RANK With Several Conditions (like For The SORT Function)

Feb 5, 2007

In the RANK() function I can rank a value depending on one set of values (one condition), but when you SORT data you can choose a second (and a third) condition.

Is there a way to RANK with two sets of values (two conditions)?

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Rank & Sort Table: Unique Numbers Sort Ascending, But The Non-unique Numbers Sort Descending

Oct 5, 2007

I have a list in rows where I have a ranking formula =COUNT($G$5:$G$81)-(RANK(G5,$G$5:$G$81)+ COUNTIF($G$5:G5,G5)-1)+1 When I sort the rank, ascending. All of the unique numbers sort ascending, but the non-unique numbers sort descending

ex) 1.751

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Sort Rank Data

Jan 20, 2010

I have a table that goes from columns A-AF and Rows 5 - 18
In column A I have a name and in AF I have a Rank based on the results of other factors and calculation in colums B-AE.

I would like to ahve another table under my current table that will sort the rank is order 1-14. and have the store and the place it is rancked in order.

I was hoping it was a simple Vlookup formula but I cannot seam to make it work.

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Sort Names Based On Rank.

Feb 12, 2009

See the attached spreadsheet. I have people's names in cells A2:A5. These names have a rank value in cells B2:B5. What I would like to do is create a formula that sorts/orders the names in cells A2:A5 according to the rank in cells B2:B5. The results I would like to achieve are shown in A8:A11. I am aware of the "Sort" function in the "Data" drop down menu, but need to leave cells A1:B5 as they are.

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Sort By Rank Accounting For Ties

Jan 2, 2010

I have a custom sort order that I use for sorting military ranks in a number of massive spreadsheets I am using. Normally the data we get has a long version for the ranks (column 1) and a rank code (column 2). When the rank code is there it is simple to sort by that column in descending order, but without it I need a custom sort. The problem is there are up to three equivalent ranks at each level across Army, Navy and Air Force as you can see in the attachment.

Is there a way I can set up a custom sort based on both columsn of data but sorting only on the second column. I could do vlookups but there are up to 50,000 rows and I don't really want to keep that formula there, and as I use it across multiple sheets (yes I know all one sheet, but it is segregated data and used in different situations) including a vba written value would have to occur for every row on every sheet - not the best option in my opinion - maybe it is.

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Count Duplicates In A Cell Then Rank Them And Sort Them

Sep 13, 2006

I would like to have the duplicate numbers in position one ( cell D9:D18), position two (cell E9:E18) and position three (cell F9:18) all counted and then ranked based upon date range in column A.

The number order of precendence is 0-9 with zero being the lowest.

Column (I9:I18) counts the duplicates, draws and no draws of digits 0-9. Column (J9:J18) converts results from column I9:18 into a percent.

I need to add a sort button at the bottom of position 1 (columns H & I 22), position 2 (columns L & M 22) and position 3 (columns P & Q 22)

When the sort button is selected it will sort the data by # of repeats, draws, and no draws as illustrated in (columns I, M & Q) or sort data by Position number from 0-9 as illustrated in (columns H) which will then show data of repeats and percentages out of rank order, because it is in order of number precedence.

Last but not least a graphic bar chart that shows the results ranked highest to lowest from when the sort button is selected with the number at the top of the bar colored black. Bar graph colors to be: top 3 red, middle 4 yellow and bottom 3 blue. This should show a vertical cascade effect.

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Jul 26, 2007

I am dumping data out of SAP, including the following fields:

* Vendor
* Material
* PO #
* Qty
* Amt
* Date

I would like to concatenate the material and vendor and pull in the PO # for the most recent date.

The VLOOKUP part is easy on the material/vendor, but I haven't had any luck in integrating a MAX, LARGE or RANK function to pull in the PO corresponding to the most recent date.

Once the PO # associated with the most current date can be identified for the material/vendor combination, I will need to utilize another vlookup to match the PO # up against a separate data file to pull in pricing. If anyone can think of a way to accomplish this in one step as opposed to multiple formulas.

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Rank Function With Condition

Apr 25, 2006

I need to use the rank function to get the position of each item in a list based on its corresponding Revenue. However, the range that has the revenue numbers also contains a percentage related to that item. Basically, I need to use RANK based on a list that ignores any elements which are <= 1.

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Using Rank Worsheet Function In VBA

Aug 22, 2006

I am trying to rank number that do not have a specific adress. My problem is that I do not know how to define all parameters of this function

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Breaking Ties In Rank Function

Jun 21, 2014

I am trying to break ties in the Rank function.

Example worksheet attached.

I have an eight digit number (a digit can show up more than once) and determine the rank of the sum of each number. I had the ties broken by whatever digit showed up first.

In the following example, June 13th row showed 6 digits tied for second place and the tie was broken by the order in which the digit show up in the range.

On the June 14th row it showed digit 4 and 5 tied with 3 occurrence each (running total for the two days). But digit 4 came in twice that day, and reach a total 3 first before digit 5, but Rank2 shows that digit 5 was ranked first, which should of been digit 4.

