Multiple Identify Duplicate Conditions

Aug 27, 2012

I have a spread sheet in which an account number is located in, lets say, column A. There can be multiple duplicate account numbers here, and thats ok.

However, there is another column, Col. B, which has the name of an action. There are multiple "actions" listed, but the each action can only occur once for each account number. I need to identify if an account number is duplicated and if so, does it have any duplicate values in B. If it does, highlight the duplicates.

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Find And Identify Duplicate Data Across Multiple Workbooks?

Dec 23, 2013

Book 1 sheet1 A


Book 2 sheet1 A


I need get the result Book 3 Sheet 1 A

All duplicates items from book 1 and book 2

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Record Duplicate Values Based On Multiple Conditions Only

May 1, 2014

I am trying to pick out certain bits of information from the below "example" set of data:





[Code] .......

My aim is to record the letters that are recorded against both numbers (note: in my data there are more than 2 sets of numbers). For the example above the solution would be:



...because these two letters appear against both 1 and 2.

There are some letters that are duplicated against the same number which is making it hard for me to work out. I don't care if the same letter appears against the same number, I just would like to know instances when a letter appears with a different number, and if possible what that number is.

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Identify The Duplicate Values

May 22, 2009

i currently have two columns (e.g. A2:A400, B2:B20) and i am trying to match all the values in B to A, displaying TRUE or FALSE (if the values from B don't appear in A) in column C.

i have tried using the various formula for duplicates, substituting what i thought would be the correct formula, but to no avail.

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Identify When Typped A Duplicate

Jan 8, 2008

I need a way that allows a user to identify, when he has written a duplicate.

For example:

In column A, user typed a string “XXX123” that already exists (in the same column),
It will receive a “warning”, the cell changes color … something that allows indentifying the duplication…

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Identify Duplicate Data

Apr 10, 2007

I now need to look through 4524 rows (columns A,B,C) and identify any duplicates based on column A. After all duplicate data has been identified, I would like to delete out all non duplicates. I searched previous posts, but couldn't find anything that worked for me.

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Identify Or Highlight Duplicate Rows

Nov 3, 2006

i have a series of colums in which i have a formula for checking if each proceding row has the same value in the cells above ie duplication. i am using the following formula
= if(and (C4=C3),(D4=D3),(E4=E3)),"yes","") although this seems to work ok, some of the cells in colums D & E are empty.
what should i do to check for this.

what i am attempting to do is check for duplicate rows where the row is only a duplicate if the previous row is identical.

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Identify Duplicate Rows Between 2 Worksheets

Sep 4, 2007

I have two sheets with many rows and about 8 columns. The second sheet is some of the rows copied and pasted from the first sheet. I have been asked to mark on the first sheet those rows that have been copied to the second sheet.

I need to check that the entire row matches before somehow making the corresponding row in the "original" sheet stand out.

Unfortunately, there is no unique identifier that I can search by. I have tried concatenating all columns into a new column on each sheet and then using MATCH but I get #VALUE! error.

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How To Identify Repeated / Duplicate Code With Different Text

Jun 9, 2014

I need to identify repeated code with different text value. The codes in B column appears repeatedly in the list. However some codes have different text value (one time appears with public and another time appears with priv). I would like to identify those codes as 1 if they appear with different text value within the list. I highlighted one code 131775 for reference.

Repeated code with different text.xlsxβ€Ž

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Macros To Identify Duplicate Invoice Numbers

Aug 18, 2014

My boss gave me a project and need to be done as soon as possible. Basically, i just need to join all of database and then identify duplicates and put them in another sheet in order to investigate if there are any double payments.

Duplicates can be:

- invoices with same vendor name having same or comparable amounts
- invoices with Invoice No. which match or closely match (in case we're mis-keying)

I've tried so many ways to find duplicates that fulfill the 2 conditions above, but still cannot make it done.

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Find Duplicate Data - Identify Which Entries Are In BOTH Columns

Apr 27, 2014

I have data (e.g. PPL0106AU) in columns A (Rows 2 to 104) & C (Rows 2 to 303) and need to identify which entries are in BOTH columns.

