I am trying to print a number of forms with a reference number however when i print i want the number to increase to the next one.
I have used
Sub PrintCopies_ActiveSheet()
Dim CopiesCount As Long
Dim copynumber As Long
CopiesCount = Application.InputBox("How many copies do you want?", Type:=1)
'Now the program wants you to input how many pages you like to print.
[Code] .......
However once i have ran it, save it, and then come back to it later to print again the numbers go back to 1 to 'X',
how do I get it to start from the last number printed?
I have written some code for a friend of mine, but I cannot test it because I currently don't have a printer attached to this computer. I am confident that it will work, but I would like a second set of eyes to confirm that I havent missed anything.
I have a userform with two textboxes. One of them asks how many copies of the invoice to print out, and the second one asks what invoice number to start with. THe invoice numbers are recorded in Cell I1.
Also, for the future, in a situation like this, is there anyway to test if the code would work without a printer? I tried substituting printpreview, but my computer locked up.
I have written some code for a friend of mine, but I cannot test it because I currently don't have a printer attached to this computer. I am confident that it will work, but I would like a second set of eyes to confirm that I havent missed anything.
I have a userform with two textboxes. One of them asks how many copies of the invoice to print out, and the second one asks what invoice number to start with. THe invoice numbers are recorded in Cell I1.
My company started using preprinted forms to print out delivery receipts with a dot matrix printer. We only need to print 2 pieces of data on this form at specific places, then move onto a new form and print the next 2 pieces of info. Ive tried searching and haven't found anything remotely related to this situation.
Essentially, we will have a spreadsheet with 2 columns with cells containing stock codes eg: StockA1 StockB1 StockA2 StockB2 etc
The number of rows will vary, one week may be 20 rows of info, the next may be 76 rows.
I need to be able to take the info in each row, and send it to the printer so that it prints in the right place of the form, and move onto the next row/page until all rows have been printed.
Currently, I have a spreadsheet with a bunch of empty rows, 2 rows where the info needs to be, then more empty rows followed by the next 2 items, empty rows etcetc...As you can imagine this could require some tedious reworking week after week as the number of forms to be printed changes each week.
There has to be a better way to do this! I havent got the experience of working with excel (or dot matrix printers)
I have a form made that needs to copy a value from another sheet. The Form is 10 rows 5 columns and and in format for easy print. On sheet2 I have a column where each row is filled with a name.
I need to put this name into sheet1, so in the the appropriate cell I put =Sheet2!B2 and it gives me the value (name) from the other sheet.
Then I want to copy the form bellow the 1st one so that I have the same form but with the next name, which means I want =Sheet2!B3 to appear when I copy, but since my form is 10 rows when I copy it the formula copies to =Sheet2!B12 instead of B3.
I need to make close to a thousand of this forms ready for printing and I would like to avoid having to manually set the formula for the next cell.
You will probably find this very easy but I am having all sorts of trouble making it work as I want to! Basically I need to do the following procedure...
1) Open an Inputbox to collect an eight digit number 2) Insert a column in A:A 3) In A1, enter a col header (URN) 4) In A2, enter the number that was collected in the inputbox 5) Enter sequential number from A2+1 to the last row
Ideally, this would be randomised, so after stage 2 do RAND(), sort, and clear contents, but if I can get the main part right I'm sure I can work that out!
I have a column that says either TRUE or FALSE this is dependent on what number i input into another cell, so if i input 8, TRUE shows on every 8th row,
I want the cells that say TRUE to also have a sequential number next to it in the column beside it.
Formula i have: =MOD(ROW(S2)-1,nth_No.)=0
So for example, every 3rd row is TRUE, i am wanting a sequential number beside it:
I have created a worksheet that uses lookup for the numbers that are in sequence but am unsure what formula to use when trying to lookup non sequence numbers as shown below.
Sequence No's Cell A1:A10 would be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (as example)
Non sequence No's Cell B1:B10 would be 2,5,1,7,3,8,4,10,6,9 (as example)
What do I use to lookup, if cell C1 = 1 and needs to find the No 3 from the Non sequence cells?
What I want is in column B to give the sequential count that each number is for that number. In other words in row one the number 4 appears for the first time and so the sequence number is 1. It next appears in row 4, so the sequence number there is 2, and for row 6, it is 3.
The completed table will look like this:
A B 4 1 3 1 5 1 4 2 3 2 4 3
Any formula for the cells in column B? My actual list is about 5,000 lines and so I need a formula that is not slow.
I have a column that is listing steps in multiple processes. I have each step 1 marked with a number 1 and would like to have a macro run that will read the column and when it sees a 1 move down to the next row and insert a 2, 3, 4, etc. until it hits the next 1 and then repeat the process. I am unsure how to build this as I am just starting to learn some VERY basic VB scripting.
