Move Records Between 2 Multi-column List Boxes

Jan 28, 2008

i want to do is transfer records held in one list box to another list box when a command button is clicked. The list boxes both contain 6 columns. My code is attatched

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Adding Items To Multi Column List Boxes

Oct 9, 2003

I am using a ComboBox to get a value from the user. The code below will then check my worksheet and if it finds the value will place it into my ListBox.

Dim x As String
myvalue = ComboBox1.Value
A = 5
x = Sheet1.Cells(A, 4).Value
If x = "" Then Exit Sub
If x = myvalue Then Me.ListBox1.AddItem x
A = A + 1
Loop Until Sheet1.Cells(A, 4).Value = ""

The problem is how to alter this code to place the value from column 5 into the ListBox as well as the Value from column 4

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Creating Single Column List From Multi-row / Column Table And Removing Blanks

Mar 7, 2014

I'm trying to come up with a single formula to create a single column list from a table with blanks.






I know I've done this before but having trouble visualizing today.

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Macro To Convert Multi-column Table To 3 Column List

Aug 2, 2012

a macro to convert this;



Into this;



So far I have the following, but this is not quite right!

[QUOTE][Sub ConvertRange()
Dim targetRowNumber As Long
targetRowNumber = Selection.Rows(Selection.Rows.Count).Row + 2
Dim col1 As Variant



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2 Column Horizontal List To Multi-Column Table

Aug 24, 2008

I am trying to create a macro that converts a large list of Customer details from a vertical to horizontal format.

Each Customer has a unique sequential number running from 1 but the details are not always the same (e.g. in the below Phone does not always appear).

Current format is per the below:


Column A Column B

Address ABC
Phone 1234
Amount 25
Address XYZ
Amount 500
Address PQRS
Phone 567

Format afterwards should be

Customer AmountAddress 1Phone
1 ABC 1234
2 25 XYZ
3 500PQRS 567

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Multi-Layer Drop Down Boxes

May 14, 2009

I have a file that needs 3 drop down boxes.
Box 1 = Room Style
Box 2 = Unit Number (based on Room Style)
Box 3 = Building (based on Unit Number)

I know how to get Box 1 and 2 with data validation, but I don't know how to get Box 3. Right now, my data list has Box 1 data in Row 1, and Box 2 data in the following rows, in the appropriate column.

File attached.

I don't have the Building info in there yet because I didn't know where/how to put it in. But, if you picked Manchester, 131, Box 3 needs to be B1N.

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Multi Select Drop Down Boxes

Apr 21, 2009

i want to have an input box where i can select say 5 cities and have a chart of the weather in all those cities.

is the excel file

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How To Fill Multi-Column List View

Nov 9, 2013

How to fill a multi-column ListView? I can get the first column, but not the second.

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List And Sort Unique Values In Multi-column Range

Jan 26, 2012

In A1 of Sheet1!, I need a formula that lists and sorts all the 'unique' values from range


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Return Row Index Of Selected Items In Multi Column Multi Select Listbox

Jun 30, 2014

I have a listbox with 8 columns. Multiselect is enabled, and it must stay this way. As part of my program, after the user presses a command button, I need to use the row indexes of the selected rows in order to copy the selected information into an array which is then placed in a different listbox, and then delete the items from the original list. Pseudocode of what I want to do:

[Code] .....

But my understanding is that .ListIndex does not work this way with multiselect listboxes. I've tried searching for a solution for a while, but I cannot find one.

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List Boxes, Combo Boxes???

Jul 26, 2006

I am developing a spreadsheet with numerous information on our different suppliers offices in the country for each of our outlets. I am tryin to define a way to do the following:

If a colleague selects a company another list will appear with the region and when the region is selected a list of the offices will appear.

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Move To Column Using Drop Down List

Apr 18, 2009

who can help me in moving to specified column using drop down list? I have attached a sample file. I would like to simply move to a speicifed column once I select from the drop down list I have.

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1 Column Into Multi-columns And Multi-rows

Jul 16, 2013

Let's say I have one column of;


What is the most efficient way to change this into '3-columns & multi-rows' like this?:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

The actual list is a lot longer and numbers are not in order.

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Filter & Move Records

May 4, 2007

I have a spreadsheet with two sheets. One with car sales on and 1 with cars that have been sold on.

In the sheet that contains cars if a car has been sold i type sold in the price field and move it to the sold sheet. This is done by cut and paste. This is very time consuming as you can imagine.

Is there a way i can create some sort of if function that when i click a button searches for all records that have the word sold in it and moves it to the correct sheet?