I've entered in column B: =IF(MATCH(A2,C$2:C$303),A2,"No")

This formula is resulting in a duplicate of column A in column B.

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Identify Duplicate Lines Items And Generate Report.

Mar 11, 2009

I have a report with ~44,000 line items. From this report, I need assistance generating a report that lists all unique line items. I am having problems trying to identify which line items are duplicates as I need to compare 4 different cells in each line to other lines to determine if it is a duplicate item (compare data from columns A, B, E, F)

For example, raw data may be as follows:
Column A………Column B…….Column E…………….....Column F
10/13/2008 ……11111111…….353496508000………..888.88............................

Note from above, there are two occurrences of a duplicate item. As a result, the output table would only list this item once.

I have attached a sample of the spreadsheet with dummy data on one tab and the desired output on another tab. Note that all the data is broken up into blocks of data that is separated by data that is only in the first column of the row.

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Identify Duplicate Part # And Quanities And Generate Recount Sheet

Oct 9, 2008

I have attached my sample XL sheet. Column A & B will be imported from computer system, only one p/n and quanity. Column C & D will be scanned in from multiple trucks and warehouse, p/n might show up multiple times with different quanities. I need to compare A&B to C&D and come up with a recount sheet that shows the difference as in E&F. Ideally this could be put on another sheet that could be printed out for recounting. Is it possible to do all these different functions automatically. There will be somewhere between 3000-5000 different p/n's.

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Populating Cells When There Are Duplicate Conditions

Oct 22, 2008

if the state, city and company name are the same, I need to make sure the address gets populated in the address column. I have included an attached sheet to clear this up.

For example,

Row 1 is Crazy Horse Saloon in Anchorage, AK and has an address and phone number
Row 2 is Crazy Horse Saloon in Anchorage, AK and does not have an address and phone number

I need it to be able to realize that the State, City, and Business all match and populate the missing information.

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Delete Duplicate Rows If 3 Conditions Are Same?

Jul 1, 2012

I have a sheet caled "Data", with thousands of rows.

I want to delte any rows that have duplicate rows only if the following data is in the same row but if in column A, coloumn C and column H have the same data

w 1 1 3 4 5 6 7
e 1 1 1 3 4 5 8
w 2 1 5 2 5 6 7

The last row would need to be deleted as dupilcates are A C and H

The data is not sorted.

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Removing Duplicate Data Based On Conditions

Oct 10, 2011

Currently trying to solve a niggling issue with removing duplicate row data from competition entry databases using the following code...

Sub remove_duplicates()

Dim lastrow As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long

On Error GoTo errhandler

Columns("A:G").Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("B2") _

[Code] ......

'MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

What I need to happen is for duplicates to be based on both the name and email matching (columns A + B) and then remove all duplicate rows, whilst ignoring but preserving the content in columns C,D,E and F on those rows that remain. Column G contains either "Yes" or "No" depending on a users membership status. Sometimes duplicated data will contain identical name and email address but have different membership status in column G where someone was logged in when submitting a form the first time, and then logged out the next (potentially a mixture of the two over multiple times). Therefore I need any duplicate users who have different values in the G column throughout the database to be detected by the macro and we must ensure that the single row retained in the final non-duplicated list displays "Yes" in column G for that user.

Duplicate users who are always "yes" or always "no" work fine, its only the ones with mixed values for column G that need to be analysed and their return forced as Yes in the final list.

The final list should preserve the original column structure and thus be only one row per unique user.

The above code appeared to work the first time with a sample file, but when running the macro on one of my full size lists (3k - 5k rows) it returns 2 rows for each user who started off as a mixture of Yes/No... ?

Both rows will say yes in column G (so that part is correct!) but I have to re-run the macro again on the same dataset for it to remove the duplicate yes rows to get the list as it finally should be!

So I can achieve the result by running it twice, but this is a bit of a cheating way to do it and also the next stage after this involves something similar across multiple worksheets so I need something rock solid to build upon!

