Outline And Rollup Subtotals Based On Outline Numbering In Column A
Jul 10, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that contains an outline-like number in column A, except where there are values in Column C. What I want is to automatically outline based on column A and subtotal at each succesive outline level (i.e. I would like to be able to roll up the subtotals to variousl depths of the outline).
1.1first level
1.1.1Second level level
value 5
1.2first level
1.2.1second level
value 7
value 4
1.2.2second level level
value 6
I need to have a formula to automate the adding of outline numbers from "Level 1, Sublevel 1, Item 1..." So that if I deleted or added a row, the rest will automatically update themselves.
I will be the one manually inputing the Top Level and Sublevels I just need that the Items will be automatically added and computed basing from the previous level.
What I am planning to do is: 1. Check previous cell if the format has two decimal points or periods --> kinda stuck here
2. If there's only one then it will be the Sublevel 1 Item 1 (or depending to its location)
3. If there's already two periods "." then it will compute automatically for what item it is already. ie:
1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2----->Checks the previous cell if it has 2 decimal places then if it does then it will add 1
have an Excel VBA function to sort an Outline/WBS?
I have tried the conventional Excel text and numeric sort but they do not work on an Outline/WBS.
I have a column in an excel workbook with a Outline/WBS. If a user uses the default Excel sort I need to sort the Outline/WBS back to the correct Outline structure (example below):
1. Is there an event when Outline.ShowLevels are changed? I want to hide some columns when the outline level changes depending on the level. For example if Outline.ShowLevels is 2 I want to hide certain columns and if Outline.ShowLevels is 3 I want to unhide those columns. I realise you can have a mix of levels showing but I will hideunhide the columns based on what has changed ie from level 2 to level 3 or vice versa.
i have seen this cool feature in a workbook, but I am unable to find out how implement it myself. I can't really explain it (thus I am unable to find good search results) so I have added a little picture of what I mean. Its about adding controls for hiding and unhiding columns. How do I get such nice plusses and minusses into my workbook? I use Excel 2002
In Excel 2003 I have Manually Grouped a number of rows. (Data>Group and Outline>Group).
If I use the buttons with the numbers 1, 2, 3 (indicating an outlining level) to collapse or expand the outline I receive the Error Message: "Cannot shift objects off sheet."
If I use the collapse button (-) or expand (+) button the data collapses and expands as I would expect.
I am aware of the normal issues surrounding objects and outlining and have ensured that I have changed the properties of all my of the objects in the sheet to "Move and size with cells". There are no comments in the grouped rows.
I know how to insert various groups of radio buttons on one sheet. They must be in their own group box control. The problem I have is that I don't see any option to turn off the resulting group box outline and label so it cannot be seen. Is there some way to do that in Excel 2010? I have 16 groups of two radio buttons across the top of the sheet and space is at a premium. If there was no outline it would look much nicer. The cells below the radio buttons function as the labels the way I am using them.
I have a sheet that is several hundred rows long and so I have grouped like data so the user can expand or colapse the data they would like to see. There is nothing on the page the user will need to modify so I have protected the page so they cannot make changes. If I protect the sheet then I am no longer able to expand or colapse the groupings.
How do I trap the event when a user chooses to expand / collapse outlines (columns in this instance) on a worksheet?
Basicallly, when attempting to expand I want to prompt the user to enter a password and then unprotect the sheet. And if collapsing to prompt again and then protect the sheet. I have this bit covered, just not sure how to trap the event.
I Need the outline/group feature to work on a protected workbook with over 200 sheets, meaning a macro to cover the entire workbook not just a single sheet. This macro should travel with the workbook as it will be on many different peoples PC's
Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim cSheet As Integer Dim tSheet As Worksheet On Error Resume Next cSheet = 1 Set tSheet = Worksheets(cSheet) While Err.Number = 0 Call wbProtect(tSheet) cSheet = cSheet + 1 Set tSheet = Worksheets(cSheet) Wend Err.Number = 0 End Sub..........................
I curently using the group and outline to subtotal certain data. I do not want to data to be modified. As a result I protect the particular sheet. Problem is once I protect the worksheet, I can't expand the data hidden (using the group & outline). Is there anyway that i can expand the data & in the same time protect the data. A sample in enclose(without worksheet protected)
Basically, it is months and quarter. However I have an additional column that is hidden after each month - [a], [b], [c] etc. Those are displayed whenever a cell in the previous column is clicked. Now, I select all the columns from [JAN] to [c] and group them and I have a + on the top most row.
Problem is when I click on +, it expands the month as well as [a] [b] [c]. I have a macro to hide these, but how do I trap the [+] [-] action and run the hiding macro after that?
I have the following macro so that we can use the outline feature without having to unprotect a sheet.
Private Sub Workbook_Open() With Worksheets("Schedule") .Protect Password:="APQP", Userinterfaceonly:=True[code]....
