Pivot Table Not Showing New Data In Column

Sep 6, 2012

I have added some new data into an exisitng column

WHen I try to create a new pivot table those new data names do not appear but the total of records is correct and the reange is accurate

IT is just not showing in distributed between the new names in that field

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Pivot Table Not Showing Data :: Only Headers Coming

Dec 24, 2009

I have one excel sheet where I write a macro to create pivot table.

It was successfully ran and created the pivot table but there is no data in that table. Only headers are coming.

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Pivot Table Not Showing Data :: Selecting From Drop Down

Sep 16, 2006

i have a pivot table that shows the customer names. when i select the customer drop down box i can all the customer i want to see. but in the table itself there are some customer not showing. this is the first time this has happened

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Pivot Table Is Showing Fields That Meet All Selected Criteria Want The Data That Doesn't

Feb 12, 2014

STO-Productivity-Feb0314.xlsxI work in cancer research and I'm trying to find a way to show the amount of studies that staff have in total and their role on the study. I have a data table that contains many fields but the crux of what I'm having trouble with starts with the following:

When I begin with a pivot table I start by just selecting the all of the studies listed in the table and then the two roles that staff can have data or regulatory. Staff can do both roles or just one on a study. I put the roles of data and regulatory into the row labels and the studies that we work on in the values. The problem is that I now only see studies that the staff member works on that meet working on both roles and not the studies that they serve only one role.

UPDATE: see the attached spreadsheet to illustrate further. Ablorh is the employee that I have it focused on and it only shows the one study she has both the regulator and data roles. The 7 other studies that the employee works on in the data role do not show.

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Pivot Table Showing Duplicate Names

May 13, 2009

When I make a pivot table I wanted to know why it is showing duplicate names. Here is an example workbook below. It should group all the same names together. However it isn't doing so. Anyway around this problem?

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Showing Zero Instead Of Value

Mar 8, 2014

My problem is this: I use Excel 2010 and have Pivot Tables that are using a Data Connection which is being built (and rebuilt) with VBA. The Pivot Table field is calculating a field that contains an integer value. The Pivot Table field filter properly displays this value.

However, the Pivot Table itself calculated Sum field only displays 0 (aka zero). Other fields that are exactly the same as this one are displaying properly.

My data connection is built as follows:


ThisWorkbook.Connections.Add "ChartQuery", "", "OLEDB;Persist Security Info=0;DSN=Excel Files;
DBQ=" & wbFullName & _ ";DefaultDir=" & wbPath & ";DriverId=1046;MaxBufferSize=1024;PageTimeout=5;
BackgroundQuery:=False", sSQL, 2
(And yes, my sSQL is sound, there are no typos, no special character issues)

The filter in the Pivot Table shows my value (for example, 14) however it always only displays a zero

My Pivot Table is formatting the field (like the others just like it) as a Number, two decimals
My Pivot Table data source is ChartQuery

The worksheet this is pulling from is also set to use Number format for the entire column, but changing that doesn't make any difference even on the other fields that are working.

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Some Excel Fields Not Showing Up In Pivot Table Pull Downs

Aug 16, 2012

I have been having issues with some excel fields not showing up in my pivot table pull downs.

For example I entered the date 6/8/97 into a field in my database and after I hit refresh on my pivot table that specific date doesn't show up in the Date field list pull down. It is like the pivot table doesn't even see that date and/or it is recognizing it as another date. I have this same issue w/ other field lists (eg. last names).

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Pivot Table Placed In Existing Sheet Not Showing Full List Of Values

Sep 16, 2013

I'm trying to place a pivot table in an existing sheet in order to have a list of names next to a P&L. I've got several criteria to filter the names, but when I apply the filters to the pivot table, not all the people show up. The weird thing is that the total at the bottom of the pivot table, which is a simple sum of time in a given month per person, calculates the correct number as if all the employees are there.

When I do the same table in a fresh sheet, in the same file, it shows correctly. It's only when I try to put the table in an existing sheet that it abbreviates the list.

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Pivot Table - Data To Be Concatenated On Next Column

Apr 29, 2009

I have some data a pivot table I would like them to be concatenated on next column. The X signifies the Blank cell on the pivot table. Now I can concatenate (in 1 cell) using VBA but I don't know how loop thru the Blank cells. I have about 1000 rows of data. I would like Data like this:

Investment Price Source
009451AP0 FTID FTID 009451AP0 Total x
967673Z RWP RWP 967673Z Total x
AA.CDS23 MarkIt Markit AA.CDS23 Total x
AACE.BD10BA Total x

[Code] .........

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Loop Through Data In Second Column Of Pivot Table

Sep 27, 2012

I have a pivot table with two columns: Code and Quantity. I want to loop through the Quantity column and hide all values = 0. I can do this easily by incorporating this into my code:

pt.PivotFields("Code").PivotFilters.Add _
Type:=xlValueDoesNotEqual, DataField:=pt.PivotFields("Sum of Quantity"), Value1:=0

However, I have a "(blank)" code in all pivot tables. I do this because occasionally there is no data to organize in a pivot table. Having a "(blank)" option will allow my code to work even when there's no data. Therefore, I want to keep blank visible at all times. The above code hides "(blank)", however.

