Update The Worksheets Field Value Based On Updates Done In Main Worksheet.

Oct 8, 2007

How to Update the Worksheets field value based on updates done in Main Worksheet.
As i have two different worksheets (Which can be even more then 5) and i want to update the Column Field value of "State" in work sheet "B" & "C" based on the updates done in "State" Column Field value in Worksheet A.
I just want to update the "State" Column Field value in Worksheet "A" and it should update the "State" Column Field value in Worksheet "B" & "C". Only the criteria to match is Number. Based on number i want to search the values in Worksheet "B" & "C" and want that these values also get updated.

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Copy To Main Worksheet From Many Worksheets

Aug 7, 2006

I went through your board and found the code below posted My Mr. Tom Urtis.
I tired it and it worked fine except that it needs another workbook.
Can it be changed to work in the same workbook to copy to a sheet named as Main from all other worksheets that I can chose?

Sub ImportDistricts()
'Instructional Message Box
MsgBox "Click OK to access the Open dialog." & vbCrLf & _
"Navigate to the folder path that contains" & vbCrLf & _
"the District workbooks you want to import." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"When you get inside that folder path," & vbCrLf & _
"use your mouse to select one workbook," & vbCrLf & _
"or use the Ctrl button with your mouse" & vbCrLf & _
"to select as many District workbooks" & vbCrLf & _
"as you want from that same folder path." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ ....................

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Distribute Data From One Main Worksheet To Several Other Worksheets

Jan 6, 2010

I am in need of an Excel Macro to help me create an address list by market. For simplicity sake I’ll set up a mini-example: I have an Excel document with a MASTER tab that lists the Market (Column A), a person’s name (Column B) and their Phone number (Column C). What I need to macro to do is read column A and make a new tab for each market in that column, then populate the name and phone fields accordingly.

A found one macro that was close, but it does not automatically make a new tab (I have to do that manually) and it does not refresh the sheet each time I open it, so when I run the macro again I get duplicate entries.

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Pulling Data From Multiple Worksheets To Main Worksheet?

Feb 26, 2013

I am building a workbook for small group of people in my office to use. I have 7 tabs, the first one is called Main Sheet and the other tabs are the names of each person using the excel workbook. Every tab looks the same, I have the columns labeled: date - job number - job name - contact # - comments

My desire is that each person will be able to input their data on their tab as they receive new jobs, and the main sheet will be a compilation of everyone's sheet. So to clarify, as new information is added to one tab this entire row of information will automatically be added to the next available spot on the main sheet. We are all on the same server so we can all work off the same file. Is this possible to accomplish?

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Split Of Main Data Based On Column Into New Worksheets?

Apr 4, 2014

spliting of main data By column criterias which start from column E1:L1 something like Pivot Table in new worksheet, but based on formula functions.Each worksheets have to based in one of this column D1:K1 headings. That also have to rapidly change with main data table.

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Transferring Columns To Another Worksheet Based On Entry In Main Worksheet?

Oct 17, 2012

I have an order form created in excel with a list of about 1600 products. I have a column set up for the customer to place the ordered amount of each product. What I need now is a way to transfer only the rows that have a value in the "ordered" column to a new sheet. I have seen it before , but don't know how it was accomplished.

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Update Source Data So Table Automatically Updates

Nov 19, 2008

I have two worksheets in my workbook;

1. Table
2. Raw / Source data.

I have entered all the formulas into my table (sheet 1) referenced to the source data but I want to upadate the source data regularly but when I delete sheet 2 all the formulas come up with #Ref error. how i can update my source data so my table automatically updates

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Automatically Update Master Worksheet From Other Worksheets

Feb 12, 2007

I have a workbook with 6 worksheets inside; One of the sheets is a master list; it's simply the other 5 sheets compiled into 1 big one. I need to set it up so that any new data entered into the 5 separate department sheets is automatically entered onto the master sheet, in the first blank row.

The columns are the same across all the sheets. Hopefully this will be easier for the pros here than it's been for me, I've been banging my head against the wall on this one. I'll be checking this thread religiously, so if you need any more information just let me know...

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Merge Multiple Worksheets Into 1 Based On Common Field

Apr 19, 2008

I have multiple worksheets with multiple varying columns with varying rows. My one constant is the product_id. I want to merge all worksheets into 1 worksheet based on the product_id's. Here is my example:...............

It has to consolidate all of the column names from all of the worksheets into the final worksheet, then take all of the rows and put the product_id in the product_id column and put the other data under the appropriate columns. Some columns will end up blank where they may be a column in worksheet 2 but not worksheet 1.

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Update Main Record And Remove Duplicates

Nov 11, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with a list of items for a company inventory. For each item there is a row that has all the details related to the item. There is also a "sub-row" for each item that only has the item number and current costs and pricing for the item.

