Precision, Or My Maths (Each Water Plant Can Provide A Certain % Water Coverage To All Properties)
May 15, 2009
I have a number of houses & a number of water plants (as in water processing plants, not the green kind!) Each water plant can provide a certain % water coverage to all properties. 'All Properties' is classed as the number of houses + the number of water plants. The 'coverage' as a percentage is given by the formula:
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Jan 1, 2010
I am making a chart for displaying the amount in inches that we have in the water tanks.
The idea is to have a setup like this...
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May 29, 2014
I am trying to create an interpolation for water flow in a given area. Tables below for better understanding:
Inputs Required
L2/A (Calculated)
[Code] ......
The idea is that when I increase the input area, I would like to interpolate between the RFFP frequency for the flow Q50/Q20 that best fits the area and provide me with a peak flow rate.
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Feb 25, 2014
We have a 2007 Excel workbook with the same "watermark" on every sheet. For some reason on 2 pages of the workbook the "watermark" has begun to show up in front of the data on spreadsheet rather than behind data. How do we highlight watermark and place behind data again? Watermark was added through the "Add Header" function originaly and is working fine on all but two worksheets.
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Dec 26, 2012
I like to use the combo box (Active X control). where I need to provide the range/List in the properties. While inputing the value in properties it is disappeared.
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Dec 11, 2012
I have a need to work out a scaled trend 1 - 10
for example if I have the following data set:
Product A
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Apr 11, 2014
I am trying to calculate the inventory coverage. In C3, I have the inventory amount as of january-end, which is 47,6 M. I want to know how many days of inventory I am carrying, according to the later months cogs figures. In this example, I calculated it as 110 days of inventory. is there a single formula I can use, to calculate the inventory coverage for january, and copy it accross the all columns?
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Dec 22, 2009
i used excel as a calculator but when i needed to make some effort to reach a solution for my problem it let me down, so i will write my problem
i have a record in my data base and i want excel to look if the record is in another range and apply some maths. so i wrote this formula
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Oct 6, 2009
I would like to create a formula that would verify that specific work shifts have been covered each day. The spreadsheet has already been created by someone else, so I am hoping not to recreate the wheel.
The goal is to make sure that all desired shifts are covered with a result in the last cell of the column that would indicate "covered", "not covered" or even a true or false statement.
As an example, an 8am shift is needed. The choices are 8A or 8ALEAD and only one of these is needed for each day.
Can something be set up with conditional formatting from a master list of required shifts.
such as: 7OR, 730*(for just 730 and 730LEAD), 11A, etc.
This is just a snippet of what the schedule looks like: ...
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Jul 3, 2014
So, I work in a large indoor grow facility, and as such, we need to keep an active, updated calendar of all activities that will need to happen in the grow. If something happens to a set of plants, we need to change to date of transplant into the next pot size and every transplant after that, as well as moves into the flowering room from the vegetative room.
I have tried to manually make a calendar (I'm not worried about auto-generating a calendar or auto-filling dates, only things that happen on those days.) and tie in this information, but I'm having issues automatically searching a column and finding the date, and then pulling more information from that row automatically. (i.e. If anything in Column E has the date 7/3/14, then fill the data from Column C and Column B on the same row.)
I'm attaching a copy of the spreadsheet that I am trying to pull the Data from, and a copy of the Calendar I mocked up.
FYI, the spreadsheet I am pulling from Automatically fills once you put in the Clone Date, and then if you add in an adjusted date, it will adjust all later dates from that same section.
I tried to find something other than Excel as well to do this for me, but AFAIK nothing exists to make the calendar update Live, only to reproduce a new calendar with the current spreadsheet. This is not an option, I need it to stay up to date.
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May 25, 2009
Basically I'm trying to streamline the way my company does it's metrics. I have a sample excel sheet attached. This data is copied and pasted into excel every week from our documentation operating system.
The numbers in red as you scroll down are time averages for that particular product stream which have to manually inputted which can be time consuming.
Would there be a way i could paste this info into excel and for it to insert these averages for each product stream automatically? It doesn't matter where these averages are placed, they don't have to be directly under the respective product stream.
