i want to create a printable list of all those but also to include the related records from table 1. is this possible?
Say i have a Worksheet named "gateway" or sometimes it will be "gateway (2)" (3) and so on. Is there a macro that i can call that in some ways calls the active worksheet and renames it to just "gateway" everytime?
Basically trying to make change the active worksheet using a macro code. I want the user to be able to click a button and it will automatically switch the worksheet to another within the workbook.
I have a named range of values on Sheet2 (GPI). Sheet1 is an OLAP pivot table containing row label (GPI 14) and values (Net Rx Count) only.
Unfiltered this list is over 7,000 rows. I need VBA code to display only those rows where the GPI 14 value matches any value in the named GPI range on Sheet2.
In other words how can I display the select rows without manually selecting the items of interest AND without manually hard coding the values in the code as they will change.
Below is 1 of the many codes I tried. This appears to be the most intuitive but I get an 'invalid procedure" error at Set my PivotTable...
'Sub PivotAnalysis() ' Dim myPivotTable As Excel.PivotTable Dim myPivotField As Excel.PivotField Dim myPivotItem As Excel.PivotItem
I am having trouble renaming an active sheet from a Macro I stored in the personal.xls file. I want the active sheet to be renamed to "Data_Source" and then the rest of the code can kick in. Instead of renaming the current worksheet it creates a new one.
I have a workbook with about 12 worksheets within it. I am trying to input a button on worksheet 3 that when pushed would activate worksheet 12. Basically the same as if you clicked on the tab at the bottom of the screen called worksheet 12.
I realise that you have to create a button which Ive done. However I cannot seem to figure out the proper macro code to get the button to change the current worksheet when its pushed.
I've got an old Excel sheet with Stephen Bullen's function for returning the active filter criteria (Rob on Programming: Excel: Displaying Autofilter Criteria). My status sheet may be filtered in multiple ways, and when the user is happy with the filter selections, she can create a powerpoint file with a graph and a summary of the filtered table. As we are using Excel 2010, users are very likely to select more than two filters.
Example: Range A1:E100 has the following headers: Field, Installation, Project,Type, Phase.
The controller wants to filter on: Field equals north or south or west Phase equals completed The manager for Field South wants to filter on: Field equals southType equals maintenance or repair or modification Installation begins with Zeus.
As the filters are not shown when I copy the table to powerpoint, I would like to create a summary of the user's active filters that is pasted into a sheet (for subsequent copying to powerpoint). For the users in the example above, that table would look something like this:
Controller: Active filters Field: north, south, west Phase: completed Manager, Field South: Active filters Field: south Type: maintenance, repair, modification Installation: Zeus*
I've looked at various functions intended to take Stephen Bullen's code into Excel 2010's multiple criteria world (e.g. this: User Defined Function to Display AutoFilter Criteria for More Than Two Criteria in Excel 2007 / Excel 2010), but I have not been able to convert it to a functioning macro.
Any code that could be used for this sort of task, or any tips for relevant code?
I find out a code to create a PDF (with opening the Save As dialog box) from an active worksheet, but I can't find out how to send this PDF by e-mail (Outlook). The code is working till the words 'Set OutApp'.
Just what I want is to send the active worksheet as PDF (as attachment) by email (Outlook). Here the present code.
Code: Sub SendPDF() ' ' SendPDF Macro ' Dim OutApp As Object Dim OutMail As Object Dim v As Variant v = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(Range("E2").Value, "PDF Files (*.pdf), *.pdf")
I need to get this macro to process the cells for every worksheet in a book rather than just the active one
Public Sub test() Dim Lr As Long, i As Long, x As Range, _ v1 As String, v2 As String, v3 As String Set x = ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious) If x Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Lr = x.Row Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = Lr To 1 Step -1 v1 = Cells(i, 2) v2 = Mid(Cells(i, 3), 1, 1) v3 = Cells(i, 4) If v1 "OP00" Or v2 "L" Or v3 "CC" Then Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub
I have searched the FAQ's but have not found a suitable answer to my problem. I have some code that works perfectly when it is run from the VB Editor but when I put it behind a command button it gives me an error almost straight away. I have read that when a command button is used the command button defaults the active sheet to the one that it is one therefore you always have to specify the active sheet but I have done this so am still confused as to why it is falling over. Below is my code, I have commented where it is tripping:
Sub FormattingAcutalReport() Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesMF Consolidated Risk DAILY LIVE DATA FROM BO.xls" Workbooks.Open Filename:="H:Risk ReportingDaily TemplatesDaily Non Banks LIVE.xls" Dim myBorders() As Variant, item As Variant Set SEGNSEG = Workbooks("Todays Reports.xls").Worksheets("Seg and Non Seg Bank Summary")............................