I have a 2-part task that I am having trouble with:

First: I have to essentially update the "main row" with the updated cost and pricing info from the "sub-row" wherever one would exist and...

Second: Delete the duplicate row for the item (the one with less info).

My production file has thousands of rows, but I have created a sample file if anyone can help me with getting my task accomplished. I am new to these forums, so I'm not sure how I could attach the sample file to this post, but if someone could tell me how to do that I will provide it. In the mean time I will just insert a screenshot.

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How To Update Multiple Worksheets Based On One Userform

Jul 30, 2014

I have a userform I attached here with 3 combo boxes where a user can pick districts and schools, etc. When they click ok, the various tabs in this macro enabled workbook will "refresh" with the metrics for that entity)combination of picks from form) across the board. Each tab will have multiple pivot charts/tables so the filters will need to be addressed. I've been looking for code to kind of match this scenario. I've seen some that kind of in the ballpark, but due to the size and complexity, I suspect this will be extensive, right?

Parameter Selection.jpg

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How To Insert Text Field Into Appropriate Worksheet Based On Alphabetical Value

Oct 10, 2011

Im trying to make a simple macro for cataloging some equipment and where its located.

I've created a user form where there is a free text field for Equipment. Instead of just inserting this entry into the first available cell, i would like for it to place it in the first available cell under the corresponding first letter of the equipment to the named worksheets A-Z.

I have named the worksheets A through to Z, and upon entering the free text 'Equipment' name, say for instance Trolley, for it to recognise the T, open the worksheet named T and insert the equipment name and location etc across the first free column.

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Create New Worksheet And Copy Data Based On Date Field?

Apr 8, 2012

copy the excel sheet data from one sheet to another sheet?

-> I have one excel sheet (name: Test.xls, sheet name: SHEET1)

Sn Code Type next calib
5BPR CORR7-Apr-12
4BPR CORR7-Apr-12
73BPR CORR7-Apr-12
9BRG CORR8-Apr-12
10BRG CORR8-Apr-12
11BRG CORR8-Apr-12
17BRG CORR9-Apr-12
311DP CORR9-Apr-12
227DP CORR9-Apr-12
227DP CORI R9-Apr-12

Want to create a new work sheet and copy the today's date(next calib - filed name) records to new sheet.

Example: Today's Date is 8-Apr-12

So, I want to copy following record to new work sheet (when I click the button / run the macro).

Sn Code Type next calib
9BRG CORR8-Apr-12
10BRG CORR8-Apr-12
11BRG CORR8-Apr-12

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Population Worksheets With Conditions From Main Log Sheet

Sep 26, 2013

I want to be able to create a log of incoming orders and requests with a column containing initials of the person who will be responsible for handling the item entered. From this sheet, I want to populate other worksheets in the workbook with the data base on the initials placed in the first column. Each initial set would have its own dedicated sheet in the workbook.

Is it possible to create and IF "ST" in column A of main log THEN copy all data to designated fields on the ST worksheet?

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Macro To Delete All Worksheets Except For One Called Main

Mar 26, 2007

Does anyone out there have a macro that will delete all worksheets except for one specific one? In this case I want all worksheets deleted except for one called "MAIN".

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Populate Data From Multiple Worksheets Into Main Report

Aug 3, 2014

I have to create a report that captures the work of 2 different resources on each day of the month, the sheet i am working with has 3 tabs - Main (this houses the main report, with identical fields for each resource), ABC - for details pertaining to work done by the resource ABC ... and a tab called XYZ for details of work performed by XYZ. A resource can work on multiple projects and 3 different modules in one day.

So for each date, i need to bring in the details for columns .. Project Name upto the column # of FB's, for each resource that is for ABC and XYZ.

I have attached a file with sample data, it has the main tab with what it looks like before the data is pulled from the ABC and XYZ tabs ... and what it should like after the required data has been pulled from the ABC and XYZ tabs.

What i am looking for is the formula that i got to enter in the main tab in order to pull the required data from the ABC and XYZ tabs for each date mentioned in each of the columns for each resource (that is ABC and XYZ) in the main tab.

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Macro To Update Data Sheet Based On Entries From Another Worksheet

Mar 7, 2013

I have a worksheet designed to look like a form. That worksheet pulls data from an "Application Data" worksheet using INDEX and MATCH formulas. That part works great. The user enters an Application number on row 8 and it populates all of the other cells. In fact, in cell O7 (not pictured), I have it generating the row number the data came from (based on a MATCH function).

Here's my question--if they go in and change a value in one of the other cells, they should be able to press an "Update" button. That will then kick off a macro that goes to the "Application Data" sheet, finds the row that has the Application Number (from row 8) and updates the values based on what the user entered on this form.

How do I write the statement that selects the row based on the Application Number?