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Delete Duplicate Rows When Two Conditions Are Duplicated

Jan 14, 2008

Each task in my spreadsheet has multiple jobs assigned to it. Frequently users will work two jobs for the same task simultaneously and log the time together.

Unfortunately when I go to try to sum up how much time was spent on each task, this causes it to appear as if the task took twice (or even twenty+) times as long as it truly did.

I want to be able to figure out the time spent on each task for each user. In order to do this, I need to get rid of rows where the task id and the user id are both duplicated in another row.

Ex: ...

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Identify Duplicate Rows And Copy / Paste First Cell To All Cells Of Equal Rows

Apr 14, 2014

I am new to macro and just trying to learn. I have a spreadsheet with 20000 rows and 8 columns. I am trying to identify equal rows based on the values of columns C, D, E and F. then I need to separate equal bunches with a blank row. Then I need to copy the ID number from the first cell of column B of each bunch and paste it for the rest of the rows in that bunch. I have written the following code but this does not put the ID of the first cell in a bunch for the rest of the rows in that bunch.

[Code] .........

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Identify Multiple Locations More Than X Miles Apart

Mar 16, 2014

Distance Calculations Example 1.xlsx

I need quickly identifying multiple locations based on their proximity to an initial location and each subsequent location selected. I have attached an example spreadsheet that is structured in the following manner:

Cell H2 is the 'initial' location that will be used to identify all subsequent locations
Colums A through C are location specific details including latitude and longitude of all 450 possible locations
Column D is a distance calculation based on the difference betwen the location in column A to the 'initial' location in cell H2
Cell F2 is the necessary minimum distance between locations(in miles)
Cell G2 is the number of locations needed(this will vary)

What I am trying to accomplish is to fill column H with the number of locations specified in cell G2 that are atleast the minimum distance in F2 apart from each other, like drawing virtual circles around the locations on a map.

I am pretty sure this can be done with a Macro, but am not sure if that is the best solution or not. I am a novice Excel user, so even though I don't know the solution, I can already see two issues:

1. Whatever the solution is, the reference in column D will need to change to calculate the distance for each subsequent location instead of staying absolute with cell H2(H3 for second location, H4 for 3rd, etc...)
2. With each selection that is made, any location less than the specified distance in cell G2 should be removed from any future choices for subsequent locations.

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Use VBA To Identify Multiple Days In A Schedule

Jan 3, 2013

I have managed to write some vba using sumproduct to identify multiple instances of a day in a persons schedule ... following is the code:

Range("A" & jj).Select
LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, ActiveCell.Column).End(xlUp).Row
Range("AF3").Formula = Evaluate("=SUMPRODUCT((A3:A" & LastRow & "= """ & WeekDay & """)*(B3:B" & LastRow & "="""
& ClName & """))")

[Code] .....

The sumproduct essentially checks to see for example that in the A3:AA range whether we have a match .... say a Monday that appears more than once for the client ... say John G. In the example I am using we have John G with three time slots on Monday that he is scheduled thus kkk = 3.

I would like to loop through the ranges in the Schedules sheet and copy those rows where the above statement about John G is true. For the rest of the example we just assume that John only has one scheduled time for each of the rest of the days of the week so in those instances kkk = 1.

I have the following code to loop thru the days of the week:

For j = 3 to 11
WeekDay = Range("AE" & j)
if kkk > 1 then
WeekDay = Range("AE" & (j-cntr))
WeekDay = Range("AE" & j)
Next j

There is a whole bunch of code, including he sumproduct above that then loops thru the Schedules sheet in the appropriate rows and columns copying the instances where John G has a schedule for a particular day of the week.

First I create a schedule sheet for John G and the vba code enters the first row of data ... Monday etc etc in Row A3 thru H3 of this new sheet.

On the second loop through the data on the Schedules sheet it finds another Monday for John G and this is where I would like to hold the WeekDay variable such that it is still pointing to Monday for a total of three loops since kkk = 3 for John G and Monday.

