Numerical Syntax For Range Object
Feb 27, 2008
is it possible to write Range("A1:H6") without the string inside the range brackets? i'm trying to do is pass numerical column values into the Range function, and i'd rather not make a mess using the CHR function (CHR(65) = "A", for example).
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Aug 26, 2012
I'm trying to write a macro that selects cell A1 in each sheet within the book. I've written the following code:
Sub a1()
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
Sheets(i).Cells(1, 1).Select
Next i
End Sub
However, it produce this message: "Run-time error '1004': Select method of Range class failed."
If I slightly modify the code to
Sub a1()
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
Cells(1, 1).Select
Next i
End Sub
It works fine. I'm curious why this happens.
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Jul 19, 2006
I´m writting a macro. It works find until a certain point. When I want to change some outputs of the macro without changing the syntax, it display an error mesage while runing the macro. It says Else without If. Which is quite disturbing because the Else was not creating any problem before. Here is my macro before I changed the conditions (this one work nicely)
Sub Copy_Sheet_Beta()
Set wba = ActiveWorkbook
On Error Resume Next
If IsWorkbookOpened("Projekt.xls", "C:Documents and SettingsfrederikSkrivebordRedd Barna") Then
Workbooks("Projekt.xls").Activate 'In case open, just activate "Projekt"
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsfrederikSkrivebordRedd Barnaprojekt.xls"
End If
Set wb = Workbooks("Projekt.xls")
If Not SheetExists(wba.ActiveSheet. Range("C1").Value) Then
MsgBox "overall doesn't exist!"
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May 4, 2014
[Code] ......
I seem to be having trouble with the syntax the number range after (iPopFreqMax).
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Nov 17, 2008
just need a hand tweaking the syntax on a names range.
Range 1
LRow: Is a named active row for the last row. [say row 10]
This named range only selects ONE Column
How can I get it to select TWO columns [ie C & D] as in the example below does. It does it by the last number 2, goes two columns wide?
Range 2
I can't figure out how to express that in the Range 1?
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Feb 13, 2010
The following sub to create and name wsheets results naming the new sheet with the value of "A9" only, but what I want to name the new sheet is "A9" + "B9".
Sub CreateWorksheets()
Dim newSheet As Worksheet, itemSheet As Worksheet
Dim cell As Object
Dim itemrange As String
Set itemSheet = Sheets("BIDFORM")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
itemrange = "A9:B9:" & itemSheet.Range("A9").End(xlDown).Address
For Each cell In itemSheet.Range(itemrange)
If SheetExists(cell.Value) = False Then
Sheets.Add Before:=Sheets("BACK SHEET"), _
Set newSheet = ActiveShee
newSheet.Name = cell.Value
End If
Next cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Oct 16, 2013
I thought I had this cracked last month when I ran a set of reports using some code dependent on using advanced filters to first create a unique list to loop through and then to create a list of all entries in a list for each unique entry. The idea being that I extracted all the data for each unique entry in the list and saved that to a new workbook, named after the unique entry.
However, this month I'm totally flummoxed again. I can't seem to get even the first part, creating a unique list, to run.
I have a sheet with several thousand rows of data with maybe 25 columns. I have the following code to try to extract the unique entries in the 2nd column, column B and store them in the same worksheet in column AD, to use when looping through the list.
With ActiveSheet
.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Columns(2).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Sheet1.Range( _
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Feb 15, 2013
I know you can use the syntax range(cells(x,y),cells(z,w)) but for some reason unknown to be the following isn't working:
Set CurrSuppRange = TT.Range(Cells(1, CurrSuppCol), Cells(LastRow, CurrSuppCol))
CurrSuppCol = cboxCurrSupp.ListIndex
OurSuppCol = cboxOurSupp.ListIndex
LastRow = Workbooks(lbWkBkName.Caption).Worksheets(cboxWorksheet.Value).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
(each return integer values)
Set TT = Workbooks(lbWkBkName.Caption).Worksheets(cboxWorksheet.Value)
(tested and works fine)
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Jan 1, 2009
I have a range, A1:A10 that I want to sum, min, and max. I want to ignore any text or #DIV/0! values in this range. I know how write the formulas except how to ignore the text and cell errors. Can someone steer me in the right direction?
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Jul 5, 2012
B1=Name of WorkSheet
B2=Name of 2nd Worksheet
I am trying to write a sum formula using Indirect so that the end-user can enter the names of the sheets in B1 & B2 (the values are always in cell F5 on each sheet). I thought this would work but it is throwing a REF# error.
with some added spaces for clarity:
=SUM(INDIRECT(" ' " & B1 & " : " & B2 & " ' ! F5"))
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Jun 27, 2014
I have the following code to transfer data to another sheet, but there are 2 issues with it:
1. I want to just paste the values, but every code I have tried has had object or syntax errors that can't seem to be fixed
2. If I run the macro a second time, it overwrites what was pasted the last time the macro ran. My code looks like it should look for the next empty row in the range, but it doesn't seem to do that.
