Cell 1A = Lot# Cell 1B = Last Name Cell 1C = First Name Cell 1D = Phone. I need Row1 to be repeated on each page. The list has about 200 names. We live in a senior community so the list changes quite often.
I have spent some time looking through the forum and even looked at Microsoft Excel help file and cannot seem to get exactly what I need. I have worksheets that I found the code on this site that I can put page breaks every so many rows. I have it set for 26 so it will break for every 25 counting the header. Here is the
Sub PageBreaks() For I = 27 To 760 Step 25
ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Add Before:= Range("A" & I) Next I End Sub
The problem I am having is when I print the first page it has the headers in them, for example.
LastName, FirstName, StuID, GrdLvl
How can I get a row placed right after each page break with with the column headers so each sheet I print will have the headers with the 25 rows of informatio. But then not be there after I print so If I need to sort I won't have a problem with all the headers.
I have a booklet I want to print from Excel 2000. I'm not seeing how to have the HEADER on page one only. The header is coming up on all pages. Is there a way to tell Excel to print the Header on page one only?
I have a database that starts on row 10 with header information in row 9 explaining the purpose of the data for each column. In rows 1 through 8 I have general information that when I print the database - I would want on the first printed page (as well as the beginning rows of the database) and have the remaining print pages be the remaining portions of the database but have the header row (row 9) at the top of each - like a header row.
I know how to goto FILE > PAGE SETUP > SHEET > ROWS TO REPEAT AT TOP: - but this will put row 9 at the top of ALL pages...which I want, but not on the first page. I'm ok with making a print button with a macro...but no idea where to begin with the vba code to do this.
I have this question for indentifying the last row (number) for each and every page to be printed.
As I am using a loop to determine the last row of the table in each print page, I am only able to do in "hard coded". And with this "hard-coded" row number, I can set bordering to the table so that table will not be printed without any border (for in between pages if table is more than a page)
But the problem is that I had discovered that once any other user start using wrap text, or even change the row height, the macro will still captures the pre-determined no. of rows to do the bordering (as shown in my code).
In my, I had restricted the zoom size so that the quotation will always be the same format. Hence, based on this control zoom, the printable page changes if the row height changes too.
Is there a way to 'lock' a page from being changed once it has been printed? It can be printed multiple times but want it to not be able to be edited once it has been printed. Thinking I could have a control button on the page maybe and once it has been checked ok to print then click the button and it saves it as is and uneditable?
Is there a way I can display the total of a column on each printed page?
I have a table which is about 6 columns long but is hundreds of rows down. I would like the total of one of these colums to be displayed on every printed page. Is this possible?
I have a excel file to print label on a label printer.I've added additional file in this message.I'm printing different numbers of labels with this file.for example, if I print 10 pieces of labels, I want to write 1/10 , 2/10 , 3/10 etc. on each label.I finded a vb code to print this work but not exactly the way I want.I would ask one of excel guru's to look at my file.
I want to have a number on this label preferably counting back from the quantity of print. So if I select 300 copies to print, the first label shows somewhere 300, the 2nd label 299, the third 298 and so on.
I use a button and macro for printing selected labels, so perhaps the reverse printing could be added there if only counting up is available.
Also to make it easier, a cell on the sheet can contain the number to count down from (this is preferred on thinking about it) So I could then print 20 labels from 300 to 280 say.
I have the following code to print a selection of data which is fine but i need to have in the code a different printer. So, for example my default printer needs to stay the same but when this spreadsheet is open i need the data to be printed to another printer.
I have a print macro that runs from a command button, when I use it the workbook goes to the sheet printed. Can I somehow make the workbook go back to a sheet of my choice? Here is the macro, The command button is on a sheet called Control Center, can I return to that sheet or stay at that sheet when I print?
Code: Sub Button16_Click() Sheets("OBS1").Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True End Sub
I have a sheet that changes the number of columns based on data from other sheets. This is the only sheet in the workbook that I will print out every day. I have it set right now to fit all columns on one page, however sometimes this will result in the bottom 1/3rd of the sheet not being used. If I use fit all rows on one page, then some of the columns will get cut off. Is there a way to scale in both directions? My guess is there is not, but I thought I would ask because it would work great for me if I could.
I need a macro that will print a hidden page that is linked to the page I have active.
It needs to be able to find the correct hidden page that corresponds to the active page because there are multilple pairs of the hidden/visible pages. The name of the hidden page is the same as the visible one with "printout" added to the end. When created, the sheet code names are sheetn and sheetm; n and m being consecutive numbers.
it was possible to have my header which is in row1 to printed at the top of every page without having to manually put it at the the top myself. this is for printing only as i have frozen panes to make sure its always visible when in spreadsheet
I lost the formatting in a 6 page spreadsheet. It repeated the top row, much as a header. I constantly delete and add rows, so it was nice to have the row in place as I scroll. It was better than freeze pane.
I need to paste the first 10 lines of every page with a header.
I do not want to use a header, I want to designate every page to copy the first 10 lines from the first page and add those 10 lines. The "header" can not overwrite current data but needs to push it down 10 lines.
I'm working on a simple spreadsheet with individuals divided among teams. Each team is separated by a page break, so the column displaying Team Name repeats the same team name all down a page, and then another team name all down the next page, and so on. I've been searching for a way to display one instance of each Team Name as the Page Header (or just at the top of each page) upon printing. I've included an attachment for reference.
I have a spreadsheet template whose Left and Center Print Headers are set to static values.
I would like to pass a single cell's data to the Right Print Header whenever I print the given spreadsheet.
I would also like the Right Print Header to refresh itself each time I print the sheet so that any possible change in the referenced cell will be accounted for.
i am trying to come up with some code to print many sheets in a workbook based on user clicking a button on each sheet.
I would like the code to be reusable and based on the activesheet, this way I don't need to write code specific for each sheet.
My first thought was to use something like ActiveSheet.UsedRange, but the rows may span several pages, so I'll need the header row to repeat on each page
Here's a snippet I recorded
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$2:$E$12" With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = "$2:$2"
But I can think of a way to use UsedRange but drop out about rows 1-4 which do not need to be printed on the reports
Number of Cols varys on every sheet as well and diff start/stop cols Ex one sheet A:G, another sheet C:T
I am trying to link what is in the header and footer with information contained in certain Cells. (I eventually want to have a user form to help input the information, but one thing at a time.)
How do I go about getting the following information into code so that I can update the enclosed code?
Left Header: Client Name contained in Sheet: "Table of Contents" B:1
I want to select a range in a spreadsheet and then set it as the print area. the last column I want to be selected is contains the text data "ABC" in row 1 and is the only column with data "ABC" in row 1. The last row I want to select contains the text data "DEF" in column 1 and is the only row in column 1 containing the data "DEF". Basically I want to select the range [A1:column("ABC")row("DEF")] and then set it as the print area.