Multiply Values In A Range, Skipping Some Values On The Middle Of The Range

May 30, 2009

I have the following table:

Month / Year / Value

I want excel to multiple the values in a specific range.

For example:

I will give 2 dates: MAR 2006 and MAR 2007. Excel should multiple the value 0,76 and 0,71. It's simples because is 2 months. But I have a lot of months (2006 until 2009).

So I would give MAR 2006 and MAR 2009 and excel should multiple the values from MAR 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009. All the values in the range, but only for March.

The month will never change between the first and the last date.

I think on using VLOOKUP. Then I have the first value and the last one. But how can I tell excel to multiple the range?

The ideal will be a VLOOKUP that returns the ADDRESS of the cell, not the value. But I didn't see this possibility.

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Multiply All Values In Range

Nov 22, 2006

I have a question regarding a vba formula in excel. I am trying to take a whole row ( range) of data and multiply each cell within that range by -1 if a particular cell is an Asset or Liability.

Function AFTER_REFRESH(Argument As String)
If Range("G5:H5").Item(1, 55) = "LEQ" Then
Range("G5:H5").Value = (-1) * Range("BM5:BN5")
MsgBox "Yo"
End If
End Function

Would I have to use an array?

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Sum & Multiply Values Within Criteria Range

Jul 17, 2009

Please see the attached .xls.

I've tried to replicate my formula (result is in cell J5) via an array formula but keep getting stuck.

Basically there is a 2 dimensional array of weights (range1, limits)
each range in range1 and "limits" has a midpoint
a constant value (Fixed Amt) is added to each midpoint in range1
then multiplied by another constant value (Inflation Index)
The value is then capped by corresponding value in the limits range

this is repeated for all points in the 2 dimensional array (range1,limits) (essentially weighting the results)
and the sum is returned.

I've been able to get most of the way with an array formula, but end up collapsing the array when I use the min function.

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Multiply Column Of Values By A Random Number Within Range?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a column of values I need to multiply by a random number (percentage) within a range of numbers (15%-22%).

How can this be done?

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Multiply Range Of Cells By Cell Reference Without Changing Hard Coded Values?

Aug 20, 2014

I am trying to multiply a range of cells by a cell reference. The cells currently have hard coded values in them. I know with past special you can multiply a range of cells by a copied #. I want a similar function to that just instead of a copied cell its a cell reference. No VBA.

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Macro Loop To Extract Specific Values And Min/Max Values From Column/Rows Range

Jun 3, 2009

Hi, I'm very new to writing Excel Macro's and wanted to know if I could do the following. Conceptually, I understand what I need done and think it should be fairly straightforward.

There's 2 main events in this loop (I hope that's the correct terminology):

Input 1) User defines the beginning cell to start the loop. In this case, A2.

Input 2) User defines the range of columns/rows to display. The formula for rows that I've thought of is 4r. So if a user wants 20 rows below cells A2, they simply input 5 for r. The number of columns is a constant 5. So if r=5, then I'd want the range to be A2:E22......

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Compare Cell Value With Range Of Values And Match Row Values With Header

Jun 5, 2012

I have .csv file from which the data is importing to master schedule. i have a column in .csv file which is spitted into multiple columns. and my need is i have to compare this each individual cell value with the range of header values in master schedule and if match found i have to place that cell in the row.

I am adding 2 attachments one is .csv and other is master schedule.

I couldn't able to find where i have to attach my files.

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VBA - Copy Range With Multiple Same Values Based On Other Cell Values

Aug 31, 2012

I want to build a database where the user can select a specific time period. I have a static file with the time periods and the related values. For instance I have in column A1:A15 the time periods from January 2011 to Dezember 2011, but I have some dates multiple times as there are more values attached to it. For instance I have in the first 4 rows January 2011...what I want is when someone puts in the value January 2011 in cell B1 and Dezember 2011 in cell B2 that the whole static file gets copied to another location (including the multiple dates) displaying the chosen time period. Similarly if someone puts in the value March 2011 to November 2011, I want only those values to be copied.

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Formula For Getting Average Of Values Without Counting Zero Values In Range?

Dec 23, 2011

Is there a formula that would allow you to take the average of all values within a range but not count the zero values? I thought something like this might work but it's not. Neither one worked.


