VLOOKUP Or SUMIF: Find The Line Staus Of Each Product In Production Against The Order

Jun 2, 2006

I have a very large spreadsheet where i have orders, product and line status listed. I neeed to find the line staus of each product in production against the order. I'm using an array sumif formula but since the spreadsheet reachs 10000 rows of information I dosn't alway calculate correctly.


Required Result

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Sumif/product Formula

Sep 29, 2009

I'm trying to do what I think its a simple formula with Excel 03 but can't get it to work. The info is in two work sheets - A&B.

D Jones 1/2/09 13 Bell
E Smith 1/6/09 12 Smith
F Cox 1/28/09 12 Cox
G Cox 1/28/09 10 Collins
H Collins 1/28/09 11 Jones

In worksheet B, Column 2, I need to pull the SUM of COLUMN 3 IF THE NAMES IN BOTH MATCH AND THE DATES MATCH

I've spent hours tyring to get this thing done!

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Countif, Sumif Or Sum Product

Jan 25, 2010

I have a table with 3 columns,

Project Person Hours

A B 1
A C 2
A B 3

So on project A persion B has worked 4 hours. I seem to be able to use sumproduct for counting how many times the person is in the project but I cannot seem to add on the final hours part.

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Invoicing Based On Product And Order Number?

Apr 30, 2014

I am trying to develop an invoicing system for my company. Most of our customers will have their invoices formatted a certain way which has been relatively easy to solve, however one customer needs to have their invoices formatted in a special way.I have a sheet that pulls in a list formatted like this:

Date product order number kilos
07/4/14 48% cream 445600 1000
07/4/14 PHM 445600 1500
07/4/14 PHM 445600 1000
07/4/14 PHM 445600 2000
10/4/14 48% cream 445800 500

What I need it to display is the following:

Date Product order number kilos
07/4/14 48% cream 445600 1000
10/4/14 48% cream 445800 500
07/4/14 PHM 445600 4500

So you can see it is grouping the invoice by both product type and order number but grouping by product.

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Multiple Product Order Form With Price Lookup

Feb 26, 2009

On an order form the customer will be able to enter the width and projection of several products that they want to order. The way these products are priced are in a Matrix of Width over projection. The current system i have designed is:

1. The pricing Matrix's have all been put into one big table and given a unique id per product matrix.
2. An advanced filter has then been run and and it extracts the appropriate matrix and copies it onto the process sheet.
3. An Index/Match formula is used to find the price for the inputted width and projection. It does this by finding the intersect point of the width and projection on the table.

Currently this will be put into a macro and assigned to a button.

The problem is that up to 15 (or possibly more) products need to be able to be ordered in one order form. With the current system it means there will be a lot of Advanced Filters and there will be a macro button that will need to be clicked after every product order (and they're could be 15 or more). Obviously this isn't very professional, it is time consuming and must be the hard way of doing it.

I was wondering what over systems that could be used for this sort of thing. The more solutions there are to this problem the better. Attached is the file. If you do post a solution it would be preferred if you could also post a file with a working example in. I find it much easier to learn the solution if i can see it working.

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VLookup Returning All Occurrences Of Result Line By Line

Feb 6, 2013

I need the Service Order tab to populate with data from the CPR tab based on the IO#. Since there is more than 1 occurrence of an IO# I need a formula to list the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc result of the vlookup in the cell under the 1st.


When I drag this down I get the 1st occurrence of the IO# 777 I need all of them.

Atex ID#(unique id) Campaign name Site
Row 7 1st occurrence of IO# 777
Row 8 2nd occurrence of IO# 777
Row 9 3rd occurrence of IO# 777

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Payment Staus Sheet

Dec 2, 2008

This is a new payment status sheet that my company has put together to use with future clients. There are a few things that we would like fixed but can not figure out ourselves. I have attatched the document along with some notes as to what we can not get to work.

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VBA VLookup - Add All Prices For Certain Product In Different Tabs

Oct 16, 2012

I am trying to have a Vlookup Macro to add all the prices for a certain product in different tabs.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Generate Info Button
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim RESULT As Integer
Dim sheet As Worksheet
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets

[Code] ......

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Combining A VLOOKUP And PRODUCT Function

Sep 11, 2009

I am using the following formula to calulate the compounded rate of return for a series of monthly returns: {=(PRODUCT(1+(b1:b100)/100)-1)*100}

I would like to be able to integrate a VLOOKUP function into the above formula so that it looks at the dates in column A and then apply the PRODUCT function above to the return values in column B that fall between start and end dates specified in cells C1 and D1.

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If And Vlookup Formula (bring Up The Corresponding Product Description )

Jun 15, 2009

I'm trying to get a cell {in the attached spreadsheet 'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'B13'}, to bring up the corresponding product description {'Products' Sheet- Column C}. For the cell that is to bring up the product description {'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'C13'}, the following is the formula I'm trying to use, but is coming up "#N/A":
=IF(C13>1000,VLOOKUP(A13,Products!$A$2:$D$12,3),IF(C13>287,VLOOKUP(A13,Products!$A$14:$D$25,3),IF(C1 3>0,VLOOKUP(A13,Products!$A$28:$D$38,3)," "))).

