Reference Last Row In Sumif VBA
Mar 20, 2009
I recorded this sumif in VBA, but know I am trying to figure out how to tie in the last row reference in place of the 27.
FormulaR1C1 = "=SUMIF(R2C44:R27C44,RC44,R2C:R27C)"
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Jan 18, 2010
How can I reflect the correct trainee count for Day1-Batch1?
Currently columns F,G,H computes for expected, actual and total variances of trainee respectively reference to the training date J3.
Since this is a 2-day per batch even, I could not capture the 1st day trainee total of every batch because I divide the sum by 2 (2 day / training batch). The sum is only corrected on the 2nd day.
Attached herein is the sample file.
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Sep 15, 2006
See attached for an example. I'm trying to use the SumIF funtion with a named reference as the criteria. Here is my formula. =SUMIF(B10:F10,"<MinReq",B10:F10) It keeps returning 0 even though there is valid data.
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Oct 15, 2013
I am trying to use the sumif and indirect function together but I keep getting an error and I'm not sure why.
Actual formula:
Using the sumif/indirect function, I have the following:
> Cell B5 contains the name of the tab "SWG OR"
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Jun 29, 2006
I attached a file I made conditional formatting on cells C4..G6 which makes any number less than value in cell C15 invisible. In line " Total" I used SUMIF formulas which ignore any value less than 30. However the formulas should not contain static numbers but rather a reference to cell C15. But I simply cannot make it work.
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Feb 27, 2007
I'm trying to reference a cell on another worksheet in my criteria and the formula doesn't seem to be working. All I get is a value of 0.
= SUMIF(G3:G76, ">='City Wide'!B6",I3:I76)
If I replace 'City Wide'!B6 with an actual number the formula works. This does not help as 'City Wide'!B6 is a value that can change.
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Dec 1, 2007
I have a list of codes from which I'm trying to extract all unique entries.
For example, col A has 001, 001, 002, 003, 003, 003, 004, ...
I'm trying to create a report template with formulas that reference col A and return a single unique entry for each code so that the new column has only 001, 002, 003, 004.
Essentially, the codes reference customers. A customer can have multiple purchases -- but I'm trying to create a report in which I can utilize SumIf formulas to Sum the purchases for each customer and represent those purchases on a single line per customer code.
The catch is that the purchases change monthly (i.e., next month the purchases may be 001, 002, 002, 002, 004) so my report template needs to have the flexibility to adapt without me rewriting the SumIf formulas and return SumIf results for only customers 001, 002, 004. Whereas in the prior month, the report returned SumIf results for customers 001, 002, 003, 004.
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Oct 25, 2007
I am trying to pull cell values similar to a SUMIF function (SUMIF(range,criteria,sum_range)). For example, in A1 I use a data list created from data elsewhere on the spreadsheet. In the data I created elsewhere, there are 2 columns being used. The 1st column is the information that is being used to create the list and the second column contains specific values (number or text). In the dropdown menu I select an available value (text or number) . When I have selected that value I would like cell A2 to show what the cell directly to the right of it shows from the data I have elsewhere in the spreadsheet as mentioned. I have tried the SUMIF function however it seems to exclude certain values (number or text) and I am not sure what else to use.
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Sep 17, 2009
I need to perform 2 SUMIF's on 2 columns of data to return a result and I'm not quite sure the best way of doing this. I'll give an example below.
I have 2 columns of data, both numeric and the SUMIF needs to say if H1:H100="10" and also if J1:J100="907". I can perform one or the other but not both.
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Apr 21, 2009
I have many kitchens using the same recipes. I need to distill information down until I've got a summary of how much is being made. Uploaded is a condensed version of the point in the process I'm having difficulty with. This workbook will pull information from 8 other workbooks and give me excatly what everyone made on any weekday.
And from there, with the kind help of this forum, I figured out how to do a SUMIF based on the recipe number. And it summed up all instances of 'Recipe X' being used. However, it continues to SUMIF itself all the way down the page... which is good, because of how recipes are chosen for each kitchen. However, I only need to report one instance of each recipe.
In the uploaded example (and I apologize for the colorful sheet, but it helped me double check what I was working on.) ... I only need to report the PURPLE results elsewhere... the first instance of each SUMIF.
