Pull Down Menu Text Selection Linked To Other Cells
Jul 17, 2006
When selecting from a list of text items in a pull down menu in a cell how can you link that change to other cells to effect a change in them. An example would be if the pull down menu was in cell A1 and as a result of the text selected to be shown in A1 resulted in a need for the text in C3 to be changed as well as the formula in cell D3 to be change which will result in a numeric answer in cell D3. Not all of the choices in cell A1 will require that the text and formula be change in cell C3 and D3.
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Aug 28, 2008
In excel, I have created a table containing macro pull-down menus and text boxes.
The question I have is this:
In the properties table for my pull-down menu, I have the “ListFillRange” filled with the correct range of cells containing the data that I wanted stored in it.
The problem/solution I am having/wanting is to have not just one selection present, but many (to show up in the text box directly below it) since there will be some data that have many sub-data that need to be visible for the person who will be testing whatever…
All in all, I would like to know if there is a code that I can write in the Visual Basic window or the macro “view code” window that will allow the text box below to be filled with the information that is clicked on from its corresponding pull-down menu. Is this possible?
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Oct 18, 2008
I have a column with various drop down menu boxes and I need to add another selection to the menu list. My problem is, it's been so long since I did the drop downs, I have forgotten how to do it..
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Jun 3, 2014
How do I copy a Pull Down Menu from WS1 to all other Worksheets?
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Jan 1, 2009
I want to create a code that will allow my users to add in a loaction for a pull down menu. I have the pull downs and named ranges all set up. I just now need the code which will promp them message boxes for inputs as well as have the macro insert and paste in their inputs enlarging the named ranges.
Allsheets are password protected and the password is "techedit".
the first sheets name is: "DOR" and the seconds sheets name is :Menus (hidden)".
I need the first message box to ask the user "Name of Client?".
I then need the second message box to ask the user: "Name of Platform?".
And finally I need the thrid message box to ask users: "Well names on Platform?"
I then want the macro to go to the sheet named "Menus (hidden)" and insert the platform name (answer from question 2) followed by the names of the wells (answer from question 3), each well being on its own row directly below the platform name, into the named range called "alllocations". this should be inserted into the bottom of the range.
The macro then needs to expand the range of "alllocations" to include the newly inserted rows. It also needs to define a new range for the newly added well names. The name of this range should be the answer to question 2.
once that is done the macro should take the answer to question 1 and insert it into a named range of "clientnames", as well as change the range of "clientnames" to now include the newly added client name.
And finally take the location name and add it a range called "locations", it should also change the range Locations" to now include the newly added location.
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Jun 18, 2009
I'm trying to do a pull down menu with three selections - green,yellow, and red dots? I set up the data validation and referred it to a list. That is under Data Validation -> Settings -> Allow: List; Source: a range of cells where I put 3 colored dots(graphics). Now in the pull down menu when I select the first choice, it just gives me a black dot. The second choice gives me the same black dot. And so does the 3rd choice gives me a black dot.
So, how do I carry the 3 colored dots over? Or it's not possible using the Data Validation approach? If not what is the best and easiest way to go about doing this....
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Nov 30, 2007
We have Microsoft Excel 2000 and i have locked all worksheets separately. I have enabled Data Validation on a range of cells and enabled a list box. The way the workbook works is you log in with a name, the cell range references the names in each cell to another cell which was your login name. Those that match, after clicking a button will unlock those specified cells.
Then users can use the data validation listbox function to select only their name from the cell that was linked to the log in name box. (the users name that logged in only shows in the list). The problem is, all cells by default are locked in the range with the names in. You cannot delete the values in any other way, unless you unlock the cells. (at least thats what is supposed to happen)
My question is:
Is there any code anybody knows that i can use to make excel copy what excel 2003 does, im sure that the problem is a fault with excel 2000 and microsoft fixed it when they released excel 2003.
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Apr 29, 2014
Drop down menu that can pull data for 1 person at a time from Table?? (Even possible)
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Sep 16, 2012
See attached file - I would like to use the "Create Parts issue Report" Button to create worksheet titled "Parts Issue Report" based on the pulldown menu in cell B1 tab "Vehicle data" so each pulll down will generate a different "Parts Issue Report" when clicking the "Create Parts Issue Report" button. I think it needs to be a looping VBA to go thru the "Vehicle Data" rows and columns looking for the keywords "late" or past" as I only want a report created on that criteria. The output criteria I have label in the tab "Parts Issue Report" I can explain further if needed.