The below code is what I've tried with no success.

Set pf = pt.PivotFields("code")
For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi.PivotFields("Sum of Quantity").Value = 0 Then

[Code] ........

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Pivot Showing Percentage In Grand Total Grouped By First Column?

May 16, 2014

i'm trying to crack what should surely be a simple problem. Attached is my spreadsheet.

As you can see I have 3 columns of detail, with totals spread over a number of months.

I want to be able to display the percentage of the Resource total for each other grouping.

For example, in my spreadsheet you can see resource Mick Arber at the top. I want to be able to see each of his rows as a percentage of HIS total.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Reference Is Not Valid When Moving Data And Pivot Table Together?

Mar 19, 2013

On a worksheet, I created:

- a list of data
- a pivottable based on these data

When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.

This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.

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Pivot Table - How To Use Same Data For Filter And Column Header

May 13, 2014

I have a list of S/N with Pass/Fail result next to it. A specific S/N can appear several times in the list:


When creating a pivot table of SN vs. Result (count) I get:


I want to get the FAIL count of SN in which PASS > 0 (First two rows)

BUT I can not figure out how I can filter based on the values of the pivot table itself (rather than the values of the original list). When I try to use 'Result' field as report filter, I can not get it as a Column label (and vice-versa). In this case I get:

I get:
111 | ...1
222 | ...1


111 |...3...1
222 |........1

Desired (alternative):

111 |...3
222 |...0

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Pivot Table - Displaying Count Of Data In A Column With Y/N Answers

Dec 16, 2013

I am new to Pivot Tables and I am having difficulty displaying a count of data in a column with Y/N answers.

Previously I would have undertaken this using the SumProduct function in a standard table.

I attach an example workbook with my data, what I want it to look like and the pivot I have created.


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Dynamic Formula To Keep Column Of Data Aligned With Pivot Table?

Feb 23, 2014

In this file Vehicle Fuel Tracking.xlsm I have a pivot table set up to filter my data. Next to the pivot table I have a column that Totals the Mileage based on the MAX and MIN of each group. I am looking for a dynamic formula to keep the totals alligned if data is added or deleted from the pivot table.

I would also be open to changing the data table to accomodate this request if needed.

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Filter Pivot Table Date Column By Labels Using Data In Other Cells

Jul 16, 2014

On a sheet called, "Details", I have a pivot table that has three fields in the column area, Calendar type, Description, and Dates. I want to filter the pivot table based on a label filter in the Dates column. The filter should be between two dates (in D4 and D5) that are entered on another sheet and passed to the Details sheet through formulas in cells D4 and D5.

I have attached the following code to a button on a different sheet.

The code successfully filters for the employee name (which is a report filter in the pivot table) which is in a named cell.

I am having trouble with passing the start and end dates to my pivot table filter. I do not get any errors, the filter is simply blank.

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim Employee As String
Dim SDate As String
Dim EDate As String


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Pivot Table Query: Make A Pivot Table To Summarise The Data

Jan 22, 2007

attached is a spreadsheet 6 people in my area use daily(ive copied and pasted the sheet in question to a new worksheet, as the file was too big). Ive been trying for about 3 days now to make a pivot table to summarise this data.

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Adjust Column Label Selection Multiple Pivot Tables Based On One Pivot Table

Aug 16, 2013

I have a pivot table in the first sheet which includes the field "Date" as a column label.

In the remaining sheets, except for one, there are pivot tables based on the same underlying dataset which also include the field "Date" as a column label.

I would like to adjust the selection (i.e., exclude some dates) from the column label in the first sheet and see if it is possible to make the same adjustments automatically to the pivot tables in the remaining sheets as well.

note that the field "Date" is used as a Column label, i.e., it is not a Report filter.

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Column Shows In Pivot Table But Doesn't In Source Table?

Oct 5, 2011

There is pivot table for some reason the last column (YEAccts), which sums all the other columns values is exluding the 1st column for some reason. This "YEAccts" shows up fine in the pivot table "field list". And I followed the source for this and it's a table in a different tab that pulls data from an access query connection.

The name of the column that is summing up the rest of the columns is "YEAccts", but for the life of me I can't seem to find where this column is in the source table tab or even in the access query where the data is being pulled from.

How to find this "YEAccts" column? Also, why would it exclude not summing up the data in the first column?

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Convert Column Data Fields To Row Data Fields In Pivot Table

Feb 8, 2014

Austria - A10Sum of SeiA51CountryHourSum of SeiASum of SeiT
Sum of SeiT4.88Austria - A10514.88
1Sum of SeiA561562.83


left side pivot created in vb 6.0 & right side pivot table created manually in excel.

i want to generated pivot table using vb 6.0 same as right side pivot.

