Populate Data From Multiple Worksheets Into Main Report

Aug 3, 2014

I have to create a report that captures the work of 2 different resources on each day of the month, the sheet i am working with has 3 tabs - Main (this houses the main report, with identical fields for each resource), ABC - for details pertaining to work done by the resource ABC ... and a tab called XYZ for details of work performed by XYZ. A resource can work on multiple projects and 3 different modules in one day.

So for each date, i need to bring in the details for columns .. Project Name upto the column # of FB's, for each resource that is for ABC and XYZ.

I have attached a file with sample data, it has the main tab with what it looks like before the data is pulled from the ABC and XYZ tabs ... and what it should like after the required data has been pulled from the ABC and XYZ tabs.

What i am looking for is the formula that i got to enter in the main tab in order to pull the required data from the ABC and XYZ tabs for each date mentioned in each of the columns for each resource (that is ABC and XYZ) in the main tab.

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Pulling Data From Multiple Worksheets To Main Worksheet?

Feb 26, 2013

I am building a workbook for small group of people in my office to use. I have 7 tabs, the first one is called Main Sheet and the other tabs are the names of each person using the excel workbook. Every tab looks the same, I have the columns labeled: date - job number - job name - contact # - comments

My desire is that each person will be able to input their data on their tab as they receive new jobs, and the main sheet will be a compilation of everyone's sheet. So to clarify, as new information is added to one tab this entire row of information will automatically be added to the next available spot on the main sheet. We are all on the same server so we can all work off the same file. Is this possible to accomplish?

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Excel Combining Data From Multiple Worksheets Into A Report?

Jan 21, 2014

This is a sample of what I am trying to accomplish (file attached). I have information in one worksheet (called MasterList) and a second worksheet called (RecordList). I want to take information from MasterList and RecordList and combine them to produce a report (Results). Assume the user does not have access to MasterList or Results.

The user would enter the UID in RecordList, which then populates information from MasterList. There can be multiple entries for each UID and there is no set number of entries (could be 1, could be 500)

The user enters the UID into RecordList, which populates information from MasterList. The user then adds in the additional information into the fields.

What I want is all the information from the Master List must be reported whether anything exists in RecordList or not. If there is information in the RecordList, display it and on a seperate line for each entry. Each UID then needs to be totalled (which can be done through pivot table later).

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Populate Data From Multiple Worksheets Into A Master Workbook

Feb 8, 2009

I have a master workbook with 20 worksheets. 5 worksheets in the worksbook are distributed to field reps, but the remaining 15 worksheets are not. What is the best practice for receiving the 5-worksheet workbook from the field rep and importing the data into the 20-worksheet master workbook? If I merely use Copy Sheet I am able to copy the worksheets into the master workbook but then I have to remove the pathname references in each of the copied worksheets in order to map the data in the master workbook - which is quite cumbersome.

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Distribute Data From One Main Worksheet To Several Other Worksheets

Jan 6, 2010

I am in need of an Excel Macro to help me create an address list by market. For simplicity sake I’ll set up a mini-example: I have an Excel document with a MASTER tab that lists the Market (Column A), a person’s name (Column B) and their Phone number (Column C). What I need to macro to do is read column A and make a new tab for each market in that column, then populate the name and phone fields accordingly.

A found one macro that was close, but it does not automatically make a new tab (I have to do that manually) and it does not refresh the sheet each time I open it, so when I run the macro again I get duplicate entries.

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Split Of Main Data Based On Column Into New Worksheets?

Apr 4, 2014

spliting of main data By column criterias which start from column E1:L1 something like Pivot Table in new worksheet, but based on formula functions.Each worksheets have to based in one of this column D1:K1 headings. That also have to rapidly change with main data table.

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Creating Individual Report Cards (worksheets) Based On Template For Report Card

Aug 30, 2013

I have two worksheets in my report cards:

1) Data - the students are listed in Column A, math scores in Column B, reading scores in Column C and science scores in Column D. The grades of 300 students are entered in this sheet.




2) Report Card template - This is the report card that needs to be generated for each student. It's pulling the student name and grades from the Data worksheet.

Student Name




How do I create worksheets (report cards) for additional students? I have 300 students in the school. I need the next worksheet to reference Data!$A3. I know how to cut and paste the report card template and then edit =Data!A2 to be =Data!A3 to create a report card for Sally. How do I create the 300 report cards I need?