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Replace Values In Range Of Cells With Varying Values?

Mar 14, 2013

I am trying to replace a range of cells with certain values but I can not figure it out. I'm almost there I think but don't know how to get the varying values I'm looking for. So I have a column (AJ in this instance) that has a bunch of "xx" values at different spots within the column. I want to replace those xx values with numbers 01 through 36. What I have below gets me just about there but it replaces every xx value with 01. How do I get it to go 01 on the first one, 02 on the second one, etc?

Dim cell As Range
For Each cell In Range("AJ1", Cells(Rows.Count, "AJ").End(xlUp))
If cell.Value = "xx" Then _
cell.Value = "01"
Next cell

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Insert Row (Based On Values In Range) With Sum Of Values For Other Columns

Apr 21, 2014

I have different reports, some have fifty transactions, others have thousands. My goal is to: Insert a new row every time the values in the "Account" column meet a certain criteria, AND THEN add the totals for the Debit and Credit Columns.

Let's say I start with a table that looks like this:



[Code] ....

I want to group the first four rows because Accounts 33010 and 33015 are in the same department. Same with 50050 and 500060. I want to then insert a row below the last row with "33015" as its Account #. And add the values for Debit and Credit. It'd look like this:


[Code] .........

Honestly, I have tried everything. Running a Macros with Relative reference does not cut it.

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Function To Sort A Range By The Values In A Specific Column And Return The Range

Mar 25, 2009

I was just recently forced to create my first UDF and after how well it worked I now am very interested in learning more. I am trying to create a function to sort a range by the values in a specific column and return the range. I know this should be really simple but for some reason my code dies whenever it gets to my inner-most loop. I need to use this in a larger function but for now this is my only question. I did find that Excel 2007 has built in Functions for this but my company still uses 2003.

Public Function SortRange(rngToSort As Range, valCol As Integer)
Dim Swapper As Variant
Dim i As Integer, _
j As Integer, _
k As Integer

For i = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count
For j = 1 To rngToSort.Rows.Count - i
If rngToSort(j + 1, valCol) < rngToSort(j, valCol) Then
For k = 1 To rngToSort.Columns.Count
Swapper = rngToSort(j, k)
rngToSort(j, k) = rngToSort(j + 1, k)
rngToSort(j + 1, k) = Swapper
Next k
End If
Next j
Next i
SortRange = rngToSort
End Function

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Match Range Of Values To Another Range Of Values

Dec 12, 2011

I have is looking up the values between 2 numbers in a row, and match it with range of values between the numbers in a column:

Example: ColA ColB
Row1 3 7
Row2 5 10
and so on...

Column C
R1 3
R2 5
R3 7
R4 9
R5 11
R6 13
and so on...up to 20 rows

What I want is match the range of values between the 2 numbers in ColA & ColB with the range of values between the numbers in R1 to R20 in ColC,

Then in ColD I want it to display "Y" beside the numbers if the range of values of Row1(3 to 7) matches with this range of values in ColC

Then in ColE I want it to display "Y" beside the numbers if the range of values of Row2(5 to 10) matches with this range of values in ColC

So what I like to see is...
in ColD,
"Y" beside 3,5 and 7
in ColE,
"Y" beside 5,7 and 9
and so on...

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Use Vlookup For Negative Values Or A Range Of Values?

Oct 27, 2008

i want to put a subject for a negative values, how should i do it?

For example:

lookup_value: -1000
<0 - Poor
0-10000 - Good
> 10000 - excellent

is it possible to do this? ALternatively see the (new) attachment for clearer question.

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Matching Array Values To Other Values In A Certain Range

Aug 3, 2006

i have a very large spreadsheet filled with telephone numberS and some other codes that go with them...i need to match the codes with the phone numbers.

Sub TRCO()
Dim TNs As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim TempArray() As String
Dim TRCO As String
Dim CD03 As String
Dim ASOC As Range
CD03 = "CD034DF1"
'Filter TN's
Set tempRange = Range("A6", Range("A65000").End(xlUp))
With tempRange
. AdvancedFilter _...................

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Mutiply Values In Range With Values In Another & Sum Results

Sep 27, 2007

I have two named ranges 'wrkNRP' and 'wrkQTY'.