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Userform Database: List Records In A Sheet As Well As Search For Records In A Sheet

May 7, 2006

example of a database user form that will allow me to list records in a sheet as well as search for records in a sheet. I know excel has a built in feature for this but it is menu driven and I need something that is button driven and will allow me to resize the form layout. I was not able to figure out how to do that with the built in form.

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Find All The Records That Appear In My List More Than Five Times Then Make A List

Jul 31, 2008

I have a list of 200,000 e-mail addresses in a excel document in column A. What i am trying todo is find all the duplicate e-mail addresses within the list that appears more than four times.

I have tried this forumla in colunm B so it lists how many times the record appears: =countif($A$2:$A$244270,A2) which works fine and then a number appears next to each record. Then i pressed the sort filter to arrange all the records in number order so all the 5's are at the top of the worksheet but that does'nt always list them in the correct number order.

Basically all i want todo is find all the records that appear in my list more than five times then make a list of just one of those 5 records so i can remove them from my e-mail system.

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List Box Multi Select

Jan 26, 2010

I have a database that is setup and I want to add a ListBox to the userform and I know how to do that and add all the listbox entries.. my trouble is how do i save the selected entries(multiselect) to sheet and load them to the form (what was selected) using what i have below?

HTML ListBox1 = cells(n,5).value

and to save

HTML cells(n,5).value = ListBox1

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Multi Select List Box

Apr 8, 2008

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
If Me.lstProcess.Value = -1 Then
MsgBox "Please Select SPA Process", vbExclamation, "SPA Process"
Exit Sub
End If
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("SPA Error Tracking").Activate
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To lstProcess.List(i)
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If

Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True

With ActiveCell
.Value = txtLoanNumber.Value
.Offset(0, 1) = txtProsup.Value
.Offset(0, 2) = txtIssue.Value
.Offset(0, 3) = lstProcess.Value
End With
Next i
End Sub

1. What property would I use for the message box at the beginning, if the user has not made a selection?

2. I have the listbox set as multiselect. How can I update this code to take each selection and create a new row on the Error Tracking Sheet?

If the user selects multiple selections from the list box. I will need to create a separate row of data for each selection.

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Dynamic Form List Boxes

Jul 1, 2008

Im designing a form which will be a few list boxes that input data into specific cells in another sheet.

I would like the list boxes to change depending on selection.

eg: if there is a certain value selected in the first list, then only the relevant values will appear in the second box.

so if there are values Potato, Banana and Apple in list one, and list two contains values White, Yellow and Red.

if banana is clicked in list 1 then only yellow will appear in box 2 as a selection.

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Userform With Empty List Boxes

Jul 21, 2014

I have a userform that loads with when excel starts. The workbook has a second and third sheets with names from A1 to A20. The form is used to add information to the first sheet. There are two list boxes on the form the reference via VBA the names on sheets 2 and 3. When form initially opens the list boxes are void of data. I also have a macro that reopens the form without having to close the workbook. When I close the form and reopen it the list boxes are populated as they should be - so the list boxes are working correctly just not being populated initially. In the open form module I have code that sets the rowsource for the data on sheet 2 and 3. Why the userform does not populate when the workbook initially opens?

Here is the code in my open userform module

Sub openuserofrm()


Sheets("VILLAGEvisits").Unprotect Password:=""
Sheets("OldVisits").Unprotect Password:=""

[Code] ....

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List Boxes Not Displaying Choices

Feb 19, 2009

I'm very new to the VB experience and am having trouble getting the choices in my list boxes to show up.

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Filtering List Boxes From A Range?

May 22, 2014

I also have a user form with two listboxes, a fruit box and a veggie box. I want to populate each box based on its type. So all of the fruits go in the fruit box, all the veggies in the veggie box. I have each column as a named value (lstKeys, lstTypes, lstName).

'Add Names
For Each Name In Range("lstNames")
If Range("lstType").Value = "Veggies" Then


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Multi Selection Pick List

Aug 19, 2009

My organization whats to provide other a excell spreadsheet ( see sample attached) with pick list for certain cells. We have successfull completed adding the pick list. HOWEVER, at times we would like the end user to be able to pick multiple choices form the the pick list

In the example - in column c the user can pick from the drop down list

However we want the end user to be able to select any combination, single choice, multiple choice ect

In this example with the above pick list created

How can the end use pick A and W or A, V and W etc

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Multi-Selection List Box Selections

Feb 13, 2008

I created a userform for budgets. Currently the way that the user selects the year for a particular line item is a combobox. The combobox is filled from a textbox, where the user inputs the project duration. For example if the user put five years into the textbox, the combobox would have years 1,2,3,4,5, and a default of all years. I want to change the combobox to a multi-selection List Box. I changed the sub that loads the current combobox to this:

Public Sub ComboLoad(cboExpense As ComboBox, cboJob As ComboBox, _
ltAp As MSForms. ListBox)
Dim i As Integer
If Len(UserForm2.txtYears) = 0 Or Len(UserForm2.txtYears) = "" Then
ltAp.AddItem ("All Years")
For i = 1 To UserForm2.txtYears
ltAp.AddItem i
Next i
ltAp.AddItem ("All Years")
End If
ltAp.Text = "All Years"
'ltAp.value = "All Years"

I used to be able to select a value for the combobox, (the default of all years), but I get an error if I include that part of the code now. I wanted to know how I can make this selection by code. Also, the bigger question for me is how do I deal with multiple selections that may or may not be sequential. As an example, for the travel section, there may be a particular expense that will occur in yrs. 1,3,5. I found some info about referring to the position in the array, but it seems like this will constantly change. I could imagine doing case scenarios, but it seems like there would be too many potential possibilities to cover.

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Hide Combo Boxes (dropdown List)?

Nov 14, 2008

I trying to do a sheet with one combo box (dropdown list) where I want the user to be able to choose "add rows" to make more boxes appear. My idea to solve this was to put all the boxes in the sheet, and then create a macro that either hides or shows the rows with the extra boxes. Now I have a problem that hiding the rows just does that, and only that. The rows disappear, but the combo boxes stay visible (but ends up on top of eachother).

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Paste 1st & 2nd Columns With Dependant List Boxes

May 4, 2009

I would to say thank you to RoyUK for helping me out with this DependantlistBoxes where a Userform has two columns. Now I've manupilated a Userform so that whenever I double click on the cell, the selected text from the second box in Userform is pasted to the cell in the next column to the right.

But I what I really want it to do is to past the text fromt the first box in Userform to the active cell and when move to the second box in Userform, the selected text will be paste to the cell on the right.

Like I double click on B3 (in "Fullarton") sheet, a userform appear. When I choose CB from the first box in userform, it should paste in B3. Then when I choose Electrician from second box in userform, Electrician should be paste in C3.

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Hiding Columns With Multiple List Boxes

Oct 1, 2006

I have a user form with 4 list boxes that I'd each like to populate with their own lists of cities according to time zone - one list box for each time zone (ET, CT, MT and PT).

I attached a worksheet that has some code from another project I got from another thread on this forum, but it needs to be modified (or whole new code written) for this application, including initializing the control buttons.

The code I'm borrowing has a slight glitch in it, where if you select the last item in the list box to hide, that item will be missing from the list the next time the user form is opened, and you'll then have to manually unhide that column.

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Create Drop Down Boxes Based On List

Jan 29, 2008

My problem is i need to create a drop down box in excell, now i have a list of names,

Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4..........

I need all thos enames in a drop down list but i think i keep doing things wrong, I am doing it like this,
All names are in cells A23-A33, i have highlighted them and named them (Names) using the name box in the top left corner, i have then gone to Data, Validation, List, Then i have sourced it to "Names" and clicked ok, this is where my problem is. It Makes all the boxes for Name 1 - Name 10 Drop Down Boxes... And when i click on any of them it gives me a list of all the names, when i click on one of the Names that name appears in the drop down box but the original Name dissapears from the box completely!

Name 1
Name 2
Name 3
Name 4
Name 5..................

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Display Column Header If Any Value Other Than 0 Exists In Multi-Column Array

Jul 22, 2014

I would like to display the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists in a cell for each instance that value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers.

I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. (FILE TOO BIG)


Resin Sand Eliminated Segment
- (12,896.65)-
- (6,570.85) -
- (11,503.80) -
- (13,188.50) -

If there is any value other than 0 in Resin, Sand or Eliminated columns, return that column's header under Segment.

Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,)))

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Transpose Multi-Column Groups/Repeats Based On 1 Column

Mar 19, 2009

I have a sheet with 3,000 rows and only two columns. Column "A" consists of 20 to 30 different names, column "B" consists of 50 to 60 different products. I need to be able to evalute the value in column A and copy, paste special transpose all values in Column B that have the same value in column A. As an example if cells A1 through A5 is "Arizona" and cell B1 is Broccoli, B2 is Cauliflower, B3 is Apples, B4 is Oranges, and B5 is Bananas, I want to copy B1 through B5 and paste special transpose to cell C1.

This then would need to loop all the way to the bottom of the data in Column A looking for a change in value. The attached file called Sample Data has two tabs. The one titled "report" shows the raw data, the one titled "Final" shows how I would like the results to appear (column L)

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