Replace All BLANK Cells In Column With Header Title Balance To 0?
Feb 20, 2014
I need a code to do the following:
1. Search in row 1 until it finds the header text "Balance"
2. Check every cell in that column until the last used row of the spreadsheet is reached.
For every cell.
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Mar 13, 2014
I have a data set with the weeks of the year as my column headers and a value of 1 (from a pivot table) in a distinct row value (removed for privacy) showing whether it existed in a given week based on pre defined criteria. What i need to do is ID the first (from the left) non blank cell in each row and then return that cells column header. I then need to do the same for the last (from the left) non blank cell in each row and then return that cells column header. On the attached I've put values in column N and O to show an example of what I need to return using a formula.
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Dec 23, 2008
I want to customize my header title using the value of a cell within the spreadsheet. e.g.
I want the value of cell A3 to also be the header title. Is there a way to accomplish this? I am using excel 2000.
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Nov 17, 2008
The formula below calculates appropriately, however, if any of the cells (E12,E14, E21, E22, E28, E29) are blank, it returns a #VALUE! error. I would like the cell to remain blank. How can I do this? The formula is listed below.
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Jan 8, 2013
I am looking to sort this file by "start date", from oldest to newest start date.
There is 3 groups, each of them is for 1 Student, I don't want the data inside the group files to be sorted, I want the whole groups to be sorted according to there "title" start date (there title is the writing with bold character and thick borders)
My problem raise is that I can not attach each title to its actual block/group.
The result I'm looking for is being able to sort (while groups are all collapsed/minimized) the groups according to there start dates that is shown in the always visible title, once sorted the whole groups will move along with there titles to the right order.
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Jan 17, 2014
I have this table, which can be seen as a basic custom gantt chart: KLRWo.png
And I would like to fill the A column with start dates, based on the first filled cell of the range on the same row, and the header value of its respective column (row 1). It's easier to show my expected result than write it actually:
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Dec 22, 2009
Here is the scenario:
I need to reference the formula in D1 with the cells headers names.
In a perfect world, it would take
and produce:
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Nov 26, 2008
I would like to create a macro to search all blank cells within a certain range in multiple worksheets to replace it with a certain blank cell. Essentially i would like to use a special values function to do this.
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Jun 23, 2008
I have many sheets in my workbook with many filled or unfilled cells... I want that any cell in my whole workbook should be filled with " " ie a space if it is currently blank (ie don't touch the cells which have some data) and as there are many cells in a sheet .. I don't want to fill them with spaces as the file size will increase... I just want to do this for cells A-1 to AB-200.
What is the way of doing this with a formula or programming ie without macros... (or is macro the only way?) What if I just want to do this to a sheet and not to the whole workbook.
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Jul 25, 2014
I am trying to write a formula where the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists, will display for each instance (row) where a value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers, or a combination thereof.
I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. File attached.
Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,))). Not working.
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Oct 26, 2006
For the small database in my example workbook, I would like to apply credits earned at a later date to the oldest charges and create a "To Date" balance. After creating the "To Date" balance, I would like to select the smallest "To Date" balance as a way to identify the first charge that has no payment. Please see the attached for more clarity and additional information. The last column shows the desired results.
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Oct 23, 2008
The basic spreadsheet consists of a list of names down the left hand side with 19 columns across - one for each art activity (I have pasted a copy of it below - but it doesn't paste so good!). Each person has selected their three activities and this has been recorded by placing a 1, 2 or 3 in the relative columns. Each person has been told that they will get a place on two out of three of their chosen activities (in which case we will change one of their choices to a 0).
What I would now like to be able to do is to create a mail merge in Word which looks at each person and then goes along that row to find out which columns have a 1, 2, or 3 in it. The heading for that column would then be used as a merge field so that I end up with a word document which looks something like this:
{Woodwork Stars} and {Cooking Sweets}
Centre Piece
Nativity Figures
Xmas Tiles
Smith, Fred213John, Elton213Turner, Tina123
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Jul 9, 2013
I'm trying to copy cells from a column in one workbook to cells in a column in another workbook based on what's in a header column.
Such as
Original workbook
Mat Qty
A 1
C 3
D 2
E 4
G 5
Total 15
Target workbook becomes
Mat Qty -> Mat Qty
A -> A 1
B -> B
C -> C 3
D -> D 2
E -> E 4
F -> F
G -> G 5
My code so far (which might not be worth reading) is:
Sub CopyColumnToWorkbook()
Dim sourceColumn As Range, targetColumn As Range, sourceColumnValue As Range, targetColumnValue As Range
Dim mySourceCell As Range, myTargetCell As Range
I'm getting a runtime error ('1004'. Application-defined or object-defined error) on the Copy statement within the If sttement.
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Nov 26, 2013
I have a data copied from pdf to excel and need to segregate the data page wise so i need a macro to set the pages in specific cells example page 1 ranging from A1 to A60
Page 2 ranging from A61 to A120 and so on
Example of pdf data
PAGE 1 Should be in cell(A1 to A60) - Data can be less than cell A60 but page 1 should be within this range
A 1
[Code] ......
PAGE 2 Should be in cell(A61 to A120) - Data can be less than cell A120 but page 2 should be within this range
A 1
[Code] ........
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Feb 17, 2010
I would like a macro to do this...If a cell in column G is blank and the cell in the same row in column C is NOT blank, highlight the blank cell in column G Red.
