Macro To Pull Data From Oracle?
Nov 29, 2011
I Have a workbook which consists of 50 worksheets and i use Edit query window to pull the data from oracle on all these sheets. We run this once in a month. I have to go to every sheet and execute this code which is time consuming and i have to change the date value everytime. macro that can execute this process at once and we should give the date only once.I use OLEDB driver to connect to oracle.
Attached is the Command line code.
Select protocol, patient, Page, (date_indexed) Indexed,(first_entry_date) FirstPass,( second_entry_date) SecondPass,trim( modified_date) modified, trim(CRF_ERROR_COMMENT) Comments from JJA38377_96_crf where date_indexed>='1-May-11' and date_indexed
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Mar 18, 2008
I'm having some issues importing external data from an Oracle 9i database.
Here is what is happening:
I am initially able to import data from the table I want to into Excel.
I do this through "Data -> Import External Data -> New Database Query" where I have my .ORA data source. I'm able to log in using my user and password and import the table. My problems come after I import this first set of data.
If I try to "Edit Query…" I get an error box that says "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed".
If I try to "Refresh Data" I get two error boxes. The first is just: "[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]" and the next says: "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed". It then prompts me for the User name and password of the DB I'm connecting and after I enter the information, I get the same two error messages.
Also, if I attempt to establish another connection following the "Data -> Import External Data…" steps I run into a different problem. Upon entering the information for the User Name and password prompt I get two error messages. One says "!" and the next box says "Couldn't read this file". Once I click "OK" in those boxes, the Microsoft Query window automatically opens with nothing in it.
I can't seem to figure out why I can initially pull down data and then cannot succeed afterwards. I'm unable to connect to the DB I have through Excel until I completely closed all Microsoft Excel instances.
I also use this data source in Microsoft Access without any problems.
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Mar 19, 2008
I currently have an Excel file with the ODBC connection and using my own SQL. Doing it this way would require the super user to go into each sheet then to the SQL each time to change the dates. I know there is a way to allow them to simply change the dates in cells H1 (or H1 and H2) then refresh data and whoolaa it would be updated.
My goal if possible via this board and all the knowledge available would be to have a spreadsheet allowing a super user to change the date in Cells H1 and H1 & H2 on sheet Tst1 and have the data returned to sheets (Tst2, Tst3) based on my own SQL statements.
Here are some parameters that I think you might need to know.
(And as you may guess I do not have much VBA experience so if at all possible use my naming convention shown below. and feel free to write for a first grader.)
User Name (not actual): "UID"
Server (not actual): "DEV"
Password (not actual): "PWD"
File Name: Excel_ODBC.xls
Sheet Name: "Tst2"
Output Cell: "A1" for both sheets.
Oracle table name: UAB .................
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Oct 18, 2004
I want to create a macro that will automatically pull data from the web by simply pressing a macro button. I assume that this would be an easy task if the data is from a website with a specific URL such as [URL]
However, there are times when someone must enter data into the web to pull a specific report that does not have a unique URL. Is there anyway to create data fields in excel that would allow an individual to type in specific information (name, report period, etc.), and then press a macro button that would go out to the web, enter the information automatically, and export it as an excel file. I realize that this is probably substatially more difficult than my first question.
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Jul 10, 2014
I have a bunch of different worksheets that I need to pull a single cell from (lets say A1). On my summary sheet (first sheet) I have a list of all the worksheet names. Is there a macro that can pull data by referencing their names in the summary sheet.
Example: Column A has a list of all the worksheet names in my workbook. I want to extract cell A1 from each worksheet based off the name in Column A and be put into Column B. Otherwise, you would have to go through each tab and link it (I am working with 100+ tabs).
Column A Column B
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Mar 4, 2007
I need to pull out data from a word file(can open in excel 2003) which has several different rows with data in a certain format each time.
