I need to locate a specific active IE page among other open pages and tabs. How can I use VBA to locate this specific tab by title? I have seen use of Shells but nothing that I can use to bring this page up as the active page among the other pages on the desktop currently open.
Any way to open a single instance of excel in two different windows. I use multiple monitors, and I like to have one worksheet maximized on one screen, and another worksheet maximized on the other, but when both worksheets are open in the same instance of excel this does not seem possible. Also, I don't want to use two separate instances, because then I can't paste special from one worksheet to the other.
The purpose of the formula is to locate the 2nd occurrence of an entry where criteria in other columns are met (used to determine whether people can qualify for an item based on attendance and another condition).
I am using this formula but I know it needs some adjustments and can't seem to work it out or maybe am going about it completely wrong.
I need the formula to indicate the second occurrence of this cell with the criteria that BOTH first & second occurrences have T2="Y" and U2="Y". My formula only indicates the first occurrence and the first occurrence if T2 and U2 meet the conditions.
With excel 2013 you're now able to open multiple windows or views of the same workbook. However when a workbook is saved with multiple windows open, the next user to open the spreadsheet will also open it with multiple windows. Which can be very annoying when most people work off of one window vs. multiple. Is there a way to disable saving the multiple windows or a macro to force open excel in 1 window?
have a formula or something along those lines that will look for the data you type in to the selected cell and will show you on how many workbooks it has been entered in. For example, I have workbook a, b, c, d, e, f. all have 12 sheets. On these 12 sheets there is a place to enter the serial number of an item. What I would like to be able to do is on a different workbook be able to type in a serial number and have it show which workbooks it has ever been typed in and its location on said workbooks. and if possible the results of the item which would be whether it was accepted or rejected( this bit is not totally must have. but the workbook and sheet location is a must.)
My workbook contains 13 tabs - 1,2,3,...12, and Summary
My data starts on line 4 of every sheet but varies in length - so far the longest goes to line 30.
Rows used on all 13 sheet are as follows: A - contains facility names B - contains a two or three letter code C - contains hours D - contains dollars E - contains adjusted rate
On the Summary tab I have listed all the facilites and two or three letter codes. I need to sum column "C" on tabs 1-12 when they match columns A & B on the summary tab. I have tried the following but can't get them to work:
=IF($A5=""," ",SUMPRODUCT(--('1:[12]12'!A$4:$A$50=$A5),--('1:[12]12'!B$4:$B$50=$B5),'1:12'!D$4:$D$50)) I did not put the [12] excel added that automatically I had 1:12
=SUMPRODUCT(--(THREED('1:12'!$A$4:$A$50)=A10)*(THREED('1:12'!$B$4:$B$50)=B10),(THREED('1:12'!C4:C50))) I just seen the THREED for the first time today and am not sure if this was the correct place to try but it didn't work anyway
I am looking for a macro or a formula that can give me multiple tabs, what i need is jan 01 to april 30,the next 2 books i could do by copying of course i have looked at the macros on here and no nothing about them ....
I would like this Macro to run on 6 different tabs in a worksheet as one Macro. It is currently only running on the active sheet. The tabs that I need it to run on are labeled "Totals" "New" "Used" "Service" "Parts" "Other Income-Ded"
Sub ExpenseAnalysis2012() Dim rngSource As Range Dim rngDestination As Range Set rngSource = Range("D3:E90") Set rngDestination = Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 2) rngSource.Copy rngDestination.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues) End Sub
I have one tab for every month of the year plus a pivot table and summary page. Each month has 100+ products produced. In any given month the products could change, so a product could be on multiple sheets. I have used the pivot table to eliminate duplicates and create my summary sheet. Now I am trying to lookup the product description across the tabs using and if(isna(vlookup, but this does not seem to be able to handle more than a few tabs at once.
The second problem is I need to add the the production from each month for all the products produced in a year to the summary tab. I do not think the sumif function works here (or I am doing it wrong). I thought about an if(isna(vlookup +if(isna(vlookup and so on but do not think that will work either.
Could you help with an onerous task that I must complete every Quarter.
I have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs.
The first 3 Tabs are Calculation sheets and do not need to be re-named.