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May 1, 2013
How to create a dropdown menu to pick from two selections?
Basically, I have a 'Status' column and the status will always be 'Open' or 'Closed' and I'd like you just to be able to click a cell in that column and select one or the other.
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Jan 8, 2009
Included is an example of a spreadsheet I am working on. There are multiple choices within several different drop-down menu's. As of right now I have the 1st menu as the stage of completion of a car. Within the next few menu's are options.
If welded chassis is chosen, none of these options are included. However if roller or turn-key are chosen then some of these options are included. But then there are also upgrades to these parts that are included as well. Is there a way to make 1 option included when a roller is chosen, but then if you want the 2nd option in the menu, you click on it and it automatically updates the price next to it, therefore subtracting the cost of option 1 from the cost of option 2?
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Feb 27, 2007
I have a spreadsheet which is made up of 4 worksheets. I have a drop down menu on the front page (created with data validation). I want to be able to choose one of the 7 geographical areas from the drop down menu, then have a formula search through the other worksheets for rows of data with this geographical area in it. Any ideas on how to do this, I have tried with VLOOKUP but cannot get the formula to refer to the drop down menu for the first input, i.e. the geographical area that it should be looking to match.
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Jun 11, 2014
I am developing a spreadsheet at work that is very similar to one that I made at a previous job. I am using the same formula in each spread sheet, but the one I am developing now does not work, where the previous one works perfectly.
I have a drop down menu created with data validation. Each possible selection is one or two letters of text, or the selection can be left blank. The drop down is cell A12, and an example of the if function that is used many times in this spreadsheet is as follows:
In the previous spreadsheet, the function returns true only when the appropriate selection is made. In the latest version, it will return true if the appropriate selection is made, or if drop down selection is blank. I have been able to work around this with the following:
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Feb 21, 2014
Sheet 1 has a table of prices. There are 7 columns labelled 2 thru 8 and two rows, labelled 1 and 2. Each combo has a separate price.
Sheet 2 has a weight specification (1 or 2 referring to the rows in sheet 1) and a drop down menu with options 2 thru 8.
When I choose a number from the drop down menu, let's say 5, I want to populate another cell with the value from sheet 1 of column 5 on row "whatever the weight spec is", let's say 2.
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May 4, 2009
Hi guys i am in assistance of your brilliant brains, i have a working drop down menu which when selected i can select my data range such as below: ...
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Aug 19, 2014
I have created a drop-down menu combobox of districts and depending on your choice of districts the list of Health Centers in each district changes. What I want to do is to protect the contents of the cells that contain the health centers. The problem is that when I lock the cells and I choose a district, the Health Center cells cannot change because the cells are locked. Is there anyway around it?
I have attached the sample (Please look at sheet 2. The column that I want to block is the column FOSA)
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Jun 13, 2008
i am considering the use of custom menus in an Excel application. is it possible to limit the selection of menu items for each worksheet? for example, sheet 1 all menu items are available, sheet 2 all but 2 menu items are available, sheet 3 all but 5 items are available.
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Dec 15, 2009
Attached is the file i am working with. The table spanning from A:AA5:16 contains hours worked per day of the week with respect to the Project chosen from the drop down menus in A7:16. Cells in the range of F,K,O,R,U,X,AA7:16 total those hours worked on a daily basis. The table below should sum the total hours worked per day according to the Project selected in A19 from the drop down menu, with respect to the Project(s) chosen in cell range A7:16. For example, if i am looking for total hours worked Monday on Project RSB i select "RSB" from the drop down menu in cell A19, i want cell F18:19 to be the sum of cells A7 and A9, with respect to the Project selected from cells A7:16. If I select "FRG" from the drop down in cell A19, i want cell F18:19 to reflect the sum of cells F8 and F10.