I've been teaching for 13 years. I can create a report card for each student in my class and edit each worksheet individually for each student. Now I've been asked to do this for the whole school and I don't know how to create the other 299 sheets I need.

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Report Data Spread Over Many Worksheets

Dec 4, 2006

im creating a spreadsheet at work that gathers project and FTE figures.
I have attached a copy, but ive had to totally simplyfy it to get it to the required uploadable size.

Basically each team member goes into the sheet tab with their name on it (the full version has about 40 sheets), enters the total hours per week they will be spending on each project.

Then the manager opens the spreadsheet, clicks on get data then enters the date. Data for the selected date is then shown. However I need excel to go into each persons sheet, take the names of the projects that will be worked on (obviously the ones that are not blank) then report the names onto the front sheet under "name of projects".

can anyone help me with this? as you will see, im self taught with vba etc so its probably not the best but im trying.

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets To Main Datasheet?

May 6, 2014

I have a workbook that contains multiple sheets, currently five sheets of which only two of them are Info Datasheets.

I would like to create a VBA code that pulls data from multiple info datasheets and compiles that data into one Main Database sheet. However, after that initial collection, I need the code to maintain the rows data. Specifically, if any row's data changes in the info Datasheets I need that row on the main Database sheet to update.

The columns in the info datasheets range from A:AH, however I only need the columns A:E to be copied. And I would like the code to add column F in the main datasheet displaying the sheet name were the data was retrieved

Each Info sheet (Metals, Polymers) are setup identical; Rows 1:3 are the headers, and Column D and/or Column E will denote a change to the row.

The Main Database sheet (Table of Context) has 2 rows for the header. So, the data will start on row 3

F-S886 (Material Properties Database)_DRAFT_5.xls

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Copy Data From Multiple Sheets (different Columns) Into A Main Sheet

Jul 7, 2009

I have multiple sheets Names(Sheet1-Sheet5).

Im trying to compile them all on the same sheet (Main Sheet). But each sheet is NOT the same. I need to choose what Columns needs to be copied (I can use one macro for each tab if needed)

For example I need Sheet1, Columns (A,C,E,G,S) copy that and then go to (Main Sheet) and paste in the next blank line (column A)

Seems like it does not know where to paste.

Here is one I have tried ....

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Create Spreadsheets That Auto Populate Using Information From Main Spreadsheet?

Aug 9, 2013

I have a main spreadsheet that I am consistenty adding information to. The columns are : Company name, Contact, Territory, and Status. The main spreadsheet is titled "Main". I want 5 additional spreadsheets in the same workbook that are automatically pulling information from the "Main" spreadsheet, and populating the appropriate spreadsheet . For example...I have 500 entries of different companies in "Main". All of these companies are either categorized as "North, South, East, West, Offshore" in the Territory column. So, I would like my workbook to have 6 tabs...one "Main, North, South, East, West, Offshore." As of right now, I am Sorting the column, then copy and pasting into correct spreadsheet manually.

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Copy To Main Worksheet From Many Worksheets

Aug 7, 2006

I went through your board and found the code below posted My Mr. Tom Urtis.
I tired it and it worked fine except that it needs another workbook.
Can it be changed to work in the same workbook to copy to a sheet named as Main from all other worksheets that I can chose?

Sub ImportDistricts()
'Instructional Message Box
MsgBox "Click OK to access the Open dialog." & vbCrLf & _
"Navigate to the folder path that contains" & vbCrLf & _
"the District workbooks you want to import." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"When you get inside that folder path," & vbCrLf & _
"use your mouse to select one workbook," & vbCrLf & _
"or use the Ctrl button with your mouse" & vbCrLf & _
"to select as many District workbooks" & vbCrLf & _
"as you want from that same folder path." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ ....................

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Populate A Cell From Data Matched From 3 Other Worksheets

Mar 16, 2009

I was able to use the IF function to match all of the sells in each work sheet but have been unable to figure out how to pull the SYSTEM# from each MASTER into the inventory sheet matching the CCSD row D.

I was able to figure out how to add the IF function to the individual worksheets but I have no idea what function would pull the SYSTEM# from the matching MASTER worksheet.

I'm attaching working document I have so far I was able to use the count function to add up quantities and the conditional format to set up the formats.