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How To Break Ties In The RANK Function

Dec 8, 2008

I am using the RANK function to rank the data in several rows. There are some times ties in the result.

I want to break that tie by taking the greatest value in a different cell in that row
Greatest value wins the tie.

same situation if there are multiple ties (4 "RANK"'s of position 2) ...

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Rank Function Ignoring Only Zero Values

Sep 12, 2013

I'm trying to rank the values in row 94 while ignoring only zero values and including positive and negative values. I'd like the function to rank the values in descending order, beginning with the most positive value and ending with the most negative value while ignoring all zeros. The function I've come up with so far ranks the positive values correctly and ignores the zeros, but the negative values are ranked as if they come after all of the zero values instead of being ranked immediately after the smallest positive value. Is there a way to fix the function below to make it do what I want?


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Adding Text To Rank Function

Aug 12, 2008

I am trying to rank a list of numbers, such as:


I have no problem with the rank function in terms of the ties showing as duplicate values, however, when this occurs I would like a "T-" to appear before ranks that are tied, and show nothing if they are not tied. Essentially, I want the final result to look like this, without having to manually add the "T-" after the ranking is complete.
1 T-5 3 T-3 5 1 3 T-3 4 2 1 T-5
I have done more complex Excel formulas before, but for some reason this is stumping me.

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Rank Function With Array Inputs

Mar 10, 2009

why this returns a #Value! error?


I just used the even row selector as an example.

MAX(IF(MOD(ROW(F3:F9),2)=0,F3:F9)) returns 203 and IF(MOD(ROW(F3:F9),2)=0,F3:F9,E1) returns {0;47;0;203;0;"A";0}
when you press F9.

If I change the range to exclude the non-numeric value I get the same error (it shouldn't matter according to the help file as non-numeric values are ignored).

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Rank Function And Percentage Ties

Jun 23, 2009

I am a meteorologist and I keep track of my forecaster's monthly statistics. One area I track is percentage of warnings issued with desired lead time. I calculate and rank the individuals by percentages.

Forecaster A: 3 of 4 75% Rank 1
Forecaster B: 1 of 2 50% Rank 2
Forecaster C: 0 of 3 0% Rank 3

Or if ties:
Forecaster A: 6 of 6 100% Rank 1
Forecaster B: 3 of 3 100% Rank 1
Forecaster C: 1 of 2 50% Rank 3

Is there a way in Excel in case of ties, to award a higher rank (1) to the individual who went 100%, 6 for 6, compared to the individual who also earned 100%, but only 3 of 3.

More reward for more chances and opportunities.

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Rank Function In The Top Ranked Column

Jul 23, 2009

I have 3 columns, A B C: Distribution Center, Sales, and Top Ranked. What I am trying to get is a Rank function in the Top Ranked column that looks for the highest value in the Sales column, but returns the Distribution Center associated with this Sales value instead of the actual value. I could get this done with some helper columns and a VLOOKUP, but the report is rather large and the VLOOKUP not only slows it down but also pushes the file size over the limit. Also, I will be using this for metrics other than Sales where I'll be looking for the highest and lowest figures, so if a Max or Min function works better, that would be fine. I just haven't been able to figure out how to have it return the associated data instead of the ranked data.

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Custom Function To Rank Two Ranges

Oct 4, 2007

i have a function ("function1") that takes a range as an input:

function1 (a As Range) As Double

i have another function ("function2") that internally creates an array "a" that I need to be the input for function1. I tried, inside function2,:


but of course (?) it does not work...

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If Statement (sort Data Similar To Below Using The Following Conditions)

Oct 26, 2008

I need to sort data similar to below using the following conditions. If the total of A's is greater than 4 they get an A. If the total of E's is greater than 4 they get an E. If they have more A's than E's, assuming they have at least 4 of each then they get an A. If the total is 5, but they don't have 4 A's then they get an E

John 235 ( so this one should get E)
Mary 459 ( This one should get A)
Tim 112 (This one shouldn't get anything)
Jane 145 ( This one should have an A)
Sam 415 (This one should have an E)

I would like this to sort in one cell - I can do this over 5 cells - but not in one.

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IF-THEN Function For Many Conditions

Nov 23, 2008

I have attached my sheet. I want to apply IF-THEN formula in P1 cell in this condition:-

IF C1=Y then =IF(OR($D$4="",M8=""),0,IF($D$3="USD",J8,IF(J8="na","na",J8/ D$4)))


C1=N then=IF(OR($D$4="",M8=""),0,IF($D$3="USD",M8,IF(M8="na","na",M8/$D$4)))

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Another IF Function With Multiple Conditions?

Mar 1, 2014

My spreadsheet looks like this:

Column A: Individual
Column B: Not used in formula
Column C: Not used in formula
Column D: Location
Column E: Duration in Minutes
Column F: Pay (Column E)*(Column G)
Column G: Formula

(simplified version listed below)


To be clear of what I'm trying to achieve:

When in location 1 & 2 (Column D), the pay for each individual is a different rate depending on the duration in Column E, but when in Location 3, the rate is consistent no matter what the duration.

