Moving Around To Only The Designated Cells

Apr 1, 2008

I have a excel spread with a range of A1:H64. The spreadsheet is designed for the user to enter information into the appropriate cells, i.e. user ID in cell D4; name in cell D5; and date in cell F5. My question is instead of the user scrolling around and finding the cells that require input is there a way to set the spreadsheet where the user tabs and/or uses the enter key to move around and go only to the cells that require input and not to the ones that are locked and protected?

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Value In One Cell Changes Other Designated Cells

Feb 11, 2009

I have a data validation in cell A1 = 2,3,4,5

A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 is empty.

What i want to be able to do is,

when cell A1=2 (A2 & A3 wilL appear the value "1")
when cell A1=3 (A2, A3, A4 will appear the value "1")
when cell A1=4 (A2, A3, A4, A5 will appear the value "1")
when cell A1=5 (A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, will appear the value "1")

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Insert Multiple Blank Rows At Designated Cells

Jun 13, 2014

I have a large list of cells in excel: 15, 33, 90, 102, 149, 159, 217, 228, 238, 247, 305, 312, 369, 417, 428, 486, 538, 548, 606, 621, 671, 679, 737, 805, 816, 874, 915, 923, 981, 1029,1038 .

Under each of these cells I would like to insert 20 blank rows. I have tried various codes but i'm struggling with the fact that as soon as I insert 20 rows at cell 15, all the other cellnumbers change.

This is a reformulation of this post: [URL] ...........

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Copy Comment To Designated Cells On Another Worksheet Using Macro

Nov 2, 2009

I really appreciate help from the excel gurus and expert here on my little problem. I'm rarely using excel and have a very little knowledge on VBA programming.In short, I've been requested to develop a shift schedule for my department that can automate the shift staff schedule on the monthly basis.

I've created two worksheet of which the first worksheet is represent as master data list (INPUT Worksheet) that contain with formulas. While the other worksheet is the automated shift data (REPORT Worksheet) that linked from the master data list (INPUT Worksheet).

Attached herewith is a sample of my work. As you can see,I wanted to copy comments from the input worksheets (on DUTY column) so that it will then automatically appears or updated in the shift schedule. Whenever the dropdown selection change, the data will change accordingly. On the REPORT worksheet, each cells, range D14:AH38 are referring to DUTY column month by month. I'm able to link it but it fails to copy over the comments as well. I believe that macro can resolve this, can someone help me on this?

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Macro Stops At End Of Designated Range?

Apr 11, 2013

Problem with the attached Range Overrun.xlsm.

Form opens with set number of rows. End User then enters figure into C3 of how many row are to be added.

Option Explicit
Dim c As Range
Dim j As Integer


Macro works correctly by adding the number of rows listed in C3. It SHOULD then "name " various cells in the original and new rows.

BUT the Macro goes ON to name cells in rows BELOW the ones that are added.

So on the attached worksheet the original rows were 6 - 9. Rows 10 - 12 were added, but the macro names the cells from Rows 6 - 14.

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If Fill Down Formula To Designated Last Cell?

Dec 23, 2008

I read in a book that if you enter a formula in a cell, like cell A1 contains
=rand() for instance, that if you select Go on the menu tab, and then enter the final destination cell or range (ex: A1,A200), then hit ctrl+Enter simultaneously, it will fill the formula down to that cell. I can get it to select the range, by hitting Shift+Enter, but not copy down the formula using Ctrl+Enter, or Ctrl+Shift+Enter. I am using excel 03, XP. It only returns blank values for the range.

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AutoFill Cell With Designated Label

Aug 1, 2012

I am trying to do is have a VBA automatically fill a blank cell with text of a different color.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("B8") = """" Then
Range("B8") = "Name"
End If
End Sub

Is what I've been trying to get to work. If the value in B8 is suddenly deleted, I want that cell to show "First Name", in a lighter grey. I know I can get the color of the text by using the conditional formatting, but how do I get that cell to auto-fill when deleted?