Instead of totalling each range seperately, I need a way (within VBA) to go through every value in both ranges and mutiply them together, then record the total- e.g.

wrkNRP has the values

wrkQTY has the values

Then I need a way to do (10*10)+(20*20)+(30*30)+(40*40)

Is this possible WITHOUT adding an additional column?

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Sumif(range,30,sum Range) Not Summing Values That Equal 0

Jan 6, 2009

I have a simple sumif formula that says =SUMIF(W61:W112,"<30",J61:J112). In column W, there are values ranging from 0 to 5000. If the formula is written like it is above, it excludes summing values from column J when the cell in column W equals 0. Why is this? I can just add another function that says sumif "=0", but I don't think I should have to.

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SUM Of Values In 1 Range Based On Specific Criteria In Another Range

Jan 31, 2009

I am tracking total man hours of contractors in columns of different rates applicable. At present I have structured my worksheet with the different rates across and days going down. As I am invoiced for a period of work I will log the invoice ref number in a separate field. I would like to sum totals to report against $ Invoiced and $ Committed (i,e worked but not actually invoiced against yet).

Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve. The Actual showing sum mhrs * rate only for the mhrs entries with an invoice in corresponding Invoice Ref Column. The Committed producing sum of all mhrs * rate [which I am using =(SUM(D9:D37)*D7)] regardless of what is in invoice ref column.

This way I can hopefully track what we have been billed and also what we can expect to have to budget for to cover what has been worked but not billed against.

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Search A Range Of Cells For A Range Of Values

May 28, 2009

I'm trying to do is search a range of cells for a range of values AND then see if it matches one other value in another range of cells. In this case,


T3:T49 can equal P6 or P5 or P4 or P3 but the cells can only be counted if U3:U49 is 'w' as well

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Copy Range If Cells Have Same Values As Another Range

Mar 19, 2008

1. I have two workbooks (eg. workbook1 and workbook2)
2. I compare the cell values in workbook1.sheet1.cell range (d6:d20) and workbook1.sheet2.cell range (d6:d20).
3. If the values in the range of cells are same, I want to take the value in workbook1.sheet2.cell range (d6:d20) and copy to workbook2.sheet1.cell range (d6:d20).

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Userform Listbox: Check Wether Range Have Negative Values Or Not If Yes Load All Negative Values In The Listbox1 By Clicking Checkbox

Jan 19, 2009

I have data in range J2:J365 , H368:H401 & J403:J827. i want to check wether this range have negative values or not if yes load all negative values in the listbox1 by clicking checkbox.

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How To Convert Text Into Values And Then Multiply

Sep 18, 2013

I have 2 columns - one that has numbers and the second that has text such as A, B, C, D,and E. I need to be able to convert the text into values such as 1,2,3,4,and 5 and then multiply with the first column that has value and display the resultant.

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Complex VBA / Formula To Multiply Values

Aug 9, 2012

I have a complex request which I think can be done either via vb or a macro, not sure which is best?, will try to explain:

The table shows a list of items that make up various BOM. there are quantities of each item required at the different BOM level

0 = Top level
1 = Level Below
2 = Level below that etc, etc

If the top level (0) has a quantity greater than 1 then all the items at the lower levels should be multiplied by that quantity

THEN move to the level 1's and whatever the quntity is in the level 1 field, multiple all lower levels by that number
if the quantity fields are blank, then always multipy below by 1

This needs to continue on down the chain of levels

So basically you end up with the correct quantites of each item at each BOM level.

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Multiply Values Accross Different Rows

Nov 28, 2008

I am trying to build a formula that will give me the 'Final Qty' listed. It needs to be based on 'indentation' level, listed in the 'Belongs To:' column. Exammple: Part 130-0014-02A belongs to 130-0647-00B, which in turns belongs to 139-0086-00D, so mathematically, 4*1*10 (order qty) gives 40.

Can this be done by using some sort of combination of Sumproduct, Index, Match, Sumif formulas? ...

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Add And Multiply Values Based On Date Reference

Apr 27, 2009

I'm trying to calculate Interest accrued from a specific date. The problem is payments can be interest only which when used should keep the next months interest at the same rate instead of decreasing because the principal hasn't been paid down.