I need the search to stop ONLY when it gets down to the bottom-most row of data in column A.
Note: Any row headers will always be in row 1 only
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Jul 31, 2006
need a formula that will give me a balance at the end, needs 2 columns with charges and credits and it allways give correct balance total on last column. have not used Excel for long time and forgot.
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Jun 15, 2007
I was curious if it is possible to give a single cell multiple number formats based on what the number is in the cell. So for example if my number is bigger than 1000, I would like to use comas so that it looks like this 1,000. However, if it is less than 1000 I would like it to look more like this 999.00.
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Apr 15, 2009
What I am attempting to do is to replace the word "March" in the title of worksheets with the word "April" while preserving other characters in the name, i.e. for the sheet named "Marchweek4", have it renamed to "Aprilweek4". The code that I have so far will not replace only the "march" string but will replace the entire name which is not quite what I want.
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Nov 18, 2011
I've been trying find an appropriate formula to extract the column header from a table in a different sheet if the row header and value in that table is known.
in the lookup table the row titles (column A) are product codes, column titles (row 2, D through AX) are business names and the table values are quantity.
In a different table I have product codes in column A and in column B i have the max number/quantity of products for that code. In column C i want to put the company name associated with the product and the number/quantity.
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Apr 11, 2014
I have a excel which contains 5 columns in which 5th column data cells has to be replaced with another set of data which have relationship with other 4 columns data.
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Jul 26, 2014
I need to hide repeated values in balance column after the last transaction.
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Jul 24, 2006
I am trying to create a run balance sheet (see attached sheet). Column C has a list of job numbers, with column D showing the reqd quantities. Once the job is run, the qty is entered in column F and either a balance or the word complete returns in column H. My problem is, is that, when a job with a balance attached to it is re-run, that balance should be returned in Column D.
Ie 574361 has a total of 707 of which 320.4 was run, leaving a balance of 386.6.
When I type in 574361 again, I need column D (in the cell next to the job number)to automatically locate the last reported balance and return its value.
I have tried VLOOKUP and INDEX, but cannot get the thing to return.
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Jul 13, 2009
I have is a cell with a begining balance and a cell witha current balance.
I also have a column in which each expenditure will be placed ina cell in that column in sequential order.
What i want to do is take the value in the first cell of the expenditure column and subtract it from the begining balance and the place the result in the current balance.
But after the first cell i will need to subtract each value from its previous value to continue counting down so to speak.
I am at a loss on how to move the last value which will also be the lowest value in the column to the cueent balance cell.
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Dec 27, 2011
My balance column is formulated for 60 rows. I am currently on row 23. The balance is repeated down the entire sheet range I have set. How do I keep the balance from showing next to an empty row without losing the formula?
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Mar 18, 2009
I'd like a macro that does 3 things..
1. Find the last row (cell) of data in the "Customer Number" column. This search should be by the name "Customer Number" rather than by column letter because the column that "Customer Number" will be in can change.
2. Find the column named "Purple" (also by name for same reason)
3. If the "Purple" column has no blank cells in those same number of rows as the "Customer Number" column, delete the whole "Purple" column.
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Jun 5, 2007
I have a cell B6 which I would like the amount to change with each entry I make. I have B4 which has constant amount, B8-B40 will have new entries and D8-D40 new entries. I had a function that had number 1 B8:B40 number 2 -D8:40 number 3 +B4. the function total in grey box is correct but when I press enter the cell in B6 says value and doesn't change to correct amount. Basically I have a balance in B6 that I want to change auomaticlly when I enter data in B8,D8 one day, then the next day, which B9, D9, etc..
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Jan 13, 2014
I have this formula which is counting the number of cells in a column that fall within each calender month.
However, if there is a formula at the bottom of column B and C that yield a "", the formula breaks.
In my workbook, B/C:133 have a formula =""
I will need the formula in column E to work if there is a formula that yields a "" in column B and C.
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Oct 4, 2013
In sheet "diary" I have data in certain rows in column A8:C10000 that contains values if a certain condition is met. I need a vba to copy and past only non blank cells in column D8:F10000. I first wrote a formula with index but it takes too long to caculate.
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May 20, 2014
I am attempting to consolidate multiple worksheets into one. The consolidation works fine on worksheets that have data however, as in my example file, there are worksheets which are presently blank (empty of data) - save for the header row.
The problem:
On consolidation, the header row from the "Empty" worksheet becomes a row in the "master" worksheet that is created. How can a worksheet without data be ignored on consolidation?
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Feb 28, 2014
I have an excel file and what i want is to sum two different columns to a third one, however there are some important notes:
1. Column A has dates
2. Column B has numbers f.e. 25, 30, 35 etc. , which have to be added to dates of column 1 , so a new date will be created in the new column
3. Colums A and B are not next to each other.
4. Some cells of column A and column B are blank , actually columns are sth like this
5/2/2014 25
blank blank
8/5/2014 35
10/9/2014 30
blank blank
When a date value occurs in a cell of column A , then always a number will occur in column B
When a cell is blank is column A , then the respective cell of column B will also be blank
What i want is to add values of column A and B to create column C automatically ( each column has 1000 cells ) , however in case of blank cells , i want a blank cell in column C, not something like #####
Apart from this , i want in the future , when i expand column A and B , when values are entered there, i want column C to be created automatically.
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