I haven't attempted the "Cost/Bottle" formula yet {'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'D13'}, but it needs to correspond the product number {'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'A13'} and the quantity ordered {'Order Form' Sheet- Cell 'C13'}, with the cost/bottle on the that quantity found on 'Products' Sheet, Column D.

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Line Graph In Descending Order

Dec 8, 2009

How do i achieve the graph that is on the pdf with the data in the workbook i've attached. i cant work it out?

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How To Sort By Alphabetic Order Without Repeating In A Line

Jun 21, 2014

in column A i have Customer's Names in column B Customer's Surnamas


i need to sort Customer's Names by alphabetic order without repeating in a line

Simon Conroy
Simon Conroy

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Use Vlookup To Output Product Number And Quantities On Separate Sheet

Jun 27, 2013

I am trying to put all my parts with quantities on a seperate sheet called "Parts List" Every time you select a quanity for one of the parts, I want it to pop up on my parts list. This will make it easier to identify the exact parts I want and also the quantity I need. This will be much more convenient then scrolling down my parts list and trying to find the one's with quantities.

I think I need to use a vlookup or even a Macro but I don't know how to go about doing this.

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Sumif Function?? Picking Up The Data For The Value In The First Line

Mar 10, 2009

I am using the following formuale to pick up a numeric value (from column G in Feb09 sheet: =INDEX(Feb09!G:G,MATCH($A10,Feb09!$B:$B,0))

Trouble is, the match it's doing in column b in Feb09 is listed twice in the sheet, but i'm only picking up the data for the value in the first line ... i think i need a sumif function.

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Conditional PRODUCT Function Formula (return The Product Of A List Of Numbers In A Column)

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to use a PRODUCT formula to return the product of a list of numbers in a column, between 2 specified dates. The spreadsheet is arranged as follows:

Column BA list of dates
Column C & DNumerical data not used in any calculations
Column EThe numbers to multiply together
Cell A1Start date to be used in the PRODUCTformula
Cell A2End date to be used in the PRODUCT formula

The formula I have to multiply the data in column E, subject to the start and end dates in Column A is:


This returns zero though works appropriately if I replace “PRODUCT” with a “SUM”.

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Dynamic Named Range For The Product Name On The Product Details Sheet

Dec 24, 2008

I'm working on a order spreadsheet system, and I have one sheet called Product Details, where the product name, list price and product code are found, these link to the Sales order page, and I need them so that they can be added to.

So far, I have created a dynamic named range for the Product name on the Product details sheet, and linked the the range via a list validation on the Sales order sheet.

The drop down list displays the products and can be added to by typing new product names on the other sheet.

What I need now is that when a product on the sales order page is selected, it draws the the list price and product code data automatically from the sheet, I tried using a normal vlookup, but I couldn't get it to work. I also need the list price and product code columns to be 'dynamic' so new values can be added further along.

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Mixing VLOOKUP And LEFT Functions (bring Up The Model Type Of A Product Based On Its Material Code)

Aug 3, 2009

I need a formula that will bring up the Model type of a product based on its Material code. All the models I need to generate have a "root" number in them (the first 6 digits define model type). This is what I need to fill out:

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Macro For Name Generation From Product To Product With Sizes And Filenames

Jan 30, 2014

I would like to have a Macro to go from the first tab called "Start" and end up with the second tab "End" automatically. BAsically I need to take the product on each line under Tab Start and reproduce it for sizes 35-41 always ending with "-(size)". Then this new Product with Size needs to be multiplied one below the other for as many times as I have pictures (number shown under column B of the tab Start). Next to this value in column B of tab End I'd like the same name listed again but with the number 1, then 2, then 3, etc. as needed and the extension .jpg.

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VLOOKUP Order List

Jun 5, 2009

suppose when i add 1 in the quantity, it will appear on the "Order for EMS" and "Order for FEDEX" but now they show #NAME?, what's wrong, it's not happen before, why?

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Vlookup In Descending Order

Feb 16, 2010

I'm running a workbook that has a list of all the runs for a day, and several daily driver sheets that automatically copy and order the drops using vlookup.

If you look at run 1 on the run listing you will see that holmfirth is the first drop and sandbach is the last drop.

This is also the case on page 1, as it should be.

However, on run 7 you will see that the first drop is Edinburgh and the last drop is Biggar.
The problem is that on the run listing form, we sort the run backwards so that it is loaded onto the trunk wagon backwards, then the load is tran-shipped (swapped) to the delivery wagon (dont ask) and the last drop on the trunk wagon (Biggar on the front end) becomes the first drop(on the back end) on the delivery wagon now in the correct delivery order. I need the daily sheet (page 7) to reflect the fact that Biggar is the first drop and Edinburgh is the last drop.

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Sep 22, 2009

I have a workbook containing 2 tabs.