What is the correct syntax to do the above. Here is the code:
Sub Update()
Dim c As Object
Dim rngA As Range
Dim cc As Object
Dim rngAA As Object
'Check every cell in the range for matching criteria.
For Each c In Sheets("OpenGen").Range("F9:F208")
[Code] ..........
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Aug 31, 2007
This line fails, is Method Range Global error.... What is wrong w/ this, and how should it read?
If Range("D", i).Value = "Need Parent" Then
2nd Question- The following line is my normal method in doing a simple For Next Loop. What is the difference between using this one, looping through the cells and the first one referring to a Range for the loop?
If Cells(i, "D").Value = "Need Parent" Then
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Jul 8, 2014
I want to find the number of times the 23rd happens between a range of dates.
Let's say I invoice a customer on 5/23/12 (Column C) and I've sent an invoice every month on the 23rd. I want to count how many invoices I've sent during the past few months. I need a formula which tells me how many times the 23rd of the month happens between 5/1/12 (in column A) and 12/15/12 (in column B).
I thought it might be =COUNTIFS(A1:B1,DAY(C1)) but that formula is for counting cells in a range.
I found formulas for counting the specific day of the week (like Tuesday) and for counting the number of cells containing a number, but not this.
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Aug 30, 2007
How do I disable a range of cells when a numerical limit is reached?
Here is the scenario:
I have two worksheets, one called “Items” which contains a list of Items and their weight. The other sheet is called “Container” and displays a Type of container in cell B2, the weight capacity of that container (the numerical limit) in cell C2, and a range from B5 to B14 that needs to be filled out by an end user. The items in B2:B14 are chosen using Validation, form the Items sheet. The weight is brought in via a vLookup, and the total weight is calculated as items are added.
My problem is that I have yet to find a way to “disable” any extra cells in B5:B14 once the weight limit is reached, and clear the last cell data was selected for, all without destroying the Validation for the cells in range B5:B14.
I have tried many different things in the Worksheet Change Event, but none have yielded the desired result.
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Dec 17, 2007
I have a formula that counts all instances of the letters a, b and c in a range and assigns them a value of 1 unless they are in the M column in which case a, b or c counts 4.
This worked well but now I need to modify the weightings across this range. My new goal is to count all instances of a,b and c in the range J2:AB2 but have M column a,b, c's = 2 and N:R column a,b,c's equalling 4. Letters other than a,b or c count as 0.
the output of the above sequence should be
1+1+1+2+4+4+0+4+4+0 = 21
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Apr 2, 2014
I have a range of cells containing a string of numbers separated by ';' e.g.
I am looking to find the top 5 most common/repeated numbers within this range. I have found a formula to work out the largest number within the range:
=MAX(IFERROR(0+TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(";"&B3,";",REPT(" ",LEN(B3))),(ROW(A$1:A$200)*LEN(B3))-1,LEN(B3))),0)) (REF
How to modify it to work with e.g. the mode function.
I know I could separate all the numbers out using 'text to columns' but I will need to work this out regularly on large quantities of data ...
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May 8, 2008
I would like it to scan an entire column (column E) for rows of data that fall into a range of numbers chosen by the user (like maybe a list box or combo box in sheet 1) for example a number greater than or equal to 8 but less than or equal to 15 and copy all of the rows and columns of data across the entire sheet that fit the range from sheet 1 to sheet 2. I would like to use a separate list or combo box for the min and max values in which to search as seen in the example sheet 1 attached. I have tried the autofilters, custom filters and macro recorder with no success as it seems the filters do not like ranges of numbers.
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Feb 11, 2009
I am wondering if using an "if" statement or a case statement would be good ways to check two worksheets in two different workbooks to see if their names match? I could use some help correcting my syntax too:
For 1 to ws.count
If Worksheet("one").Name = Worksheet("two").Name
Next ws.Count
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Jul 21, 2006
Is anyone aware of some way to use the " dynamic named range approach" to only select the cells with numerical values in a column and name this range?
I've looked at the examples on this site but can't find any solution to this particular problem although I have a feeling that this should be possible.
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May 20, 2014
I'm working on a workbook that will track staffing patterns.
The workbook has three worksheets: Sheet1 "RCS", Sheet2 "HCT' and Sheet3 "Hidden". I've attached the workbook to this thread. The password for the form is "j".