The problem that I am having is that if I hold WeekDay to point at Monday by something like WeekDay = Range("AE" & (j -1)), it seems to work for two instances ... that is the first instance, WeekDay = Range("AE" & j), j here is 3 for example, then the next pass we have WeekDay = ("AE" & j) and here j = 4 but since I reset it back one we are still at 3 ... this unfortunately only works once then I get and empty WeekDay = "". The loop has to loop through the Schedules sheet and I use jj as a variable here which increases by one each pass through ... next j, however ... increases j but then I try to reset it back by one so that it is still pointing to Monday in the Range("AE" & j) section of the Schedules sheet, it is a temporary range.

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Identify Multiple Columns In Listbox

May 18, 2007

The following code takes the selected item from a listbox and populates another listbox with the item. The problem is that only the item from column 1 is populated to the other listbox. How can I populate the other listbox with the items from both column 1 and column 2?

Private Sub cmdSelToExc_Click()
Dim i As Long
With Me.lstProducts
' Copy all selected items, then delete.
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) Then
Me.lstExclude.AddItem .List(i)
End If
Next j
Next i
For i = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
If .Selected(i) Then
.RemoveItem i
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub

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Identify Multiple Maximum Peaks In Data Set

Oct 8, 2008

I have a set of data about with approx 7500 cells all contained in one column. The data has a series of peaks that happen, and I need to identify each peak value and place it in a cell. The peak does not occur at regular intervals but they are somewhat regular, as in within 130-230 data points. So, if one could find the first peak in the first 200 cells, identify it and store it somewhere, then look in the next 200, store it, etc. I don't know how to do that in excel.

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Identify Duplicates Across Multiple Colums And Rows

Dec 22, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with 20+ columns. Each column contains a list of invoice numbers, eg, 1234. The lists are all of different lengths (see below). I want to find a way to find/highlight/identify those invoice numbers that appear more than once in the entire sheet (eg if invoice 1234 is listed in column B, and also in column H, and/or if invoice 5678 is listed in column A, and also in column J, and also perhaps in column D, etc.)

I've searched this forum but haven't found anything about searching for multiple duplicates in multiple columns. Ideally the matches would be highlighted in different colours, (eg all cells that contain 1234 would be red, those that contain 5678 would be blue, etc., for ease of identification) but I'm not sure if that's possible. I've attached an example that I've shaded myself to show what I mean. I've tried the MODE function but that only tells me which invoice number occurs the most.

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Count Unique Logs With Multiple Conditions Of Multiple Sheets

Oct 8, 2007

I've got no clue about all this, but I've had to get specific formula examples and fill in the blanks in order for my timesheet to work. There's just one final problem if somebody could please help.

This is a timesheet for a 5 day work week. I need to count the number of unique log numbers for a specific activity. The log numbers counted must be unique across the entire week, not just for each day, which means I want the formula to count the unique log numbers across multiple sheets.

The formula also has multiple conditions. I got 2 columns. The first part of the formula needs to verify a word, say, "split" and if it does it checks the adjacent cell for a unique log number. If both arguments are true, it counts the log as 1 unit.

Here is a working formula for only one page.

Here's 2 problems with this formula:
1. I will count if it encounters a blank cell in the Log numbers the first time (which will happen as not every activity we do has a log#), but it will stop counting if it encounters a second blank cell.

2. I don't know how to make it work across several sheets.

This is an alternate formula which works and skips the blank cells, but I don't know how to add the multiple condition of "split" and to have it work across multiple sheets. I just copied it Microsoft. As I said, I don't understand it, I just fill in the blanks.

SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF(LEN(C4:C29)>0,MATCH(C4:C29,C4:C29,0),""), IF(LEN(C4:C29)>0,MATCH(C4:C29,C4:C29,0),""))>0,1))

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Finding Keywords To Identify Product In Multiple Cells

Jul 23, 2012

Macro - it is currently set up to find a specific text, and activate that cell. From there, the spreadsheet has data in 6 cells in the 6 rows below the active cell. What I need the macro to do is to identify the product based on key words in a range of cells: that is, if any of those cells contain the string "total", than the product type is total, but if "total" is not found, look for keywords such as "alpha" and "beta", to identify the product type. If its not a total product, then i want it to look for "productB", "productc", and so on with relevant keywords until the product is identified.