Im having problems when over the course of a number of payments they are principal + Interest and Interest only which requires at times to add up the same interest amount for 2-3 months in a row, then add up a different interest rate, etc. Additionally if the reference date is say on the 15th and the interest date is the 1st then for the last month I need to calculate the interest on a daily basis based on the current interest rate for that month.

The reference cell is H5, the Date ranges are J2 - J12, and the principal fields are: K2 - K12.

In the next post I will include the Amortization schedule.

In this example the interest is accrued at the same rate months 1-7, then decreased for months 8 and 9. so the total interest accrued should be eqaual to: $7487.74 (see next post for schedule).

Microsoft Excel - ZZ_Loan.Calculator-Update.1.1.xls___Running: 12.0 : OS = (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutH6H7H8H9H10H12H13H14=FGHIJKLM1 v 1.0 PaymentApply DatePrincipal + InterestAdditional PrincipalInterest Only2 1/1/2009 833.333 2/1/2009 833.334Quarter Close Backward 3/1/2009 833.335 Close Date9/1/2009 4/1/2009 833.336 Days of Interest0 5/1/2009 833.337 Beg Principal Balance$100,000.00 6/1/2009 833.338 Paydowns$980.41 7/1/20091,321.51 9 End Principal Balance$99,019.59 8/1/20091,321.51 10 Net Principle Due$3,562.50 9/1/2009 829.2711 Interest Due & Accrued 10/1/20091,321.51 12 Interest Earned (cummulative)$7,350.66 11/1/20091,321.51 13 Interest pymts (cummulative)$7,350.66 14 Net Interest Receivable$0.00 TEST [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.

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Multiply 2 Values Based Upon Corresponding Column Cells

Oct 15, 2009

I'm absolutely new to Excel and I've been trying to workout a formula to to test two conditions if true and derive the data from a 3rd column. In my attached excel file there's a Grade (A) , Status (B) and Mid Point (C) Tables. I'd like it to be formulated in a sense that forexample:

IF Grade= 1 AND Status= Q4 RETURN =3750*0.25
IF Grade= 1 AND Status= Q3 RETURN =3750*0.5
IF Grade= 1 AND Status= Q3 RETURN =3750*0.75
IF Grade= 1 AND Status= whatever (I mean whatever I input in this cell then it would retrun 3750 ofcourse satisfying the condition grade= 1) RETURN =3750

IF Grade= 2 AND Status= Q4 RETURN =5500*0.25
IF Grade= 2 AND Status= Q3 RETURN =5500*0.5
IF Grade= 2 AND Status= Q2 RETURN =5500*0.75
IF Grade= 2 AND Status= whatever (I mean whatever I input in this cell then it would retrun 5500 ofcourse satisfying the condition grade= 2) RETURN =5500

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Select Variable Range In The Middle Of Worksheet Down To The Next Blank Row

Jun 5, 2009

I want to select the variable range somewhere in the middle of the sheet from where the 2nd instance of cell named "real cost" is, down to the next blank row (select the area without the blank row), so that I could copy it to another sheet.....

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Excel 2010 :: Dynamic Range In The Middle Of Worksheet

Oct 27, 2013

how to use the offset function to create a dynamic range in Excel 2010. An in-house Excel form I work with spans columns A thru P and has three sections. In Section 2 the user fills in employees who are requesting to work overtime. Section 2 starts row 12 and ends row 61. It's sometimes necessary to add rows to this section. How do I make this section/range dynamic using the offset function?

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Multiply Range X 1

Jun 9, 2006

After ripping a .pdf report into Excel I am left with a variety of items in Column A, numbers as text, text, and blanks. I manually selected entire column and paste special multiply. Seems to have convereted blanks to zero, converted numbers stores as text to numbers, and ignored any text. Problem is writing macro to repeat the steps as will use the tool every period. I tried looping through the range

For Each C In myRange
C.Value = C.Value * 1
Next C

But this returns type mismatch error. So why did it work manually if won't work through the macro?

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Data Validation And Multiply Values Based On Choice

Mar 11, 2014

I've got a spreadsheet and I've used data validation to look at a list on another tab.

I need to be able to multiply values out based on what i choose on the drop down menu.

I've attached a sample spreadsheet to explain : tasks.xlsx‎

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