All the preceeding sheets each need to be renamed to the days of the month (British Format), skiping Sundays.
i.e Tab 4 should be renamed 010409, Tab 5 should be renamed 020409, Tab 6 should be renamed 030409, Tab 7 should be renamed 040409, Tab 8 should be renamed 060409 and Tab 9 should be renamed 070409 etc etc ...
Extra - Also if possible on each sheet could the Tab date be placed into Cell A4 (eg. 010409) and also the Day number (eg. 01) (Starting from 01 on 010409, 02 on 020409, 03 on 030409, 04 on 040409, 05 on 060409, 06 on 070409 etc etc ...) into Cell A6.
I am using this for my sheet =VLOOKUP(B1,master!$A$1:$C$45870,2,0)
I have added a tab "masterA" with 47K lines and a tab "masterB" with 38k lines. How do I get excell to start with master--if it does not find it there - go to masterA --and if needed go to masterB? ( checking in that order )
I have imported a table from my access database. sadly, it has over 65536 rows. I am going to have to break table down into mulitiple sheets on excel. Using a VLOOKUP formula normaly like this. =VLOOKUP(E5,MHIFUPK,5,0)
where E5 is my target,MHIFUPK is the sheet with the table array, and 5 is the price of E5. Now I will have multipe sheets, and I need to be able to refreance all of them in order to find E5. Anyway to do this besides upgrading to 2007, (wish I could get the company to upgrade)
I've only recently ventured into the VBA scripting and am finding it quite exciting. After doing some trivial stuff, I'm trying to work with websites. Currently, I'm trying to pull data off of a website which poses a form which has to be filled first. I've been successful in filling the form and clicking submit, through the code, but the site opens the results in a separate tab in IE. I am unable to make it go to that tab and copy-paste data from there.
Secondly, instead of just blindly copy pasting, it would be better if the data is pasted in a more readable format (as on the website). The following code is plainly copying and pasting the data as-is and hence rendering it unreadable:
We have these worksheets that have 100 tabs each each tab is named joel_1400, joel_1401...Joel_1499 insert data in each tab template as needed for RFI's. then we have to make another worksheet with 100 tabs for 1500 to 1599
what we are doing is copying the whole worksheet and then erasing all of the user fields and changing all of the names manually for each tab
I have an excel spread sheet with about 300 tabs. each sheet has the same column fields..I need to pull certain column fields ( the same fields ) out of each tab and export them to another spread sheet.
I'm a bit over my head on this one. I want a formula that does the following: Look at the date I put in on the last tab and find the correct date on the other tabs. Using that date as the column I want it to return the correct row for the data.reference.
I am using the HLOOKUP function. I'm not even sure this is the right function. Ont the workbook attached I'm trying to get the data on the Totals tab to come from the Sept Wk 1 through Sept Wk 5 tabs. The formula I tried to use is on the Totals page C7.
It has a tab for every week in a year so 52 in total. The first tab is supposed to give some general information. I have a few questions on how to implement things.
1 i wanna be able to view the Total amount hours worked in my current week.
I have a lot of sheets, in my workbook. It keeps expanding, as I add them. How do I make multiple rows of sheet tabs, to keep from having to scroll across all the time?
I have multiple tabs with information in the same cells on each tab (each tab is a different product). Is there an easy way of pulling this information for each tab onto a summary page?
I have three months that people fill out on separate sheets. I would like to use a macro to place the contents only from a certain amount of columns to as many rows as it takes (not blank).
I have a spreadsheet with multiple sheets, which can vary from project to project, and they all have the same center sections of the headers. Is there any way to automate the filling in of all these headers based on the first sheet?
I'm not very good with macros and I need to create a macro that copies data from one excel worksheet into multiple other worksheet tabs in the same workbook. I have 8 columns and thousands of rows of data. The spreadsheet is sorted by column E.
In column E, there are about 25 different values going down throughout the spreadsheet. I would like the data for each of these Column E categories to be copied over to a new tab in the spreadsheet with the tab name as the value in E. So in the end there would be the main tab, and then 25 new tabs with the filtered data. Does anyone already have a macro that will do this?
I'm trying to come up with a Macro that once it see's the word "Rolls" in column M, I would like for it to go to the row below the word and divide the information on column K by 30 then for it to perform this formula for the next 17 rows and on the last row have the cell in gray color.
Then for it to keep doing this recursively down the column of the sheet and once finished to go to the next tab and do the same algorithm(there's like 40 tabs !!)