Tab 1 has columnar data with column A containing locations; however, each location may be listed multiple times on different lines - once for each piece of equipment at that location. Tab 1, column B has a piece of equipment listed. Tab 1, column C has a price associated with the piece of equipment in column B.

Tab 2 contains contains columnar data with column A containing locations. I need to populate Tab 2, column B with the sum of all equipment associated with the location in column A.

I have used VLOOKUP to try and find matches for the lookup_value in Tab 2, column A, then return the value of the price from Tab 1, column C.

Problems have been that it returns only the first instance of the location data, not a sum of all. I know the formula is missing something, but cannot ID it.

Formula as used:

=VLOOKUP(B4,'Tab 1'!$I$4:$AI$461,3)

B4 is the column on Tab B that contains all of the locations (lookup_table)
Tab 1 I4 thru AI461 is the table_array where all locations are listed
3 is the col_index_num indicating that the price is in the 3rd column over

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How To Avoid Vlookup Duplicated Order#

Nov 27, 2008

question about vlookup:

1 Order# Start time End time
2 12345 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
3 12345 10:00 AM 11:00 AM
4 23456 11:00 AM 13:00 PM
5 34567 13:00 PM 15:00 PM

I want to Vlookup FILE A, order# 12345 as the below:
start time is 9:00 AM & End Time is 11:00 AM

How to avoid Vlookup duplicated order#?

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Product Look Up: Look Up A Product Based On The Number And The Qty

Feb 20, 2009

i need to look up a product based on the number and the qty. see the example attached.

On tab "Printer - S" 1 need to lokup the costs based on the product code 8 and the qty 100. How do i do this and make it adjustable for any range of priduct codes and qtys. Again, becuase this will be used on a Mac Office, i cannot use macros.

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Combining VLookup And Sumif?

Oct 3, 2011

I think I need to combine a vlookup and sumif, but am struggling.

I need a formula to total the values in 'Drivers & Standings'!AB3:AB37 where 'Drivers & Standings'!D3:D37 matches A2

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Sumif? Sumproduct? If? Vlookup

Jan 30, 2009

I have a daily tracking sheet. I want (off to the right) to be able to enter start/end dates and have it sum the total grossage for JUST those dates alone. Which function do I use?

http://s401.photobucket.com/albums/pp94/nmweir/?action=view&current=untitled.jpg" target="_blank">http://i401.photobucket.com/albums/pp94/nmweir/untitled.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket">

direct link? :

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Type The Product Id In The A Column Of The Orders Sheet(Sheet2) To Auto Insert The Product Name In The B Column

Jul 16, 2006

In the first sheet I have two columns, one for the product_id and one for the name of the product. So the Sheet1 is like a small database. The second sheet is for the orders.What I want is when I type the product id in the A column of the orders sheet(Sheet2) to auto insert the product name in the B column so i dont have to write it every time.

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SumIf: "I" The Order Quantity To Automatically

Oct 2, 2008

I have inserted the sheet. As you can see sheet1 has some Products codes in A, Products in B, Layer Quantity in C, In G and H I have Sales and Stock and in I is the order quantity. I would like for I the order quantity to automatically do the order when the sales and stock are shown in G + H. I need this to be based on the Layer Quantity in C.

So ( I5 ) would be 18 because I have 20 left and sold 17, the layer is 18 and 18 would cover the sales. I 14 would be 90 because 90 + the stock of 35 is 125 double the sales going up in 15s whick is the layer quantity. I need the Order quantity and the stock left to be at least double the sales but go in layer quantity

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Sum With If Using Array Functions Or Sumif With VLookup

Apr 7, 2014

In sheet1 I have name(column A) and value(column B)
In sheet2 I have name (column C) and key(column D)
In sheet 3 I have results

Example ( It is just a total nonsense example, the real data is net inflow of some funds that are unique)
House 1000
Car 1500
pet 2000
Sheet 2

So in the sheet 3 I want to put a formula that is capable to sum all values of the sheet2 if the name has a key of 1in the sheet2, the key columns has values of 1 or 2

I think in SQL will be something with join and group by with having clause.

The result will be 2500 in the sheet 3.

What I tried: My attempt is to do something like this code ( using array functions).

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“Vlookup” Or “Sumif” With Multiple Criteria ?????

Feb 1, 2010

I would like to take a precise value from one table which corresponds to two different criteria. See the example attached with this message.

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VLOOKUP Or SUMIF With Concatenated Cells

May 23, 2008

I have a worksheet that is utilizing a VLookup to pull some values from another worksheet based on a composite number. I have checked the numbers for their format, length, and value (dangling spaces, etc.). I still cannot get this VLOOKUP to work correctly. I have attached the file.

Column H on the Cost Report sheet holds the formula in question. It concatenates the values in Columns C,D,E,&F to create a composite number to look for in Column B of the Original Estimate sheet. It is supposed to pull the $ value from Column D of that range.

I have tried everything. I passed the composite number into TEXT, --(Double Unary), INT, tested for both #'s length with LEN and have converted the formatting between text and numbers.

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