Parse Data In Column A To Seperate Columns

Nov 30, 2008

See attached spreadsheet. I need to have all the data which is held in 1 row in column A seperated into its own column automatically. The order i need the data to be in is as follows

Date(pink), Time(red), Racecourse(green), Race Type(black), Class Of Race(purple), Going(blue), Prize Money(yellow), Distance(grey), Number Of Runners(brown). the text in bracket is a key for the info for your ease of use.

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Text To Columns: Split Data In Seperate Seperate Coloumn

Jul 23, 2009

Attached file where i m not able to split data in seperate seperate coloumn

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Parse Cell Data Into Multiple Columns

Apr 15, 2014

VBA code (or formulas) that can parse data from individual cells into multiple columns? I have attached a file noting the current inputs in columns A-F and the desired outputs in columns I-O. Additionally, I have noted the distinguishing criteria for each of the fields in cells I13-O13. Also, I noticed that each of the data points in the input cells are separated by at least two spaces. Lastly, the input data in the working sheet goes from columns A-H and the desired outputs would start from column I; with row 1 having the headers.

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Filtering Data In 2 Seperate Columns

Feb 25, 2007

I'm trying to put together a sheet to track football results. For simplicity sake, the sheet looks like this...

Home ; Away ; For ; Against ;
a ; b ; 2 ; 0
c ; d ; 1 ; 1
b ; c ; 1 ; 3
d ; a ; 2 ; 4
a ; c ; 1 ; 2

By using Autofilter on the home or away columns, i can obviously filter it in order that I can see all A's home results or all of A's away results, but by doing this you can't just filter the sheet in order to see the results of every game A plays in. I have a feeling that I need to do something with Advanced filter but have been playing around with this and not getting any joy. Can anyone advise on what I need to do?

Ultimately, my end goal would be to be able to create a drop down list where i would select the team from a list of all teams and this would automatically filter the sheet to their results only (and then I could use an autofilter to look at just homes or aways).

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How To Count A Column If It Matches Data From Another Column In Seperate Rows

Feb 6, 2009

I have two columns with dates. Colum A has the date of the deadline of a document while column b has the day it was sent. Column X will display the difference if its a positive integer ( i.e. if the document has been sent after the deadline). Now i have another column Y which displays the month as an integer of when the document was actually received.

Now i need a counter which will count the number of instances a positive integer is registered in column X according to the month in column Y. I have been trying everything but cant figure a simple way to do it. Im doing this so i can be able to see how many documents are sent after the deadline per month.

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Data Under 1 Column, Need To Seperate Under Different Column Headers

Jan 29, 2010

I have data as follows in Column A:

Part Number: 0000000-1 ARTEC-GH-56S 12A
SPARES in Repair: 20

On-hand: 100Location: BNCD

I need the data under different columns as follows: I also want an extra column before Column A labelled as Common number.


0000000 20 100 BNCD

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Delete Rows Based On Seperate Column Data

Nov 29, 2006

How can I delete an entire row based on seperate column data? Example: I want Excel to look at cell A2 and cell E2. If the values are the same I want Excel to delete row 2.

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Move From Seperate Columns On Sheet2 To One Column With Forward Slashes "/" Between Sheet3

Jan 11, 2010

I have three columns (9, 10, & 11); text, currency, and text and I am trying to move them from seperate columns on Sheet2 to one column with forward slashes "/" between them on Sheet3. The attached code does this, however I lose the dollar sign and commas.

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Copy Data Table Seperate Sheets Based On Column Criteria

May 12, 2008

I need to copy all the work sheets into one single work sheet (mastersheet). The source work sheets are having same column structure. The condition which i need to take care of is that after column 3 if at all there is any data till column 10 then in the destination mastersheet these should be copied in different rows with first two columns repeated. I need to do this using VBA macro.

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Parse Information Across Multiple Columns

Aug 14, 2005

I have data that I copy from one sheet and move it to another. If I know I'm parsing data that may vary in amount of line items but will always be across 3 columns is there a way to parse this data evenly.

for example:
I would like to look in column "D" and if there is an "A" I would like to parse cells A,B,C in that row to sheet 2 and parse this information evenly across 3 columns evenly across columns "A,E, I"
In my example the data is only 21 rows of information the problem I have is evenly parsing this information.

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Collect Text & Parse Across Columns

Oct 18, 2007

I was wondering how I would go about witting a vba for that can be connected to a button which would allow me to enter a row of input.
Some of these values I would like entered for example are: Quantity, Shape, Weight, length....
I would like the user to be prompted to enter these values and then have these values entered into columns, ABC... in a row on the spread sheet.

The catch is I would like this new date to be entered on one sheet via its weight (so that lightest material is on top), on another sheet in this workbook entered via its location so material in the same locations are adjacent to one another, and then finally I would like this updated onto another worksheet.

