Macro To Search For Blanks In A Column And Enter Static Value For Each Blank?
Jun 18, 2013
So this is what I am trying to do, I have a column in my data that is for telephone numbers. When I receive the file some of the fields are blank in that column. I need to add to my current macro a part that evaluates the column for blanks and adds a static telephone number in the blanks (up to the last row of data in the file). I have been able to accomplish this with the following:
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "1112223333"
However, when the file that I receive has a telephone number in all the fields the code breaks at this point. I have tried On Error Resume Next, but that just replaces all the remaining cells in the column with the static 1112223333..
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Nov 2, 2008
I am trying to write a macro to do the following:
Search column "I" for blank cells. If one is found then all adjacent cells to the left in that row are shifted to the right by one. (in other words for that row cells A-H are shifted right to become cells B-I).
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Nov 2, 2008
Search column "I" for blank cells. If one is found then all adjacent cells to the left in that row are shifted to the right by one. (in other words for that row cells A-H are shifted right to become cells B-I).
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May 8, 2014
I have never written or used a macro before and I have a simple macro task to complete:
I have Column L (L4:L10) of seven scroll bars that move according to number changes in column F (F4:F10). I want to create a form control command button that resets the changes on the scroll bars according to static column of numbers in Column E (E4:E10).
I don't know if it matters, but I'll add that I plan to add a second button that does the same thing with a different column of data. I assume I'll simply replicate whatever procedure I use in the first button - is this okay?
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Sep 9, 2003
I'm from Bavaria, Germany. Right now, I am doing an internship for my studies. my problem: I need a search procedure which shows an Input Box where you can enter a word to search for. It should work like the original Excel search (Ctrl-F), but with a simpler design, like with my own Text "Enter your Query" and a Button "Submit Query" / "Quit search". Is there the possibility to Highlight the Search Target? The problem hereby is that this highlighting should not be permanent. That means the user sees the target for which he searched for, the cell highlighted in a different color, etc. But as soon as the user clicks onto another cell, etc., the highlighting vanishes. If there is no fitting match, there should be a MessageBox like "Sorry the Target xyz cannot be found"
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Jun 9, 2014
Want to look in one column and find the first non-blank numerical value, then have it return a value from another column.
Used to nest multiple IF functions together from different cells, but it seems overly complicated and time consuming. Sometimes I have over 30 cells to check.
For example, if Column A contains weekly sales data by week, entered weekly, and Column E has corresponding comparison data from the previous year. I want to enter a formula to check the first row that has sales data entered and have it match up the comparison value in the other column.
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May 20, 2009
I have tried several methods to delete the entire row if the cell in column 'A' is blank ...
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Dec 8, 2011
I want to create a Macro that uses IF statements to enter the CORRECT VALUE into COLUMN “Q” in the ACTIVE WORKSHEET. I am providing an example of what the data set looks like at the very bottom of this post. I want to use a Macro as oppose to Formula in the worksheet because I want to turn the Macro into an Excel Add-In.
I want the Macro to do the following THREE THINGS:
1. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “0” THEN enter “n/a” into COLUMN “Q”
2. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “2” THEN enter “n/a” into COLUMN “Q”
3. IF the Value in COLUMN L is “1” THEN use a formula that looks like this:
= O8 + ( ( O8 / P8 ) * (First SUM the HOURS in COLUMN O for all the ROWS that have the SAME VALUES in COLUMN C and H and a “2” in COLUMN L and then MULTIPLY that Result against those rows with a “1” in COLUMN L whose COLUMNS C and H values match up exactly with those of the Summed Hours). The RESULT of the FORMULA would be entered into COLUMN “Q”. Once you look at the example at the bottom of this post it will definitely start making sense. I highlighted rows 8 – 11 for you in red in the data set at the bottom of this post just to center the attention on the rows I am talking about.
Here is an example of how the formula will work:
I will use ROW 8 from the data set below as an example. From the dataset I know CELL O8 equals 10 and CELL P8 equals 76. Now I will SUM the HOURS in COLUMN O ROWS 10 and 11 for ALL ROWS that have the SAME VALUES in COLUMN C and H in this case the values are “Times” and “PM” and contain a “2” in COLUMN L which happens to equal 3, then that 3 should only apply to those rows with a “1” in COLUMN L whose COLUMNS C and H values match up exactly with those of the Summed Hours. So now I plug that into the formula: =10+((10/76)*(3)) and MY RESULT which will go into COLUMN “Q” IS 10.395.
Here the DATA SET:
Col A Col B Col C Col D Col E Col F Col G Col H Col I Col J Col K Col L Col M Col N Col O Col P Col Q Col R Col S Col T
Row 1 B ID Name Org Div T Number Model Make S Function E Function Type Description P ID OG Hours Sum EA P Hours Sum P S Hours EQ
This is what is happening in Column Q Explanation of Formula
Row 2
28 28 n/a
n/a If formula populates Column Q cells with "n/a" if Column L cells contain a "0" or "2".