On Sheet3 "Hidden" I have two tables that are set up to collect the SUM of columns on Sheets1 "RCS" and Sheet2 "HCT". I'm finding the SUM of each range by way of the background color. I've set up the following formulas and when the "data collection tables" are in the same worksheets as the original information, the formula's work perfectly:
The following functions are pulling data from Sheet1 "RCS" and placing them into a table in Sheet2 "Hidden"
[Code] ........
The following functions are pulling data from Sheet1 "RCS" and placing them into a table in Sheet2 "Hidden"
[Code] .......
I have two more functions that aren't working due to the fact that the source values are percentages and NOT plain numbers. The above functions work great for SUM but not for percentages. EXAMPLE--Let's say, 3 sub percentages it gives me the SUM of the 3 percentages (i.e. 85% + 100% + 100% = 285% instead of giving me 95%.
[Code] ........
How might I use the following functions to find the average of the source fields instead of the SUM?
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Jan 6, 2010
I'm trying to select a range that will be changing by column. I'm not sure why my syntax isn't working. What I've got:
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Oct 25, 2005
I have a single column of numerical values that may repeat many times within
the column.
I require a flexible Formula:
Use an Input Cell for the specified and changeable Percentage(s) %.
Column may be filtered – so only take into account Visible Filtered Cells.
The Formula will calculate and Return the numerical range of values that fall
between the specified percentage % (using the Input Cell) e.g.; 70%.
The Formula should Return two numeric values: a Start Value and an End Value
– NOT necessarily the minimum and maximum per se BUT the MIN and MAX of the
values that appear 70% of the time in the column; therefore, taking into
account Repeat / Duplicate values.
The calculated Results: the two numeric values will be returned to separate
cells on a new Sheet.
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Dec 12, 2009
I'd like to find out the formula where numerical valued between 1-2000 equals True and numerical under 0 equals False. Examples are in the attachment.
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Feb 15, 2013
Have the following code:
Dim Recurring_Total as Range
With .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(,2)
Set Recurring_Total = .Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(,2)
.Font.Bold = True
End With
What do I replace part in red with?
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm doing somthing basically wrong here but i'm not sure what, everything seems to work as planned except in each case where a value is assigned the value isn't actually assigned. any ideas?
The basic objective is to convert a list of numbers (1 to 3 digits) to the format "000-" i.e. all three digits with a hyphen at the end.
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Feb 24, 2013
How to include the workbook name in this piece of code?
sh1.Range(sh1.Cells(ii, k + 10)).Address
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Jan 24, 2009
I have a while loop in which I'm updated information in 2 separate worksheets. I'm using the With-block statements separately to update each, but after the 30th iteration (and it's always on the 30th), the VBA code halts and get the "method 'value' of object 'range' failed" error message pointing to a line with the code as follows:
With Sheet1
.Cells(lngRow, 9).Value = intMonths
End With
where "intMonths" is an integer variable which I'm populated properly, and "lngRow" a long variable. When I debug both variables have proper data in them, and I have no idea why this is bombing.
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Apr 2, 2005
When I try to pull some records from Oracle into Excel using ADO, I recieved this error msg:
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
Method 'CopyFromRecordset' of object ' Range' failed
And here's the code I'm using:
Dim c As ADODB.Connection
Dim r As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sq As String
Set c = New ADODB.Connection
It's the standard ADO example used in this forum many times. Obviously there is some type of issue when the records are returned. I know that it isn't an issue with the number of records returned. It can return 30,000 fine but a few hundred may return this error. It's kinda random.
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Feb 21, 2007
I have a range object called tbl which consists of a number of rows and columns of numbers.
I have another range object called e that is the total row just beneath tbl. I want to sum up the total of each column within tbl and put the result in the appropriate cell within e.
I can do it using a for/next loop as shown below but there could be 10,000 rows and a hundred columns in my range which woulod probably take forever. I know there must be another simple way to do it but despite racking my brains and trying various things I can't get it. I'll be very grateful for any assistance.
My current solution is as follows. (e is selected).
'Calculate totals and display them
For g = 1 To tbl.Columns.Count ' the number of columns
h = 0 ' Holds the column total
For f = 1 To tbl.Rows.Count - 1 ' The number of rows
h = h + tbl.Rows([f]).Cells(g).Value 'add the cell value
e.Cells(g).Value = h ' Display the column total
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Mar 30, 2007
Sub test()
Dim rng, dest, c As Range
Dim result As String
Set rng = Range([a1], [a1].End(xlDown))
Set dest = Range("d1")
result = ""
For Each c In rng
result = result & " " & c
MsgBox result
dest = result
End Sub
the penultimate code statement "dest=result" does notwork the value of "result" is not entered in "dest" though no error comes up if I use "dest.value=result" it gives error "object required" If I use "range("d1")=result" it works.what is the theoretical mistake.
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