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Can't Assign String Value To Designated Cell

Jun 30, 2013

What am I missing here. The following code fragment

strTestString = In_Wrksht.Range("A" & i)
strNameString = Trim(Mid(strTestString, 6))
Debug.Print strTestString & " uuu"
Debug.Print strNameString & " eee"
In_Wrksht.Range("B" & i) = strNameString & " XXX"
Debug.Print Trim(In_Wrksht.Range("B" & i)) & "ggg"

returns these results:

strNameString is not being assigned to B&i. Why Not?

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Get Data From Several Separate Files To Appear In Designated File

Jun 24, 2014

I have several separate Excel files that are all formatted in the same way.

I want all this data, excluding the header rows, from those separate Excel files, to appear in a new/designated Excel file. - I don't want to keep copying and pasting.

I also want the data, once extracted/copied/exported, to be formatted according the formatting style on the designated Excel file.

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Command Buttons Not Copying To Designated Cell?

Nov 5, 2013

I have a command button set up to gather information, then create a new sheet, and paste a copied button from another location to the new sheet. The command button that shows up on the new sheet is offset and not centered in the cell. It is centered in the cell where it comes from and the cells are the same size.

I noticed that if I copy a command button and simply paste it to a new sheet, it is offset just like this. I need it to not do this. If I have to make it write in a new command button and assign a macro to it, that is fine. I went with the copy/paste option to save time.

[Code] .....

Now, before it becomes an issue, this is only a part of the full code, but it is running in it's own conditional loop. The other part works fine. And I tried changing the alignment in the cell to see if that was the issue. It was not.

Copied command buttons are offset in the cells they are pasted to.

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Protect Excel Files To Open Only On Designated Computers?

Jul 16, 2010

Is it possible to protect an excel file such that it will open up only on designated computers (identified by the computer name or some unique hardware identification like MAC address etc)?I was wondering if the VB editor can be used to do the same.

Let me put my requirement in detail:

I have an excel file "123" created in one computer (named=A). On this computer this file can be opened by anyone.I write a code such a way that, this particular file when copied on to other computers say (B,C & D) would open up as usual. But on computer E or any other computer, it should not open.

I cannot use password protect feature on the file as "n" number of users will be accessing this file on those designated computers. I was finding few of the clients copying the files on their personal drives or email without proper consent.If its possible, I would like to employ the same on few of my word (.doc) files as well.

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Moving And Deleting Entire Rows Between Tabs In Workbook And Moving Them Back If Needed

Sep 23, 2013

I have an excel work book with 6 tabs. I would like to have Excel move an entire row from one tab to another tab (removing the row and inserting it in the other tab). I.e. Example I have a tab with items that are marked as "Open Actions" so if I were to change the drop down to close. Excel would move that entire row of actions to the tab with the "closed actions" and insert into the next available row. Now if someone were to come back at a later date say no it should be reopened than I would change the drop down to open and excel would move that row back to the open actions tab into next available row. I tried a PIVOT table and no good I played with few macro and not.

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Moving Contents Of Cells?

Feb 9, 2013

About half of the time when I move the contents of a cell I get the message "The Clipboard cannot be emptied. Another program might be using the Clipboard"

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Moving Cells With Formulas

Nov 23, 2009

I am trying to move a group of cell containing formulas from one sheet to another, I have tried copy & paste/ ctrl & alt / paste special but for some reason the initial cell references of the formulas are not updated.

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Moving Cells Corresponding To Date?

Dec 3, 2012

Starting on Monday and ending on Friday and then excluding the weekend dates beginning again on Monday. I would like to be able to store a value within a seperate cell.

EX:- Cell A1 contains the value of Cell B1,(B1 being Monday's value) but when the date changes so the value of Cell A1 should become the value of Cell B2 (Tuesday's value) and when the date changes again the value of Cell A1 should become the value of Cell B3,(Wednesday's value and so on). This should happen until Friday and then the calculation should evaluate the two days of the weekend and do nothing before moving on to calculating Monday's value and displaying in Cell A1 the appropiate value.