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Feb 27, 2012
I am wanting to use these two formulas in one cell. Is there anyway to do this? If "AD3" is 0 I want this =SUM(X3:AC3) and then if cell "AD3" is greater than 0 I want to basically use this formula
Is there anyway to merge these two formula's?
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Feb 4, 2014
I have encountered some difficulty in modifying a macro I wrote into what I need. I created a macro that searches a column (Column C) for a cell value of, "stop", and then it copies everything above that cell and pastes it onto another sheet. In the sample data set that I was using, "stop" first occurred in cell C541, so the macro copies C1:C540 and pastes it onto another sheet. The problem is that the macro created an absolute reference to C540. What I desire is for the macro to use the 'Find' function to locate the first occurrence of, "stop", offset one cell above that cell, and then reference the active cell (which was positioned by these last two steps) in the range that should be copied. Basically, I'm hoping to have cells C1 through the active cell copied and then pasted onto another sheet.
Code below.
Sub FAIL()
' FAIL Macro
Selection.Find(What:="stop", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
[Code] .......
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Mar 6, 2008
A 'Days Attended' cell (N8) and a 'Days Absent' cell (O8). N8 needs to count the number of "Present" values there are on another worksheet. The other worksheet has dates across the top and names down the side.
When i use
=COUNTIF("Attendance!C9:Z9", "Present"),
and the next date comes along the formula changes to
=COUNTIF("Attendance!D9:AA9", "Present")
ie. the reference moves a column across - the new date's absent or present is not counted. Using =COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Attendance!C9:Z9"), "Present"). is no good because when i add a new name i need the row reference to move down as a row is inserted. ie. both person's formulas count the same row. So, my question: I need the columns to stay the same - C:Z (leyway for future dates) and the rows to change as i insert or delete people from the system.
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Mar 11, 2009
I have a table that displays data from another worksheet. This is what the cell reference behind the table look like:
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Feb 15, 2010
I have lets say 12 months of data. I have formulas that reference the latest 6 months. When I insert a new column to input a new month, how can I make the formulas include the new months without manually updating them.
12 months of data exist in cells B3:M3 going from B3(oldest) to M3(newest). Formulas reference latest 6 months of data in cells H3:M3. When a new month hits, I insert a column after column M.I would like the formulas to now reference cells I3:N3 which is now the newest 6 months.
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Jul 14, 2014
Is it possible to reference a cells value to define a range reference?
[Code] ......
I am trying to define the row value in the range reference with a value in a secondary cell?
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Jul 20, 2014
I have a workbook with 1000+ worksheets, all of which have 3-letter names. On a master sheet, I would like to make a query of how many non-empty cells there are on a subsidiary worksheet. This works:
What I'd like to do from time to time is input in column A a varying set of 3-letter worksheet names, say
And have a formula in column B that converts this to
I've learned that simply substituting the cell references A1, A2, A3 for AAB, ABC and CDE doesn't work. What do I need to do to achieve this?
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Mar 26, 2009
=INDEX(INDIRECT('Quote Detail IP'!$C$10&'Quote Detail IP'!$C$5&"!$A:$DC"),MATCH(B1,INDEX(INDIRECT('Quote Detail IP'!$C$10&'Quote Detail IP'!$C$5&"!$A:$DC"),,1),0),MATCH(A1,INDEX(INDIRECT('Quote Detail IP'!$C$10&'Quote Detail IP'!$C$5&"!$A:$DC"),1,),0))
A1= "M16" and B2= "185%RPIT630"
'Quote Detail IP'!$C$10&'Quote Detail IP'!$C$5=QxTermAge63
Can some on tell me why this is raising a Circular Reference!!
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Jan 8, 2012
How do I change a formula cell reference based on another cell's reference? I'm building a schedule that looks to a task's trigger and adds days based on that relationship. All entries in column "A" will be text and all cells in "B" will be the simple formula "=A2" or "=A3". Due date is calculated by adding the value in "C" to the preceding date in column "D". In the spreadsheet below, the trigger for "Budget set" is "Specs written" with 3 days added to the previous due date.
1 Task___________Trigger_____________Days_____Due Date
2 Design begins__Proj OK______________10____10-Jan
3 Specs written__Design begins (A2)____5____15-Jan (D2+C3)
4 Budget set_____Specs written (A3)____3____18-Jan (D3+C4)
If the trigger for A4, "Budget set", changed from A3 to A2, is there a way that the formula that determines the due date in D4 could read the trigger cell reference in B4 so that the value in the corresponding row in column "C" is added in the date column?