I want to take the data from sheet #1 in the format
where the underline always equals an 8 digit number that directly follows that unique text(no spaces)
and pull out all the 8 digit numbers from the sheet and put them into sheet #2 that my macro creates.
Also the additional rub is that I need to pull only the unique 8 digit numbers as there will be several repeats.
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Jul 6, 2014
I'm trying to compile a spread sheet that will pull the play by play logs from the NHL website.
The logs are listed in order.
Game 1 is [URL]... Game 2 is [URL]... etc etc
I am trying to put them all on one spreadsheet. (or to do it in batches of 100, or 50 or whatever the size of the file allows)
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Dec 13, 2013
What I want to do is pull data from columns A,B,C,D in 3 other closed workbooks (export.csv, export1.csv, & export2.csv) to my main workbook (Thunder.xlsm)and append that data in columns A-D on my main workbook. In addition I created a list of 10 names (but need to expand or delete from this list as personnel change) in Column O that I would like to filter the data in A-D. The names in the list must find the data I want to keep in column D, the rest I want to delete (not the entire row, just A-D for that particular row that does not match the criteria in column O, and shift those cells up).
I've attached a sample spreadsheet that will clarify what I am asking. I'm preferably asking for 2 macro's, one for the pull of data, and the other for the filtering.
Column A
Column B
Column C
Column D
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May 2, 2008
I need a macro which collects data from two files and dumps it into a separate spreadsheet. I need it to prompt the user to select the two files, since the file names may change.
Once a user selects the files, the macro simply opens them, grabs the data (the data sits on a single sheet in each file) and pastes it into a file, and closes the 2 data files.
The Data sits in A7:N20 on both files.
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Jul 11, 2014
Attached is a master metrics deck, where data needs to be refreshed every week, from two different workbooks.
The catch is, the two parent workbooks would be new versions every week (data would be same format, and style within), but file name would change each week, for eg: for 1st workbook, 'XXX_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'XXX_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
for 2nd workbook, 'YYY_Weekly_Week24.xlsx' to 'YYY_Weekly_Week25.xlsx' and so on.
In the master metrics deck, a consolidated vew of some of data from workbook 1 and workbook 2 is presented for each week.
This master file would remain same, and only be refreshed each week (preferably with a button on its sheet "REFRESH!!")
Next, need to manually change cells C2:G2 each week to reflect week titles correctly.
For e.g.: week6 would show week 1 through week 5, but during week7, it needs to show week 2 to week 6. Only last five weeks of data any given time.
The first datarows of each set are conditionally formatted (they are compared with other rows in the set and need to reflect danger values, good values etc) (I have done that already).
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Sep 13, 2012
I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.
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Sep 30, 2006
I have a code which sends some keys to oracle and performs some actions. What I want is, I need to check a screen in Oracle and then continue or stop, based on the screen. So, I need a msgbox with a yes or no. Is it possible that a msgbox with yes/no be popped up on the screen or oracle? I understand that it can happen on excel screen.
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Jan 26, 2009
I need to create a macro that will scan a spreadsheet for the number of sheets and then pull data from the same places on each sheet in order to create a summary sheet. Let me try to explain a little better.
The spreadsheet I'm working with has a separate sheet for each new deal our company makes. Each of these sheets is in the same format - we use a template and fill in the data based on that whenever a new deal emerges. The sheets contain basic info about the deal in the first few rows and columns, then some narratives with dates describing the progress of the deal, and then a list of issues and whether or not they have been resolved. The problem is, each of these sheets contains too much info for a quick, high-level overview with the bosses so they've asked me to create something that will pull the basic info, the most recent narrative, and any unresolved issues from each sheet. This way, each time there's an overview scheduled with the bosses, the macro can be run and it will create a new sheet with data from each sheet in the workbook.
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May 14, 2014
I'm trying to get the data from Receipt log (sheet 1) to automatically populate into the Print Receipt (sheet 2) and to automatically filter and go to the Activity by account (sheet 3). I am so new to this and totally lost.
