Apply Auto Filter To Active Range
Aug 5, 2008
I find it to be a little irritating that I have to remove the autofilter, then reapply it whenever I start entering data into a new column. I want a macro that I can assign to a button so all I need to do is hightlight the range of cells I want to apply the autofilter to, and click the button.
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Apr 26, 2008
Setting up all 50 states was not so bad, and I tried a Pivot Table but I have very little experience with them and could not figure out how to show only the nonzero states. So, I looked up how to filter the pivot table and discovered I could just filter the state data without the pivot table.
So, I put all 50 state abbreviations in one column. In the next column I put countif formulas to count how many customers came from each state. (In the meantime, I learned how to use an indirect formula to pull the state ID from the first column and copy it down and have the formula advance for each row... cool!) Then, I filtered the columns on the count twice. First, in descending order; then, without the zeros.
However, the weak side of the filter is that it does not automatically update when a new state is entered. I have to go and manually filter again. So, is there a way to get the filter to update dynamically? I know that a pivot table is dynamic but I have a lot to learn and I can probably browse around and figure out how to show only the nonzero states. Once I learned that, would it dynamically update when a new state is added?
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Jun 7, 2008
I want to filter the data: [the data I have In "Sheet1]"
Sub Makro5()
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:="5"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="6"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=3, Criteria1:="7"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="99"
End Sub
and now I want to copy from "Sheet1" to "Sheet2" but only Field:=4, where criteria1:="99"; In "Sheet2" I want to paste my filtered data to:
Range("B1,D1,F1,H1,J1,L1,N1,P1,R1,T1,V1,X1,Z1," & _
"AB1,AD1,AF1,AH1,AJ1,AL1,AN1,AP1,AR1,AT1,AV1,AX1,AZ1," & _
"BB1,BD1,BF1,BH1,BJ1,BL1,BN1,BP1,BR1,BT1,BV1,BX1,BZ1," & _
"CB1,CD1,CF1,CH1,CJ1,CL1,CN1,CP1,CR1,CT1,CV1,CX1,CZ1," & _
"DB1,DD1,DF1,DH1,DJ1,DL1,DN1,DP1,DR1,DT1,DV1,DX1,DZ1," & _
"EB1,ED1,EF1,EH1,EJ1,EL1,EN1,EP1,ER1,ET1,EV1,EX1,EZ1," & _
"FB1,FD1,FF1,FH1,FJ1,FL1,FN1,FP1,FR1,FT1,FV1,FX1,FZ1," & _
"GB1,GD1,GF1,GH1,GJ1,GL1,GN1,GP1,GR1,GT1,GV1,GX1,GZ1," & _
"HB1,HD1,HF1,HH1,HJ1,HL1,HN1,HP1,HR1,HT1,HV1,HX1,HZ1," & _
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Dec 16, 2013
I might use the filter as a selection from a combobox, or I might honestly wish to create 15 separate charts.
I have a spreadsheet. Three columns out of maybe six in immediate interest: Date, Name and score.
In "name" I have about 15 different students. I wish to create a chart that will extract the data for one of them which I would select - on the vertical ("y") axis have the scores (from "score") which range in whole numbers from 1 to 9, and on the horizontal ("x") axis show the dates (from "Date") of each score.
Complicating my thinking is the fact that a date can have more than one score, but seldom more than three.
I would then want to add a trend line through the graph, which, if I recall, is fairly easy to do.
I am wondering if I might at some point need to control the length of history, for though now I am working with about three months and over that period of time no one has more than 18 total scores.
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May 9, 2008
the macro mentioned below has been assigned to a combo-box form. I have 2 different datasets in the same sheet, they have the same headers (but named differently, myhead and myhead1) and the same adv filter criteria range (named as "dcrit") is applicable to both datasets. So, if an item is selected from the combo-box, both the datasets should get filtered according to same criteria. how i can combine the 2 IF LOOPS mentioned in the code?
Sub myfilt()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If ActiveSheet.FilterMode Then ActiveSheet.ShowAllData
If Not (Range("indsignal")) Or Not (Range("countsignal")) Then
Range(Range("myhead"), Range("myhead").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown)).AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("dcrit"), Unique:=False
End If
If Not (Range("indsignal")) Or Not (Range("countsignal")) Then
Range(Range("myhead1"), Range("myhead1").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown)).AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("dcrit"), Unique:=False
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Mar 11, 2013
I am desperately find a way to fill down formula from active cell, example given below,
City 1
[Code] .......
I need to fill down col Qty 1 & Qty 2. Number of Rows and Columns vary in my Work Sheet.
My code below, Ctrl+Enter not works.
HTML Code:
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]+RC[-3]"
'Fill Down Active Column
Cells.Find(What:="QTY2").ActivateActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-5]*RC[-3]"
'Fill Down Active Column
End Sub
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Apr 9, 2014
I need a simple macro to use for conditional autofill of cells below the active cell (to the end of the sheet) with the text that is being entered in the active cell.
DESCRIPTION: I have two columns of data, the first (call it Col1), has a word number which is unique to each specific word in a foreign language, every cell in this column has a number in it from 1 to 30000. Each number reoccurs many times in cells over the length of this column.
The other column (call it Col2) is blank. As I type words in english in each cell of this column, I need the macro to autofill the text that I have just entered, into every cell in Col2 where it's Col1 number is a match with the Col1 number where I am typing.
For example, in one row, Col1 has the number "21" and I type in Col2 the word "run". I need the macro to find every row where the number 21 is found in Col1 and automatically enter "run" into Col2 at that location.
The macro must only autofill cells which have no data in them. Preferably from that cell down, although if that is not possible, all cells would work seeing we are only replacing blank cells with data.
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