Set PRange = ws1.Range("R1:Y" & finalrow)
Set PTCache = wb.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=PRange)
Set PT = PTCache.CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=ws2.Cells(1, 1),


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Import Data From Access Table To Pivot Table - Enable Auto Refresh

Feb 1, 2010

I have enable Refresh on Open for my excel pivot table, but user need to click "Enable Automatic Refresh" , only solution i came across is to change the registry setting. Which i dont have access to edit registry(admin disable the access).

Alternate solution i try to use Access macro to automate the process and use Outputto save it as a excel file A. Then use excel file B to update pivot table from excel file A.(as excel A data is always latest)
The problem is i will get "....A file name already exist...do you want to overwrite.." prompt.
Which defeat the automate process.

Any other solution to enable the automatic refresh on open the excel workbook?

Or Access can overwrite the exist file or save it as another file name with timestamp ?

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Pivot Table - Referencing Different Data In Same Pivot

Mar 18, 2013

I manage a team that quote for business. They are targetted on number of quotes per month but then also wins per month, however a win may come a number of months after the original quote was generated.

They work off a spreadsheet where they log:

Quote date (And month)
Quote Value
... customer info etc

Win month (against orginal quote information)
Win value (against orginal quote information)

I started writing my pivot using the Quote month as the main reference point, IE Quote Month in the Row, and then put all the data in the central drop data section... However, there are two immediate problems with this:

They are targetted on quotes generated per month, some business won has come from last year, which they are lifting from the old spreadsheet and puttin in my new one... meaning that quotes they generated in Oct 2012 are now showing up as quotes for October this year.

If the wins span a number of months they are showing in January (if quoted in January) and not in March (when actually won)

Is there a better way of writing my pivot table??? There must be... ideally what I would like is half the table referencing the Quote date and half referencing the order date... but I don't know how to do this? I could probably do this with pages but I would like to show all on one sheet...

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How To Show In One Pivot Table A Current Column And A Proposed Column

Jun 20, 2014

I am trying to figure how to show in one pivot table a current column and a proposed column. I have 15k rows of data. My data columns are employee, month, task, hours, proposed month. I can get a table that has months as columns and tasks as rows with sum of hours. What I would like to do is incorporate the proposed month, so that it shows hours in the months by current and proposed. That way my result would be January current, January proposed columns etc. I can change the propsed months by formulae so I want to play with the proposed task month the refresh the pivot table to see the results.

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Linking Pivot Table To Data Source Table?

Jul 14, 2014

I was wondering if there is any way possible to link your pivot table filters to filter the data the same way in the table that it comes from? So if i had date as one of my headers and i filtered the date to a specfifc date, is there a way to also filter the date in the data source sheet?

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Pivot Table An Extract Of Each Data Contained In This Table

Dec 14, 2006

i have a pivot table an extract of each data contained in this table.

[img]Count of NAMdate
SERVICENAM12-oct10-déc11-décGrand Total
Commercial-laura Totalgh11

custody-jonathan Totalgh1113

settlement-ludovic Totalgh11

SPQC-elodie Totalgh112

Grand Total1337

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Hide Duplicates In A Column But Showing All Rows Data

Dec 17, 2012

I have to show a report with 3 columns= Physician names, Section and number of procedures. The problem is that physician name repeat several time according the section they order and I need to show in the first column each Physician name just one, see attached picture.

I did try to use conditional formatting and advance data formatting but not working properly for me. I was able to use =A2=A1 conditional formatting and hide duplicates physician names but shows only the last row of the duplicate names no the first one.

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More Than One Column In Pivot Table

May 10, 2007

my table has the following fields: Zone (north, East, west, south), depots in each zone (D101, D102 in North and D201, D202 in South),product code (S101, S102...S100) then sales data for three stores 1, 2, 3.

My original table has the depot code, zone it belongs to and sales of each of the product made to each of the store per depot.

In the Pivot table, I shall need to show Branch and the Product codes on the row-side, and require store codes 1,2,3 to appear on the columns. The data area thus needs to be a summation of D101, D102 for North (for each of the product-codes) and D201, D202 for the South region.


I am unable to display 1,2,3 as separate columns.

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Add Free Column To A Pivot Table

Aug 8, 2012

I have a pivot table with slicers to easily filter the data. I need to add a column with editable, free text that is filtered along when using the slicers.

If I try adding a column in my data source of the pivot and I change one value in the pivot then all rows that have this value change along.

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Count Zero In Pivot Table Column

Apr 18, 2014

How can I use a macro to count the number of 0 values in a particular column (one of the Values columns) of a pivot table?

I'd like to use the .PivotTables(1) if possible (rather than referring to the whole sheet range column).

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Pivot Table Second Row (column Headings)?

Apr 2, 2014

See the attached excel workbook:


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