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Jun 9, 2014
I've got a drop-down menu with four options in it that match up with the cells D11:D14, and next to those I've got spots for counting the totals (E11:E14). Next to the drop-down I've got plus and minus buttons, and I need to make it so if I have the top option selected in the dropdown and press plus, it adds +1 to E11. Second option and the same plus button, +1 to E12, and so on.
The purpose is for a call tracker, the employee would select the reason for the call (maybe more added later) and hit the button to add the call to the report.
I've looked so I know you normally ask for what I've got so far, and that's nothing. I've got all the other buttons wired up but I don't even know where to start with this one. I can include a screenshot if necessary.
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Aug 5, 2006
I filtered my database in such a way that i end up with a list in which different companies are shown.
For example:
Companies (column A)
Now i want excel to count for me the number of different companies active (so in this example it would be 3, that is MER + TYH + INT). Does anyone know how to make this formula?
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Nov 29, 2012
I have a spreadsheet that has a long list of charges... some of those charges have multiple codes attached to them... when this happens I am wanting to group them together and let the user pick which one they want to view at one time.
Here is a very small example of what exactly I am referring to... with charge #14 I am wanting it to combine and let the user pick between 2565 and 2566. The problem is that the values can range and will not always be 2565 & 2566 and there is 10,000 + records similar to this.
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Oct 15, 2009
I would like to be able to add comments to cells within a table (Sheet1 in my sample workbook). once those comments are created, i would like the text of each comment to be listed on another worksheet as text within the cells (sheet2 in my sample workbook). the only thing i could find was how to add text and create a comment for a certain cell.
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May 31, 2012
I have a workbook with two sheets. The idea behind the workbook is an Interview Guide to be used just before an Interview. For now my problem is this.
Sheet 2 "Competencies" is just data. It stores competencies with their associated definitions and questions.
Sheet 1 "Control Page" is the sheet where the questions will eventually go. The user (Interviewer) will input data on the first two pages which will include name of candidate, date of interview etc. but they will also select 5 Competencies from the already existing drop down menus on page two. From there as the selections are made I wish for a code to copy the corresponding definition on sheet 'Competencies" to cells lower down in sheet "Control page".
I don't see a place to upload a file as I have a sample of the sheet ready to go.
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Jul 2, 2007
I need to find text within middle of a string.
Character before required text is say AAA
Character after required text is say BBB
Text required can vary in length.
Extract text and place in another column.
All text in a single column, required text not in every line. but
does repeat.
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Jul 31, 2009
I have an excel workbook with two sheets. Sheet 1 has a list of people names, rank, address, and phone numbers. Sheet 2 has boxes where a user can select a last name from all last names in sheet1. What I want to happen after the user selects the last name in sheet 2 is for it to automatically fill in the rest of the data (ie Rank, First Name, Address, city, Home phone number, Cell Phone number). What do I need to do in order for this to work?. Attached is a very small example of my much larger project.
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Jul 9, 2014
I have linked two workbooks together but now need to be able to convert that linked data to straight text. I have a v-lookup in the report that needs this to be this way. I do not want to use paste special values because that would defeat the purpose of linking the two pages.
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Jun 8, 2014
I would like to create a formula that will sort the numbers in column B, there are also equal numbers in this column
The difficult part is that there is text in column A, and is linked to the numbers
So if numbers are sorted the names should be sorted in the same way as well.
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Dec 8, 2013
I am trying to return the value (date) of a construction schedule by searching for a specific construction activity ID number. Is there a method I can use which incorporates a text search so that as the schedule grows (cell locations shift down) the lookup function still follows the unique activity ID?
Below is a sample of row of the ID I must search for, and the date I must return (on a separate excel file):
Activity ID
Start Date
End Date
Supporting Walls to UPTS Slab 3
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Jun 18, 2007
I have a list of football fixtures that I want to pace in date order. The fixtures are however linked to a grid which has the following formula =IF(FIXTURES!C1="","",FIXTURES!C1 )
so that a zero doesn't appear until a result is actually added. Unfortunately when you sort the fixtures into date order the grid still looks at the original square, NOT the moved one appertaining to the fixture.
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Jun 18, 2008
Has anyone ever seen a problem like this? The Legend text is not displaying what is in the cell reference and I cannot figure out why.
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