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Match 2 Columns To 2 Seperate Worksheet Columns

Sep 11, 2006

Now i have one excel sheet with two separet sheets in it ( Sheet 1 ) and ( Sheet 2 ) . I have in sheet 1 a column A with material codes and ColB is discreption and Col C IS Prices . But in Sheet 2 Col D is materila Code and Col I is a price .

the recordes in sheet 1 are around 11000 but in sheet 2 are around 2200 where the sheet 2 has a specific materials from sheet 1 .

Now i want to update the prices in sheet 2 from sheet 1 for each item after confirm that the materila code in sheet 2 equal in sheet 1 so copy the price from sheet 1 to sheet 2

Sheet 2 is old prices and sheet 1 has new prices so i need update the new prices in sheet 2

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Excel 2010 :: Move Part Columns Of Data From 6 Columns To Form 1 Large Column In Column A?

Jan 31, 2013

I have a large spreadsheet converted from pdf whose data still appears in A4 reading format.

I need to move part columns of data from 6 columns to form 1 large column in column A.

For example, move range B8 to B76 beneath range A8 to A76 and range C8 to C76 beneath that etc, page by page working through all 270 pages !

Also need to delete unnecessary 'page headers' throughout as in rows 2-6

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Finding Duplicates In Two Seperate Columns

Sep 16, 2008

This should be an easy one, it has slipped my mind.

I have columns A and B, I want to find any names that appear in both column A and column B. I want them to show in a certain color.

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Selecting Unique Column Items Into Seperate Worksheet From Column

May 19, 2006

In the attached file, details sheet contains multiple instances of project with associated costs for each of 2006, 2007 and 2008. What I need is a formula (preferably) or a VBA that select distinct project names and populate column B of summary sheet so I can do a sum if. The problem is the project names changes dynamically every week and they are practically in hundreds.

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Split The Individual Dimensions Into Seperate Columns

Jul 20, 2009

I have a lot of carton dimensions that are always presented in the same manner and would like to be able to split the individual dimensions into seperate columns.
The format is always: Length Width Height. Presentation of data is always ???x???x??? or ??x??x??? (ie two or three chrs seperated by the letter X). If the full string is stored in column A I would like B to display Length, C the Width and D the Height. I find it easy to use LEFT for Length but struggling with Width and Height which I'm sure are easy, just can't get my head around it.

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Flag Cells Not Common Between 2 Columns In Seperate Files

Aug 16, 2008

I'm glad founding this great forum. I have learned a lot in the last few months.
Now I need to do a task and can't find online a tutorial for this. Here is what I need:

File A contains 23 columns with info for 300 products (rows). File B contains same columns for 280 out of the 300 products from file A, plus 40 new products.

I need to flag in file A the 20 products that are not in the file B, plus flag in file B the 40 products that are not in the file A.

The structure, columns, etc are the same for both files.

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Vba To Parse Large Spreadsheet And Only Keep The Most Recent Occurrence Column B

Feb 27, 2014

i have some large reports that i get each day and have to sort into date time order and only keep the newest occurance based on column 2

at the moment i have a vba that converts the list to space delimetd columns, then selects all sorts into date time order, then deletes dupliactes as of column 2 keeping the most recent,

is there a more efficient way just to keep the most recent occurance and removing the rest

example file. so the 2nd row would be what i am left with

0 zztimrdevappg01 tbbzz02/26/201419:04:30
3 zztimrdevappg01 tbbb bb02/27/201402:04:31
8 zztimrdevappg01 hhbbzz02/26/201419:04:32
0 zztimrdevappg01 hhbbbb02/26/201419:04:34

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Parse Through A Column Of Numbers And Find A Repeating Pattern

Mar 13, 2009

I need a function or VB code to parse through a column of numbers and find a repeating pattern. The column has some initial numbers that do not fit the pattern and I need those returned along with the repeating pattern.

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Parse Data Between 2nd And 3rd Delimiter

Apr 21, 2009

I'm looking for a worksheet function that will allow me to separate into another cell the characters between the second and third slash in the source cell. The number of characters varies, but the value I want is always between the second and third slash.

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Seperate Text In A Column

Oct 4, 2009

Is there a simple formula that can be used to seperate text in a column.

ABC - 123456
I want to return the text before the "-".

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Formula Seperate The Column

Oct 29, 2009

I have columns with titles at the top, and with numbers in the below cells.

What I would like is a formula for a column seperate to these that firstly, looks if there is a quantity in the relevant cell on that row, secondly takes the title (top cell) of that column, and thirdly puts the number in the cell on that row after the title:

A_____B_____ C_____ D_____ E______ F
1_____UK____ Ger___ M/E___ Rus_____ Nor
2_____80_____250___ 300___ 350_____200
3____ 60_____200____350____350____ 150

So in cell A1, I would like a formula that reads the subsequent cells and their titles, and gives a one-cell summary of the data seperated by commas. So in A1 it would say:

UK 80, Ger 250, M/E 300, Rus 350, Now 200

And in A2:
UK 60, Ger 200, M/E 350, Rus 350, Now 150

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Parse Data Out To Individual Sheets

Feb 2, 2014

I have a mastersheet (see attached file) with data on it. I need to parse this data out to individual sheets based on the values in column 8.