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Population Worksheets With Conditions From Main Log Sheet

Sep 26, 2013

I want to be able to create a log of incoming orders and requests with a column containing initials of the person who will be responsible for handling the item entered. From this sheet, I want to populate other worksheets in the workbook with the data base on the initials placed in the first column. Each initial set would have its own dedicated sheet in the workbook.

Is it possible to create and IF "ST" in column A of main log THEN copy all data to designated fields on the ST worksheet?

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Macro To Delete All Worksheets Except For One Called Main

Mar 26, 2007

Does anyone out there have a macro that will delete all worksheets except for one specific one? In this case I want all worksheets deleted except for one called "MAIN".

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Excel 2013 :: Populate First Worksheet From Data Stored In Several Other Worksheets?

Feb 19, 2014

I have made a Rota of sorts using Excel 2013 Desktop Edition for my charities volunteers (and stored it as a shared file via office 365 server that they can download and edit) and this rota is populated by our volunteers manually. Each day our controller needs to check the file to see who is on duty at that time.

How the Rota is populated.(the bit i managed to do myself)

The volunteer (Person A in this example) would open the excel file and go to the month they wish to choose a shift for (ref worksheet: FEB in this example). They would then pick a shift that suits them and click on the cell (ref: F32) that shows a vehicle available, then from the drop down list they select their name and then save and close the sheet.

Rather than our volunteer controller going through the sheet for the current month (ref worksheet: Sheets JAN to DEC) I would like them to use the first sheet in the workbook (ref worksheet: DC Info Page) to get an instant view of which volunteer is currently on shift.

My current problem

I don’t know how to make the excel file do the following

Search sheets JAN to DEC (ref cells: C4:I58 on each sheet) inclusive for the cell that contains today's (current actual) dateCopy the 8 (eight) cells below the cell that contains today's datePaste the copied cells in to the relative cells (ref: C8 to C15) in sheet one (ref worksheet: DC Info page)

I would also like this to be done automatically so the controller does not have to click on anything after they open the file. But if it needs a button to process the request, one could be added to the worksheet (ref: DC Info Page)

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Copying Data From Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Worksheets In Another Workbook VBA

May 14, 2012

I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.

My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:

Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String


Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.

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Update The Worksheets Field Value Based On Updates Done In Main Worksheet.

Oct 8, 2007

How to Update the Worksheets field value based on updates done in Main Worksheet.
As i have two different worksheets (Which can be even more then 5) and i want to update the Column Field value of "State" in work sheet "B" & "C" based on the updates done in "State" Column Field value in Worksheet A.
I just want to update the "State" Column Field value in Worksheet "A" and it should update the "State" Column Field value in Worksheet "B" & "C". Only the criteria to match is Number. Based on number i want to search the values in Worksheet "B" & "C" and want that these values also get updated.

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Sum / Average And Populate Report

Feb 13, 2014

Attached is a sample of the report i am trying to create. I am after a way to sum a range of cells between a chosen date range, firstly as an individual count in report #1 and then in a combined count under report #2. I have placed some text bubbles to give an idea as i am finding it hard to explain but i can see the whole picture.

After all the trials and fails, this is the last part to be completed........


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Macro To Pull Data From Multiple Sheet To Main Sheet Based On Column Headings

Sep 13, 2012

I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.

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Report Of Data Meeting Multiple Conditions

Dec 15, 2007

I would like to return the value in the "Temp" column that meets all the conditions of the columns "letter", "day", and "time." Specifically, the "Temp" of "A", "Weekday", "East." I have attached a small spreadsheet to help.

The suggestion of an Index with a Match Array worked but the problem is that my spreadsheet has over 5000 rows and my data has to meet three criteria = 15000 cells to cross reference. And I need to set up a spreadsheet that would do about 300 arrays. So obviously my excel is soooo slow I can't even get 10% complete.

Any other suggestions? I've read (from Dave I think) that database is a powerful alternative but have not been able to find any info on this and it's not an Excel function. For your reference I'm attaching a demo spreadsheet of what I'm trying to do with the two Index + Match arrays that work for small files, not mine.

I looked into Pivot Tables but it can't handle all the row and column headings.