I want to have a number on this label preferably counting back from the quantity of print. So if I select 300 copies to print, the first label shows somewhere 300, the 2nd label 299, the third 298 and so on.
I use a button and macro for printing selected labels, so perhaps the reverse printing could be added there if only counting up is available.
Also to make it easier, a cell on the sheet can contain the number to count down from (this is preferred on thinking about it) So I could then print 20 labels from 300 to 280 say.
Is there a formula that will add a number, in sequence, to the end of a text string to avoid duplicates?
I need to generate an ID number for transactions. This ID number is the Account Code-Last Two #s of the Year-Unique 3-Digit Number. So for instance, 5022-14-001 means it is the first transaction from account 5022 in the year 2014.
Column A has the Account Codes. Column B has the date of the transaction in MM/DD/YYYY format. So far the formula I have is:
With ???? being some function or set of nesting functions I need to create the sequential number. It needs to be able to say "Okay, this is the third instance of there being a 5022-14, so we need to stick -003 at the end of this."
Additionally, this "003" needs to be frozen, so if we change how the sheet is sorted and the line item moves around, it will still always be "003".
I am trying to do some basic VBA in my spreadheet, I just want to create an auto-open statement that inputs then next sequential number in column A1 every time the s/s is opened i.e.1,2,3,4 .....
I am using excel 2007 and my knowledge is very limited. I used a code:
Sub AUTO_OPEN Range("A1") = Format(Range("A65536"), "YYYYMMDD") & Right(Range("A1"), 3) + 1 End Sub
(the first time you open the file you would need to add the first entry '20021122001)
But this does not work and I get a compile error when run thru debugger.
Windows 7, Excel 2007. a formula to find the next lowest sequential number within a group.
Here's an example data set, which represents transactions by date and category:
Col A is a user entered Date which will not be in chronological order (unfortunately a sort is not an option)Col B is a user entered CategoryCol C is a formula that gives the chronological sort order based on the date.
The formula in C2:C9 is =COUNT($A$2:$A$9)-(RANK(A2,$A$2:$A$9)+COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)-1)+1Col D is a formula to determine if the row is the first chronological transaction within the Category
The array formula in D2:D9 is =IF(MIN(IF($B$2:$B$9=B2,$C$2:$C$9))=C2,"Y","")
This might not be a necessary column, but can be used as a helperCol E is where I would like a formula to give the next lowest value in Col C for the Category in Col B (the order number in Col C for the previous transaction within the same category).
I have entered in the values that the formula should return in Col E in the table below
If the current line is the first transaction of the category, the formula should return the value in Col C for that line (so E2 would equal the value in C2, which is 2).
So the first part of the formula could be straightforward, using the helper column: =IF(D2="Y",C2,
Here's the tricky part: If it's not the first occurrence of the category, then it should return the value of Col C for previous transaction (or the next lowest number in Col C that is within the same category).
E3 would return 4, since the previous transaction for Category A was line 9 C3 = 6, and of all the values of Col C for Category A (2, 4, 6, 8), 4 is the next lowestE4 would return 6, since the previous transaction for Category A was line 3 C4 = 8, and of all the values of Col C for Category A (2, 4, 6, 8), 6 is the next lowestE5 would return 1, since it is the first transaction in Category BE6 would return 1, since the previous transaction for Category B was line 5 C6 = 5, and of all the values of Col C for Catebory B (1, 5, 7), 1 is the next lowestEtc.
I'm thinking I need an array formula to find the minimum value within the category, where that value is less than the value of Col C in the current line. Just not sure how to write that...
A1 = 155 I need to print 3 pages where B1 is equal to 50 and 1 page where B1 is equal to 5. A1 may change, but B1 will always be multiples of 50, plus whatever is left over.
Cells L5 - L65 have percentages. B5 - B65 Have the associates names. I want to write something in another cell that looks for the highest percentage and then prints the name as the highest.
I've got an excel sheet that has a series of successive numbers down the side from 1-15 per sheet. I've done this by putting the cell formulas as previous row +1. (these are being used as unique reference numbers)
I want to be able to print this out multiple copies of this in one instance without having to manually adjust the first number multiple times then print the sheet. I also want it to be automatically saved as the most recent page printed, so that when it's printed the number continues on from the previously printed sheet.
I found a macro online which I have adjusted to increase a cell by 15 each time it is printed (to change the first number of the row). But I've realised that I'm printing the final page twice if I run the macro again. Is there any way to get round this? If I print 1 sheet there is also no adjustment in numbers.
I also haven't got onto the save part.