See attached sample : Student fees.xlsm
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Aug 13, 2012
I need to connect to an Oracle 10g database using vba. Google has loads of snipets of code but I don't seem to be able to get it to quite work correctly.
This is what I have:
Sub ADOExcelSQLServer()
Dim Cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim Server_Name As String
Dim Database_Name As String
Dim User_ID As String
Dim Password As String
Dim SQLStr As String
When the connection attempts to open (red code) I get the following error:
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed
My best guess is that I do not have the correct drivers installed... If this is the case which drivers do I need and where can you get them from?
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Jan 17, 2008
I have a report that I import from an Oracle database.. My problem is "Sometimes" Column "L" is there and sometimes it isn't. It is a blank column that the system uses as some sort of place holder & I need to test if its there, then delete. See example below ...
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Aug 22, 2006
It says that she has to install excel when she tries to open a folder from oracle. I tried to associted to excel but it did not work.
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Dec 17, 2008
I'm generating a report on an oracle based software which then I export to Excel. Unfortunately the dates come out very messy. I've included an .xls file with the dates. They are untouched. As you can see, some are left aligned some right aligned. Nevertheless, all dates are of the format dd/mm/yyyy with zeros (0) automatically omitted - this is how they're shown on the Oracle report, I've changed nothing.
I want all the dates on column B to have the same format as the date on cell D3. Of course, the format must remain dd/mm/yyyy.
Please feel free to ask me questions if any of this is confusing.
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Nov 14, 2009
I am currently querying data from an Oracle database through MS Access and then passing it to Excel for the user to work. Not all users have MS Access so I would like to automate the data pull from Excel
Database information:
The DNS is: a150
The Tables are:
Sample SQL string would be:
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Jun 14, 2012
I am running Excel 2007 and connecting to an Oracle DB.
I have created a VBA macro to connect to an oracle DB and retrieve data then place it in a table. The code works, but it uses DSN entries which are specific to my computer. I want to be able to distribute this Excel spreadsheet to others in my company and have them be able to click one button and update the data. I figure the most logical way is to connect to the DB using an IP address that should work for anyone on the intranet.
How do I modify the connection info below to have it connect via IP?
I tried "Data Source =" and "Data Source =", both of which VBA dislikes.
Here is what I have now:
Sub Create()
Dim Servername As Range
Set Servername = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Range("B16")
Set StartDate = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Summary").Range("B3")
[Code] ..........
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Nov 7, 2002
I am attempting to use MSQuery to extract records from an Oracle transaction table by passing user defined Date/Time field parameters.
So if the date range for the query is for Fiscal Period 10 of this year, my parameters would be:
[StartDate] = #2002/10/1#
[EndDate] = #2002/11/1#
Daily transaction activity is in the early morning hours ending at 6:00AM so my Criteria is:
Between [StartDate] + .25 and [EndDate] + .25
Note: The +.25 represents 1/4day = 6hrs (6:00AM)
If I use the hardcoded Start/End Dates, my query works fine, but if I try and
pass the dates as parameters I get "ORA-00932 inconsistent datatypes" error. And I can't seem to pass the Date/Time combination successfully....
If anyone has encountered a solution for how to pass a Date/Time Paremeter into MSQuery I would love to hear how you did it.
I'm starting to pull my few remaining hairs out!
[ This Message was edited by: Tuner on 2002-11-07 12:23 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Tuner on 2002-11-07 12:28 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Tuner on 2002-11-12 12:51 ]
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Jun 7, 2012
One of my engaging tasks at work is to disable/enable general ledger accounts (accounting speak) in our Oracle ERP application using one of their forms.
In this case it would be a list of gl accounts and to the left of the gl account would be a check box that I can click.
Checked means enabled.
Blank would mean disabled.
If I have a list of currently enabled gl accounts that are to be disabled (unchecked) then I have to do so one by one. I can click with the mouse on the checkbox or I can using the keyboard use the space bar followed by the down arrow key and repeat. As fun as that sounds sometimes I'm faced with dozens or hundreds at a time.
