Number Of Years To Show In Userform Textbox
Jul 4, 2012
I am trying to show the number of years in the userform textbox based from today's date and into the date the eqpt was installed. I stuck with the below code.
Private Sub DTPicker1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If TextBox1.Text "" Then
TextBox2.Text = Year(DTPicker1.Value) - Year(TextBox1.Text)
End If
End Sub
Where in textbox1 I have this code that activates on userform initialize
If Me.TextBox1.Value = "" Then
Me.TextBox1.Value = Format(Date, "")
End If
End Sub
Textbox2 is where I want the number of years to appear .
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Mar 2, 2009
how to show a value in textbox form. So i have some columns in an excel file , but i want to show the last cell value of the column Amount in the textbox.
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Nov 3, 2009
I have two TextBoxes (txtSpan & txtTrib) in a UserForm (frmSizes), when values are entered in these TextBoxes they show (as they are typed) in cells of the spreadsheet. The resulting calculation is in cell B11.
How do I get the value in cell B11 to show in a third TextBox (txtAns) as soon as it is calculated without closing the UserForm or running another code?
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May 18, 2007
I'm having some trouble setting up my Userform. It's used for someone to insert a password to open up some sheets. I have it working except for 2 problems.
First off it gets started by a sub which has a shortcut key, CTRL + W.
When it opens I would like the TextBox to be ready to be typed on... and I would like the submit button ready for Enter. So when it opens, you just type in the password really quick and press enter without using the mouse at all.
The TextBox starts on the first try, but when I press cancel and then open the UserForm up again, then the cancel command is still selected and I have to select on the textbox.
There is 3 things on this userform... TextBox1, CommandButton1, CommandButton2. All I want is for the TextBox always to show up ready for typing, and the Submit(CommandButton1) to always be ready to press enter.
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Sep 25, 2006
Users select a row number which then opens up a Userform. Comboboxes and Textboxes on this Userform are then populated with coloumn values (dependant on the row initially selected). If the row number was the same each time I could accomplish this by the following.
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
TextBox1.Value = Range("a1")
End Sub
but as its a variable I'm trying the following (which I think should work)
Private Sub TextBox1_Enter()
TextBox1.Value = Range("a" & edi & "")
End Sub
I think I need to declare the variable 'edi' as Public. If so where should this be? I've tried 'Genereal Declaration'
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Oct 1, 2006
I have a spreadsheet that has a userform attached to it with text fields that enter additional data regarding each record. The userform takes these additional 5 fields and inserts them back into the spreadsheet, the final information to be exported back into Access. ( There are of course other ways to do this, but this is how my supervisor wants it done!)
My problem is that now that I can scroll through the spreadsheet without closing the userform, the userform doesnt show the current row's information as I scroll or change rows on the spreadsheet. It will only show the information that was in the row that it was on before i switched back to spreadsheet.
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Apr 14, 2013
I am looking for a text box code that works with a search userform.
Basically, I search using my userform find function and if there are more than one record found I want to be able to either:
1) have the records found appear in a listbox
2) have the first record appear in the userform but a text box will show I am on 1 of X records and when I click a command button, go the next record, which will be 2 of x records and so on...
Private Sub cmbNext_Click() Dim FirstCl As Range
'first data Entry
Set FirstCl = Range("a2").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
[Code] ....
This is the code for the button that goes to the next record but I am unsure how to relate that a listbox or text box that shows the record number I am on out of the total that there are.
I would also be looking for another button that goes back one record. So i am hoping it's as easy as reversing the code for the next record function.
I am not sure if the listbox that could show all I records and one can just be selected is easier than showing the textbox with the " 1 of X records".
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Jun 2, 2014
Convert carton data from unreadable form to text box form (human readable form). I use this code:
But it works if i close the user form and open it.
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Apr 10, 2008
i've got a sample database (attached) with a userform for inputting of data. What i want it to do is automatically generate the next number and add it to textbox "our ref" on the userform. the number is in Col C. This is the code i've tried using the code highlighted in red which doesnt work.
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Jul 4, 2014
I want to require the user of my Excel Userform to input a number greater than 100. How do I do that?
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Apr 1, 2014
I have come accross this calendar online and it suits my requirements, however, the month s currently static and the year is dynamically controlled by a spin button.
The formulas in the relevent days are as follows
Day 1 =IF(AND(YEAR(JanOffset+1)=calendarYear,MONTH(JanOffset+1)=1),JanOffset+1,"")
Day 2 =IF(AND(YEAR(JanOffset+2)=calendarYear,MONTH(JanOffset+2)=1),JanOffset+2,"")
and so on, I need the formula and the spin button the also change the month as well as the year.
Please see attached file for details.
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Jul 3, 2014
I've been using the following code to conditionally format userform textboxes based on a specific value (in this case 2490):
[Code] ........
What I'm looking to do now is amend this so rather than use a specific value, to use the value in a specific textbox on the same userform.
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Feb 2, 2010
I need a userform textbox event that fires after I tab or click out of the textbox. Going by the list of options:Beforedragover, BeforeDroporPaste, Change, DblClick, DropButtonClick, Error, Keydown, Keypress, keyup, mousedown, mousemove, mouseup.
I can't figure out which one will do what I want. The change event happens instantaneously which doesn't work. I need to fire off the event when my focus leaves the textbox.
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Jul 25, 2014
I need the value of active x control textbox on my worksheet 1, to be copied to a textbox in my userform, that pops up from that sheet....
And I want it to display after the textbox on my worksheet has been updated and the comman button for the userform is clicked...
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Oct 12, 2011
Private Sub cmdSearchButton_Click()
Dim txtbox As String 'stores lookup value
Dim x As Variant 'value for wwid txt box
Dim ForeName As String
Dim SurName As String
Dim wwid As Variant
Dim iPosition As Integer
[Code] .......