I think IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH can be used, but I'm not sure how, and I'm not sure how to search all 6 cells (to make things worse, the number of cells vary, so I'm using the "find" function to figure out the first and last cell that contain data).

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Identify/highlight Maximum Value Based On Multiple Criteria

Dec 4, 2009

I have a file with telemetry data for n individuals. For each individual I have data on a number of days, over the course of a couple of years. On any given day, I have from 1 to several "fixes" for an individual. Fixes range from 1 to 3, with 3 being the "best". Note that I do not necessarily have data for all individuals on a given day. What I want to do is extract the row with best fix for each individual, on each day for which I have data for that individual. If there is more than one best fix for an individual on a given day, then I want to choose the first best fix (temporally). Right now my data is set up with columns:

INDV DATE TIME FIX ....other attributes

INDV = unique code identifying the individual

The data is sorted by INDV, then by DATE, then by TIME.

I figured I could do this using nested IF statements, where "TRUE" would be added to a new column (e.g., HIGHFIX) in the row of the first highest fix on each day for each individual, but have not been successful in doing this. I've also tried conditional formatting. Again, no success here.

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Remove Multiple Data By Multiple Conditions?

Aug 21, 2009

1. I have 4 columns (let's say D,E,I,J);

Account1 Sum1 Account2 Sum2
151 93,79 BF2479 30,00
1476757 93,79 BF7 22,00
BF2479 30,00 151 93,79
86041 84,03 23235 30,00
534 6608,45

2. I need to clean the multiple identical data in the list by both Account no. and Sum (of course the list is much longer!) so that the list should look like this:

Account1 Sum1 Account2 Sum2

1476757 93,79 BF7 22,00

86041 84,03 23235 30,00
534 6608,45

I must say that I am a beginner in Excel, so I tried to use this:


for column E, and


(which is reverse of the first one) for column J; (The ranges are the ones used in the real sheet), not for the ones in the example above!); The formula does seem to eliminate a dew unwanted data, but does not give me all the wanted results!

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How To Satisfy Multiple Conditions Using Multiple Criteria

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to divide my data into 6 different groups, based on 2 different criteria. First, I am not sure how to write the logical test to take 2 columns of data into consideration (using "&" and "AND" do not work; I am not sure what else to try), and second I can't figure out how to write the formula so that it can select from 1 of 6 conditions.

So, overall here is what I want:

If DL2=3 and CK2=1, then I want this to be labeled as '1'
If DL2=3 and CK2=2, 2
If DL2=1 and CK2=2, 3
If DL2=2 and CK2=2, 4
If DL2=1 and CK2=1, 5
If DL2=2 and CK2=1, 6

These 6 conditions cover all possible combinations of numbers in the two columns.

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Sum On Multiple Conditions In Multiple Columns

Nov 29, 2008

My data looks somewhat like this :

DOU Quarter Sum
0 Q1 = sum of 1's in Q1
1 Q1 = sum of 1's in Q2
1 Q2 = sum of 1's in Q3
0 Q2 = sum of 1's in Q4
1 Q3
1 Q1
1 Q4
0 Q2

A cell in the SUM column must contain the sum of 1's in column DOU if under column Quarter the value is Q1. Similarly for Q2, Q3 & Q4 if only the corresponding value under DOU is 1.

Its like.. count the number of 1's per quarter and come up with the sum in 4 distinct cells for each quarter.. i.e. quarter-wise sum/count of 1s

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VBA Multiple IF Conditions

Aug 9, 2009

If ActiveCell.Value < -25 And ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0).Value < -25 And ActiveCell.Offset(-3, 0).Value < -25 Then
End If
End Sub

I am looking to do something similar on excel 07 as follows:
IF ActiveCell.Offset(0,-1)Value ="1" And ActiveCell.Offset(0,-2).Value = "1" Then
ActiveCell.Value = "1"

Compile error expected: Then or GoTo At the First value (which I have highlighted in red)

Also would like the If formula to repeat for range O16:O36.

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