Text To Columns: Split Data In Seperate Seperate Coloumn

Jul 23, 2009

Attached file where i m not able to split data in seperate seperate coloumn

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Split The Individual Dimensions Into Seperate Columns

Jul 20, 2009

I have a lot of carton dimensions that are always presented in the same manner and would like to be able to split the individual dimensions into seperate columns.
The format is always: Length Width Height. Presentation of data is always ???x???x??? or ??x??x??? (ie two or three chrs seperated by the letter X). If the full string is stored in column A I would like B to display Length, C the Width and D the Height. I find it easy to use LEFT for Length but struggling with Width and Height which I'm sure are easy, just can't get my head around it.

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Filtering Data In 2 Seperate Columns

Feb 25, 2007

I'm trying to put together a sheet to track football results. For simplicity sake, the sheet looks like this...

Home ; Away ; For ; Against ;
a ; b ; 2 ; 0
c ; d ; 1 ; 1
b ; c ; 1 ; 3
d ; a ; 2 ; 4
a ; c ; 1 ; 2

By using Autofilter on the home or away columns, i can obviously filter it in order that I can see all A's home results or all of A's away results, but by doing this you can't just filter the sheet in order to see the results of every game A plays in. I have a feeling that I need to do something with Advanced filter but have been playing around with this and not getting any joy. Can anyone advise on what I need to do?

Ultimately, my end goal would be to be able to create a drop down list where i would select the team from a list of all teams and this would automatically filter the sheet to their results only (and then I could use an autofilter to look at just homes or aways).

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Parse Data In Column A To Seperate Columns

Nov 30, 2008

See attached spreadsheet. I need to have all the data which is held in 1 row in column A seperated into its own column automatically. The order i need the data to be in is as follows

Date(pink), Time(red), Racecourse(green), Race Type(black), Class Of Race(purple), Going(blue), Prize Money(yellow), Distance(grey), Number Of Runners(brown). the text in bracket is a key for the info for your ease of use.

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Split Pivot Table Field Into Seperate Sheets & Not Allow Drilldown

May 24, 2008

My goal is to macro the creation of pivot tables into seperate worksheets based on each particular record in the "Office" (location). Ultimately, I will apply an email macro to send out each pivot table (and source data if necessary) to various recipients. I need to make sure that each recipient of a pivot table is limited to only drill into the detail for their particular "Office" and not able to view other location's information in the Source Data worksheet--is this possible, or do I need to create separate source data worksheets for each Office's pivot table in order to limit the viewing?

Items I need guidance on:
Creating a macro to breakout pivot tables into seperate worksheets based on "Office" locationPlease advise on how I can secure Pivot Tables so that the user can only drill into the information originally presented in the pivot table they receive and will not be allowed to view all of the source data.
Please find attached a file with my source data and an example of a pivot table for one of the Office locations (Chicago).

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Finding Duplicates In Two Seperate Columns

Sep 16, 2008

This should be an easy one, it has slipped my mind.

I have columns A and B, I want to find any names that appear in both column A and column B. I want them to show in a certain color.

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Seperate Text In A Column

Oct 4, 2009

Is there a simple formula that can be used to seperate text in a column.

ABC - 123456
I want to return the text before the "-".

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Flag Cells Not Common Between 2 Columns In Seperate Files

Aug 16, 2008

I'm glad founding this great forum. I have learned a lot in the last few months.
Now I need to do a task and can't find online a tutorial for this. Here is what I need:

File A contains 23 columns with info for 300 products (rows). File B contains same columns for 280 out of the 300 products from file A, plus 40 new products.

I need to flag in file A the 20 products that are not in the file B, plus flag in file B the 40 products that are not in the file A.

The structure, columns, etc are the same for both files.

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Match 2 Columns To 2 Seperate Worksheet Columns

Sep 11, 2006

Now i have one excel sheet with two separet sheets in it ( Sheet 1 ) and ( Sheet 2 ) . I have in sheet 1 a column A with material codes and ColB is discreption and Col C IS Prices . But in Sheet 2 Col D is materila Code and Col I is a price .

the recordes in sheet 1 are around 11000 but in sheet 2 are around 2200 where the sheet 2 has a specific materials from sheet 1 .