basically i have a macro to filter a lot of data based on peoples names but the people keep changing so I dont want to go into VBA each time to update the name list int he macro.I've created a list of names in a sheet in excel but not sure how to point the macro to filtering by that instead, heres what I have:
I am having an issue with my macro code. Basically I am trying to filter a pivot table by selected criteria. The code seems to be correctly filtering the pivot table but the table appears with no data in it unless I manually refresh the table. This defeats the purpose of automating with a macro. I have attempted a "work around" of just refreshing the pivot table after the filtering is complete but that was unsuccessful. Here is the macro code:
Sub BigReportMacro()
Dim pt As PivotTable Dim pi As PivotItem Dim pf As PivotField Dim E
When using a Pivot Table I regularly filter on known data specific to me i.e. WBS codes.
Column ‘A’ contains the WBS Codes which can be as many a 1000, however, I only need to filter out the 10 or so I require, and currently I uncheck all the records and manually scroll through the list to check the ones I require.
In order to speed things up I recorded a macro which works fine, however, If I need to check any new codes I would have to record the macro again, as I tried to edit the Macro and all it does is to un check all the other codes I don't need.
Is it possible to create a Macro that picks up a range of data that is then used to filter on. (i.e. only the records I require)
I have 2 worksheets. Sheet1 has a list of data (Range = "ClosedOpps"); Sheet2 has a Region dropdown list with Domestic and International as choices. What I would like to happen is when I pick a value in the dropdown list, ClosedOpps list filters by that value. Region is the 5th column in Sheet1.
I would like to change the greater than number to the value in cell 'I11' in sheet 'Linear Programming Data' and the less than number to the value in cell 'I12' in sheet 'Linear Programming Data'. The code I am using was done by recording a macro since I don't know how to code in vba.
Code: Sub Results2() ' Results2 Macro ' copy table filter power by greater than and less than Sheets("Finalizing Results 2").Select Cells.Select
When I copy the tab and change some of the data within the cells, I want the macro refer to the chart on the current tab and the values in the current tab - as currently it refers to only "Chart 2" and the values in the tab 'Figure 2 - WE OPH'.
I've tried changing the sheet name to ActiveSheet.name but that doesn't seem to work.
I find it to be a little irritating that I have to remove the autofilter, then reapply it whenever I start entering data into a new column. I want a macro that I can assign to a button so all I need to do is hightlight the range of cells I want to apply the autofilter to, and click the button.
I have created an excel worksheet that will provide budgeting and estimating tools for my project managers. All data used to be manual entry and took a good while to complete. I am trying to automate the process with VBA.
I created a UserForm called InfoVerify1. On that form I have TextBox 1 - 10. When the UF opens, the boxes display project information from my worksheet called "Basis of Estimate", also known as Sheet26.
The TextBox1 ControlSource is set to "E4". When I run the macro with Sheet26 active, the proper information fills in. However, when I am on the Start page or any other worksheet and I run the macro, it tries to fill in the text boxes with E4, etc, from the active sheet. I tried changing the ControlSource to "Sheet26,E4" or any combo thereof with only error messages.
how to get it to refer to a cell on a particular worksheet and hold to that worksheet no matter which sheet I am on at the time I run the Userform?
I have made a pivot table and I dlike to identify with a macro the documents with net value over 1000. Then extract these values next to the respective sales documents in an are near the pivot table somewhere. The fields are called Document and Sum of Net value. Of course the pivot is very variable one time it has 3000 records and another 5000.
Save advanced filter settings Remove filter (or simply set to be 'select all' Run other code (I have this piece of course) Put filter back on with same selections chosen as when it was removed
(Need this becuase the code in the middle does not work properly when the data is filtered)
I used the "record macro" and went through my data manipulation steps. But its not transferable to other worksheets because it imbedding the name of the worksheet in the some functions (sort, pivottable,...). How can I change the name of the worksheet to "activeworksheet"?