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Aug 30, 2012
I'm a basic user of excel 2003. I recorded a macro that copy a teacher absent schedule to a daily cover schedule as follow:
Sub ABS_M1()
' ABS_M1 Macro
' Absent teacher monday 8/29/2012 by Oscar
' Daily cover schedule
End Sub
Using the same VBA: What function should I use to make the Sub ABS_M1 move down 4 rows to a new range on the cover sheet if the first Range ("B5") is already used and so on?
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Jan 29, 2007
I work at a cardboard manufacturing plant in the Q.A Department. Occasionally paper claims need to be raised due to the paper being faulty (out of spec.). I have attached a spreadsheet which at present works out the paper cost according to which paper grade is typed into a particular columb. But, paper price varies according to the width (i.e. Deckle) of the paper as well. And this is the variable which I have not been able to implement thus far.
The relevant columbs are 'D', 'E' & 'I' for the purposes of this formula... It should be noted that below this I have pasted in the paper pricing list... and that in general each paper grade has 3 different prices depending on the Deckle (i.e. paper width), so there are 3 possible prices which can be displayed depending on the Deckle inputted into columb 'E'.
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Apr 28, 2009
I have a program that uses a query to grab data from overseas. I have an issue where some precision is apparently lost and I was curious if there was a way around this.
As an example of what is going on I have a specific piece of data I am tracking. The value is 14.9 in the SQL database and it's datatype there is a real of length 4. After grabbing this item from the query I checked the record set and the value is still 14.9. After it reaches the worksheet though it is displayed as 14.89999962. The destination cell is currently formatted as General but I have tried Text as well. Both produce the same results. As this tool is very general I would not have it formatted as a number as I don't know what I am getting back exactly.
I know computers store real/single values inprecisely but I see it everywhere else as 14.9. I would think Excel would display what I am seeing. Is there anyway around this short of formatting the cell as number with 1 decimal place?
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Dec 14, 2006
I am getting a multiplication error in excel when I multiply 1796 X 156 the answer should be 280,176. However, I am getting an answer of 280,187 any suggestions? I am working with mutiple cells ect.
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Jun 10, 2007
This "If" wont work, does anyone have an idea why? I have try hard coded, with "" and without, i tried to assgind the field value to another double patameter and still nothing. This is my last try where i converted it to double type
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May 17, 2008
I want to have a restriction that the cell that is to be changed (not the target cell) must have a certain precision eg 0.1 or 0.01 cause i wouldnt want a solution where it changes to 73,67,I would rather it changed to 73,70
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Oct 14, 2013
Is there a way I can get excel (2007) to limit itself to 2 decimal places for all numbers entered? So effectively I don't want use the formulas TRUNC or ROUND (or any other formula) but I would like rather excel to behave like my calculator where I can limit the decimals to 2 no matter how many I input.
In other words, every time a input a number, excel will round it up automatically to 2 decimal places and the number available will have 2 decimals only. Is there any option hidden somewhere in the Excel options that I couldn't find?
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Oct 15, 2012
I am looking for a formula that will provide the right most value in a row.
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Jan 24, 2010
I have an excel sheet which has been exported from an 'Employee Attendance Software',
In the above screenshot, The employee name highlighted in Yellow should feauture in column A in the cells highlighted in Yellow.
Similarly, there are some other employees in the list for whom I have to populate the data in a similar fashion
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Feb 18, 2014
Suppose I have a file with many rows of data, some cells are colored (flagged with an error), in several columns C, D, E, F, & G. Not all cells are colored in each row. However I would like to add a column at the end that captures a count if a cell in the row is colored.
Referring to the attached example... I would expect a value of 1 in G3, 1 in H4, 1 in F6, 1 in H7, 1 in D8 and E8.
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Apr 14, 2014
I know there are better ways of doing this but I am working with an existing form and I need it to look the same.
Column O on Sheet1 has a link that use to open a document, now all the information is on Sheet2. On Sheet2 I have a macro that hides every Project except for the Project Number the user selects in B4 of Sheet2.