Now i want to update the prices in sheet 2 from sheet 1 for each item after confirm that the materila code in sheet 2 equal in sheet 1 so copy the price from sheet 1 to sheet 2

Sheet 2 is old prices and sheet 1 has new prices so i need update the new prices in sheet 2

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Text Formula? Postcodes: Seperate The First Or First Two Text Characters From The Rest Of The Postcode

Feb 16, 2007

I am working on sales information which includes postcodes. What i need to do is seperate the first or first two text characters from the rest of the postcode. I have attached a small snipet of what i am working on. Currently i am using the =Left(A4,2) but this will give me in some case a numerical value aswell. For example E1 or G1 in the case of the sample attached. Is there a formula that exists where it will just return the text values in a cell and not numerical values.

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Import Blocks From Text File Into Seperate Workbooks

Jun 13, 2008

I have wrote a few macros before which involved searching, copy pasting and comparing.

I now need a macro that can first open a text file, in this text file will be 6 section separated by 6 different titles so it will look something like this



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Merging Data From Two Seperate Worksheets

Feb 13, 2008

I have two seperate worksheets and I want to merge the data into one new worksheet.

Book1 contains;
stock code

Book2 contains;
stock code
item name

I need to make one new worksheet which contains;
stock code
item name

I can not copy and paste because they are not in the same order and I can not sort to put them in the same order.

So I need to merge data using the stock codes into one new worksheet.

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How To Seperate Data In A Cell And Create New Rows

Jun 23, 2013

I am somewhat new to excel and have a task I have a catalogue that I need to separate multiple printer models that all have the same part # into individual line items. This will save me weeks of work.

I have this:


And want to end up with this:



Or even this:




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Several Sets Of Data All Which Link To Seperate Charts

Feb 9, 2009

I've got several sets of data all which link to seperate charts, the problem i'm having is that i dont want the chart to display the fields with zero values and with the amount of charts and data it is taking ages to re-source the data is there a way of getting the chart to ignore zero fields or of somehow sorting the data in a way only fields with values are shown

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Separate Data Groups To Seperate Worksheets

Oct 10, 2007

I have a data sheet of 190,000 lines. It is a telecommunications bill with has approx 15 columns.

I need to separate the spreed sheet into the respective "call types" and put this data onto separate tabs, at the moment I do it all manually with Excel 2007.

Is there a way of automating this separation of data

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Export TextBox Data To Seperate Workbook

Mar 3, 2008

I have built a simple little logger forlogging insurance policies set up without permission, at the moment it logs all data in sheet2 of the active workbook. What I want it to do is when submit is clicked is to export and save the data to a seperate (central) workbook to collate all entries and not to save it in the active workbook. I've inlcluded the file and the code is as follows;

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet, lRow As Long, Str As String
Set ws = Sheets("Sheet2")
lRow = ws. Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Row
'____error handling______
If TextBox1.Value = "" Or NullString Then
MsgBox "Ooops, it seems you haven't entered a policy number!", vbCritical, "Error..."....................

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List The Data Relevant To Each Name In A Seperate Place Using A VLOOKUP

Mar 5, 2009

I have a list of names that I'm looking up, and I want to list the data relevant to each name in a seperate place using a VLOOKUP ,(maybe theres a better way to do it) but some of the names appear more than once, resulting in an error.

I have on the first sheet, Name, Customer, Amount and Variance.

On the seperate sheet (in the same workbook) I have then name with 4 VLOOKUPS underneath, trying to extract the data Customer, Amount and Variance. But, I get errors in all of them.

Is there anyway I can List all the data relevant to each name using a Lookup function or is there another formula I should be using?

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Delete Rows Based On Seperate Column Data

Nov 29, 2006

How can I delete an entire row based on seperate column data? Example: I want Excel to look at cell A2 and cell E2. If the values are the same I want Excel to delete row 2.

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Copy Data Table Seperate Sheets Based On Column Criteria

May 12, 2008

I need to copy all the work sheets into one single work sheet (mastersheet). The source work sheets are having same column structure. The condition which i need to take care of is that after column 3 if at all there is any data till column 10 then in the destination mastersheet these should be copied in different rows with first two columns repeated. I need to do this using VBA macro.

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Move From Seperate Columns On Sheet2 To One Column With Forward Slashes "/" Between Sheet3

Jan 11, 2010

I have three columns (9, 10, & 11); text, currency, and text and I am trying to move them from seperate columns on Sheet2 to one column with forward slashes "/" between them on Sheet3. The attached code does this, however I lose the dollar sign and commas.