Row 3
404 1194 413.4740369
O3+((O3/P3)*28) You get the Sum "28" by adding all the "P Hours" in Column O that match these 3 values:
1. The "Org" value of "Times" in Column C
2. The "S Function" value "Cont" in Column H
3. The "P ID" value "2" in Column L
[Code] ...........
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Sep 19, 2008
I am looking for a Macro that will search a column for blank cells, and when one is found will add text to the same row in another column. For example: The below is a spreadsheet. I am trying to find something that will search through column "C" in this case and add text (of my choice) to Column "A" if the cell is Blank. So Since cell C1 is Blank then Type "ERROR" is cell A1.
1 X X X X
2 X X X X
3 X X X X X
4 X X X X
5 X X X X
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Apr 8, 2012
When I select a range of cells (not col or row headers), then use Find & Select | Goto Special | Blanks, the program keeps saying "no cells were found."
Excel 2010
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Feb 21, 2014
This is for a template for teachers to analyze student testing data. On sheet4, wrong answers in each column are noted by a lack of a + in the corresponding cell. I want to paste the names of the students who missed each question into sheet 5.
I've done it by repeating a filter macro, but I manually copied the following separately for the 75 columns in the template.
Problem #1 - there must be a more efficient code, something that automatically loops to the next column
Problem #2 - the template has 75 columns, but many tests have fewer questions. I'm trying to find a way to stop the loop whenever it hits a blank cell in Row 10 on sheet 4. I've done it with an if/then in the last section on the above code, but where I'm at now, i would have to add that to the code section for each column. Which isn't that big a deal, but I figure there must be a better way.
The relevant portions of the workbook are attached here.
repeating macro until hits blank cell sample.xlsm
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Apr 15, 2008
I have about 90+ lists of data which looks like this: (the dots are blank cells)
Set 1
D0 Jimmy
D1 Keith
D2 Dave
D3 Sandra
Set 2
D0 Andy
D1 Ryan
D2 Lee
Each list was originally a set of names and i have populated the "D1, D2" cells (where D1 = the first name, D2 = the second, etc).
Is there any way, on a seperate sheet i can get a list which shows the following (ie. no spaces between lines of data):
Set 1 Set 2
Jimmy Andy
Keith Ryan
Dave Lee
Is this possible through a VLOOKUP?
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Mar 14, 2014
I'm trying to simplify a macro so that I don't have to manually find the column to change each time. Basically, I want the macro to search for a column that contains [alt enter], and then add that column name to the existing macro below.
I tried various "find" or "match" comands in VBA, but am unsure how to execute the command so that the result of the find/match affects the highlighted line below.
Sub Seperatefromlinebreaks()
'working for active sheet
'copy to the end of sheets collection
ActiveSheet.Copy after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Dim tmpArr As Variant
Dim Cell As Range
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Jul 26, 2006
I have a userform that with a combobox called "complaintdis". This combobox displayes all the records in column A of worksheet "ComplaintData". When user selects any record from that dropdown list, it populates the other related fields on labels on the same userform. This part is working fine.
when user is looking at any displayed record on the userform (displayed via labels), I want user to be able to add comment that will get added to the column J of worksheet "ComplaintData".
I can workout a way to send this input data from textbox (called "txtcloser") to the column J, but I am struggling to figure out a way to link that comment to the specific record.
As there are number of entries in the worksheet "ComplaintData" , user should be able to select any record (via combobox) in no specific order and leave a comment.
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May 18, 2013
I have a problem to write a VBA code for the following task:
My worksheet has a column that has a unique code in column C (Ex: HR1) which is not repeated throughout column C, and I need to insert the amount of money spent on this specific code.
I would run a userform that has two text boxes, one that I shall enter the unique code and the other text box shall be the amount of money spent. I would like to know of a vba code that can search the unique code of the value entered in the first text box of the userform, then to enter the amount of the second text box into column D in relation to the respective row which the unique code is located.
I would like that the amount entered in column D regarding the unique code could be added automatically by entering any new entries in relation to the unique code selected, if this is possible. If not possible, to go inserting any new date into the next column regarding the same row of the unique code.
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Jul 19, 2006
When i press say a command button " Add Repair Information" i want the User to Enter the serial number which i have given it a range called SerialN from the excel sheet and enter a repair action. Is there a function in Excel which will allow me to search the Serial Number and allow me to put the Repair action across in the cell on the same line?
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Sep 15, 2009
I am using the code below to search my entire workbook for a value entered by the user at a popup.
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Sep 13, 2013
I have a workbook that has 2 sheets. The main sheet is titled Data, and the second sheet is titled Archive.
I need a macro that will let me search all of Column A on Sheet2(Archive) and copy all rows whose Column A contains the value I input into Sheet1 B19, and paste it on Sheet1(Data) starting in cell A21. It can replace any information already on those rows on Sheet1 and I want to copy the information from Sheet2 not cut it.