Here is my code, it does a vlookup and if the persons name is not found it will split the text entered into forename and surname but when i try and add
frmAdd.txtForename.Text = "&ForeName &"
frmAdd.txtSurname.Text = "&SureName &"
It actually displays &ForeName & in the text box of the next from rather than what ForeName is..
eg. John Smith -> search button -> user not found msg -> user wants to add user -> string is split into forename and surname -> forename = John , surname = Smith -> display this in the second form.
What code should i be using to do this, i thought that &ForeName & would work.
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Jul 27, 2014
I tried looking for everywhere, but i still cant seem to find the solution.. I have an Active X textbox on a worksheet, and I need it's value to show up on a textbox on my userform, that shows up through a command button on that worksheet. I'm fairly new to vba.
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Dec 15, 2008
I have two dates, one is a start date the other is todays date, I want to subtract the start date from todays date and show the number of years. But a small twist is I only want to take the years away from each other, ignore day/month. Start 01/05/2000 todays date 01/10/2008 years = 8. Start 10/10/2000 todays date 01/10/2008 years = 7, want it to still show 8 years and ignore the start day/month.
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Aug 28, 2007
I have a date 07/28/2027 and need Excel to calculate a date 65 years in the future taking into account leap years.
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Nov 19, 2008
I have a list of people with birthdays that needs to be checked against TODAY to determine how old people are. If I subtract the two fields from one another, I get number of days. But is there a way to convert into years? In my attached example, I'd like column C to display 3 (age for person).
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Mar 28, 2009
Right now, in a column I would like to display an number (length of employment) based on the hire date.
In one cell the employee's hire date is entered. In a column of other cells the pay period ending date is displayed and in another column the length of employment is displayed.
03/01/2009 8
03/15/2009 8
03/29/2009 9
04/12/2009 9
04/26/2009 9
How would I create a formula in the length of employment cells that would indicate the correct number of years based on the hire date and adjusts when the pay period date passes this hire date?
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May 31, 2013
I have 4 columns labelled 1st Year, Frequency, Spread and cost. then I have columns spanning upto 30 they represent years but can be labelled as 1 to 30. My challenge is that I want a formula/function/macro that depending on what I type in the first 4 columns it will populate the remaining 30 columns with either cost or 0.
Example: if I had £9,000 at a frequency of 10, starting on the 5th year with a spread of 3.
The cost represents the cost of each frequent. so in the example I would get £3,000 on each of the 5th,6th and 7th years then another £3,000 on the 15th,16th,17th years and finally another £3,000 on the 25th, 26th and 27th years.
what I want to be able to do is have one function/formula that I can paste across all of the year cells. I currently have a formula that can copy the cost at different frequencies but I cant figure the spread out.
where K is frequency
8:8 is year
J is cost
what is the best way to approach this?
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Dec 17, 2013
I have a list of 2000 pieces of inventory. Only the year of purchase is associated with each one, not a specific month or day. I'm trying to apply conditional formatting so that...
Less than 2 years old = green
Between 2 and 4 years old = yellow
Between 4 and 6 years old = orange
More than 6 years old = red
I've been trying =TODAY()-365 (365 replaced by number of days in the above named ranges) but the cell only changes to the color of the most recently applied formatting rule.
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Sep 6, 2012
I'm using the following:
A23 = a date of installation
I3 = TODAY()
B23 = a number of years
It currently calculates correctly if the number of years correctly if it's older than 1 year. If under one year, it yeilds 0. I would like B23 to show 1 if the current formula yeilds 0.
I want it to yeild a 1 if the current calculation is 0.
Windows 7 Ultimate / Excel 2010
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Aug 6, 2013
I am trying to capture the number of years/quarters are between two dates - giving credit for one day worked into the quarter.
In the attached png file you can see the formula I used for column J. This is the same formula I need to use for Column R but now using 10/1/11 and the date provided in Column R. The formula should be used in Column S "Part B" so that I can determine the number of years between 10/1/11 and the date in Column S.
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May 23, 2008
I am trying to copy data from a Textbox in a Userform to a Textbox in another Userform. Is it possible?
In Userform1 I have a button from which I can open Userform2 keeping the Userform1 opened. When closing Userform2 I want to copy the data from TextBox2 in Userform2 to TextBox1 in Userform1.
I was trying to guess the code... but it is not working...:
UserForms("Userform1").TextBox1.Value = UserForms("Userform2").TextBox2.Value
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Aug 20, 2014
I need a formula that can automatically populate yearly quarters in separate columns based on a number of years. So if I put in 5 years - excel would populate 20 columns with Quarter 1 - Quarter 2 and so on. If I then change it to 3 years it would only populate 12 columns.
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Jan 22, 2009
I would like to calculate the number of years and months that have passed since a certain date. Would like it in a number format so I can pickout those who have gone reached 5 year increments during each month.
Such as someone reaching 40 injury free years in June of this year I can let them know.
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Apr 26, 2014
I Have a Userform which Have My Data i Print User Form Using Print Command Button And My Code Is
[Code] ......
But Its Printout Whole Form I only Wants To Print contents of Text Box's Or only Text From Userform TextBox. How To Print out Only Content of User Form Not The Whole Form ...
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Jun 8, 2009
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Unload Me
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Trying to use above code to unload active userform and show new userform when red X (close) selected by operator. With the code as is, the Unload Me leaves the form on the screen and displays the RestrictedOptions form. If i remove the Restrictedoptions.Show, the Unload Me does remove the original form.
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Jul 25, 2006
how do i show a userform in Excel in the spreadsheet environment? I used to "run macro" but unable to run userform code "private sub".
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