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Moving Cells From A Row To A Column

Aug 26, 2009

it is possible to move a row of cells with (names in each cell) to a column. Basically, I want the list of names to go from top to bottom rather than left to right.

From this (each name is in separate cells)
John Jones Bob Smith Jane Morgan

to this:

John Jones
Bob Smith
Jane Morgan

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Moving In Merged Cells

May 8, 2007

I have a merged cell area, several columns wide and 2 rows deep.

I know that pressing enter before reaching the end of the first row moves to the next cell below. Is there any method, either key combination or whatever, of moving to the next row within the merged cell?

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Moving Shape Based On Cells Value?

Jun 27, 2014

following code is supposed to check whether cell contains a value and based on that either display or hide a shape. The last couple of lines are moving it. What I would need is to check all cells in a row (not only the first one) and if lets say first 1,2,3...10... cells contain a value move the shape all the way to the end of that cell and so on.

Sub Worksheet()
If Sheets("Text").Range("z6") <> 0 Then
With ActiveSheet.Shapes("Rectangle 8").Fill


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Moving Cells Up Or Down Under A Pivot Table?

May 25, 2014

is there an option to allow cells under a pivot to keep the same distance under the pivot table when it grows larger or gets smaller?

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Moving Cells In A Filtered List

Nov 1, 2007

I need to identify values which are less than 0 and move those cells to an adjacent cell.

Acct Desc Amt
2100 Acct1 -10
2101 Acct2 10
The -10 cell will move one cell to the right. I have an imported list with gl accounts, descriptions and amounts and want to have the negative values moved to a new column.

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Automatically Moving Cells With Macro

Jan 7, 2008

I have a list of diagnostic procedures, some of which are for the same patient. I need a macro that does the following: move every second procedure (a couple of cells per row) of one patient number (column B) next to (11 cells to the right and 1 row up) the first procedure. But only if there's less than 3 months between the procedures (dates are in column G) and if both procedures were on the same side of the body (left or right, column L)
Is there a macro that can do this for me?
Is there a macro that just moves a couple of cells in a row 11 cells to the right and 1 row up?

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Read Qualifying Column Names And Paste, Separated By Commas, In Designated Cell

Dec 10, 2009

I am in need of a macro that will scan a worksheet row by row, noting the column names (found in I2 to AQ2) in a specific horizontal span of cells (I to AQ) that hold (any) data. The macro will then paste these column names in a designated cell on each corresponding row (always found in column F), separating the column names with commas.

I am trying to do this for multiple worksheets containing ~100 rows - the example attached is just a quick demo of what I'm hoping to achieve. Also, these worksheets are contained in one big workbook, so ideally I'd like to be able to run the macro once and have it apply to every sheet in that workbook (they all have the same layout - the only big difference is the number of rows). If the Total Scenes part at the bottom of the sheet is problematic in getting this to work, it's fine to remove it.

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Moving On A Hlookup By A Number Of Cells Each Time?

Nov 2, 2009

I have been given a spreadsheet to fix as the user says the charts/graphs aren't adding the new data.

But when I looked closer at the workbook the whole thing just seemed a little wrong to me

Please see the workbook attached.

All the data is entered into the sheet 'Data Entry'.

Then on the 'Data' sheet it should pull thru some key values but half of it isn't done and it isn't very smart.

I have created a 'TEST Data' sheet so I could start messing with it.

I was going to pull the data thru from 'Data Entry' into the 'TEST Data' sheet using a Hlookup to make sure it worked before i messd with the actual 'Data' sheet.

The problem I am having is moving/copying the Hlookup across.

On the 'TEST data' sheet the Hlookup is as follows and is correct:

=HLOOKUP($A$5,'Data Entry'!$C$4:$M$472,2,FALSE)

But the next set of (Week 2) is not in the 2nd or even 3rd row of the array, its in row 11......... thats 9 rows down from the original.

