Pivot Summation And Change In Sum When Source Value Changed

Nov 26, 2013

Am currently working on an excel sheet that has values in multiple columns and rows. Simple example would be like

Assume two columns , with column One having a dropdown list to select the value ,

Pencil 2
Paper 3
Pencil 3
Eraser 3
Pencil 3

I want the data to be created in another sheet as

Pencil - 8
Paper - 3
Eraser - 3

I understand that this can be done through pivot table but the issue is when I change the quantity of the item in the source , say reduce pencil by 1 , the same should be reflected in the summation sheet as well automatically .

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Change Pivot Source Data In Multiple Pivot Tables?

Jan 21, 2013

I have a single workbook with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet has a different pivot table displaying a different view of the data. Each pivot table uses the same source data at worksheet1.

Each week i add new data to the end of the source data, which means that I need change the source data reference separately in each pivot table to update each pivot table view to include the new data. This is laborious as there are quite a few pivot tables.

Was wondering if there is some way of changing the pivot table source data reference on all pivot tables at the same time.

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Macro To Change Data Source Of Pivot

Mar 8, 2013

I have a Pivot table which is created by running a macro with formula calculated columns.

Q1. when i add another column in data sheet, and change the source manually, i get a error in calculated columns

Q2. I need to add the new column in data sheet to the row labels of the existing pivot sheet. with change formula calculated columns.

Q3. can we have any macro to this ?

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Change Pivot Table Source File

Jun 12, 2007

I have a workbook with a number of pivot tables as well as the source data for each pivot table. Some of the source data sheets needed to be deleted so now if I try to refresh the corresponding pivot table I get "Connot open pivot table source file '[Std Mthly Rpt.xls]Report_2'". I recreated the source file again and would like to know if I can link the pivot table to this new source file or do I need to create a new pivot table??

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Excel 2010 :: Change Pivot Table Source With VBA?

Nov 25, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and have a workbook with two sheets - "Risks & Issues" which contains the source data and "Risks - Summary" which contains a Pivot Table called "Dashboard"

I would like to create a command button called 'Refresh Data' which will be on the "Risks - Summary" sheet. When I add a new line to the "Risks & Issues" sheet, I would click the button in "Risks - Summary" and it will update the Pivot Table range.

So far I've tried using some examples found on this site, although with no experience in VBA macros, I'm not really sure what they do; all I know is that they cause an error.


Sub Refresh_Click()
Sheets("Risks - Summary").PivotTables("Dashboard").SourceData = Sheets("Risks & Issues").Range("A2").CurrentRegion.Address(True, True, xlR1C1, True)
End Sub


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VBA - Change Data Source Of Pivot Table With Range Changing Based On Cell Value?

Mar 5, 2013

I have the following code to update a pivot table:

Dim pt As PivotTable
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
For Each pt In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("sheet1").PivotTables
pt.ChangePivotCache ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create _
(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:="source!R4C1:R33443C55" _
, Version:=xlPivotTableVersion10)

Next pt

the R33443 term is what will be changing, the columns and the starting row should stay the same. is there a way to instead of using R33443, to enable the range to be changed based on a cell value?

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Pivot Table To Refresh And Source Data To Change Using Visible Rows On Filtered Sheet

Feb 26, 2014

I have 5 pivot tables on 5sheets, all looking at the same source data in sheet 6

On the source data there is a filter on the headers, if you change the filter, is it possible for all 5 pivot tables to update according to the filter?

My starting point is the below, but there probably is a better way but i would want the sourcedata to equal visible rows on the source data sheet headers run A:K and up to row 10000 .

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Charts Not Updating When Source Data Changed

Apr 30, 2008

For some reason, the charts in my excel workbook do not update automatically when the data are changed. I have set Calculation to Automatic, but it still doesn't work. They update only if I close and reopen the workbook. Is it due to a problem with setting? How can I get the charts to automatically update?

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Validation Source: Change The List Source

Apr 1, 2009

Not sure if this can be done, still a rookie at this stuff. Everything works but can something be wrote into code too change list source?

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Pivot Table Retains Old Source Data In Addition To New Source Data

Sep 7, 2006

I have a report that was created for 2005 that contains two worksheets: a "source data" worksheet and a " pivot table" worksheet. I cleared out the 2005 data in the "source data" worksheet and replaced it with 2006 data...after this I refreshed the Pivot Table and everything seemed fine. When looking at the file size I noticed that it was almost twice its original size....upon further investigation I found that the Pivot Table was internally holding onto the old source data (the "Show" functionality of the rows/columns in the table lists the 2005 row/column headers as well as the 2006 headers....even though no data from 2005 is shown in the Pivot Table).