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How To Auto Populate From Main Spreadsheet To New Spreadsheet

Mar 11, 2012

I have a Main Customer Spreadsheet. I want to Auto Populate FROM the Main Customer Spreadsheet to a New Spreadsheet. I want to be able to key in a customer name on the New Spreadsheet and take the info for that customer from the MAIN Spreadsheet and fill in the blanks. I need to be able to do this several times a day.

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Copy Data From Weekly Report To Monthly Report

Jul 2, 2008

How do you create a macro to copy the information from my weekly reports to a monthly report and be able to update automatically. If you had 4 worksheets (for each week of the month) and 1 mastersheet for the whole month in a workbook. All titles are the same and If you needed to copy all the data that is in the columns, say, A through I, starting with row 4 to however many rows are in a given week. The reports can be made up of numicerial values, text and dates. Let me know if more information is needed or an example worksheet.

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Copy Data Based On Date Entered By User For Report Across Multiple Sheets

Jun 20, 2006

What i want to do is copy all records from whatever date i enter, onto sheet test. The full excel file has over 80 worksheets for each individual rep, the example i attached has 8 sheets..

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Get Data In Column A To Populate Into Multiple Columns

Jul 15, 2014

I have single values in each cell in column A. I have 100 rows.

I want to take six rows at a time and get them to populate columns B, C, D, E, F, G.

Is there a simple formula for this?

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Automatically Populate Data To Multiple Sheets?

Dec 31, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that contains many lines of information that will constantly be added to and updated. One of the columns contains a drop down with 4 possible options. I am trying to get the data to copy to a sheet based on 1 of the 4 options selected. So for example, if Education is selected, then that row of data should also appear in the Education sheet. Same goes if one of the other options is selected.

I have seen several examples on this forum, but they are mostly macros (or formulas that don't quite apply). I am trying to use formulas so that the information is updated live so macros don't really seem to be a viable option.

I am including a sample of the spreadsheet with data on the main sheet and how I want it to look when it is transferred over to the other sheets. I had to substitute a lot of the information (with numbers or filler words) due to it being confidential.

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One Main Sheet Supplying Multiple Sheets

Dec 26, 2013

I'm trying to create an auto fill setup where 12-15 work sheets all get their data from 1 main sheet where I will import sales numbers. On a monthly basis I create reviews for all sales personel and the inputting of data alone uses precious time. So I would like to import the sales data, seperate it by column, and have the data auto fill the sales associates fields automaticly. So if I import the data to sheet 1 and associate John Smiths sales data fall on cell A1 thru A20 and directly below him Jane Doe's sales data falls on cells B1 thru B20. John's review will auto fill from the data on A1-A20 and Jane will have an identical review on a different sheet that auto fills from the data in B1-B20.

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Report Based Off 2 Worksheets

Jan 11, 2008

I have two worksheets. Worksheet1 has material number and plant number. Worksheet2 only has material number (along with other columns of info). What I am looking to do is look at worksheet2, find the corresponding material number on worksheet 1 and populate worksheet3 with all the info from worksheet1 and worksheet2.

Now this gets tricky for me because worksheet1 has duplicate material numbers, because there are duplicate plant numbers. I need worksheet3 to produce a row that contains all plant numbers, the corresponding material numbers and the rest of the columns from worksheet2.

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Consolidate All Data In Multiple Worksheets Of Multiple Workbooks In One Master File?

Jul 12, 2014

I need a macro that would consolidate all data in multiple worksheets of multiple workbooks in one Master file.

All the workbooks will be in one particular folder. The macro should search for data in all the workbooks and consolidate it in one master excel workbook.

I am currently using both excel 2007 and excel 2010. This macro would really reduce manual work as currently consolidating data from 45 to 50 sheets takes an ample amount of time...

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Extracting Data From One Worksheet To Another With Multiple Fields To Populate

May 1, 2013

I have a table of data from which I would like to extract the information which is listed horizontally.

Column A Column B Column C Column D
Code Name Address Locality
SMITJOHN John Smith 123 Bell Rd Perth

On the 2nd worksheet I have a form which I have designed to which I would like to extract the information from the 1st worksheet.

I am hoping that it is possible to start entering a code based on some reference on the Name. Eg SMITJOHN

Once the code is true or correct it will populate certain cells on the 2nd worksheet automatically.

I work in transport and am looking to streamline some of the paperwork and am trying to do it within the means I have available to me.

The format of the 2nd worksheet is;

NAME: John Smith
ADDRESS: 123 Bell Rd

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