Moving on the data i want to bring back is always 9 more than the last so the Hlookups should look like:

=HLOOKUP($A$5,'Data Entry'!$C$4:$M$472,11,FALSE)
=HLOOKUP($A$5,'Data Entry'!$C$4:$M$472,20,FALSE)
=HLOOKUP($A$5,'Data Entry'!$C$4:$M$472,29,FALSE)

etc etc

Can any of you guys out there help on how I can do this or it may not even be a Hlookup but something even smarter!!

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Use TAB To Moving Another Cells And Save Database In Another Sheet

Jul 28, 2013

I have 2 sheet in Excel. Sheet1 I rename main page and Sheet2 I rename database. In my main page I use tab key to be moving from within 3 cells (B5,B6,B7) that are different to include data. How the data may be stored in sheet database. When we fill data in main page how to evacuate data to fill second data.

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Moving Cells Data Down 1 Cell If That 1 Is Empty

Apr 29, 2014

I have a Rental Form that i'm working on, and to tidy things up when I print it out, I would like to move a cells data down 1 row if that cell is empty. Here's what I have:

cell b8 - First and Last Name
cell b9 - Address1
cell B10 - Address2
cell b11 - City, State, Zip
cell 12 - Phone #

Not too many people have an address2, so when that field is empty, I'd like to move Address1's data down to it's position (address2). If address2 has data in it, leave address1 where it is. Simple right? This moving would happen when the command button is hit and the form data goes to sheet 1 which works fine.

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Moving Average Ecluding Blank Cells

Aug 15, 2007

I have a column of data that contains various blank cells where no data was measured. In the adjacent column I want to take the moving average of the last 4 data points including the most recent entry. My problem is i do not know how to handle blank cells where there was no data. I need it to average the last four in the column where data acutally exists. I am ok with using helper cells if needed and I am not worried about the first four results at this time.

Example data


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Prevent Conditional Formatting From Moving With Cut Cells?

Jan 27, 2011

I am trying to design a spreadsheet for planning a project schedule. Down the left are the dates, across the top are the resource names and in the content are the activities being carried out.

Each activity I have is given a two letter prefix, e.g. TD = Training Delivery. I then have conditional formatting applied to each cell to change the cell colour based on the two letter prefix. In all there are six conditional formatting rules.

Now, my problem is that I need this sheet to be really fluid. I want to be able to drag and drop blocks of activities to a buffer area at the side and then drag them into another part of the schedule. However, when you drag and drop (effectively cut and paste) the activities around the conditional formatting moves with the cut content, whereas I want it to remain where it was. I guess what I'm after is a way of dragging and dropping values only.

The best I've come up with so far is an onChange macro that reapplies the conditional formatting to the relevant part of my spreadsheet, but I can't believe this is the most elegant solution. Is there perhaps a way of triggering a macro onPaste?

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Moving Address From One Cell To Multiple Cells

Jul 6, 2012

I've got this large data set that I need to edit. My problem is, the clients name and address are contained with in one cell eg, John Smith, Alba Road, Bigtown. Is there some way of transferring this address into three different cells foe filtering?

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Macros Absolute Cells Moving Data

Apr 26, 2006

A spreadsheet that can be used to enter the hours worked by staff each week and then calculate their Gross pay, Tax and Net Pay. THe basic spreadsheet has been created, however it will require aq macro to copy the Week ending, Hours worked, gross pay, tax and net pay columns to the first empty cell in row 1, clear the entries in the week ending and hours worked columns that have just been created and then hide the give columns to the left. which show the data for the previous week.

I know this sounds confusing but ive supplied the file to help you understand. The problem is that we can get the macro to hide the previous five entries and copy 5 new ones in their place but it only does this once. Just about our whole class is having trouble with this as we're not very advanced in macros.

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Moving And Dragging Multiple Cells Without Merging

Jun 14, 2006

i have a row, A2-A7

there is data in each cell

can i make it so i move any of the cells up or down a row or wherever and they will all move in a unit as if they were merged? i dont want to merge though because then that will screw up the data?

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