This is the macro I am currently using:
"Sub PrintSequence() ' ' PrintSequence Macro ' Macro recorded (altered) 8/16/2005 by Roy Wagner
I am trying to find a way to print an "entire workbook", but have each of the sheets paged as a group separate from the rest. One workbook typically has up to 20 sheets, with each sheet up to roughly 8 pages. I need each sheet set to show page 1 of 8 or page 5 of 8, not page 22 of 53. Counting and typing in the total number of pages in each sheet's footer is too cumbersome. Also, printing each sheet individually has also been cumbersome when printing to PDF. Are there any other ways to have the "&[Pages]" function only reflect the number of pages within the sheet instead of in the entire workbook?
i was stuck with some mass data which spans over many rows and columns. i am relatively new to excel and wanted to know how i can get this data arranged in a way where i can access all the data from a printable view. i have attached a file explaining basically what i want.
I'm struggling with getting my Excel worksheet to fit nicely on the pg for printing to .pdf. I could tinker with column widths manually to work this out for a printed report. But I need to print a couple hundred reports with varying column widths, so I need a vba solution.
The context is that I'm using vba to process two sets of interlinked data on a worksheet. I only want to print one set of data, and keep the second set out of the print view. To do this, I'm keeping the first set of data in columns 1 to 10 and the second set of data in columsn 21 to 30. I set the print range to only include columns 1 to 10.
This works fine for keeping the second set of data off the printed pg. The problem is that there is always a gap between the end of column 10 and the maximum width of the printed pg. Given the formatting of the report, this doesn't look very good.
I know that page setup offers the "fit to" option. This would work if I wanted to fit everything on the worksheet on the pg, but I don't. I just want to fit columns 1 to 10 to the pg. Is there a way to do this, allowing for varying widths in columns 1 to 10? Is there a way to do it via vba?
I have a 2010 Excel spreadsheet where I have a macro set up to print the page. What I need it to do though is to increase a number in a cell and display it each time I print the page.
If I post a logo into a cell of a table, and then later move the table, the cell won't move with it. How do I set it so that the image is locked into the cell of the table? I've tried googling it but all I get are results to set the background of the cell to be the image, which isn't what I want.
So I'm recording some data to my access database and am wondering why my data will randomly find a place (row to be exact) between existing records in the table. It doesn't always behave this way, but does periodically. I would like my newly added records to be added new, from the bottom of the table every time. What am I missing from my code?
Sub RecordOrders() Set iNv = Sheets("vnbinv") Ir1 = iNv.Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row Set wS = Sheets("1vnb") Call OpenSessame With rs
Is there a way to post a specific cell value into a url with macro. here is the macro. I want to Paste the cell value of A1 into the end of the URL. I have also tried to put the desired url in A1 and just reference that.
Adjust this code to output the differences in WS3 instead of WS2. I'm having trouble changing the worksheet in the code.
Ta in advance. Chuf
Sub CompBelowCol() Dim ListA As Range Dim ListB As Range Dim c As Range WB1 = ActiveWorkbook.Name WS1 = "EE" WS2 = "13" WS3 = "New Order" Set ListA = Workbooks(WB1).Sheets(WS1).Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row) Set ListB = Workbooks(WB1).Sheets(WS2).Range("M1:M" & Cells(Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row) For Each c In ListB If c.Value "" Then If Application.CountIf(ListA, c) = 0 Then With Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, "T").End(xlUp).Row + 1, "T") .Value = c End With End If End If Next c End Sub
I would like to know if there is a way to print several different workbooks at once but keeping my printing format which I would like to be Landscape and Fit to one page. Reason is simple as I work in a office where staff is handed in several jobs to do everyday. They finish the jobs and log all the info on the database. I log on to database and put all their daily diaries and because it is all over the place I have to go in each file and set printing preferences which takes an hour in the morning and hour in the evening. I could do with some sort of automation where all diaries are automatically printed in Landscape and Fit on one page.
I have a report that is generated from a manufacturing process that looks like the example below. the report is 40 pages long when all the data is printed. i am looking for a way to only print this range if a dimension is "out of tolerance". if the dimension is within tolerance, there is always the "garbage" text of plus and minus. if every row is "within tolerance" in the range the cells in the OutTol column would all contain the "garbage" text but it will not always be identical. so, in summary, actual OutTol values = print and all "garbage" = not printed.
I'm trying to set up automated posting from journal entries to ledger accounts.
What it boils down to is having XL match account numbers, from a 'Post Reference' column in a journal, with the corresponding ledger accounts (carrying the same respective account numbers) on another worksheet.
Then the transaction from the journal needs to be added to the identified ledger accounts in a sort of 'below-the-last-entry' manner.
I am trying to automatically insert a time into B and a date into A every time something is entered into C. I want the time and date to not change from the time it was posted. What formula will accomplish this?
I tried using if(C"",now(),"") while having Workbook Calculation set to automatic, but it would update every cell in column B every time I entered data into a new cell in column C.