This part isn't necessary but would be great, on Sheet2 in column D there is a Date it would be great to have another macro that would let me pull the same information as above but only pull a certain number of rows starting with the most recent dates.
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May 13, 2006
I have a dataset that is large. I want to write a macro program that checks the number in cell A1, copies the number and then the rows contents to another worksheet/spreadsheet. Then jumps to cell A2 and if the number is different to that of A1 copy the data of that entire row over from that row to the next worksheet/spreadsheet. If the number is the same as A1 then jump over to A3
Then continue this process but rather than comparing it to A1, compare it to the new number that has been found in coloumn A.
For example
7 A
7 A
6 AB
7 A
So starting at the first line then jumping the next one then to 6 and finally 7.
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Nov 19, 2006
I have created some code to look in a cell to see if the name matches that which has been input in a drop down list on a combo box on an input form and then copy the value of column 10 in the same row. I created a public variable for that name as txtTenant.
What I wanted to do was to then write the code that if the first cell did not match the name selected (txtTenant) that it would then drop down one cell and compare it and keep going down until it finds a match, right down to the end of the column of data if necessary.
My coding is not working - it stays at the first person it finds in the first cell. I am not sure if I should be using loops or loop.....
This is the
Sub FillData()
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
RentRow = 2 'sets the first row as row 2 in the data sheet to copy from
NewRentRow = 7 'seta the row to copy to in txtTenant
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Apr 8, 2014
I need a code to enter 2 blank rows at each change in data in column B with totals entered at the end of columns E-J.
I have attached a sample with a before and after tab.
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Jun 4, 2007
As simple as this sounds, I can't seem to make this work. I am looking for code for the following:
I would like to enter the word "Empty" into a cell if the cell is blank. The
range can be variable. The only columns that contain an empty cell are
columns B or C which can have any number of rows.
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Jun 3, 2012
I need to come up with a way to search Sheet1 column-by-column and within each column search cell-by-cell. The value within each cell is a string and there are empty or blank cells between data (Ending the search after 100 rows is sufficient). As the macro iterates down each column and finds a cell that contains data, I need it to copy that data and paste it in a column on Sheet2. Basically, as the macro searches column A with space between data in Sheet1, it needs to copy that data to column A with no spaces in Sheet2. This needs to repeat for 20 columns.
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Mar 16, 2009
In the attached sheet, there is a range with lots of entered data (a small section of the total) where I would like to enter into all of the blank cells the value 99999.
I have been selecting the range as follows:
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Oct 31, 2011
I am trying to enter a blank row everytime the 2ND character of a field changes...
sample cells (ALWAYS COLUMN B)(last row needs to be calculated as it changes daily):
when done:
was trying this:
Dim chkConfirmRw, LastNameRow As Integer
For chkConfirmRw = LastNameRow To 1 Step -1
'Compare the current cell to the one below it
'If they don't match, insert a row row below the current Row
If Range("B" & chkConfirmRw) Range("B" & chkConfirmRw + 1) Then
Range("B" & chkConfirmRw + 1).EntireRow.Insert Shift:=xlDown
End If
'Decrement the counter and do it again
but it does not work.
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Apr 8, 2014
Would like a macro that will do the following:
- Go into a specified folder (ie. C:data) which contains multiple workbooks
- search each workbook for a column titled SCIN
- copy the cell labelled SCIN and 60 cells below it to a new workbook (summary workbook)
- repeat the process in all the workbooks until all of the SCIN columns have been located and copied into the summary workbook
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Jul 5, 2014
In my "cover" sheet I click the allocate cover button and it then generates a list of data below the first table. This generated data now needs to update the "timetable" sheet by using the "allocated cover teacher" and "period" cells as a reference to then input the class code into the timetable at this time.
So in this picture we see that Dorothy*Schultz (in cell E27) has been given a class 3 MABA RM 15(cell D27) on TuesdayP1 (C27). I want search for Dorothy*Schultz and TuesdayP1 in the "timetable" tab to input the name of the class which in this instance would be input to cell I20 in the "timetable tab".
VBA COVER Forum Version 1.xls
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Oct 7, 2013
I am looking for a macro to replace the values in a range of cells with a specific array for each column heading
Here is what I have
[Code] ....
And here is the expected result of the macro
[Code] ........
Please note there is only one Active Sheet.
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Jun 30, 2014
I need a macro, or a formula that can identify if the words in the Words Column (Column A) is contained in Title Column (Column B). If it is, It displays as "Yes". If not, display as "No".
Case is not sensitive.
Coworker has chronic hiccups
I Love Excel
I Like Turtles
Oh Christmas Tree
Case of the Mondays
Cute Monkeys
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Jul 13, 2014
Copy paste specific column with specific heading using macros. Roll No
I Want the Macro to find the column with heading "Name"
Copy the list from Name till the last Cell that is B1048576
Paste in Sheet2 Cell A1(Please see result in Sheet2)
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