However once the macro is run, filtering will not work without unprotecting the sheet first. If you choose not to run the macro, filtering will work without unprotecting the sheet however the outline feature will not. what I need to add and where to make both the outline and filter features to work without having to unptotect the sheet?
When I'm in edit mode (in other words, when I double click on a cell to, say, make a reference to another cell), it still displays the colours of the cells that they're referring to. However, it only shows a simple outline but cannot move it by mouse. I should be able to see small squares in each corner of the cell so I can either move it or enlarge/shrink the cell reference. how to re-enable this feature. I like it because I need to be able to SEE the cells better
This is ok but When close the workbook and reopen it, my sheet becomes fully protected and i cant use the group icons. Can anyone either suggest better code or a way to initilise the workbook to act in this way when it loads up. For Reference Below is my full
Sub ProtectAll() Dim ws As Worksheet sSheet = Control.Name For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets Select Case ws.Name Case sSheet1 Case Else ws.Protect Password:="PASSWORD", userinterfaceonly:=True ws.EnableOutlining = True End Select Next ws End Sub
I have created a quick ouline for a chart of accounts. I would like to have a formula that verifies that all the 'children' sum up to the parent at each level of the outline.
I have a column with the integer value of the outline level, 0 being the "root", and each sub-level going up. i.e. 1's would be children of 0s, 3's children of 2's, etc.
0 Entity Value 1 Child1 Value 1 Child2 Value 2 Child1a Value 2 Child2b Value 1 Child3 Value 0 Entity2 Value 1 Etc...
How would you write a formula that verifies that a row's value is the sum of the children that are associated with it?
If a cell in column B has text in, is it possible for column A to auto populate a sequential number? so basically if data is entered in a cell in column B I want column A adjacent cell to auto populate a sequential log number?
I am not a VBA expert but I was able to find a macro which does most, but not all of what I want. I was looking for a macro which would copy data from mutliple worksheets and into single rollup worksheets. Each of the worksheets are formated the same with the same column headings. My problem is that I need the macro to copy paste values and formatting. Currently it is copying the formuals which then dont work on the rollup.
The current macro code is shown below.
Sub Combine() Application.DisplayAlerts = False On Error Resume Next
I am trying to add a subtotal to the RIGHT of my table for every change in DATE. The desired result looks like this:
Number Vendor Run Date Amount Subtotals 12580A 4/12/2012 233,220.14
Right now I am manually typing in a sum formula at each change of the value. Is there some way to automatically perform this calculation and have it be in a column of the table?
Is there a macro to subtotal by column name then only total certain columns? Like the data below, can I subtotal by Key then I only want the subtotals to show Price, Sale Price, QTY,, Warranty, Credit, and Cash. So I dont want to subtotal % cash?
Consider the above table. Ca someone help me understand how to report the value of the # of students that got 100% (output) in a given school (input 1), and given subject (input 2).
In other words, if the inputs are the following: Input Cell 1: Rockfort Input Cell 2: Pysics
Then, Output Cell should report: 25
I know one option is to use the INDEX function, but with index function, I have to provide Row_Num & Col_Num as inputs. That doesn't fit my example above, as my inputs are specific values from the leading row and the leading column of the array in question.
- list (list of transactions) - accepted (accepted transactions).
I want to make macro, which will: 1. select max value from sheet.accepted "B:B" 2. enter max value +1 in sheet.list "B8" 3. automatic fill down from B9 to the end of list with number increasing by 1 (in B9=B8+1, in B10=B9+1 etc.)
I have created a macro that processes through information for the creation of checks.
I would like to have a way for the user to input a check number, and Excel to take that number, drop it into cell A2, then increment it and drop the next number in A3, and so on until all of the checks have been numbered. The process should stop at such a point as there is no more text in column B.
Here is an example. Let's say I have 35 checks to write. The first check number is 200. I would want a user box to pop up which asks me for the first check number. I would enter 200. Then the process would place the number 200 in cell A2 (A1 is part of the header information for the checks.) In cell A3, the number 201 would be placed. The final check number would drop into cell A36. No check numbers would appear in cells A37 and greater because cell B37 is empty, signifying that there is no further check data.
I have dynamic number in K2. How to make numbering list whose length is based on that K2 number? I want that list to start from A2. So, in other words, if K2=3, the list should be like this:
A empty (cause my header will be there) 1. 2. 3.
Notice that there should be period after each number too.
Is there a formula that would search for rows, or cells withing a row, that contain information and populate consecutive numbers in an adjacent column. For example if I am working with rows 1-4... F1 and F4 has information populated, while F2 and F3 are blank. I would like for the formula to populate E1 with the number 1 and E4 with the number 2. So the formula should decipher that F2 and F3 are blank therefore ignore these rows in the consecutive number scheme for column E. I would like for the formula to be scalable to any number of rows