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Jun 11, 2008
I have 5 columns set up: A,B,C,D,E
D is the sum of A and B
E is the sum of A,B,and C
As I add in a new column to the right of C (call it C2), I need D (which has shifted over one) to sum A,B, and C.
I also need E (which has also shifted over one) to sum A,B,C, and C2.
Essentially I need a function in a cell that will be able to reference two cells to the left even as more cells are added.
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Aug 14, 2006
I have the following formula in cell L51 of all sheets calculating the volume depending on the monthly index that is chosen from the drop down menu in a particular sheet. =If(MIndex=0, SUM(D33:L50),If(MIndex=1,SUM(D34:L50),If(MIndex=2,SUM(D35:L50), 0))). I am getting the following message and I do not understand what it is about.
Microsoft Office Excel cannot calculate a formula. Cell references in the formula refer to the formula's result, creating a circular reference. Try one of the following
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Apr 25, 2014
Let's say I've ended up with the number 8 in Cell D4 for example. Is there a formula that can return the letter "G" (The 8th Column) so I can use it in future cell references ? If so, let's say we store that in Cell B5. How do I now refer to a cell in a chosen Row of that same Column by reference to Cell B5 ? For example if I want to refer to Cell G33 can you refer to this Cell in some form like Cell(Contents of Cell B5;33) ??? Don't want to use R1C1 type references if possible.
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Jan 14, 2009
I'm working on a sheet where by I need to reference multiple columns of information to calculate a total.
Such as (simplified example of my real issue):
1 20 AP1 C30
2 25 AP1 C30
3 35 AP2 E10
4 50 AP3 E10
My requrement is to only add values in column A wich have corresponding column B="AP1" AND column C="C30"
I've tried the following and keep getting errors:
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Oct 12, 2005
I'm trying to do this:
It returns zero each time.
both work just fine and return non zero sums.)
So my question is,
Where do I put the OR, or is there another way to do this?
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Apr 4, 2009
I have a workbook which I am trying to clean up and make more efficient (in terms of formula calculating time).
In it are examples of array formula such as this one (which work correctly):
From past readings here, I have heard that the array {SUM(IF(...} is slower in calculating than the SUMIF(...) equivalent.
As such i tried to convert is to:
This gives a different answer though. I thought for a single criteria they would be equivalent.
Q1: What am I doing incorrectly above?
Q2: Is there a more efficient version of the array formula I could use (SUMIF and otherwise), so I can have some options availible.
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Oct 19, 2009
I got a column A containing a alpha-numeric data and want to sum up the numeric value of each cell which begins with "t" and have the sum divided by 486 (i.e. (120+230+25)/486). I tried the following formula but to no avail.
My formular: sumif(mid(a1:a5,2,3,">0"))
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Feb 18, 2006
I have worksheet of data. I have another worksheet that is used just for a summary. This data is mapped to a "Job number" (1123646, 1256974, etc.) The first two numbers determine what area it is referring to.
Each column represents a different amount (month to date cost, month to date profit, year to date cost, year to date proift, etc.) I need to summarize each column for each area and display the result on the other worksheet.
I can't use exact ranges like = sum(a9:a31) b/c that range will change each time the worksheet is used. I thought maybe using a loop, but then I got stuck and don't know where to go from here. Here is what I have so far.
Sub SumProfit()
Dim C As Range, sh1 As Object
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Set sh1 = Sheets("JB-PRF")
Set C = Range("A9")
I don't want to abuse LOOPING or VBA for that matter, but I don't know of any other way to accomplish this seeing as how the ranges will not be the same each time. the shee that the data should be extracted to is named SUM-PRF
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Jan 18, 2007
I am trying to sum the total of 10,000 lines in column B if column A is 0. I cannot get sumif to work. do I use a different formula?
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Nov 26, 2013
I know this is a dumb question but I can't get a sumif to work in vba. I want the actual formula in the cell, not just the output value.
This is my most recent attempt:
VB: Range("C2").Formula = "=SUMIF(Z7:Z12000, >0,N7:N12000)"
I get Run-time error 1004, application defined or object defined error.
Why doesn't this work?
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May 5, 2014
I have this from FDIBBINS working if data is on column D and E
How would the same count function if there is a column between d and E
as attached ?
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