Does anyone know how to purge the old data from the internal Pivot Table memory?

I hope this is enough information....let me know if you need more.

Thanks in advance for any help,


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Pivot Tables: Auto-update 1 When Other Is Changed

May 12, 2006

I have 3 pivot tables on the same page - they all have the same PAGE and ROW fields, just different column and data fields. (may seem weird, but I'm producing reports for non-Excel people and this seems the only way to display info in user-friendly way).

Problem: If a user changes the selection in a Page field, I need the other 2 pivot tables to automatically select the same Page field, so the pivot tables are still all like-for-like.

I've started writing a macro which I can run to do this - below - but

1) I need it to run automatically when any of the page or row fields are updated

2) my macro is probably far too basic for my needs - one of the page fields has 245 values, so the below isn't really going to cut it!...

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Print Out A Pivot Table (even Though Changes Have Been Made And Range Has Changed)

May 3, 2007

Is it possible to always print out a specific pivot table even if changes/selection and range have changed? What I have right now is a button that prints out the pivot table (assuming the range is not changing). But if a user changes selection the button prints only a part of the pivot table.

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Capture Which Pivot Table Field User Changed

Sep 12, 2007

I have a code that i want to run after an item in a page field on a Pivot table is changed. I have put the code in the PivotTableUpdate event. However I would like the code to run only if the user changes an item on a specific page field i have set up on the pivot table layout.

So, if I have 2 page fields on my pivot table pf1 and pf2 :If the user changes an item in pf1 the pivot table data changes but my code within the PivotTableUpdate event doesn't runIf the user changes an item in pf2 the pivot table data changes, my code detects this page field has changed, and my specific code runs.

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Change Cell Value When Validation List Is Changed?

Mar 11, 2014

I have a cell that has a validation list. When i select a value from the list, i want the value of another cell to change automatically but it isnt working. The list source is pointing to another sheet:


I get an error when it tries to change the cell value. Its error no. 1004.

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Macro To Change Sheet Name When Cell Value Is Changed?

Jun 21, 2012

I would like to create a macro that will automatically change the name of the sheet any time a value is entered into cell a1. For example, in cell A1 of sheet1 I would input "Hello", and then the tab for sheet1 would be automatically renamed to "Hello".

Here's the twist - the workbook will have multiple sheets, and I want all tabs to reflect the value of a specific cell (a1) in each sheet.

For example:

value in sheet1, cell a1 = "Yes" - corresponding tab name would change to "Yes"
value in sheet2, cell a1 = "No" - corresponding tab name would change to "No"
value in sheet3, cell a1 = "Maybe" - corresponding tab name would change to "Maybe"

The "tab change" cell would always be cell a1 in each sheet.

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Change Color Of Cell If Manually Changed Value

Jan 3, 2014

How can I get a cell to change color if a user were to modify or change the value of the cell contents?

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Change Timestamp When Worksheet Range Changed?

Feb 11, 2014

I am trying to have one cell (G5) populate with a timestamp when a change is made to any cells in a range (some are merged). The code below worked for a second, until it didn't.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("F8:G33")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Range("G5").Value = Now()
End Sub
*Getting a yellow arrow by the row starting with Range("G5")

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Create Pivot Table: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to write a macro that will create a pivot table, and am getting an Error code 1004: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File "Sheetname". My code is below. I've tried to note what each section does, and it all seems to work well except for the Pivot Table creation.

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Change Background Color Of Cell When Data Has Been Changed?

Jul 10, 2012

I have 10 excel sheets that are filled with data some 20,000 each.

Some of the descriptions in that row need to be changed.

I wonder how I can create some kind of macro or formatting that will change the text color or the fill color as I make those changes automatically?

I can sort the list after that easy enough, pulling the color text or the fill color.

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Vlookup Possibly Changed - Calculating The Change In The P&L Values

Oct 2, 2007

Currently I am using a vlookup for 19,000 columns or so. Basically what I am doing is calculating the change in the P&L values from when I ran the file currently to when I ran it previously. I have a macro that pastes the old data to sheet "PL Changes" and then the new data on "PL Detail" All the Vlookup is doing is taking 2 criteria(from A and E and comparing them to a concatenated formula in column A on "PL Changes" then returning the old value in column 5. Is Vlookup the most efficient or is Match() any quicker. Right now it takes almost a minute for it to calculate cells and I was hoping to reduce that time as this data may get longer: ...