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VLookup - Update Sheet A With Updates From Sheet B?

May 5, 2014

I have 2 excel sheets A and B

Sheet A has full list of (3000) of user names - First Name , Last Name and Email address

Sheet B has few UPDATED users (200) of user names from above list with UPDATED email addresses ( with First name , Last name and email address)

How should I update Sheet A with updates from Sheet B?

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Copying Data From Main Worksheet To Another

Apr 11, 2012

I have a main spreadsheet that lists all the members and profile URLs for members in a forum. In Sheet 1, Column A is the username and Column B is their profile URL.

In sheet 2 I have a list of the members who are in listed in a particular category in the forum. However, I don't have the profile URL data. What I want to do is create a macro that look in Sheet 1 for the username and if profile URL is thier, copies that into sheet 2 next to the appropriate username.

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How To Automatically Update Field Using Date

Apr 7, 2014

I'm trying to update an excel document which has a list of employees on it along with their training. Most of the training for individuals needs refreshed in the next year so wanted the table to use the date and perhaps trigger a fill colour change once they are close to needing that training. here's an example

John Smith
course 1
Completed 01/05/10
Refresher required 01/05/14

Once we get a month or two before the required date, I would like the fill colour to change to highlight that they refresher training should be organised soon.

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Linking Cells For Update On One Sheet It Updates My Last "customer Touch" On A Master Sheet

Aug 24, 2009

I am tracking my sales interactions and am trying to link cells so when I update on one sheet it updates my last "customer touch" on a master sheet. Current formula-

On "sheet1" I selected a cell and used this formula... =sheet2!$b$7

The problem is that I want to keep a history of what was in that sheet 2 B7 cell so i insert a row (making B7 move down and become B8) and enter new info into the new b7. if I go back to sheet1 the formula in the selected cell becomes =sheet2!$b$8 I want it to stay to =sheet2!$b$7 no matter what I do... insert rows, delete rows etc...

in short what i am trying to do is have a cell in sheet1 show my last interaction with the customer and keep a history of in sheet2-infiniti.... with the caveat that my last interaction on sheet 2 etc... is listed first (thus the insert row)

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Create New Worksheets Based On Range On Other Worksheet

Dec 21, 2011

I have file contains two worksheets. 1st worksheet named "list" and the 2nd one named "Template". I have a range in WS "List" let say a1:d20 that contains names. This range is not fix, it might be more or less. I need creating new worksheet using worksheet "Template" for the new sheets in the mentioned range as follow:

"Create new worksheet for each name in this range."

List is not unique, some names are duplicated. If the name repeated, create only one. Use worksheet template for each new worksheet created.

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Copying Specfic Data From A Main Worksheet To Several Breakdown Sheets.

Oct 21, 2009

I'm looking for a solution for my worksheet. I've got a main tab in which contains deposit data, I need to take the raw data format it and break it down into 7 different tabs. Each week a report is exported and then one for the actual month containing all the data. I’m currently manually recording some formatting macros because I haven’t learned to write my own yet. The number of columns in this report is always constant but the rows vary depending on the number of deposits. I have 7 tabs where the data from the main sheet will be broken down in. In my spread sheet I have the following headings. (A1)Date, (A2)Batch, (A3)Source (A4)Control (A5)Total Batch (A6)Total Variance

The information I would use to copy the rows to other sheets is going to be based on (A2).

Anything that starts with U65 would go into the U-65 tab.
1,7 or 8 would go to the lockbox tab.
2 or 5 = IN-HOUSE
Eh, WH, or WE = ACH

Finally the variance tab will contain any rows which have a number other than 0 Positive or Negative. My biggest problem is that I never know how many rows the data will have so when I recorded my macro I Started dragging my formats to about row 200. It could one day surpass this number so If I had a choice id set it to row 1,000.

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Two Worksheets - Copy Value From One Worksheet To Another Based Upon Index Match

Apr 27, 2012

I think I could get this to work but the INDEX command is not returning an index of the row like it is documented. It is returning the value in the cell. In order to get this to work, I need to return the index of the row. I need to know what row the match found the item on because the value I need to copy is going to be in column J of that same row.

I have two worksheets within 1 excel document.1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)

1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)

The other worksheet is a table from a database connection worksheet. (Name is ODBC_Products)

Each worksheet has a Sku column in it.

website-upload: Column AODBC_Products: Column B

Each worksheet has a QTY column in it.

website-upload: Column KODBC_Products: Column J

Goal: I would like to search the Sku column ODBC_Products and find a match for a sku that is listed in the website-upload sku column and then when I find that match, display the qty from the ODBC_Products worksheet to the website-upload worksheet.