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Bold Text In One Coloumn If The The Data In Another Column Is Checked

Nov 12, 2009

How can I change the format ie. Bold Text in one coloumn if the the data in another column is checked.

Basically, want the text in corresponding row of column "B2:B124" to be bold if the check box in the perspective row is checked?

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Pulling Information In Seperate Sheet Based On Data In Current Sheet

Jun 1, 2009

I've got a bit of a quandary here that my novice programming skills can't seem to solve.

Here is the scenario. I work for a photographic library. We have a spreadsheet that contains 5 or so columns, and a couple of thousand rows. Essentially each row contains an imagine code (the number we use to file away the imagine, ie. US_NY_NYC_1 ) in the first cell, and the image information in the following cells (ie metadata, keywords, photographer, date, etc).

so a typical row would look as follows:

Filename | Keywords | Photographer | Metadata | Location |

all the keyword, photographer, metadata, and location information can only be tied to the one image code whose cell begins the row.

Now, here is my dilemma. This sheet (lets call it the master sheet) contains all the images we have in a given batch. However, when a client orders images, we will send them most images in that batch, but not all, and we may send a few additional. So I have a separate sheet that contains only those image codes that the client requested. What I need to do is essentially take a code from the second sheet, find that same code in the master sheet, and copy over all the cells associated with that code's row. If the number does not exist in the master sheet, simply leave that row with only the code in the first cell, and the rest blank, and move on.

so for example, in my second sheet lets say I have the following A_B_C . I would like for excel to find that same code in the master sheet, and then copy over the metadata, photographer, date, etc, associated with that code, and paste it into the second sheet, so that that row in the second sheet now looks identical to the row with the same image code in the master sheet . If A_B_C does not exist in the master spreadsheet, then I would like excel to simply leave that code in its own row, leave the rest of the row blank, and move on to the next code.

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Split Data Into 2 Cells, Text To Columns

Feb 26, 2009

i have cells with city and state in them and i'm trying to separate the one column into two columns. the problem is, i'm trying to keep the city name in one column and the state in the other. some of my cells have two word cities like new albany, or upper arlington. the text to columns feature is separating those cells into 3 columns not 2. is there a way to do this?

worthington, oh
upper arlington, oh

text to columns splitting upper arlington into 3 different cells because the only delimiter in the cell is a space. i need to keep upper arlington in one cell and oh in another.

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How To Count A Column If It Matches Data From Another Column In Seperate Rows

Feb 6, 2009

I have two columns with dates. Colum A has the date of the deadline of a document while column b has the day it was sent. Column X will display the difference if its a positive integer ( i.e. if the document has been sent after the deadline). Now i have another column Y which displays the month as an integer of when the document was actually received.

Now i need a counter which will count the number of instances a positive integer is registered in column X according to the month in column Y. I have been trying everything but cant figure a simple way to do it. Im doing this so i can be able to see how many documents are sent after the deadline per month.

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Getting Averages From Seperate Worksheets

Dec 9, 2009

The first one, I do i remove #DIV/0! from cell O7 in the worksheet "My overview"?

The second one, I need to get averages of the QA score for the 3 months from January to March in the worksheet "My Overview" Cell E14 for the corresponding person on each sheet. I understand that there need to be values in place to get an average but is there a way to overcome this?

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Sum If, But The Sum Range Is Seperate Cells ?

Oct 8, 2008

I want to do a simple Sum if. My range is simple and so is my criteria, but the actual range of cells to sum is not in one continus row or column. Can I do the sumrange as seperate cells?

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Consolidating 4 Seperate Worksheets

Oct 21, 2006

I have 4 worksheets where the structure is exactly the same except the figures differ

The worksheet have text and values in columns A to S. I need to write VBA code that will combine the data and show the descritions in a consolidated woorksheet.

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Seperate Names From Numbers

Apr 27, 2007

I have the following list of names, phone and radio numbers that somebody put together all in one cell. Formated as General with Word Wrap.is.

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VBA: Seperate Vba Code From File

Aug 14, 2008

Is there a way to put vba code to a standard alone exe file? This way, I don't have to keep update the code on different excel files.

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Run A Sub Or Function In A Seperate Workbook Using Vba

Jan 28, 2009

I've seen that you can set up a reference and that may be the only way, but my guess would be that it is not the only way.

I'd like to open and run a sub from a different workbook (in the same folder) using vba. For example, test1.xls would have a sub that would open test2.xls and run a sub from test2.xls before closing and returning to test1.xls.

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