Can I create a link that will:
1) Select Sheet2
2) Enter the Project Number from Sheet1, current Row, column D to Sheet2 cell B4
I know a link can select a worksheet so I have #1 covered but I am stuck from there.
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Jan 19, 2008
how to put together a function that will provide for me 1 of 3 results, (0, 1 or 2). Example Attached.
What I would like to do is have a function to have the results for the "Pts" (D) Column be either 0, 1 or 2 based on the following.
PM (D)<1.84 (F:10) = 2
PM (D)<2.25 (E:10), >1.84 (F:10) = 1
PM (D)>2.25 (E:10) = 0
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Dec 4, 2009
I have a data output from MS Query that outputs full date/ time stamps, that is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss. I've tried =round(), =left() and setting the "precision as displayed" option in the advanced options for the workbook, but the full value remains.
I've also in the past seen other outputs imported into Excel (though not my own) come through with strange formats that can only be properly changed having used the "text to columns" tool, but this has made no difference either.
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Feb 22, 2013
I have two data points a Talk Time Value lets say 2:08 and the number of calls lets say 10 and need to pull the column heading value for the number of agents needed lets say 2. My "Grid" is saved in one sheet and the my variable data values are in another. I need to somehow pull the closet match of my talk time value 2:08 and the calls value 10 to match up on my grid and give me the Column Heading which is the number of agents. Which in this example would be 2 agents. Just for reference in my other sheet I have my Talk time Value in C3 and my Call number value in D3. I tried various Index and Match formulas but have not got the one that I need to work the closet I have is =INDEX(Sheet2'B1:D1,MATCH(D3,INDEX(Sheet2'B2:D7,MATCH(C3,'Sheet2'A2:A7,1),0))).
example: in Sheet 2
ColA Col B Col C Col D Sheet 1 C3= 2:08 D3=10
Row 1 1 2 3
Row 2 1:00 0 3 4
Row 3 1:15 1 5 6
Row 4 1:30 2 7 8
Row 5 1:45 3 9 10
Row 6 2:00 4 10 11
Row 7 2:15 5 12 13
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Aug 31, 2012
I'm fairly new to excel and trying to create a simple spreadsheet to provide a log of staff allocation. I've created a first a sheet displaying a table with a week of rota. The first column lists where the staff are placed, the first row the date and inbetween the staff member covering that date. There are 5 further sheets, one for each member of staff with a simple table - first column is date, second is allocation.
Back on the first sheet below the timetable is a further grid showing on the first column staff names, and below each date a formula =VLOOKUP( B$3,David!$A:$Z,2,FALSE) pulls information from the 5 sheets displying whether a memeber of staff is on leave or there allocation on that particular day.
The problem i'm having is trying to get the 5 simple staff sheet to pull data from the Rota ie. I need say B3 to look at the date in A3, find the same date on the Rota sheet, look for the relevent staff name below it (if present), and display the allocation from the first column on the same row as the staff member.
I've tried a combination of Vlookup with Match and Index with Match but nothing seem to work.
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Jun 8, 2014
Is there any Software / Excel Add-in to provide VBA Project Documentation? I'm looking for something that can tell me which code does what? Which codes and functions are related. What are the references (with Other MS Office products / foreign-objects if any). How many codes and code names
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May 14, 2009
I would like to a formula that will provide a weighted average rate (yellow cells) for a provided volume level, given the tiers on the left. I have already performed this the "dumb" way with lots of IF statements to figure the volume by tier and then taking a weighted average of the products with the rates by tier, but there's got to be a more efficient way. My file is huge! ....
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Mar 26, 2007
My sheet called 'Report' finds a type using a vlookup. I then have a sheet called labor, where I want to find put the total amount for labor using this formula: '=SUMIF(Report!$K$2:$K$65000;LABOUR;Report!$G$2:$G$65000)', but it only returns a '-'. I want the formula to return total amount from column G, if column K is type 'LABOUR'. Is my formula incorrect?
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Jan 6, 2010
I need to look at 2 different cells and have a 3rd cell provide a number based on the first two cells.
Column A: either 1 or 2 (2 results in +5)
Column B: either yes or no (yes results in a +5)
Column C: function would result in either 0, 5, or 10.
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