Notes: I add columns and delete columns all of the time on this worksheet so I would rather do this in excel vs. a macro. I figure this can be done with something like:

Returns N/A



Returns an Error



Here is an example of what I have: [URL]

The website-upload image says Website Qty column (J). That is supposed to say column (K)

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Display Data From Sheets Based On Value In A Cell On Main Sheet?

Apr 29, 2014

I am trying to create a formula which will allow me to type a word in a cell on the Main sheet, and then pull any row from multiple sheets and display them on the Main sheet. For example, my sheet named Main looks like this:

1 Query:
2 Fruit Store Cost Mode Date

And there's a sheet for each month with the same format and different data:
1 Fruit Store Cost Mode Date
2 Apple Dominicks 1.99 Bagged 3/16/2014
3 Apple Piggly Wiggly 2.19 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
4 Banana Jewel 0.49 Bagged 3/1/2014
5 Banana Dominicks 0.57 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
6 Banana Costco 0.69 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
7 Cantaloupe Jewel 2.99 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
8 Cantaloupe Dominicks 1.99 Ala Carte 3/1/2014
9 Eggplant Jewel 0.99 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
10 Eggplant Dominicks 1.19 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
11 Eggplant Costco 1.29 Ala Carte 3/21/2014
12 Eggplant Safeway 0.79 Ala Carte 3/16/2014
13 Pears Jewel 1.19 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
14 Pears Dominicks 1.59 Bagged 3/1/2014
15 Pears Piggly Wiggly 0.99 Ala Carte 3/30/2014
16 Rhubarb Jewel 0.99 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
17 Rhubarb Piggly Wiggly 0.59 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
18 Rhubarb Costco 0.89 Ala Carte 3/14/2014
19 Tomatoes Jewel 1.99 Ala Carte 3/1/2014
20 Tomatoes Safeway 1.69 Bagged 3/30/2014
21 Tomatoes Dominicks 1.89 Carton 3/27/2014

... and so on. On my main sheet in Cell B1, I want to type a fruit name, such as Banana, and have every row in every sheet with Banana in column A,pulled and displayed on the Main sheet. Firstly, is this even possible with a macro?

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Copy Column Data From Multiple Worksheets To Single Worksheet Based On Header Criteria

Oct 18, 2013

I have a workbook with many sheets of similar but not identical data. I need to extract columns from each sheet based on 5 header criteria and paste them to a single sheet. Each worksheet contains these 5 criteria.

I've been working with the VBA script I've pasted below. It's grabbing the 5 column criteria that I have in sheet 12, and comparing them to sheet 1 in the workbook, then copying them to sheet 12. This much is good, but I need the script to also return the data from the other worksheets as well. I've tried modifying the script based on other loop functions in other scripts I've found, but I'm not having any luck.

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Updatelink;' Remove Or Disable The Message On Update To Other Worksheet " To Update All Linked Click Yes"

Apr 18, 2007

I have been trying to remove or disable the message on update to other worksheet " To update all linked click yes......" I have try the following unsuccessfully

Sub auto_open()
Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False
End Sub

On the menu bar choose Edit ---> Links Can not choose manual, as the option is grey out (disable) I would prefer a vba solution, but I am open to anything to get rid of this message

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Find Field Values In One Worksheet But Not In Second Worksheet

Feb 14, 2009

Starting with one worksheet with end date as one of the columns. I filtered the worksheet with end date > (certain date) and copied the results to a second work sheet.

The original worksheet has all courses with end dates from 1998 to 2009. The second worksheet has all courses with end dates > 2004.

How do I find out which courses have end < 2004. But do not also have an end date > 2004.

What I am trying to do is determine which courses are not longer being used since 2004.

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Setup A Vlookup For Each The Initiator Field For Each Threat In The E1, E2 Etc Worksheets

Oct 6, 2008

I need to create a vlookup function. here is how my spreadsheet looks like:

Threats - Fatigue, impact, external
Initiator - Stress, tension, anchor, vessel, etc etc
Section - E1, E2, E3 ......

1. First worksheet is the Data worksheet. It is a matrix of threats vs sections. Each threat has a few initiators. Eg.
Threat - Fatigue
Initiators - stress, tension, failure.

2. There is a separate worksheet for each section (E1, E2...)
3. In these section worksheets, the information of threats and initiators is displayed.

4. Problem: I would like to setup a vlookup for each the initiator field for each threat in the E1, E2 etc worksheets such that, all the initiators that have a yes in the data worksheet are displayed against the respective threats.

5. Attached: find the excel file.

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Update Pivot Table On One Worksheet When Change Occurs On Another Worksheet

Jul 24, 2012

Workbook contains the following sheets : PIR TrackerChartsSAMPLEFINALValidations

When a change occurs on PIR Tracker, the following occurs:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim Rng As Range
Set Rng = Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A500"))

[Code] .....

I also want the pivot tables on SAMPLE and FINAL to be updated. What do I need to do?

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