Therefore my question is can I automate this using VBA? or any other tools out there.
Using Excel Office 2007, Oracle ERP (9.5.8) I think - it's old
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a column of numbers each have a 0. infront of them (example 0.2346
0.5698). I want to pull the number from the right until it hits the decimal sign. So for the two above the result would be 2346 and 5698
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Feb 8, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that is updated weekly -- but every week new info is added that needs a user to input corresponding info. I use a vlookup function to link to another spreadsheet that populates the info from previous weeks and the info that is missing shows up as #N/A...
First I was using a msgbox function to get the info:
For Each b In myrange
If Application.IsNA(b.Value) Then
Employee = b.Offset(0, -2).Value
SSID = InputBox("Please enter ID# for " & Employee & " :", "New Employee Found")
b.Value = SSID
End If
Next b
But it can be up to 30 different new employees... and that is time consuming.
I would like to make it more user friendly by creating ONE userform that displays all of the employees as labels -- has a text box in which to put the ID # -- and then has a drop down box to choose the type of employee (2 options). I want all of that info to go back to the reference spreadsheet so it will be saved for following weeks, and then redo the vlookup to get the info into the new weekly spreadsheet (I can do that part)....
Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
[Code] ......
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Dec 9, 2009
I am trying to put together a macro to pull data from one tab to another. The key here is that I want it to take the entire row.
Basically it will look something like this:
As someone goes down the rows of the checklist putting x's in the boxes that need one (there is a column set aside for that), that box will turn red.
That part is easy and done.
What I cant figure out how to do next is to automatically have a copy made of the row with the red cell and send them to another document.
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Mar 19, 2007
Need to create a macro that pulls certain data of a certain varying limit to different sheets, e.g. I have a sheet titled 'Data Dump' which contains lots of information specific to certain models of a product. I would like two other worksheets, one called '1' and another called '2' to pull the following information:
Worksheet 1 should pull data in columns A, B and I (in data dump) based on whether column H in Data Dump is = 1 to the total of 100 (i.e. 100 rows of information. (here an if statement would pull 100 and include empty rows, I do not want empty rows). Worksheet 2 should pull data in columns A, B and I based on whether Column H in Data Dump is = 2 to the total of 50 (i.e. 50 rows of information.
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Jul 24, 2014
Looking for a formula to accomplish the following:
I'm trying to populate cell A31 on a worksheet titled "VolumeTotals" with the data in Cell E23 from a worksheet titled "CurrentCustomers" if the merged cells F3-F22 on worksheet "CurrentCustomers" are equal to the word "Contract".
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Jan 8, 2013
I have an excel workbook with 2 worksheets. One worksheet shows the MASTER LIST of COMPLETE Customer Names (e.g. ABB Supplies Incorporated). The other worksheet has information on customers but the customer names typed in are incomplete (e.g. ABC Supplies). I need a macro that would look do a comparison of the customer names in the 2nd worksheet to the Master List worksheet and pull the data (complete name, address, etc.) for those that would match (partial match since company name is 2nd worksheet is usually incomplete).
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Oct 2, 2013
I have one excel 2010 workbook with 5 work sheets, each work sheet contains a list with first/last name(one column) and the company name, some have a 3rd column with their email address in each sheet represents each year starting at 2008 thru to 2013 i have to find out if the people that attended an event in 2008 also attended it in 2009/10/11/12/13 and if they didnt, put their name and company name onto a blank worksheet within the same workbook without using a macro, how can i do this?
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May 25, 2012
macro listed below. Currenlty the macro pulls the last 12 months as long as the data that is pulled is current. However, if the data is 2 months old for example, it only pulls 10 months instead of 12. modify this macro so that it alway pulls the last 12 months. I'm assuming that the minimum date would have to be found first and then go backwards from there?
Dim PI As PivotItem
Dim d As Date
Dim Twelve As Date
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