Currently I use this code but it only creates sheets with no data in it and it also doesn't rename the sheet tabs.

[Code] .....


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File Too Big...way To Parse Out Data And Write To Csv

Feb 12, 2010

I have a file with multiple tabs of data...lot's of data (each tab has 80,000+ lines and 23 columns...3 are formulas, the rest is imported data). I've brought Excel to it's knees (i.e. crashes). Yes, I'm using 2007.

What I'm trying to do is extract 6 cells of data from every 10th line and write it out to a CSV file with two more pieces of information (same for each line).

What I was doing was creating a separate worksheet for each one to be extracted, parsing out the data, and then copying that data to yet another workbook that was then saved as a CSV.

First, in retrospect, that was a waste of time. Second, the addition of the extra worksheets to do the parsing was crashing Excel due to the extreme size of the workbook.

What I'd like to do is use a macro to do all of this in one swell foop:

1) Prompt me for a file name (or I can put the desired name in a cell and read it from there if that simplifies the code)
2) Open a new text file with that name and ".csv" extension in the same folder as the original workbook
3) Write out the column headers: (Fix, Satellites, Lat, Lon, alt (ft), Date, utc_t, course)
4) Step through each row, looking at the text contents of column B (looks like 22:50:07.100)...if it ends in ".000" do the following:
4a) write "PPS,4," to the open text file
4b) write the cell contents from columns "V", "W", "J", "C", "B", and "L" to the text file in the exact format they appear in the text cell.

The output file should look like (very short example):

Fix,Satellites,Lat,Lon,alt (ft),Date,utc_t,course

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Parse Delimited PDF Data Into Worksheet

Feb 11, 2008

I have a PDF document with an income statement that I'm trying to bring into excel. When I copy it, it puts all of the information in 1 column like this: NET INCOME 183,450 (237,660) 421,110 177 (1,461,273) (1,769,800) 308,526 17
CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Land Improvements 0 0 0 35,000 0 (35,000) Building Improvements 7,500 0 (7,500) 243,129 626,500 383,371 61. I cannot use text to columns, because the CATEGORIES are different in length (3 to 4 to 5 words at times).

I can seperate the numbers from the words, but I can't seperate the numbers from one another. Is there any way that I can do this via a text fuction?

0 0 0 35,000 0 (35,000)
7,500 0 (7,500) 243,129 626,500 383,371 61
29,881 310,460 280,579 90 380,580 1,556,576 1,175,996 76
0 83,248 83,248 100 76,765 574,345 497,580 87

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Parse Data From One Cell To Multiple Cells

Dec 7, 2009

I need to prepare a lot of data for upload from Excel to a system. Example, In cell A1: I have very long text that I need to parse into B1, C1, D1, etc, depending on the length as each cells can support up to 40 characters only.

It seems easy as I can just find the length of A1 and use mid to parse them to the rest of the cells. But the sales person wants the data to be readable, meaning that I can't just split the data simply based on the character limits.

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Lookup Closest Value Of A Cell Within A Seperate Column

Apr 21, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with two sheets, 'Sheet0' & 'Sheet1'. In 'Sheet0' I have a column named 'A_Sheet0' containing a list of numbers from Rows 2 - 50. In 'Sheet1' I have 3 columns, the first containing numbers 1 to 50, the second, 'B_Sheet1' containing a list of ascending numbers and the third is the column of interest. This column entitled 'Nearest Value' must read the corresponding value of Column 'B_Sheet1' then find the closest number to that from the numbers in 'Sheet0', column 'S_Sheet0'.

I have included a sample file with this thread, and in the 'Nearest Value' column I have manually input some of the nearest values for your information.

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Mark Duplicates That Are Identified In A Seperate Column

May 7, 2007

I am looking for a way to ease a 24,000 line duplicate list into showing just the files from a specific folder/subfolder and its dupes. I have marked the files that reside in that folder by adding a column and entering a "1" in it. What I am looking for is a way to add that "1" to the others of that unique numerical ID duplicates, so I can sort and trim the list to just those files. End result is to show files in one folder and the locations of duplicates of those files elsewhere for eventual cleanup.

Very loosely, if C2=C1 and B1=1, then make B2=1 (and so on)
(A is blank and only there in case a formula needs input there)


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Convert Column B As Multiple Column Titles And Move Data In Column C Into New Columns?

Jun 30, 2014

I have a excelsheet that looks like this:

Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4

And I am trying to make it look like this:

Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services

Los Angeles

New York




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Parse Only Specific Data Of Text File To Worksheet

Aug 30, 2006

I have a text file with no discernable format ( can't import into excel) that is too large to put all the data into an excel worksheet. This file is made to print out on a network printer.

I don't need all the info in the file, I would like to specify a variable, search the text file for the variable, then specify the amount of rows down to look for the data value and input the result into an excel spreadsheet.

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