My question is:

How do account for individuals who aren't individual1? That is, my understanding of the above formula is that I need to list each individual that will appear in Column A for it to work. What if I just want to apply the above to individual1, but apply some other calculations to all other individuals?

I had tried adding these lines (with their corresponding closed-parentheses at the end)


But it doesn't work. I'm guessing it's some sort of OR, but I don't yet grasp how.

I should note that my formulas are all on one line in my spreadsheet, I just have them on separate lines to make it easier to find my way around.

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Ranking Function According To Conditions

Mar 13, 2012

I want to rank the employee corresponding to their overall rate while satisfying two conditions. Below written is how database will look like with different departments and employee names. I want function should give the employee rank when I enter his/her name and department. Check below for graphical view:

ABCD1Employee NameOverall RateDepartment
Employee Performance 1314Search: Enter Folowing15Enter Employee Name:Andy16
Enter Department:HR17Employee Detail18NameAndy19DepartmentHR20
Overall Rate121Ranking within Dept.#REF!22Department Average1.43

When I enter employee name in c15 and department in c16 i get all the desired values apart from rank.The formula which I use for rank is as appended below:


If i but the cell range as b2:b10 instead of INDIRECT("IF(C2:C10=$C16,B2:B10)") then it give rank by considering all the values in that cell range. My problem is how to define the desired cell range. which gives me rank for HR department only.

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IF Function With Multiple Conditions

Jan 5, 2010

I am having serious trouble trying to make this work:

I need to create an IF function for the following:

If B13

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Check Sum Then More IF Function Conditions

Jun 22, 2008


I have a small issue with the formula above. Basically the sheet is used to input start and end time of shifts and create breaks and lunches accordingly. The formula above resides in column S. Basically it warns us if the end of the shift is over 4.00 hrs past the end of the last lunches. A shift can have no lunch, one lunch or two lunches. H10 would be the start of the first lunch, R10 is the end of shift, I10 is the end of the first lunch, AH1 = 4:00 or 4:00:00 AM, N10 is the end of the second lunch.

What happens is that if there is no lunch given in cells H, I, M, N or in this case H, I, N then I get a strange number. For instance, I put in 6:00 for the start time [E10] (actually we input military time and the result is displayed in AM or PM) and the end time as 8:00, then I get a result of 8:00 in the S column [titled +4hrs warning). 6:00 to 9:00 results in 9.00 hrs., etc, When we input a six hour shift, a lunch is automatically starts in H10 and ends in I10. Once this begins, the formula works correctly.

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More Than 3 Conditions For The Conditional Formatting Function?

Apr 24, 2002

Can I have more than 3 conditions for the conditional formatting function?

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Match Function Based On Multiple Conditions In VBA

Jun 7, 2013

I am trying to write a code in excel vba where I need to match specific text in multiple columns and if text is matched then I need to insert new blank column after the specific text.

My code is like this.

Dim Col_num As Integer
Col_num = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match("Customer Defined 06", Range("6:6"), 0) + 1
Cells(6, Col_num).Select

This code is working fine in single condition but when I enter another condition then its giving me an error i.e Type Mismatch.

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Intelligent Sort Function

Jul 13, 2007

I have a table with a number of columns of data.

Column A cells have a text string that has a number at the start of the line.

The table is constantly adding additional results (rows) every 5 minutes or so.

Can I dynamically identify rows via the number at the start of column A and copy all cells in that row to a different worksheet?

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Sort Function Greys Out And Can't Be Selected

Oct 10, 2009

-Problem on all workbook tabs
-Problem persists when port of worksheet data is copied to new workbook.

-New workbook with newly typed data will allow sort.
-Can't get my existing workbook sort to work.

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Keep Cell Colours Regardless Of Sort Function

Jan 8, 2010

I have a vertical list where every other cell is coloured grey. The values contained in the list are regularly sorted into alphabetical order with new values being added and other being removed.

Is there a way to keep the cells alternate grey & white after I have sorted them? Currently, when I sort, if a cell is coloured grey and is moved down one cell the colour is moved and not just the values.

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Using Sort Function In Macro Crashes

Jun 3, 2009

I have a report I produce where I take an XML file, sort it and run some simple formulas then sort another way and run a few more formulas then update a pivot table. The XML files I'm using have the same headers but vary in length. When I set the macro up for a particular XML file everything works fine. When I import another one (different size) I get the error message:

Run-time error ‘1004’:
Sort method of Range class failed

When I look at the code I see that the range is fixed to the XML file I used when setting the macro up. Is there a way to auto-select the table in the macro so I can run the same macro on any size XML?

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Count Function Or Formula To Sort?

Jul 1, 2014

I have data in table which look like this




[Code] .........

I Want a formula that will enable excel to give me the number of students with Av.

>= 18
>= 15 but not > than 18
>= 10 but not > 15

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