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Change Event: Not Firing From Cell Changed By ComboBox

Dec 4, 2006

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
With Target.Cells(1, 1)
If Not Intersect(.Cells, Range("b3:b6")) Is Nothing Then
Range("b7") = "Not Found"
For i = 3 To 6: txt = txt & Cells(i, "b").Value & "_": Next
For Each r In Range("m3", Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))
For i = 0 To 3: txt2 = txt2 & r.Offset(i).Value & "_": Next
If txt = txt2 Then
Range("b7").Value = r.Offset(4).Value
Exit For
End If
txt2 = ""
ElseIf Not Intersect(.Cells, Range("b16:b19")) Is Nothing Then
Range("b20") = "Not Found".....................

I'm working with this code right now. The problem is the macro will only work if i type the numbers manually. if the values are retrieved from a combobox, the code above down not work as it cannot read the values.

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Source Data For Pivot

Nov 7, 2011

option 1
sourcedatastring = '\myunc\_WT_.xls'!$A$1:$CI$65536

option 2
sourcedatastring = 'L:\_WT_.xls'!$A$1:$CI$65536

using VBA i do this:-

pvtTable.SourceData = sourcedatastring

only option 2 works.. when i put a UNC drive as a sourcedata the pivot does not like it.. why? is there anyway i can solve that?

I need to put a UNC location as source data in pivottable in VBA but how?

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Pivot Table Source List

Jun 19, 2008

I'm trying to create a Pivot table with various columns comparing information of executives from various Private Equity Firms. Some of the additional columns are Industry Specialty, Harvard Grad Year, My companies contact, etc . . .

The goal is to allow me to then query this information so if I wanted to see all Bain Capital employees who graduated with an MBA in 1990 and their specialty.

My question comes in trying to set up my source list for the data under Industry Specialty and my companies Contact. Is there a way I can set a value for these cells and mark them as an "AND" in the source if there are multiple contacts or industries that one of the Private equity executives is linked too, that would then allow them to be displayed as so when I create the pivot table?

Attached is .zip for further clarification.

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Pivot Table Source Data

Aug 24, 2009

I was wondering if anyone knows how to change the souce data for a Pivot Table?
Eg if I have the Pivot table looking at Columns A & B lines 1 - 20 and I want the Pivot to also include Column C and lines 21 - 50, how would I do this? for a chart I can just right click and select the "Source Data" option but it seems that this is not available for Pivot Tables.

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Pivot Table Data Source

Apr 10, 2013

A co-worker of mine set up a pivot table using data saved on an external data source on a shared drive. I would like to create a similar pivot table myself, linked to his pivot table so when he gets updated data, my pivot table also will update accordingly. My question has to do with the pivot table data source. How do I copy the connection?

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Find Source Of A Pivot Table

Jul 18, 2007

How can I possibly find the source path of a file used to build a pivot table. So basically the pivot table is using an external source and I'm unable to find it.

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Alter Worksheet Change Event At Specific Time After Data Manually Changed

Jul 16, 2014

I need to use the Worksheet Change event in a particular sheet in a specified column which works fine if the data is already there in the sheet and then changed however,the data is in this sheet is actually a Sub-Set of a Main sheet i.e certain filtered records are being copied from Main Sheet and then copied to this IBSL Sheet.

After the data is copied I have to check each record manually and then categorize each record as Fresh , Rebooked , Cancelled , Tranch or On-Hold.....These 4 criterias are added in the Column 38 and the same thing has to be repeated in the column 40 , so when i change the data in the column 38 the same category has to be updated in the same row in the column 40..

But the problem is that the data is first copied from the Main Data Sheet into the IBSL Sheet using a Macro so then this even t gets fired and goes in the DEBUG MODE...

I need this to happen when i change the category manually..I am adding data validation at the same time while copying the data in to the TEMP sheet.

So what can be done to achieve..

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Pull The Data From, Hence The Source Of The Pivot Table

Mar 27, 2009

I have a pivot table created. How do I determine which sheet it is pulling the data from, hence the source of the pivot table? Also, if can you go into source and modify data points, then in pivot table, will the results would be automatically modified with updated data points?

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Find Out The Source Data From A Pivot Table?

May 10, 2009

I've got a bit of a problem revealing pivot table source data, so just wondering if anyone know how to reveal it? My colleague sent me the spreadsheet, I can see the pivot table, but I can't find the source data that the pivot table links to.

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Pivot Source Data Reference In One Cell

Sep 9, 2009

In cell A1 I have a forumlar which equals 'A2:F1465' which is the range of my data, how can I get a pivot table to use this for it's values as when I do it normally it asks me to manually select the range as above?

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